Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. No he is not my cousin but he is a good guy will see how it goes with the udub party he might be daahir rayaales successor.
  2. Jamaal Cali Xuseen Oo Si balaadhan Dalka loogu soo dhaweeyey kana waramay Ujeedada Socdaalkiisa. "Ujeedada Socdaalkaygu wuu ka duwan yahay Socdaaladii hore ee aan Dalka ku iman jiray............."Jamaal Cali Xuseen Daawo Sawiradda Hargeysa (GNS) - Jamaal Cali Xuseen oo ah Aqoon yahan u dhashay Somaliland oo ka Shaqeeya Baananka Caalamiga ah ee Afrika ka hawl gala ayaa maanta Dalka ku soo laabtay, isaga oo ka waramay ujeedada uu Dalka u yimid. Aqoon yahan Jamaal Cali Xuseen oo ah Qoraa qoray Buugaag aad u xiiso badan, kuwaas oo ay ugu muhiimsan yihiin Buuga Diiwaanka Qosolka oo ay Bulshada Afka Somaliga ku hadashaa si weyn u akhristaan kana sheekeeya Maada iyo Qosolka, sidoo kale waxa uu yahay nin abwaan ah oo curiya Heesaha iyo Maansooyinka. Aqoon yahanka oo markii uu ka soo degay Madaarka Magaalada Hargeysa ay si weyn u soo dhaweeyeen Salaadiin, Aqoon yahano, Masuuliyiin iyo Dhalinyaro . Jamaal Cali Xuseen oo shir jaraa’id ku qabtay Hutel Sumertime ee Magaalada Haregeysa ayaa ka waramay Ujeedada Socdaalkiisa, isaga oo sheegay in ujeedada socdaalkiisu tahay sidii uu uga qayb gali lahaa Siyaasada Dalka, waxaanu intaa ku daray in uu u taagan yahay Musharaxnimada Xisbiga UDUB. Jamaal Cali Xuseen oo ka hadlaya Ujeedada Socdaalkiisa ayaa waxa uu yidhi “Socdaalkaygan wuu ka duwan yahay Socdaaladii hore ee aan Dalka ku iman jiray, waxaanu Socdaalkaygan la xidhiidhaa Arrimo Siyaasadeed”.
  3. Dawladaha Somaliland Iyo Masar Oo Uu U Furmay Bog Cusub Oo Siyaasadeed & Wefti Uu Hogaaminayo Wasiirka Arimaha Dibada Dr Maxamed Cabdilaahi Oo Maanta U Kicitimay Qaahira. Hargeysa (Ramaas) Dec 20,2011 – Wasiirada Wasaaradda arimaha dibada iyo Madaxtooyadda Somaliland Dr Maxamed Cabdilaahi Cumar iyo Xirsi Cali Xaaji Xasan ayaa maanta u kicitimay safar shaqo oo ay ku tagayaan dalalka Kenya iyo Masar. Wasiirka Arimaha dibada iyo iskaashiga Caalamiga ah ee Somaliland Dr Maxamed Cabdilaahi Cumar oo Madaarka Caalamiga ah ee Cigaal ee Magaaladda Hargeysa kula hadlay Warbaahinta ayaa sheegay inay dalka Masar ku tagayaan casuumad rasmi ah oo Somaliland ka heshay dawlada dalkaasi isla-markaana ay sii mari doonaan dalka Kenya oo aanu sheegin ujeedada ay u sii marayaan. Dr Maxamed Cabdilaahi Cumar waxa uu tilmaamay inay Magaaladda Qaahira ee Caasimada dalka Masar ay kula kulmo doonaan Masuuliyiinta dawladaas oo uu ka xusay Wasaaradda arimaha dibada oo uu sheegay inay kala hadli doonaan danaha iyo masaaliixda siyaasadeed ee xukuumadda iyo shacabka Somaliland “ Aniga (Dr Maxamed Cabdilaahi Cumar) iyo wasiirka Madaxtooyadda Somaliland Md Xirsi Cali Xaaji Xasan waxaanu safar ku tagaynaa dalalka Kenya iyo Masar, safarkana waxa uu ka dambeeyay casuumad rasmi ah oo xukuumadda Somaliland ka heshay dawlada dalka Masar oo xidhiidh cusub dhex maray Somaliland.” Ayuu yidhi wasiirka khaarajiga Somaliland waxaanu intaa ku daray “Waxaanu rajaynaynaa inaanu inta aanu joogno dalka Masar wada hadalo la yeelano madaxda dawlada Masar, khaasatan wasaaradda arimaha dibada, waxaanuna kala hadli doonaa danaha iyo masaaliixda xagga siyaasadeed ee xukuumadda iyo shacabka Somaliland iyo wixii kale ee iskaashi ah ee is-raaci kara.”
