Xaaji Xunjuf

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  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=1TlN6k0GXZE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  2. Beesha Koonfurta Ceerigaabo oo Iclaamisay nabadgelyo iyo kulan ay yeesheen weftigii Xukuumadda November 10th, 2011 Hargeysa (Somaliland.Org)-Weftigii uu hogaaminayay Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha Mud,Maxamed Nuur Carraale (Duur) oo ay weheliyaan Wasiirka warfaafinta Md, Axmed Cabdi Maxamuud (Xaabsade), masuuliyiinta heer gobol iyo mid degmo ayaa maanta ka qayb galay munaasibad ay beesha Koonfurta Ceerigaabo ay ku go’aansadeen inay nabad-gelyo buuxda qaataan oo wada hadal lagu xaliyo shaqaaqadii todobaadkan horaantiisii ka dhacday halkaasi ee u dhaxaysay beesha waqooyiga Ceerigaabo. Waxaanay sidaasi ka sheegeen kulan balaadhan oo lagu qabtay xarunta maamulka gobolka Sanaag ee Ceerigaabo, ayaa waxa ka qayb galay beelaha galbeedka iyo bariga ceeri-gaabo iyo culimaa’udiin. Chief Caaqil Axmed Xasan Maxamed , oo hogaaminayey beesha Koonfurta Ceerigaabo ayaa hadal dheer oo uu halkaasi ka jeediyey waxa uu ku cadeeyay inay beel ahaan diyaar u yihiin go’aan kasta oo dhinaca wanaaga ah iyo wada dhalashada bulshada u adeegaya, waxaanuu caaqilku xusay in shaqaaqadii khasaaraha dhimasho iyo dhaawacba keentay ee dhex martay beeshiisa iyo beesha Waqooyiga Ceerigaabo ay Sumcad-xumo weyn u soo jiiday guud ahaan gobolka sanaag. Chief Caaqilku waxa uu u mahad celiyay salaadiinta iyo waxgaradka Somaliland ee baaqyada nabadgelyadda u soo jeediyay waxa kale oo uu ammaanay dedaalka weftiga xukuumada ee ku sugan Ceerigaabo ay u galeen xoojinta ammaanka. Cali Maxamuud Shire (Cali baashe) oo ka mid ah siyaasiyiinta ka soo jeeda beesha koonfurta Ceerigaabo ayaa sheegay in uu ka soo gurmaday magaalada Nairobi markii ay mashaqadani dhacday,waxaanuu xusay inay yihiin dad wada dhashay oo dhiig iyo dheef-ba wadaaga, waxa dhacayna uu shaydaan ka adeegay, Cali Baashe waxa uu u mahad naqay weftiga xukuumadda Somaliland ee gobolka u yimid sidii ay xal waara looga gaadhi lahaa dhibaatada dhacday. Waxa kale oo halkaasi ka hadlay cuqaal iyo aqoonyahano ka soo jeeda beesha koonfurta Ceerigaabooo oo sheegay inay taageersan yihiin go’aanka lagu soo celinayo nabad-gelyo iyo wada jirkii beelaha oodwadaagta ah ee waqooyiga iyo koonfurta Ceerigaabo. Wasiirka wasaaradda warfaafinta Md, Axmed Cabdi Xaabsade oo isna halkaa ka hadlayey ayaa waxa uu sheegay in Waftigoodu ay u yimaadeen inay kala dhex galaan xurgufta u dhaxaysay labadan beelood ee walaalaha ah,isla markaasina ay si cadaalad ah howsha u bilaabeen una wadaan. Wasiirku waxa xusay inay hore ula kulmeen beesha waqooyiga Ceerigaabo,isla markaasina ay si wanaagsan oo wadaniyadi ku jirto ula qaateen go’aanadii nabadda,isaga oo ka rajeeyay beesha koonfurta Ceerigaabo inay sidaa si la mid ah ula qaadan doonaan nabad-gelyada. Sidoo kale, Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha Md. Maxamed Nuur Carraale (Duur) oo ka hadlay kulankaasi ayaa sheegay in xukuumada Somaliland ay ka go’an tahay sidii xal loogu heli lahaa shaqaaqadii ka dhacday ceeri-gaabo, waxaanu labadii beelood ee shaqaaqadu dhex marray uga mahad celiyeen siday u aqbaleen in wada hadal lagu soo afjaro xurguftii dhex taalay. Md. Duur waxa uu sheegay inay labadan beelood laga soo saari doono min 25 xubnood si wada hadalada nabaddu u furmaan. Wasiirku waxa uu jawaab adag ka bixiyey hadal ka soo yeedhay masuuliyiin ka tirsan maamul goboleedka Puntland oo uu ku tilmaaamay inay uga dan lahaayeen kicin iyo fad-qalalo ah waxaanu xusay in bulshada gobolka Sanaag ay yihiin kuwo is dhalay oo dhib kastana wadaaga,isla-markaasina dad Garoowe joogaa aanay masiirkooda ka talin Karin.
