Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Dignity is in peace, not in cowardly murder by Bashir Goth December 10, 2011 By staff-reporter All Somaliland communities were shocked by the gruesome and cold-blooded murder of innocent people sleeping peacefully in their own homes in Seemaal area on December 5, 2011; a horrific reminder of the slaughter of innocent travelers on the highway near Kalabaydh area on July 11, 2009.As a relative of the victims, I can understand that the first thing that comes to the afflicted community’s mind is to take things into their own hand and revenge. In the absence of an effective government, revenge and retaliation were once the only nuclear deterrents that the Somalis knew. Not to retaliate for your dead ones was and can still be considered as a sign of weakness if not sheer cowardice in the Somali context. Men of peace, particularly at times of heightened tensions are looked down as wimps, while belligerent men who rally the clan behind the Tollaayeey and Aabbahay Goblan banners are seen as heroes.It is not easy to control one’s emotions in the face of such calamity, and the easiest, most emotionally immature choice is to take the gun and revenge; because anyone, even a child or *****, can grab a gun and kill people, but not everyone can take the most difficult route and snatch peace out of the jaws of death. The gun-toting war hero can win a battle at the cost of dozens even thousands of lives lost but the peace hero wins victory by sparing equally as many lives from imminent death. Aggressive violence and war come easy but at a high cost. One should look at what is at stake in a war; death and destruction.Yes, one might believe they are living in dignity and some can argue that death is sometimes better than living in indignity, but in cases like that of Kalabadydh and Seemal it is the murderer who lives with indignity and not the living relatives of the victims. Cowardly terrorists who sneak in under the cover of darkness and cold-bloodedly murder innocent sleeping people and travelers are devoid of all dignity. They are indeed a shame on the community they hail from and it’s the duty of their community and the families they came from to do what’s right, allow and support our police department to thoroughly investigate this act of violence and hand over any suspected parties for judicial judgment. But to answer their heinous act by killing other innocent people is equally abhorring no matter how honorable it might look in tribal traditions. My intention of writing this short piece is therefore to commend the Gadabursi Community for trading the empty pride one feels in taking revenge and killing to the real pride and dignity that comes with being peace heroes rather than war heroes in dealing with the Kalabadydh daylight murder. I would also like to call upon them again this time to resort to their renowned wisdom and tradition of taking the dignified but difficult route to peace in dealing with the Seemaal killings. It is quoted of Somaliland’s former President Rayaale to have said: “Dagaal Ducaan Ka Doortay…” ( I rather choose prayers over war…) As despicable and wimpy as that might look to the bellicose psyche of the Somalis, it indeed reflects a moral high ground and the epitome of wisdom and intellectual maturity. I say this while demanding justice for the victims slaughtered in Seemaal. We all demand justice for him and those before them. The Sultans of Awdal have unequivocally said this. The Sultans of Gabiley and Hargeisa have said it. The opposition and government political leaders have said it. The wise men and women of Somaliland have said it. Justice should be done and done quickly and the government should keep its promises to apprehend the murderers and bring them before a court of law. Safeguarding the security of its citizens is one of the fundamental and national responsibilities of the government. These recurring, cowardly and terrorist acts are a threat not only to the national security but will also destroy the bond and cohesion between the community and will in turn cause a great damage to the reputation and image that Somaliland has built over the years as a peaceful oasis. The steps the government has taken so far and the unanimous condemnation and shock expressed by the different quarters of the Somaliland community are all welcome and highly reassuring, but it is the sole responsibility of the government to turn its words into action and bring the criminals of the Kalabaydh and Seemaal to justice. This should be a matter of national priority for the government and it should devote all its resources to that cause instead of using live ammunition on peaceful demonstrators and arresting and imprisoning community leaders for exercising their right for free speech. bashir goth
  2. ^^Sorry i don't like Qabil or clan talk qof kale u doono sheekooyinkaas.