  4. Very interesting i have to say the kulmiye delegation two days ago met with the Ministry of National Defense of the People's Republic of China
  5. ^^ what does that have to do with Galmudug you lost me there
  6. Jacaylbaro;766254 wrote: Meesha maxaa ka uraya ?? qof aan garanaya dhuusay
  7. Dr osman pictures or it didn't happen we all know the Garowe Clan enclave does not have Surveillance Camera's
  8. Wefti Wasiirro ah oo ka Tirsan Xukuumadda Somaliland oo u kicitimay Dalka Masar December 20th, 2011 Hargeysa (Somaliland.Org)-Wefti uu hoggaaminayo Wasiirka Arrimaha dibadda Somaliland Md. Cabdilaahi Maxamed Cumar oo uu weheliyay Wasiirka Madaxtooyadda Md. Xirsi Cali Xaaji Xasan, ayaa maanta socdaal ugu kicitimay dalka Masar, kaasi oo ah socdaalkii ugu horeeyay ee masuuliyiin ka socda Somaliland ay ku tagaan labaatankii sanadood ee ay Somaliland xornimadeedda kala soo noqotay dalka Soomaaliya. Sidaasna waxa lagu sheegay war saxaafadeed kooban oo ka soo baxay wasaaradda arrimaha dibadda oo u dhignaa sidan;- “Wefti uu hogaaminayo Wasiirka Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibedda iyo Iskaashiga Caalamiga Dr. Maxamed C/llaahi Cumar oo uu wehelinayo Wasiirka Madaxtooyada Somaliland Mudane, Xirsi Xaaji Cali ayaa maanta safar shaqo ugu kicitimay Dalalka Masar iyo Kenya. Safarkan Wasiiradu waxaa uu ka dambeeyey marti-qaad rasmi ah oo ay Jamhuuriyada Somaliland ka heshay Dawlada dalka Masar, arrimaha ay labada dawladood ka wada hadli doonaan mudada ay wasiirradu ku sugan yihiin wadankaasi waxaa ka mid ah Arrimaha Siyaasada iyo Iskaashiga dhaqaalaha ee labada dal. Socdaalkan Wasiirrada ayaa noqonaya kii ugu horeeyey ee si rasmi ah Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland ku tagto wadanka Masar tan iyo intii Dawlada uu hogaamiyo Madaxweyne Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud xilka la wareegtay. Dhinaca kale Wasiirrada Arrimaha Dibada iyo Iskaashiga Caalamiga ah iyo Madaxtooyada Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland ayaa ku sii hakan doona mudada ay safarkan ku jiraan wadanka Kenya halkaas oo ay kula kulmi doonaan Diplomaasiyiinta beesha Caalamka ee fadhigoodu yahay dalka Kenya.”
  9. ^^ The Xisbullah leader said he is not taking part of the elections i think he misunderstood democracy or maybe you did if you are not playing by the rules than there is little we can do to help you.