  3. East Africa: Global Oil Companies Seek Growth in Region 10 November 2011 High oil prices are driving growth in exploration in Africa, but global companies say their commitment depends on governments' willingness to improve investment climates. With the ever increasing new discoveries of hydrocarbons, for example, in Ghana, Tanzania, Mozambique and Uganda; and exploration prospects in Sierra Leone, Mali and East Africa, the oil and gas sector is expected to be a key driver of growth in Africa. Oxford economist professor, Paul Collier, in his book titled The Plundered Planet: Why We Must - and How We Can - Manage Nature for Global Prosperity, argues that the scale of what is likely to happen on the continent is not widely appreciated, saying that future discoveries and resulting exports of resources (including oil and gas) will be around five times their current level (based on what remains unexplored in Africa versus currently known sub-soil assets). This, according to Professor Collier, will have a profoundly positive impact on Africa's future growth and strategic positioning in the global economy. To exploit the existing potential, the International Energy Agency (IEA) says in its most recent World Energy Outlook that almost US$2.1-trillion will need to be invested in Africa's oil and natural gas supply infrastructure over the 2010-2035 period - an average of more than US$8-billion per year. Oil and gas investors who are currently attending the annual Africa Oil Week in South Africa are in agreement that the sector has never looked healthier than it is now, citing high oil prices and new fields coming on stream. With limited opportunities available in other parts of the world, African oil fields are now very attractive. Dr. Duncan Clarke, chairman of Global Pacific Partners - the organisers of the Africa Oil Week - noted the continuing influx of international oil and gas companies. He said in order to attract further investment in the sector, African governments must improve their investment climates and especially the issue of fiscal takes. Vanguard Oil workers in Nigeria. While sustained oil prices are benefiting companies in long-standing oil-producing countries such as Algeria, Nigeria and Angola, it is East Africa that is interesting Cove Energy executive chairperson, Michael Blaha. Blaha said the region has great prospects but is grossly underexplored. Recent discoveries and the development of oil fields in Uganda have attracted both independent oil companies, which originally opened up the region, and now even bigger companies. 'To put this in context, some 15 000 wells have been drilled to date in West Africa and 20 000 wells have been drilled in Northern and Central Africa. 500 wells have been drilled in East Africa . . . so underexplored is an understatement,' said Blaha in Cape Town, where East Africa is in focus at a series of conferences that comprise the Africa Oil Week. Oil and gas discoveries have the potential to revolutionise East Africa's energy prospects. The discoveries include the identification of gas in the Windjammer area offshore of Mozambique in 2010, followed by discoveries at Barqentine and Ironclad wells. 'In our Mozambique block alone, we might be operating with three rigs next year. Tanzania had some interesting gas discoveries following Windjammer, and we have seen the recent exploration success of ENI in the block adjacent to ours in Mozambique. In a year from now, we might see five or even more deep water rigs operating continuously in East African waters,' said Blaha. It is estimated that total potential gas reserves in East Africa could amount to at least 100 tcf (trillion cubic feet). Uganda Discoveries and the development of oil fields in Uganda have triggered a surge of interest, with bigger oil companies such as the UK's BG Group, Total of France and China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) following the independents that originally opened up the region. Tullow, Total and CNOOC hold shares in the blocks that contain most of the oil reserves discovered the countryin Uganda. The companies expect to produce at least 200 000 b/d. More