  3. DJIBOUTI (SomalilandPress) – The President of the Republic, Mr. Ismail Omar Guelleh, officially opened the first branch of the Exim Bank of Tanzania in Djibouti. The opening ceremony was attended by Minister of Economy and Finance, Mr. Ilyas Dawaleh Moussa, Minister for the Budget, Mr Ali Said Amareh, Governor of the Central Bank of Djibouti, Mr. Djama Mahamoud Haid, and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Exim Bank from Tanzania, Mr Yogesh Manek. The inaugural ceremony was followed by a banquet hosted by the new bank, which was attended by the President of the Republic, Mr. Ismail Omar Guelleh of Djibouti’s First Lady, Kadra Mahamoud, several members of government, representatives of the diplomatic corps accredited to Djibouti, officials from the ranks of the development partners and bankers at the Palace Kempinski. Exim Bank of Tanzania becomes the 11th bank to open a branch in the small East Africa Nation that has seen banking boom. President Guelleh as he toured the facility also decided to open an account with the bank which has hired ten local graduates from Djibouti. According to CEO of the Djibouti branch Mr. Patrick Dettefworth the bank has a capital of more than 300 million of our francs and over 250 customers according in Djibouti already. On the choice of moving to Djibouti Chairman of Board of Directors of the Exim Bank Mr. Yogesh Manek goes on to say “political stability and market growth were the factors that lead to their decision”
  4. Former Somaliland supreme general of the armed forces of the republic (Ciidanka Qaranka) Gen Nuux ismacil taani was instremental in the peaceful transfer of power from former president rayaale udub to President Siilaanyo Kulmiye's party. He played a crucial role in keeping the Somaliland Military as neatral as it can be during the Somaliland elections last year. Nerveless there were ups and downs which eventually led the president to sack him but he kept the Somaliland Military forces as effective as they can be.And helped it expand during his leadership as the Supreme general for that reason we salute you General Nuux ismacil taani.
  5. Carafaat gabiley is out sanaag is out saaxil is out togdheer is out sool Maroodijeex Awdal Hawd are left
  6. Excerpts from talk by SomaliNationalis.t l"bvementS.NMChairman Ahmedi1uharnmSila ad nyo - RadioHalgan in Somali17;00 grot 18 Feb. 87 Silanyo in voice ... In the nameof G::xl, the most merciful, the most beneficient. Speakingon behalf of the membersof SNMand on behalf of the struggling Somalipeople, I would like to greet Somalipeople wherever they maybe. I knowand I amconfident that Somalipeople oppose the sufferings they have endured for a long time. After these greetings, I wouldlike to deliver a short speech to the Somali people fromhere. Brothers, wewill not tell one another of the situation in our country. It is possible that somepeople are not aware of manythings, but generally people are not ignorant of the political, economicand security situation in our country today. I have spokenon this issue manytimes before. Manyother people and Radio Halganhave also cormnentedon it. TodayI would like to speak on a few factors in someof the issues. First, the political situation. Weknowthat the physical and mental condition of (president) Siyad is not normal after his serious car accident. Thosewhoworkwith him and others in the administration knowthis very well. This has brought about internal strife and ri vairy. Let us ask ourselves how, in the recent so-called elections, it becamepossible for Siyad to be elected as president for the next seven years. Howdid it comeabout? Is it acceptable? Does it makesense? As Somali people knowand the wholeworld knowsI Somalipeople are struggling against this regime and even those whoare not struggling do not like it. The rule to-day in Somaliais that of a personI a family and of. a minor clan. While the age and health. of Siyad are also known,he is nominated, or has nominatedhimself as president for the next seven years. It is said that he was.elected with a majority of morethan 99.9%. IDes this makesense? The answer is no. It also said that four to five million people voted. The Somali population is estimated to be five million. Even in places where proper elections take place f children, the elderly and those whoare not in the country do not vote. Half a million or more Somalis are out of the country. tJbst of them fled from the present system. There are children, the sick, the elderly and there are pastoralists. Therefore it meansthat all Somalipeople, including those born last night, old men, old women,pastoralists, those involved in celebration and those whowere sick voted. Suchthings are seen as jokes allover the world. It is a very suprising matter. Let it be. Theworld already knewabout this and was even expecting him to say that he was elected. -- --.