  10. ^^^They are not willing to contest in the elections that was the whole problem
  11. North Korean leader Kim Jong-il dies 'of heart attack' The BBC's Lucy Williamson says news of the death has taken people by surprise North Korean leader Kim Jong-il has died of a heart attack at the age of 69, state media have announced. Millions of North Koreans were "engulfed in indescribable sadness", the KCNA state news agency said, as people wept openly in Pyongyang. KNCA described one of his sons, Kim Jong-un, as the "great successor" whom North Koreans should unite behind. Pyongyang's neighbours are on alert amid fears of instability in the poor and isolated nuclear-armed nation. This could be a turning point for North Korea” William Hague UK Foreign Minister World reaction Death triggers swift reaction Fears were compounded by unconfirmed reports from South Korean news agency Yonhap that the North had test-fired a missile off its eastern coast before the announcement of Kim Jong-il's death was made. Unnamed government officials in Seoul were quoted as saying they did not believe the launch was linked to the announcement. The South Korean defence ministry has declined to comment. Following news of Mr Kim's death, South Korea put its armed forces on high alert and said the country was on a crisis footing. Japan's government convened a special security meeting. China - North Korea's closest ally and biggest trading partner - expressed shock at the news of his death and pledged to continue making "active contributions to peace and stability on the Korean peninsula and in this region". Asian stock markets fell after the news was announced. Crying aloud Mr Kim's death was announced in an emotional statement on national television. Continue reading the main story Analysis Lucy Williamson BBC News, Seoul North Korea has shocked the world by announcing that its leader has died. Kim Jong-il had been presented to his people as a father-figure and demi-god - all-powerful and benevolent. But his tight control of the country, and his creation of a nuclear arsenal, has meant his death has caused political shockwaves around the region too. His presumed successor, Kim Jong-un, is largely unknown outside the secretive state, and countries throughout the region are watching closely for any instability in the transition of power. The announcer, wearing black, struggled to keep back the tears as she said he had died of physical and mental over-work. The KCNA later reported that he had died of a "severe myocardial infarction along with a heart attack" at 08:30 local time on Saturday (23:30 GMT Friday). He had been on a train at the time, for one of his "field guidance" tours, KCNA said. The state news agency said a funeral would be held in Pyongyang on 28 December and Kim Jong-un would head the funeral committee. A period of national mourning has been declared from 17 to 29 December. Images from inside the secretive state showed people in the streets of Pyongyang weeping at the news of his death. Ruling party members in one North Korean county were shown by state TV banging tables and crying out loud, the AFP news agency reports. "I can't believe it," a party member named as Kang Tae-Ho was quoted as saying. "How can he go like this? What are we supposed to do?" Another, Hong Sun-Ok, said: "He tried so hard to make our lives much better and he just left like this." KCNA said people were "convulsing with pain and despair" at their loss, but would unite behind his successor Kim Jong-un. Continue reading the main story North Korea Population about 23 million One million-strong army thought to be world's fifth largest Manufacturing output mainly geared to military's demands All aspects of daily life strictly controlled by government Daily food shortages; acute power cuts and poor infrastructure Guide to North Korea Country where pavements are washed by hand Life inside the North Korean bubble Kim Jong-il: The cinephile despot "All party members, military men and the public should faithfully follow the leadership of comrade Kim Jong-un and protect and further strengthen the unified front of the party, military and the public," the news agency said. Little is known about Kim Jong-un. He was educated in Switzerland, is aged in his late 20s and is believed to be Kim Jong-il's third son - born to Mr Kim's reportedly favourite wife, the late Ko Yong-hui. Kim Jong-un was unveiled as his father's likely successor just over a year ago. Many had expected to see this process further consolidated in 2012. 