wells are being drilled in order to establish the full extent of the discoveries. The 13 wells drilled in the year to the end of July discovered hydrocarbons. Tanzania BG Group has discovered gas with all three exploration wells that it has drilled off the south east coast of Tanzania since buying into the acreage last May. The Pweza, Chewa and Chaza wells have been drilled in deepwater in the northern part of the Ruvuma Basin and the Mafia Deep Offshore Basin held by BG and Ophir Energy. The Chinese government is providing Tanzania with a $1.06-billion loan to construct new infrastructure, which includes a new gas pipeline. Kenya The discoveries in Uganda and Mozambique, which have similar geological composition has attracted major international companies who are buying some of the stakes previously held by independents such as Cove Energy, Origin Oil and Pancontinental. The majors include Premier Oil, Apache Oil, and Tullow Oil, and have planned more intensive drillings over the next 12 months. Total has taken a 40% stake in five exploration blocks off the coast of Kenya and is in partnership with Anadarko and Cove energy. Exploratory drilling in the area is set for next year. CNOOC, which had been prominent in oil exploration exited in 2009. The exit marked the comeback by US and European firms looking for growth in oil exploration business. South Sudan In South Sudan, the government intends to take control of the oil fields lying in its territory and has let the existing companies to continue operations, but says it will review the contracts to ensure transparency. Two thirds of total oil production in Sudan lies in the new country, and is more than 300 000 b/d. The government is also looking to build an oil refinery. The development of the South Sudan refinery and the another mooted in Uganda could effectively supply the countries in the region with petroleum products thereby cutting on costs of importing fuel. This would provide forward linkages, for instance, improved roads. Somaliland Somaliland, which declared its independence from Somalia in 1991 but is yet to be formally recognised internationally, said it is seeking investors and has huge potential with geology similar to basins containing nine billion barrels across the Gulf of Aden. Speaking at the Africa Oil Week, the minister of energy and mining, Hussein Abdi Dualeh, said investors should not be worried about piracy because the country has been able to contain criminals even with limited resources. Somaliland recently signed deals with Ophir Energy, Asante Oil and Prime Resources to explore, conduct seismic tests and identify wells. Abdi Dualeh said he is courting the big players who closed shop 20 years ago due to conflict in the horn of Africa. 'We are talking about the big boys like Chevron, Conoco. We asked them to come back for years but they would not. Now it's a clean slate,' said Abdi Dualeh. Professional services firm Ernst & Young gave a regional outlook for Africa's oil and gas sector in a recent report titled 'Africa oil and gas: a continent on the move'. Below is the summary. North africa Political conflict in North Africa may have significant implications for the oil and gas industry, particularly in Algeria and Libya where industry revenues dominate the economies. Until recently, the sub-region had seen a general reduction in political risk and an increase in investment in the oil and gas industry, particularly on the gas side. Until the political situation is settled, operations are likely to be constrained and/or disrupted and new investment postponed. The sub-region's industry has remained open to the international oil companies (IOC's), particularly the European majors, as well as to the specialised independents. Investments are usually facilitated through production sharing agreements (PSAs) with the state oil companies. West Africa Dominated by Nigeria and Angola, activity has taken off in the last decade, driven particularly by advances in offshore technology. Angola became a member of the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) in January 2007, and is one of Africa's leading producers.