- -- --_._- -2-NEWSAND VIEWS PART- I lIt is knownthat during the so-called- elections fightfug was going on ~in manyparts of the country. It is knownthat .rrost; of the people were engaged in the fight. For example,whenhe (Siyadl was claiming that he was elected by a 100%majority, there was fighting going on in +he north. During this time the links betweentownswere cut. Towns,even streets in the sametownwere closed off. At this time womenwere being stabbed. Hundredsw. .erebeing arrested. During tilis: drought period the transport that used to take water and food to tile countryside was stopped. The towns and the countryside need one another. Many people in Hargeisa used their doors and windowsas firewood. Young children were denied milk. ~~y livestock were impoundedfrom the people of the countryside as in Burao. Fortunately the people fought and recovered themby force from the armyof the government. Goddoes not oppress people but people oppress themselves. Youdo not have to accept oppression. Youknowwhat happenedin Sudan. You knowwhat happenedin Uganda. Youknowwhat happenedin Haiti. You knowwhat happenedin the Phillippines. -Everywherepeople overthrow dictators whoharass the people. People throw off the yoke of oppression. Onsuch occasions we say that whensomepeople rise up then the others should lend a hand, support and feel with.them because they share the sa:rrenameand honour. If whenthere is. a fight you say, let those people die, let that region be des.troyed and let those people destroyed, then you will also cometo be destruct§d in the end. Wheneveranyone is fighting against oppression, wrong, bad governmentand a bad system it is in the interest of the people. So we say that heavy fighting is taking place in manyparts of the countryI especially in the north. EvenShaykhs have been taken awayfrommosqueswhile conducting Friday prayers. Somewere arrested and others were killed. They were told that they cannot teach Islam without the permission of the the government. Their children were forbidden to be taught the Koran. Youknowthe powerstruggle going on in Mogadishutoday. We understand very well that there are different groups whoare not willing to listen to each other. Onone side are (first vicepresident) Samater and his group. Onanother side are (foreign minister) AbdulrahmanJaroaBarreh and his group. Onyet another side are (deputy defence Minister) Gani and his type. Youall knowthis. Thematter is one of succession and that is what we are fighting against. Whyaccept oppression whenyou are not used to it tradi tionall y... Theyouth should rise, the armyshould rise and reject this oppression, religious people should reject it and _business _ men should reject it. -3- --- - - -------NEWAND S VIEWSPART~I - Oncewe were told that whenthe party was formed, justice would prevail. After its format.ionnothing changed. Rather it got worse. Oncewe were told that whenpari lament was fonned, things would improve. Nothing improved. The sameclan, family and person continued and worsenedthe living oonditions of the people. For example, in lVbgadishutoday there is no light or water. The little food donated by foreign governmentsfor their ownintersts is not produced by the people. The debt incurred by the Somali people was invested in non-productive projects for suppressing the the Somali people to the tune of more than two billion Shillings. Fifty percent of governmentexpenditure oomesfrom external sources. Will it be given to the Somali people? It will be spent on arms and not on the Somali people. The budget even comeslOO% from external sources. Things cannot continue like this. Whereis that which was produced by the people? Wheredid it go? It is spent on the anny, the elite forces., the militia and their kind. It goes to the four whohave eaten awaythe country. It goes to protect the regime in power in suppressing the people. Recently, it was said that a newgovernmenthas been formedand that the system will be changed. MohammedAli Samaterwas made a prime minister, Kulmiyewas madea vice-premier, so and so was madea second vice-premier and every one of them is in the same position. Whatthen changed? Samaterwas removedfrom the Ministry of Defence and it is being prepared for the clan. It is being prepared for Siyad Barreh' 5 clan. can somalis have our word for this? It is knownthat the post of prime minister or vice-president is not important. Whatis important is the army. Let the clan have it. YouknowGani, whochased womenallover the world, was promotedto DeputyMinister of Defence, Whatdoes this. mean? Whatis he being prePared for? Whatabout the others? Are they for show? The trick is knownand it is clear. Not even children can be deceived. It is for you to react. In return to the struggling SNJ'on.1 whosebehalf, I am.speaking today and which has comeout to free the people from this system and oppression. Theyare struggling and fighting. The regime does not disclose its casualties. Every day hundredsandthousands die because of it. People are brought from Baydhaba,others from Kismayo,others from further places and others gathered from around. Theyare told that their children are fighting for the oountry. Theyare told that they are awayon duty. Knowthat they have died. ill not be cheated. Wetell you that wewill win. Wewill win. This did not comeabout easily. Men were martyred. May Godrest the soul of those matyred in peace. Condolencesto the bereaved. Continue with the struggle. Freedomand victory.