'Turning point' South Korea - which remains technically at war with the north - urged people to "go about their usual economic activities" on Monday, while putting the military on alert. President Lee Myung-Bak spoke to US President Barack Obama by telephone and they "agreed to closely co-operate and monitor the situation together", a South Korean presidential spokesman said. Reaction from Washington was muted, with the White House saying it was "closely monitoring" reports of the death. The US remained "committed to stability on the Korean peninsula, and to the freedom and security of our allies", it said in a statement. China said it was "distressed" to hear the news of his death. "We express our grief about this and extend our condolences to the people of North Korea," foreign ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu was quoted by Xinhua news agency as saying. Continue reading the main story Analysis Donald Gregg Former US ambassador to South Korea Kim Jong-il's death should not have come as a complete surprise to anyone, given his tenuous health. But it is safe to say that the North Koreans would have very much preferred that he lived one more year, so that in 2012, the 100th anniversary of the birth of Kim Il-sung, his father, Kim Jong-il would have been on hand to pay homage to "the Great Leader". Now that lot will fall to Kim Jong-un, Kim Jong-il's youngest son who has been put forward as the natural and fully prepared successor to his father. Will Kim's death aid ties with US? Analysts say that with the process of transition from father to son incomplete, Mr Kim's death could herald "very unstable times" in North Korea. "We have to be very worried because whenever there is domestic instability North Korea likes to find an external situation to divert the attention away from that - including indulging in provocation," Professor Lee Jung-hoon, specialising in international relations at Yonsei University in Seoul, told the BBC. Christopher Hill, former US representative to the six-party talks on North Korea's nuclear programme, said all parties needed to "keep cool heads". Britain's Foreign Secretary William Hague said it could be a "turning point" for North Korea to engage more closely with the international community. Kim Jong-il inherited the leadership of North Korea from his father Kim Il-sung. Shortly after he came to power in 1994, a severe famine caused by ill-judged economic reforms and poor harvests left an estimated two million people dead. His regime has been harshly criticised for human rights abuses and is internationally isolated because of its pursuit of nuclear weapons. Under Mr Kim's leadership, funds have been channelled to the military and in 2006 North Korea conducted its first nuclear test. It followed that up with a second one three years later. Multinational talks aimed at disarming North Korea have been deadlocked for months. He had reportedly been in poor health since suffering a stroke in August 2008.
  12. Shabaab oo weeraraya Shirka wadatashiga ee Garoowe Muqdisho: (Sh. M. Network) Al Shabaab ayaa ku hanjabay inay weerari doonaan shirka wadatashiga ah ee lafilayo in uu ka furmo Magaalada Garoowe, iyagoo dhinaca kale shacabka ugu baaqay inay ku gacan siiyaan baabi’inta Xildhibaanada barlamanka KMG Soomaaliya. Xilli la filayo in dhawaan Magaalada Garoowe ee Xarunta Maamulka Puntland uu ka furmo shirka wadatashiga ah oo ay soo qaban qaabisay Qaramada Midoobay ayna ka qeyb galayaan dhinacyada Soomaalida ayaa Al Shabaab waxa ay sheegeen in shirkaasi ay weerar ku qaadi doonaan. Macalin Xaashi oo ka mid ah Saraakiisha Al Shabaab ee gobolka Sh.hoose ayaa waxaa uu sheegay in deegaanada Maamulka Puntland lagu dhibaateeyo dadka ay ka muuqato sunada, wuxuuna tilmaamay in sidaasi darteen ay weerarayaan shirkaasi oo u sheegay inay isugu tageen dad gaalo ah sida uu hadalka u dhigay. Sarkaalkaani ayaa waxaa uu sheegay in dagaalyahanada taageersan Al Shabaab ee ku sugan deegaanada Puntland ay ka faa’ideystaan fursadda soo martay oo ay ka hortagaan dadka ka qeyb galaya shirka wadatashiga ah ee ka furmaya Magaalada Garoowe ee gobolka Nugaal. Dhinca kale Sheekh Max’ed Cumar (Abuu C/raxmaan) oo ah Wakiilka Al Shabaab ee gobolka Banaadir ayaa waxaa uu ugu baaqay shacabka Soomaaliyeed inay ku gacan siiyaan ciribtirka Xildhibaanada barlamanka oo uu sheegay inay matalaan dad dano gaar ah ka leh Soomaaliya islamarkaana ay dhibaateeyeen shacabka sida uu hadalka u dhigay Abuu C/raxmaan ayaa waxaa uu intaasi ku daray in il gaar ah ay ku hayaan Xildhibaanada barlamanka oo uu horeeyay qilaafka, waxanaa uu dagaalyahanada Al Shabaab ugu baaqay inay ka faa’ideystaan Xildhibaanada is khlaafsan islamarkaana ay bartilmaameedsadaan Xildhibaan kasta oo ka tirsan Barlamanka Soomaaliya. Al Shabaab waa carqaladda kaliya ee hortaagan dowladda KMG, waxaana Madaxda Puntland ay marar badan shaaciyeen in Al Shabaab ay falal ammaan dari ah ka gaysteen deegaanada Maamulka Puntland kuwaasi oo lagu dhibaateeyay dad wax gal u ahaa shacabka reer Puntland iyo Mas’uuliyiinta Maamulkaasi.