  4. Xarrakada Al-shabaab oo sheegtay in weerar khasaare geystay ku qaadday ciidamada Kenya ee ku sugan Jubbooyinka Khamiis, November 10, 2011 (HOL) — Xarakada Al-shabaab ayaa maanta sheegtay inay weerar gaadmo ah oo khasaare geystay ay ku qaaday kolonyo gaadiid ah oo wateen ciidamada Kenya, kuwaasoo ka yimid degmada Dhoobley kuna socday deegaanka Qooqaani ee gobolka Jubbada hoose. Afhayeenka ciidamada ee Xarakada Al-shabaab Sheekh C/casiis Abuu-Muscab ayaa sheegay in saakay ay weerar la beegsadeen gaadiid ay wateen ciidamada Kenya oo u socday deegaanka Qooqaani oo ka tirsan degmada Afmadow, ayna khasaare u geysteen ciidamadaas. "Weerarku wuxuu ahaa mid qorsheysan waxaana la beegsanay ciidammo Kenyan oo wata lix gaari, waxaa noo suurogashay inaan gubno saddex ka mid ah oo isugu jiray laba gaari oo kuwa xamuulka ah iyo gaari kale oo noociisu ahaa booyad," ayuu yiri Sheekh C/casiis Abuu-Muscab. "Ciidamada Kenyanka ah ee dagaalka ku dhintay oo aan aragnay waxay ahaayeen sagaal, askaritii kale iyo gaadiidkii ay wateenna dib ayay u carareen," ayuu mar kale yiri afhayeenka Al-shabaab oo aan sheegin khasaare dhankooda kasoo gaaray dagaalka. Sidoo kale, afhayeenka ciidamada ee Al-shabaab wuxuu sheegay in sidoo kale ay gacanta ku dhigeen gaari qaad u waday ciidamada DKMG ah ee ku sugan gobolka Jubbada hoose, isagoo xusay in gaariga la gubay. Gaariga qaadka waday ee la qabtay ayuu sheegay inay la socdeen lix qof oo saddex ka mid ah ay ahaayeen askarta dowladda, kuwaasoo la dilay iyadoo saddexdii kale oo ahaa shacab ay mid haweeney ahaydna la sii daayay. Ma jiro hadal arrintan ku saabsan oo kasoo baxay ciidamada DKMG ah ee ku sugan gobolka Jubbada hoose iyo ciidamada Kenya ee iyaguna ku sugan qaybo ka tirsan gobolka Jubbada hoose.
  5. Al-Shabaab Oo Weerar Ku Qaaday Ciidamada Kenya Ee Deegaanka Qooqaani- Lasanod Online. Thursday, November 10, 2011 Qooqaani,(lasanod Online)- Afhayeenka ciidamada Al-shabaab Shiikh C/casiis Abuu-Muscab ayaa saaka saxaafada u sheegay inay weerareen.. gaadiid kolonyo ah ay wateen ciidamada Kenya, kuwaas oo ku socday deegaanka Qooqaani. Afhayeenka Al-shabaab Shiikh C/casiis Abuu-Muscab ayaa sheegay in ay khasaare xooggan u geysteen ciidamada Kenya oo galbinayey gawaadhii Qaad iyo raashin u sida ciidanka Kenya iyo kuwa DFKM. “Weerarku wuxuu ahaa mid qorsheysan, waxaana weerarnay ciidamo Kenyan ah oo watay ilaa lix gaadhii, waxaana gubnay 3 gaari ,gaarigii uu saarnaa qaadku isaga gacanta ayaan ku dhignay." ayuu yiri Shiikh C/casiis Abuu-Muscab. Ilo wareedyo ayaa xaqiijiyey weerarka lagu qaaday ciidamada Kenya, dad wadadaas marayeye markii uu weerarkani dhacay ayaa sheegay in ay arkeen 3 askari oo mayd ah iyo 3 gaadhii oo la gubay. Gaariga waday qaadka ay la sheegay inay lasocdeen 6 qof oo soomaali ah, waxaana weerarka ku dhintay 3 ka mid ah, halka kuwa kalena ay sii daayeen ciidanka Al-Shabaab . Ma jiraan wax war ah ooo ka soo baxay dawlada Kenya iyo DFKM Somalia oo ku saabsan weerarkan saaka abaaro 5 tii lagu qaaday ciidamada Kenya.