  7. Madxweyne Kuxigeenka Somaliland Oo Cutubyo Ka Mida Ciidamada Ilaalada Xeebaha Ee Ku Sugan Magaaladda Berbera Toobabar u Soo Xidhay Madaxweyne ku xigeenka Somaliland Mudane Saylici waxa uu balan qaaday in ay tayaynayaan Ciidanka Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland. Berbera (GNS)- Madaxweyne kuxigeenka Jmhuuriyada Somaliland Cabdiraxamaan Cabdillahi Ismaaciil(Seylici) iyo wafti uu hogaaminayo ayaa Saaka subaxnimadii hore soo gaadhay magaalo xeebeeda gobolka Saaxil ee berbera waxaanu socdaalkaa Madaxweyne kuxigeenka iyo waftiga uuhogaaminayaa udaarnaa soo xidhida toobabar ciidanka ilaalada xeebaha Somaliland ugu soo gabagaboobay xarunta Ciidamada ilaalada xeebaha ee magaaladan berbera ,Waxa kamida ahaa waftiga Madaxweyne kuxigeenka Somaliland wasiirka arimaha gudaha Somaliland Maxamed Nuur Caraale(Duur)Wasiirka qorsheynta qaranka Dr Sacad Cali Shire,gudoomiye kuxigeenka Banka Somaliland Cabdillahi Xassan iyo xubno katirsan golayaasha qaran ee wakiilada iyo guurtida, Waxaana waftigan oo goor hore oo subaxnimadii soo kalahay jiidaha dhexe ee gobolka Saaxil kaga hortagay masuuliyiinta haayadaha dawlada ee gobolkan Saaxil oo uu hogaaminayo gudoomiyaha golaha deegaanka degmada berbera Cabdallle Maxamed Carab waxa kaloo kamid ahaa masuuliyiinta waftigaa soo dhaweenaayay badhasaabka gobolka Saaxil Maxamuud Cali Hayste.Maareeyaha dekeda berbera Axmed Yuusuf Diri.Maareeyaha haamaha keydka shiidaalka Dr Cismaan Cabdi Barkhadle(Shiine) iyo masuuliyiin kaloo tira badan, Waftiga Madaxweyne kuxigeenka ayaa islamarkii ay magaalada soo galeen abaaray xarunta ciidamada ilaalada xeebaha ee magaalada berbera halkaasi oo lagu diyaariyay goob xafladeed si aad uheer sareysa loo soo agaasimay laguna sii diyaariyay Ciidanka toobabarku udhamaaday oo ka koobnaa(300)sadex boqol oo askari kuwaasoo mudo sideed bilooda toobabar ciidan badeed Lagu siinaayay isla goobtaa waxaanay ugu horeyn ciidankaasi salaan Madaxweyne siiyeen Madaxweyne kuxigeenka Jamhuuriyada Somaliland Cabdiraxmaan Cabdillahi Ismaaciil(Seylici) waxa kaloo ay ciidankaasi soo bandhigeen dhoolatus ciidan oo aad uheersareeya Madxweyne kuxigeenka iyo waftigiisuna aad ula dhaceen waxaanu dhoolatuskaasi oo dhawr nooca oo bad iyo bariba Lahaa socday mudo saacad iyo badh iyaga oo ciidankaasi taatikooyin ciidan oo anfacaya ciidan bad ahaan ay soo bandhigeen, Kadibna waxa warbixino kasiiyay Madaxweyne kuxigeenka ciidanka iyo toobabarkooda Taliyaha guud ee ciidamada ilaalada xeebaha Somaliland Admiral Axmed Awcismaan Cabdi iyo taliye xigeenkiisa Cabdi Xirsi Ducaale waxaanu taliyaha Ciidanka Ilaalada xeebaha Somaliland sheegay in aanay toobabarka heerkiisu sareyo cid kale bixinin ee ay bixiyeen saraakiisha ciidanka Ilaalada xeebaha ee saldhiga berbera sidoo kale waxa uu taliyuhu sheegay in xukumada Somaliland ee hada talada dalka haysaa Ay markii ay hogaanka dalka la wareegtay ee ay aragtay in aan ciidan badeed oo toobabar qabaa jirin baahi weyna loo qabo in la Tayeeyo aqoontoodana kor loo qaado ciidanka ilaalada xeebaha Somaliland ay ku wargalisay maamulka ciidanka ilaalada xeebaha Somaliland in ay soo gudbiyaan baahida ciidanka ee dhinac aqoonta toobabarka iyo waliba in ay kordhiyaan tirada ciidanka ilaalada xeebaha Somaliland toobabaro cusubna looga furo xarunta ciidanka ilaalad xeebaha ee berbera oo iyadu ah saldhiga ugu weyn ee ciidamada ilaalada xeebaha Somaliland sidaasna uu ku yimi ciidankani yahayna cutubkii ugu horeeyay Kuwo kaloo badana aanu wali toobabarku uxidhmin, Taliyaha ciidanka bada Somaliland Admiral Axmed Awcismaan ayaa waxa uu Intaa ku daray in aanu buurnayn dhaqaalaha ay xukumada Somaliland ciidanka siisaa baahiyo badan oo ciidana ay jiraan balse Waxqabadka iyo toobabarkan ciidan ee qiimaha badan uu kuyimi iyaga oo waxoogaagii ay xukumadu siinaysay isku celceshaday Waxa kaloo uu taliyaha ciidanka ilaalada xeebuhu sheegay in ciidankan manta toobabarka loo xidhayaa yihiin rag ka kala yimi Dhamaan gobolada dalka oo aan aheyn qaar reer berbera uun ah isaga oo intaa raaciyay in ay udhaxeeyaan Seylac ilaa Ceelaanyo waxase uu ka dayriyay Taliyaha ciidanka ilalada badu gaadiidka bada ee