  13. Garoowe:Wasiir katirsan Puntland oo si kulul uga hadlay Dilalka ka dhacaya Degmada Taleex Kuna eedeeyey Qabanqaabiyeyaasha Shirka Khaatumo 2. 18. december 2011 APL Garoowe:(Allpuntland)-Iyadoo Magaalada Taleex ee gobolka Sool ay todobaadkan iyo todobaadkan ka dheceen Falal dilal ah oo qorshaysan kuwaasoo midkamid ah lagu dilay Ganacsade caan ah oo ay wada dhasheen madaxweyne xigeenka dawlada Puntland ee Soomaaliyeed shalayna halkaas lagu dilay Sarkaal sare oo katirsanaa xafiiska Wasaarada maaliyada ee degmada Taleex ayaa ay dawlada Puntland ee Soomaaliyeed arimahaas si kulul uga hadashay. Wasiirka Ganacsiga iyo Warshahada dawlada Puntland Xassan Faarax Jaamac oo kamid ah Wasiirada dawlada kasoo gala gobolada SSC ayaa warbaahinta gudaha u sheegey in Dilalkaasi ay yihiin fidno abaabulan oo loogu talagalay in colaad iyo mushkilad lagu dhexdhigo walaalaha SSC taasoo uu sheegey inay tahay mid aan sina loo aqbali Karin. Xassan Wuxuu sheegey in Falalkan ay ku lugleeyihiin rag uu sheegey inay dibada kayimaadeen islamarkaasna caruurahoodii dibada u qaxsadeen kuwaasoo uu Wasiirku sheegey inay yihiin Qabanbqaabiyeyaasha Shirka Khaatumo qaybtiisa labaad ee beesha SSC ay uga arinsanayso Mustaqbalka deegaanadaas iyo isku keenista dadkooda ay siyaasadu kala gaysay wuxuuna sheegey in shirkaasi uu fidno la dhexdhigay Walaalaha ku bilowday taasoo uu sheegey inaanan sina looga yeelayn kooxaha wada.
  14. ^^ What does qaran have to do with this xisbilullah party
  15. Somaliland: Exclusive Interview with Chairman of Good Governance and Anti-Corruption HARGEISA — Somaliland Chairman of Good Governance and Anti-Corruption Commission Ahmed Mohamed Madar recently sat down with Somalilandpress for an exclusive interview. Mr Madar began by saying the country’s local government are well known for rampant corruption cases and the community at large was fed-up with the administration that is in charge of running the daily tasks. He affirmed that councils were the most corrupted institutions in the nation and as a watchdog they were watching them closely. Mr Madar spoke about the birth of his agency the first in the country which came to existence after President Silanyo was sworn-in in July 2010. He said that during the presidential campaign the president Silanyo promised to fight corruption by establishing the country’s first corruption watchdog. The chairman said that Kulmiye Party leadership has lived up to its pledges and as a result his commission was established by the President. “Once the commission was formed, the next step was to establish the governing body of the commission and it was submitted to the Council of ministers and parliament for approval,” Mr Madar said. “There were shortcomings when it came to government ministries, agencies and commissioners cooperating together to tackle existing corruption problems and defects within the system,” he recalled. Mr Madar pointed his fingers at local councils saying they were widely practicing corruption and yet do not use adequate risk controls such as audits. He argued that common council functions – land sales, inspecting businesses, issuing fines and receiving cash payments – give more opportunity for fraud than other state agencies and government ministries. He added they were most prone to dodgy dealings. “Local councils in the country are the starting point of our democracy and multiparty system. They are the longest serving body in the country and an accusatory finger is pointed at them. Apart from righting the wrongs and straightening good governance, they are the most corrupted institutions in the country. An action is required from the ruling administration to clean-up the mess. People at large are fed up with them. The forthcoming local council elections might also offer a solution.” He called for reforms and management controls including audit plan, fraud control plan and risk management process. When the Chairman was asked about the work they have done so far, he responded by saying his organization was currently building offices, recruiting and training staff. He said one of the obstacles they faced was the fact that the watchdog had no voice and most of their employees were junior who needed training. Mr Madar said the commission did not have resources to fully conduct its job. The only capital that the commission is working with at the moment is meager funds from the government. Mr Madar concluded with the interview by saying regulation governing his commission was before the parliament for review and he was optimistic it will come into effect.