  6. I think they are over exaggerating on this issue
  7. ^^^ looooool Siilaanyo looks like an original G so sida lama odhan jiriin Laakin faroole maxa u xidhay koofiyadi booliska ingriiska thats not so cool Sheikh sharif looks like a home boy
  8. Habarta afka buuraysa eh reer burco ma waxay moodaysa in caydh loo qorayo because habeen bay buranbur tirisay oo ay madaxw amaantay maanta inay is buuf buufiso looga ma baahna. Madaxweynaha somaliland ma lacag ba lugu shuba ma telefoon ba slaanta ku dhe inay mehered yeelaato. Hadu yahay ethnic burcaawina ma waxa lugugu yidhi biyaha burco macaaneynaya siilaanyo slaamaha reer burco iyo kuwa reer berbera iyo kuwa reer hargeysa iyo kuwa reer borama wa isugu mid Ngonge are you going to see the president on saturday
  9. Is he the president of burco or something maxa naga galay habar burco joogta oo afka buuraysa
  10. Loool@ miskiin. the amiir does not need my help marka meel uga ma tegi karo hawlihisu wata wasiirkanina hawlihisa bu wata
  11. Somaliland president Ahmed Siilaanyo to address the Somalilanders in the UK on Saturday Ogeysiis: Madaxweynaha Somaliland oo la hadli doona Jaalliyada reer UK Maalinta Sabtida (12.11.11) Dhamaan shacbiweynaha reer Somaliland ee ku dhaqan UK waxa la ogeysiinayaan in Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Somaliland Md. Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) uu la hadli doono jaalliyada reer UK maalinta Sabtida ee taariikhdu tahay 12-ka November, 2011. Saacadu markay tahay 17:00 galabnimo. Saacada: 17:00-22:00 Taariikkhda: 12.11.2011 Goobta: 45 Prescot Street, London E1 8GP Haddaba wixii faahfaahin ah waxaad kale soo xidhiidha telefoonada hoos ku xusan. Mobiles: 07931821364---07976409036-----07961131014
  12. A khadar sure he might be a resident of Ceerigaabo living in the united states the Garaad Community in Ceerigaabo never ever raised their voice saying the Somaliland government doesn't represent them even the armed Gangs from Fiqifuliye and Masagan who established them selves in south east of ceerigaabo few days ago trying to revenge the Killers of Yasin xiinfanin ilahay ha u naxaristo Who was by the way a Somaliland police chief how the hell will you try to revenge some one or something you don't even acknowledge to represent you.
  13. You have two clans Killing each others police chiefs based on clan both police chiefs are somaliland police chiefs and you are saying Somaliland Government should not intervene why the Garaad Community in ceerigaabo fully recognize Somaliland government as the central authority of ceerigaabo the past 20 years.You cannot say they should solve it there are elders guurti members and government officials that can do the job much and much better and as you see it it is solved now. Both groups agreed to stop the revenge killings no group is allowed with guns inside the city and blood money will be paid.And why would president Siilaanyo do such a thing he is the first Somaliland head of state who visits the front lines Gambadhe the man is 75 years old he wants to leave behind a legacy.