ciidanka oo gabaabsi ah isaga oo xusay in aanu ciidanka badu haysan doonyaha dheereeya ee lagaga hortagi karo cadawga biyaheena kusoo xad gudba isaga oo xukumadana ka dalbaday in ay baahiyahaa ciidan ee dhinaca gaadiidka wax ka qabtaan ugu danbeyntii ayaa waxa uu taliyaha ciidanka badu umahad celiyay Madxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Somaliland Axmed Maxamed Maxauud(Siilaanyo)oo uu kutilmaamay Shaqsiga kaliya ee uu ugu mahad naqyo toobabarkan ciidan isaga oo dhinaca dawlada shisheeye ee ciidamada caawiyana ka xusay dawlada Ingiriiska oo gaadiid iyo war isgaadhsiin ugu deeqday iyo haayad iyaduna ingiriisa oo imika xafiisyo iyo guryo uga dhisaysa xarunta ciidanka bada ee berbera oo uu magaceeda ku sheegay(Mag) Waxa isaguna hadal kooban oo dhiirigalin iyo taageero ubadan goobta xaflada ka jeediyay Wasiirka arimaha gudaha Somaliland Maxamed Nuur Caraale(Duur) waxaana hadaladiisii kamida ahaa"Waxaan salaan ay mahad balaadhani ku dheehantay ujeedinayaa ciidanka ehelu sharafka ah ee sida qurxoon ee cajiibka ah loo dhoolatuska usamaynaya waxaanan Madaxweyne kuxigeenka ka dalabanayaa in uu manta ii ogolaado in aan salaanta ciidanka ku horeysiiyo madaama oo ay manta tahay maalintoodii toobabarkuna uxidhmayo waxan manta ufaraxsanahay oo ufirfircoonay sida ciidanka ilaalada xeebuhu ufaraxsan Yihiin ee ufirfircoon yihiin waxa ciidanka ka muuqda mooral iyo qalbi wanaagsan oo ay soo dhamaysteen toobabar mudo sidee bilood socday waxa halkan ka muuqda sharaf qaran oo lagu soo tabcay, tacabkeeda koowaadna waxa lahaa Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Somaliland iyo Madaxweyne kuxigeenka waxaanay balan qaadeen in ay tayeeyaan ciidamada bada markii ay ku Guulaysteen mudo xileedka qaran ee ay hada hayaan waxa ciidankan lagu daray miisaaniyadii koobaad markay hogaanka dalka ku guulaysatay miisaaniyadaa waxa ku jiray sadexdan boqol ee ciidana ee ay manta xafladooda xidhitaan ka qeybgalayno waxa kaloo miisaaniyadaa ku jiray kordhintii mushaharka ee dhamaan ciidamada iyo shaqaalaha loo kordhiyay waxay aheyd tacab qaran oo ay dhagax dhigiisii xukumada cusub laheyd tacabka labaad waxa leh taliyayaasha ciidankan toobabar kala duwan siiyay ee soo gaadhsiiyay halka ay manta marayaan ee muuqaalkaa quruxda badan kusoo toobabaray ee aqoonta iyo fikirkoodii soo gashay, Madaxweyne kuxigeenka Jamhuuriyada Somaliland Cabdiraxmaan Cabdillahi Ismaaciil(Seylici) ayaa waxa isagana hadaladii sii kamida ahaa"Waxan aad ugu faraxsanay in aan kasoo qeybgalo toobabarkan loo xidhayo ciidanka ilaalad xeebaha ee sadexda boqola waxa aan aniga iyo waftigayga faraha badan ee golayaasha qaranka ka koobani isu soo raacnay waa qiimaha aanu siinano ciidamada ee aanu danaynayno ee aanu raalida ka nahay ama aanu markii horeba u aragnay in baahi la tabayo oo ciidan badeed jirto iyo xeebteena dheer ciidamada ilaalada xeebaha loo kordhiyo sida aad wada ogtihiin ciidamada bad ee Somaliland waxay ahaayeen markii hore(320)sadex boqol iyo labaatankaa waxa laga yaabaa in aanay intooda badni shaqeyn oo ay iska hawgab yihiin taasina waa ta keentay in ciidankan la abuuro markii dhibtii koowaad xiligii kala guurka ay dhacday xitaa in dawlada aynu jaarka nahay ee(Ethiopia)lagaga duulay xeebta galbeed ee Somaliland,Waxaana xiligaa jirtay in meesha ugu yar ee ciidan joogay aheyd 30 askari ama 28 askari nasiib daro ayay aheyd taasi in xeebta intaa leeg ee 200km mitira 28 sideed iyo labaatan askari joogaan waxaanay taasi keentay in xukumada manta joogtaa ay danayso in loo baahanyay in ciidamada bada la kordhiyo taasna waynu ku guulaysanay waxanan hambalyada koowaad siinayaa Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Somaliland Axmed Maxamed Waxa kaloo iyaguna heeso dhiirigalina iyo majaajilooyin xafladaa ka soo jeediyay qaar kamida ciidanka ilalada xeebaha Somaliland ee toobabarka loo xidhaayay iyo fanaaniinta ciidanka qaranka Somaliland oo iskaashanaya waxaana kamida ahaa Fanaaniinta heesaha xafladaa ka qaaday Sahra Cali Xassan,Cabdillahi Cabdi Madoobe iyo Fanaanka almis waxaanay soo bandhigeen riwaayad iyo heeso qiira galiyay waftiga iyo ciidanka toobabarka loo xidhaayay .