  16. SOMALILAND: EU approves $30.5 million fund for drinking water HARGEISA — The European Union (EU) is to provide $30.5 million of funding for projects to rehabilitate, upgrade and extend Somaliland’s drinking supply networks in four major towns including Hargeisa. Mr Hussein Ahmed Duale, Minister of Water and Mineral Resources, told local media during a meeting held in Hargeisa on Monday that Somalilanders will soon have access to quality water. He revealed that his Ministry will rehabilitate water storage facilities, replace existing standpipes, increase water yield and acquire new equipment to improve water quality and reduce losses. He said four towns, namely Hargeisa, Burao, Erigavo and Wajale will benefit from the EU initiatives. Almost 70 percent ($21.3 million) of the funds will be allocated for the expansion of Hargeisa’s water facilities. In recent years due to rapidly growing population and out-dated water infrastructure, Hargeisa suffered severe water shortages. The current water networks were built by the Chinese thirty years ago when Hargeisa had a population of 150,000. Today Hargeisa is home to more than 1.2 million people. Mr Duale said planned works comprise the creation of reservoirs, dams, treatment facilities and the sinking, expansion and rehabilitation of new and existing wells. He said the programme aims to improve the lives of ordinary citizens in the four towns and hopes others will follow. In Burao, they aim to improve the quality of water by setting up water chlorination plants and process. Diarrhoea broke out several times in Burao and its surroundings and remains a concern for the authority in Hargeisa. He added that in October 2010 he led a team to the Kenyan capital to meet with donors over Somaliland’s water shortages. The EU responded to his plea and this week issued him an email stating that the European organization allocated $30.5 million for the projects. Mr Duale has an Engineering degree in Petroleum Engineering from Oklahoma University and has worked for well-established corporations before taking his current portfolio in his native country. He is considered a hard worker and is highly respected in Somaliland. In 2009, the Ministry of health said more people were gaining access to clean and proper sanitation in Somaliland. It showed how 45-50 percent of the Somaliland population had access to safe waters compared with with 35 percent in 2000. The department however said it was not meeting international standards when it came to quantity. The average safe water available in the same period was 14-litres per person per day in the capital and 8-litres in rural areas. The United Nation recommends 20-litres/person/day.
  17. Kulmiye Party members fly to China for trade talks HARGEISA — The General Secretary of Somaliland’s ruling Kulmiye party left the country on Friday for the People’s Republic of China where he is scheduled to attend a series of meetings lined up with the ruling Communist Party of China (CPC). In a statement to the press signed by the party’s chairman, Mr. Hassan Saeed Yusuf, the General Secretary of Kulmiye, Mr. Muse Bihi Abdi was leading a three-member delegation to Beijing. It added the team left for China at the invitation of Chinese ruling Communist Party and are expected to discuss the establishment of formal relations between Somaliland and the CPC. The visit is also said to promote mutual understanding and trade ties between the two countries. “The two sides will hold bilateral trade and cooperation between the two parties and friendship between the people’s of the two countries,” the statement said. The press release concluded by saying the three delegates will meet with leading Chinese corporates and entrepreneurs. They said the expansion of the port of Berbera will be the main topic. In August, Hargeisa said it was signing a trilateral trade deal with China and neighboring Ethiopia. The announcement came after Hong Kong-based PetroTrans Company Ltd signed a deal with the Ethiopian Government to purchase gas and oil over a 25 year period. The Chinese company said it was investing close to $4 billion in developing oil and gas reserves in blocks 3 and 4, 11 and 15, 12 and 16, and 17 and 20 in the O'gaden region. It added it was building a pipeline to Somaliland’s Red sea port of Berbera for export. Berbera port sits on a strategic location at the mouth of the Red Sea and at the center of Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Hargeisa is looking for wealthy Chinese investors to help expand the deep-water port. The current delegation include Mr. Muse Bihi Abdi, the General Secretary of Kulmiye, Mr. Mohamed Kahin Ahmed, Party Spokesman and Mr. Ahmed Abdi Hussein, Central Committee member. They are expected remain in the Asian country for a week-long visit.