  14. Guddoomiyaha Urur Siyaasadeedka SSC ee Somaliland oo Nasiib Daro ku Tilmaamay Hadalo ka soo Yeedhay Hogaanka Xisbiga Kulmiye, Beeniyayna inay SSC wax ah Lug ah ku lahayd Shaqaaqadii Ceeirgaabo(HALKAN KA DHEGAYSO) Halkan ka Dhegayso Hargeysa(Waaheen) Gudoomiyaha Urur Siyaasadeedka SSC ee Somaliland oo dhawaan lagaga dhawaaqay Magalada Hargeysa Md. Kayse Cabdi ayaa Jawaab Kulul ka bixiyey Hadal ka soo yeedhay Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga Kulmiye Muuse Biixi, kaasi oo ahaa in Kooxada SSC ay ka danbeysay Dagaalkii Ceerigabo ka dhacay, Waxanu Kayse hadalkaasi ku tilmaamay in uu ahaa Mid ay Cadaawadi ka muuqatay, Waxaanu Muuse Biixi ka Codsaday in uu ka Noqdo hadalkii hore, Waxanu Xusay in Ururka SSC aanu ahayn Cadawga Somaliland, Balse ururkoodu yahay Mid Dumuqradiyadeed. Kayse Cabdi Yuusuf waxa uu sheegay in wixii ay qoriga u qaateen, ee ay ka dagaalamayeen ay ahayd sidii ay u heli lahaayeen wixii ay tabanayeen dhinac kasta taasoo uu sheegay in hadda oo la gaadhay in dagaalkii ay ku jireen u bedeleen dhinaca siyaasada iyo Dimuqraadiyadda. Kayse Cabdi Yuusuf wuxuu sheegay inuu ka filayay hogaamiyayaasha Axsaabta Siyaasada ee Somaliland in ay soo dhawayn doonaan balse ay hadalo ka culus nukliyeerka ay u jeediyeen kuwaasi oo la isticmaalo Wakhtiga Ololaha Balse aan imika loo bahanayn, Waxanu Beeniyey in ururkoodu yahay Mid Argagixiso. Kayse Cabdi Yuusuf wuxuu sheegay in Nabadii ceelalyada ahayd ee bishii March ay ku qaaten Degmada Widhwidh ay wali halkii ka taagan tahay isla markaana aanay wax lug ah ku lahayn shaqaaqada ka dhacday Ceerigaabo taasoo uu sheegay inaanay mar qudha dhicin in SSC ka dagaalanto Gobolka Sanaag. Wuxuu u soo jeediyay Kayse Cabdi Yuusuf inay shacbiga reer Somaliland gaar ahaan kuwa reer Hargeysa in ay ka feejignaadaan wararka aan jirin isla markaana ay hiil uga baahan yihiin lana garab is-taago, wixii waxyeelo ahna la iska dhowro. Keyse Cabdi Yuusuf wuxuu ku tilmaamay hadalkii ka soo yeedhay Muuse Biixi mid uga gol lahaa sidii loo baajin lahaa Shirweyne ay maalinta Bari ah ku qabsan lahaayeen Hargeysa maadaama oo uu sida uu sheegay hadalkiisu u ahaa mid ka daran folkaane. Hargeysa(Waaheen) Gudoomiyaha Urur Siyaasadeedka SSC ee Somaliland oo dhawaan lagaga dhawaaqay Magalada Hargeysa Md. Kayse Cabdi ayaa Jawaab Kulul ka bixiyey Hadal ka soo yeedhay Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga Kulmiye Muuse Biixi, kaasi oo ahaa in Kooxada SSC ay ka danbeysay Dagaalkii Ceerigabo ka dhacay, Waxanu Kayse hadalkaasi ku tilmaamay in uu ahaa Mid ay Cadaawadi ka muuqatay, Waxaanu Muuse Biixi ka Codsaday in uu ka Noqdo hadalkii hore, Waxanu Xusay in Ururka SSC aanu ahayn Cadawga Somaliland, Balse ururkoodu yahay Mid Dumuqradiyadeed. Kayse Cabdi Yuusuf waxa uu sheegay in wixii ay qoriga u qaateen, ee ay ka dagaalamayeen ay ahayd sidii ay u heli lahaayeen wixii ay tabanayeen dhinac kasta taasoo uu sheegay in hadda oo la gaadhay in dagaalkii ay ku jireen u bedeleen dhinaca siyaasada iyo Dimuqraadiyadda. Kayse Cabdi Yuusuf wuxuu sheegay inuu ka filayay hogaamiyayaasha Axsaabta Siyaasada ee Somaliland in ay soo dhawayn doonaan balse ay hadalo ka culus nukliyeerka ay u jeediyeen kuwaasi oo la isticmaalo Wakhtiga Ololaha Balse aan imika loo bahanayn, Waxanu Beeniyey in ururkoodu yahay Mid Argagixiso. Kayse Cabdi Yuusuf wuxuu sheegay in Nabadii ceelalyada ahayd ee bishii March ay ku qaaten Degmada Widhwidh ay wali halkii ka taagan tahay isla markaana aanay wax lug ah ku lahayn shaqaaqada ka dhacday Ceerigaabo taasoo uu sheegay inaanay mar qudha dhicin in SSC ka dagaalanto Gobolka Sanaag. Wuxuu u soo jeediyay Kayse Cabdi Yuusuf inay shacbiga reer Somaliland gaar ahaan kuwa reer Hargeysa in ay ka feejignaadaan wararka aan jirin isla markaana ay hiil uga baahan yihiin lana garab is-taago, wixii waxyeelo ahna la iska dhowro. Keyse Cabdi Yuusuf wuxuu ku tilmaamay hadalkii ka soo yeedhay Muuse Biixi mid uga gol lahaa sidii loo baajin lahaa Shirweyne ay maalinta Bari ah ku qabsan lahaayeen Hargeysa maadaama oo uu sida uu sheegay hadalkiisu u ahaa mid ka daran folkaane.