  8. First sending His militia to taleex than when they get killed he is crying
  9. Madaxweyne kuxigeen Cabdisamad Cali Shire “Dilka Jamac Cali Shire waa mid siyaasadeed Waxaana ka dambeeyay…” Posted by Pi on December 12th, 2011 Garowe(Puntlandi.com) Madaxweyne ku xigeenka Puntland Mudane Cabdisamad Cali Shire oo markii u horeysay ka hadlay Dilkii walaalkii ayaa sheegay in Dilka Walaalkiis ahaa mid salka ku haya arimo siyaasadeed ayna ka dambeeyeen Somaliland iyo Qolyaha wada shirka Khaatumo 2 ee ololihiisu ka socdo Deegaanada Sool iyo Cayn. Madaxweyne ku xigeenku wuxuu sheegay in Dilka Jaamac uu ahaa mid la doonayay in lagu dhawaco siyaasada Puntland iyo siyaasadayda Alle ha unaxariistee Jamac Cali Shire iyo wiil uu adeer u yahay Waxaa shalay galab lagu dilay meel u dhow Magaalada Taleex, waxaana Dilkiisa lagu eedeeyay inay soo abaabuleen raga ka dambeeya shirka Khaatumo 2. Madaxweyne Kuxigeenka Puntland oo siyaasad ahaan kasoo horjeeda shirkaan ayaa sababtay in Walaalkiis la dilo, sida aynoo sheegeen illo wargala, waxaana la doonayay in lagu dhawaco Madaxweyne ku xigeenka Dilka Walaalkiis. Qolyaha lagu eedeynayo dilkaan illaa hada wax hadal ah kama soo saarin dilka Ganacsade Jaamac Cali shire.
  10. Wasiirka Arrimaha dibada oo la kulmay Wefti ka socday Holland December 11th, 2011 Hargeysa (Somaliland.Org)-Wasiirka arrimaha dibadda Somaliland Dr. Maxamed Cabdilaahi Cumar, ayaa maanta xafiiskiisa ku qaabiley wefti ka socday dalka Holland oo socdaal shaqo ku yimid dalka. Weftigan oo ka koobnaa dhawr xubnood waxa hoggaaminayay Safiirka Holland u fadhiya dalka Kenya waxa wasiirku la yeeshay kulan albaabadu u xidhnaayeen oo socday muddo saacad ka badan. Dhinaca kale,Wasiirka Arrimaha dibada Somaliland Md. Maxamed Wasiirka Arrimaha dibada Somaliland Md. Maxamed Cabdilaahi Cumar, oo kulankaasi ka dib ka hadlay socdaalka weftigan waxa uu sheegay inay ka wada hadleen danaha labada dal. Wasiirku wuxuu sheegay in kulankani daba socday socdaal hore uu Somaliland ugu yimid bishii June ee la soo dhaafay Wasiir ka tirsan xukuumadda Holland. “Waxa socdaalka weftigan Holland ee aan kulanka la yeeshay la xidhiidhay sidii labada dal ay u yeelan lahaayeen iskaashi, waxaana barigaa lagu heshiiyay inay inagala shaqeeyaan wax ka qabashada nabadgelyadda, la dagaalanka argagixisadda iyo budhcad badeeda mandaqadda,”ayuu yidhi Dr. Maxamed Cabdilaahi. Wasiirka oo hadalkiisa sii watay wuxuu sheegay inay ka wada hadleen sidii loo sii xoojin lahaa cilaaqaadka labada wadan, waxaanu intaasi ku daray inuu weftigaasi uga waramay xaalada guud ee Somaliland ee dhinacyada siayaasada, Nabadgelyada iyo dhaqaalahaba. Sidoo kale weftigan ka socday dalka Holland waxa qaabiley Maayarka Caasimada Eng. Xuseen Maxamuud Jiciir.