  18. Madaxweyne Siilaanyo Oo Ku Soo Laabtay Hargeysa Ka Dib Markii Uu Safar Qaatay Hal Maalin Uu Ku Tagay Magaalooyinka Burco Iyo Berbera Madaxweynaha Somaliland ayaa markii uu soo dhamaystay safarkiisii shaqo ee Magaaladda Burco, waxa uu Habeenimaddii xalay u soo hoyday Magaaladda Berbera... Daawo Sawiradda Hargeysa (GNS)-Madaxweynaha Somaliland Mudane Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) ayaa maanta ku soo guryo noqday Magaaladda Hargeysa ee Caasimadda Somaliland, ka dib markii uu safar qaatay hal maalin uu ku tagay magaaladda Burco ee xarunta Gobolka Togdheer. Madaxweyne siilaanyo ayaa safarkiisani waxa uu ahaa mid uu kaga qayb galayay ciyaarta kama danbeytsa ahayd ee shalay lagu soo khatimay Garoonka Kubadda Cagta ee Almsey Stadium ee Magaaladda Burco. Madaxweyaha Somaliland ayaa Garoonka khudbadd uu ka jeediyay ka sheegay in Xukuumaddiisu ay ahmiyadd saarayso kor u qaadiida ciyaaraha kalla duwan iyo wax ka qabashadda arimaha Dhalinyaradda. Sidoo kale waxa uu Madaxweynuhu la kulomay Madax dhaqmeedyadda iyo laamaha Dawladda ee heer gobol iyo mid Degmo ee Gobolkaasi, waxana ay ka wadda hadleen arimaha horumarineed ee Gobolkaasi. Madaxweynaha Somaliland ayaa markii uu soo dhamaystay safarkiisii shaqo ee Magaaladda Burco, waxa uu Habeenimaddii xalay u soo hoyday Magaaladda Berbera ee Xarunta Gobolka Saaxil, halkaasi oo uu kulan kula soo qaatay waayeelka, waxgaradka iyo Madaxda dawladda ee heer gobol iyo mid Degmo ee Gobolkaasi, waxana uu isla saakaba ka soo anbabaxay Magaaladda Berbera isaga oo usoo jeestay dhanka Magaaladda Hargeysa. Madaxweyne Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud Siilaanyo ayaa markii uu soo gaadhay Duleedka Magaaladda Hargeysa, waxa la xidhay dhamaan wadooyinka dhex mara Badhtamaha ilaa Xarunta Madaxtooyadda Somaliland iyadda oo la joojiyay isku socodka Gawaadhidda kala duwan, waxana gudaha magaaladda la dhoobay ciidamo kala duwan, waxana xoog loo adkeeyay amaanka magaaladda. Inkastoo madaxweyne Siilaanyo uu ka dhiidhiyi jirey ama uu canbaareyn jirey wakhtigii uu ololaha doorashadda ku jirey in si adag loo ilaaliyo Madaxweynihii Wakhtigaas ee Daahir Rayaalle Kaahin, balse haddan waxa aad mooddaa in Madaxweye Siilaanyo uu doorbiday siddan isla markaana uu mooday mid macno wanaagsan u soo hoyn karaysa.