  15. Puntland: Is it oil exploration or dumping of nuclear waste? 9th November 2011 · By Dr.Mohamed Said I saw this story from Kenya many years back, and I just don’t know. Should you be pissed off at the company(ies) doing this, or our esteemed politicians who let this Rot go down? “There was tremor of excitement in Kenya during the early 80s when word emerged that there would be a feasibility study on oil exploration in North EasternProvince. The excitement reached fever pitch in 1983 when an American company sent an advance team to sample possible locations for drilling across 126,692 square kilometres of the semi-arid province. Notable sites included Modica, Shanta Abak and Amuma in Garissa District, Gal Adow and Arbajahan in Wajir and Elwak in Mandera District. And the belief that the prospectors would finally strike oil became a foregone conclusion when then President Moi symbolically endorsed the project by visiting Arbajahan in 1988. “At last, oil in Kenya” screamed a headline in the State newspaper the next day. The developments elicited high expectations especially among the impoverished residents of the remote region, who believed that their new found resource would turn their fortunes around. It meant the province, with only four kilometres of tarmacked roads and one of the highest poverty rates in the country, would be transformed into the backbone of the economy after edging out agriculture. Kenya also looked forward to claim her rightful position in the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec). According to a resident, Mudey Sambul Hassan, the locals were even contemplating negotiating with the prospecting company for a tangible share of the oil, now that it was in their ancestral land. But all this has since turned out to be castles in the air. No oil was ever discovered in North Eastern and it is further suspected that the American company came to the country with ulterior motives. There are widespread fears that the company was dumping toxic waste in the arid region under the guise of exploring for oil. The anguished residents are now up in arms and want the Government to dispel speculation that the company deposited nuclear waste at the sites. A visit to the region reveals that the company excavated deep trenches and later covered them with concrete slabs. Residents who were employed by the company as casuals during the purported exploration confided that they would be unceremoniously laid off whenever the depth of the trenches reached a certain level. “The top company managers would herd us from the site whenever the project reached a certain stage,” says Hassan, who was one of the casual labourers. He further intimated that huge loads from trucks would be offloaded at the sites just before the labourers were laid off, fuelling speculation that the company did not wish the locals to see the contents. Most residents living near the sites have been complaining of strange and incurable diseases, which they claim are caused by the alleged presence of radioactive material. Mrs Nuriya Abdullahi, an official with a local non-governmental organisation, Wajir Peace and Development Agency, says some of the alleged victims have been admitted to the district hospital with “very strange deformities.” “During the former regime, no one could raise a finger for fear of reprisal from brutal government forces,” she says. The company is believed to have left the unknown substances buried in the area and herdsmen have steered clear of it for fear that their animals will die. During a tour by a team from the National Environment Management Authority (Nema) recently, the residents claimed that hundreds of their cattle had died after drinking water from points within the precincts of the alleged dumping sites. Nema board chairman Prof Canute Khamala said it was possible for a company to deposit nuclear waste products without the knowledge of the locals. He said he was aware of claims that the alleged rogue company had established a separate road network for its shipment from the Indian Ocean. The authority’s director-general, Prof Retemo Michieka, said the board would petition the Radiation Board of Kenya to bring experts to the sites with radioactive detectors to authenticate the claims. He said a fact-finding mission along the Kenyan coastline indicated that some species of fish and sea plants had been devastated by radio-active leakage from the said dumping site in nation. Michieka said the mysterious substances buried in NEP would be dug up to establish their nature. Nema also heard that residents in the affected areas had suffered from strange skin illnesses, throat cancer, barrenness and giving birth to children with deformities. Their livestock too gave birth to strange young ones, they claimed. A spot check further revealed that the vegetation around the alleged dumping sites had long withered, leaving bare fields. Wild animals are also said to have been affected and have allegedly moved to other grazing areas. Although the Government has to-date neither dispelled nor confirmed the presence of the alleged nuclear dumping site, residents believe a senior government official gave the Canadian company the green light to carry out its dirty work. Fast forward to Puntland in 2011 and the situation looks the same. Similar Minnow companies with no track record on Exploration and Production wants to drill for oil and gas in Dharoor Valley in North Eastern Somalia. The Question Why Dharoor Valley of all Places considering that there are Magmatic (Volcanic) Rocks around there? And secondly are these companies out to discourage us once a dry well comes up? In Dharoor region in what was called Block 31, AGIP drilled at Darin I that came up dry at a depth of 2989 metres and recently the acreage asset was still booked under the Balance sheet of AGIP. Conoco that also declared force majeure in the late 80’s also had assets in Somalia and all these were given to Consort Pty Ltd in 2005 by the Adde Regime which amounted to more than 225,000 square kilometres. Consort Pty.Ltd a company registered at the Maldives with connections to organized criminal cartels latter brought around Range Resources, Africa Oil and Lundin Petroleum by proxy via Africa Oil. In 2007, a former Lundin Petroleum Executive and Chief Executive of Amsas Consulting Pty.Ltd an Australian Resource and Management Consulting firm sued and challenged the validity of the initial licensing awarded to Consort Pty.Ltd but with Puntland and Somalia having no legal standing in International law due to Somalia being classified as a ‘Failed State’ Amsas Consulting and Dr.Ali Abdullahi are contemplating at suing at Australian, Canadian, Swedish and Kenyan Courts. Africa Oil and their partners also claim to have spent close to $80 Million on exploration. The Federal Government that has both defacto and dejeure powers has never even seen any money coming from these suspicious companies. The TFG has the mandate on Natural Resources as stipulated in the charter of 2004 schedule I …’ The Transitional Federal Government shall have authority throughout the Somali Republic over the following matters – Natural Resources’. Somaliland another enclave that wants to secede from the rest of Somalia has recently been talking about giving away acreage to international oil companies yet the TFG has been silent on this issue. The Somali Transitional Federal Charter of 2004 clearly stipulates in Article (2)(3) that ..’ The Somali Republic shall have the following boundaries. (a) North; Gulf of Aden. (b) North West; Djibouti. © West; Ethiopia. (d) South south-west; Kenya. (e) East; Indian Ocean and Somaliland is within the boarders of Somalia. What I fail to understand is what is the definition of Somalia? And isn’t Somaliland part of Somalia? The UN and others think otherwise and the so-called ‘’Road Map’’ is nothing but another suspicious project of UNPOS with a hidden agenda. Finally, considering that the Puntland Administration’s time is about to come to an end in December 2011, after three years of the Farole Regime we hope the radioactive fallout from would be drilling at Dharoor will not destroy the flora and fauna that is barely visible in the Dharoor Valley. Time will prove whether the 80’s fiasco in Northern Kenya is similar to what Africa Oil and others want to do once again in a poor African State- Puntland.
  16. A khadar are u saying the guurti and Xukumaadu should have stayed away from this and not try to calm the two brotherly Communities.
  17. I give up there is no point Wabaan ku gaboobay sidan , hadalku dadku halku ka mara The man said that its all Siilaanyo's fault and the Ministers Fault lol how so
  18. A khadar the guy doesn't make sense he says Somaliland army targets the people from the garaad clan how does that add up. Yasin Xiin fanin was a police officer working for the Somaliland police he was killed by a rival Clan it was a revenge Murder because Mr Garmaqaate was killed few weeks back by a person from the Garaad Clan. Thus some armed Gangs Killed the Somaliland police officer Yasin Xiin fanin to revenge Garmaaqate its silly and dumb and very uncivilized but that's what reer sanaaag were doing.