  11. Somaliland: Foreign Minister meets with delegation from Holland HARGEISA (Somalilandpress)–Somaliland Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Dr. Mohamed AbdilahI Omar met with Delegates from Holland who paid short visit to the country today. The delegation consists of several officials headed by the Ambassador of Holland to Kenya Mr. Joost Reintjes. The minister held meeting with the delegation at his office for few hours and after concluding the meeting spoke with the local press for few minutes. Foreign Minister Dr. Mohamed told the press today’s meeting is a follow up to June’s visit of the Dutch Minister for EU Affairs and International Cooperation Mr. Ben Knapen. Mr. Ben Knapen commended Somaliland’s democracy on his visit to Somaliland in June and said his government will work with Somaliland government in the advancement of democracy. Dr. Mohamed Omar went to say “today’s meeting is a follow up to a previous agreement that the government had with Minister Ben Knapen’s visit to the country”. After concluding their meeting with Foreign Minister Mohamed Abdillahi Omar the delegates met with Hargeisa mayor Eng. Hussein Mohamed Jicir who held close door meetings with them.
  12. Abokor Omar;764680 wrote: So Xinn, the destruction of the peace and balance of Somaliland equals the re-birth of Somalia? Let me try and make you see sense. Rather than forever being blinded by animosity, resolving the conflict in the south would help bring the re-birth you wish for, wishing the conflict starts in Somaliland wont bring peace to the south or any re-birth. But, let's be honest, your not interested in any re-births are you, just the death of Somaliland and it's peace. All this talk of unity, peace, brotherhood, it's all story's for kids. Some basic cheap spin to avoid being caught red handed. We know your kind and will stay vigilant at all times. On words and upwards Somaliland.. Unity can come with the destruction of Somaliland wax fahan dee Abokor
  13. Madaxweyne ku-xigeenka Somaliland oo tababar u xidhay sadex boqol oo ciidan ah oo loo tababaray Badda Berbera(Waaheen) Madaxweyne ku-xigeenka Somalailand C/raxmaan C/laahi Ismaaciil Saylici oo ay wehelinayeen Wasiirka Qorshaynta Qaranka, Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha, Taliyaha Ciidanka Ilaalada Xeebaha iyo masuuliyiin ka socday Hay’adda Dawladda ee Heer Gobol, Degmo iyo Hay’adaha Madaxa banana ayaa manta magaala Xeebeeda Berbera ugu soo xidhay Tababar u socday muddo sided bilood ah oo ay ku qaadanayeen Culuumta Badda. Madaxweyne ku-xigeenka oo munaasibadaasi ka hadlay ayaa Ciidamadaasi uga mahadnaqay dedaalka ay fagaarihii tababarkaas loogu soo xidhayaya ka muujiyeen oo uu ku tilmaamay inuu ahaa mid qiimayntiisa leh oo u qalamayay Mihnada la barayay baaxada ay leegtahay isagoo sheegay inay yihiin Ciidan kooban balse tayo ahaan la siiyay tababar adag oo ay kaga bixi karaan Hawsha culus ee Xeebaha Somaliland kuwaasoo ka kala yimi Daafaha Somaliland. “ Ciidankan in la abuuro waxa keenay markii ay dhawaan xeebaheena ka soo dageen Ciidamo cadaw ah oo doonayay inay weeraro ka fuliyaan gudaha dalka Itoobiya kuwaasoo ay sababtay ciidankeena Badda oo koobnaa” ayuu yidhi Madaxweyne ku-xigeenku waxa uu munaasibadaasi shahaadooyin ku gudoonsiiyay Saraakiisha Ciidamadaasi, Masuuliyiinta Gobolka ee taageertay, qaar ka mid ah Askarta iyo tababarayaashii Duruusta siinayay Ciidamadda ayaa Madaxweyne hortiisa ku soo bandhigay hawlgal ay metelaad ah oo ay Badda gudaheeda kaga qab qabaneeyeen Budhcad Badeed qafaalashayo doonayay inay fuliyaan. Sidoo kale waxay ku soo bandhigeen Masrixaydo Suugaaneed kala duwan. Admiral Axmed Aw Aadan oo ah Taaliyaha Ciidanka Ilaalada Xeebaha iyo Abaanduulaha Ciidamadda Badda ayaa iyana Madaxda Xukuumadda ee uu hormoodka ka ahaa Madaxweyne ku-xigeenku warbixin ka siiyay Maraaxilkii kala duwanaa ee ay soo mareen Dufcadan loo xidhay tababarku mudadii ay ku jirta Tababarka. Waxaanay xuseen Duruufaha Badda ku gedaaman inay u baahan yihiin in la geliyo dhaqaale iyo ka war hayn intan ka badan iyagoo u mahadnaqay talaabadii uu ku dhiiraday Madaxweynaha Somaliland Axmed`Maxamed Maxamud Siilaanyo. Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha Maxamed Nuur Caraale Duur, Badhasaaabka Gobolka Saaxil Ramaax oo iyaguna Munaasibadaasi ka hadlay ayaa Saraakiisha Ciidanka uga mahadnaqay Tababarka ay siiyeen Ciidanka iyo sida ay au dhiseen iyagoo qiray in ay Kalsooni ku qabaan in ay noqon doonaan Ciidan qaraan. Waxaanay si gaara ah ugu Amaaneen sida niyad samida leh ee uu Ciidankaasi u qaataya Tababarka
  14. ^^ xiinfanin are you saying you are part of wasiirada cusub eeh awdal state lolz
  15. Wafti Uu Hogaaminyo Garaad Jaamac Garaad Ismaciil Oo Soo Gaadhay Degmada Taleex Lasanod Online Monday, December 12, 2011 Taleex,(Lasanod Online)- Wafti Balaadhan Oo uu horkacayo Garaad Jaamac Garaad Ismaaciil ayaa maanta gaadhay degmadda Taleex.. Halkaas oo si weyn loogu soo dhaweeyay. Wafdigan Garaadka oo ka kooban Cuqaal iyo odayaal ayaa ka qeyb geli doona dhamaynta shaqaaqo shalay galab ka dhacday degmadda taleex ee gobolka sool, halkaas oo lagu qaban doono shirweynaha khaatumo 2. Hore waxaa magaaladda taleex soo gaadhay wufuud kala duwan oo ka kala yimid deegaanada Gobolka Sool iyo ciidamo uu hogaaminayay Axmed Karaash, kuwaas oo loogu talagalay dejinta xaaladda degmadda taleex. Ciidamada degaanka ayaa habeenkii xalay bandow ku soo rogey iyadoo la diiday in dadka shacabka ah ay hub la soo galaan gudaha degmadda taleex, waxaana lagu wadaa in maanta gelinka dambe uu furmo shir looga hadlayo arintii ka dhacday degmada taleex.
  16. Muxu yidhi cabinet aah dawlad dawlad saaraan u sheega mr nuur inay kanada dawlad leedahay waxan xasuusta president darman isaga iya xukumadisa oo marba meel u dhoofi jiray xita safarida u magacabay way la dhoofi jireen
  17. Wefti ka socda dalka Sucuudiga oo socdaal ku yimid dalka December 11th, 2011 Berbera (Somaliland.Org)Wasiiradda Macdanta iyo Biyaha ee Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland Md. Xuseen Cabdi Ducaale iyo beeraha Md. Faarax Maxamuud Geedoolle, ayaa shalay madaarka Berbera ku soo dhaweeyey wefti ka socday dalka Sucuudiga. Wasiirka macdanta oo warbaahinta kula hadlayqoflka nasashada ee madaarka Berbera, ayaa sheegay in wefdigan Sucuudigu ay u socdaan sidii ay mashaariic maalgashi ay uga samayn lahaayeen dalka Somaliland, sida dekeda, warshada sibidhka, haamaha shidaalka iyo mashaariic kale. Wasiirku isagoo arrintaa ka hadlayayna waxa uu yidhi “Saddexdan xubnood waxay dalka u yimaadaan mashaariic maal gashi ayay u socdaan, waan soo dhaweynaynaa walaalahayaga reer Sucuudi Carabiya.” “Halkan intaan joogno Berbera mashaariic badan oo ku saabsan maalgashi oo ay ka mid tahay dekeda, haamaha, shidaalka iyo wershada sibidhka ayaanu tusaynaa,”ayuu yidhi Wasiirku. Wasiirku wuxuu intaasi ku daray in weftigani muddo sadex maalmood ah ay darsi doonaan Ganacsiga iyo meelaha u baahan maalgashiga. Wasiirka beeraha ee Somaliland Md. Faarax Cilmi Geedoole ayaa isna sheegay in weftigan ay si weyn dalka ugu soo dhawaynayaan waxaanu tilmaamay in xukuumad ahaan diyaar u yihiin in dhinacooda ugu soo bandhigi lahaayeen mashaariic maalgashi oo dhinaca beeraha ah, waxaana uu yidhi “Khayraadka aadka u badan ee dalkeena dawladu ma hayso hadda awood ay ku soo saarto kagana faa’iidaysato khayraadkaa markaa aad iyo aad ayaan u soo dhawaynaa walaalaheena Sucuudiyiinta waana dadka inoogu dhow maanta marka aad ka eegto Islaamka, xidhiidhkii hore ee Islaamka, walaalnimo ee inoo dhaxayn jiray aad iyo aad ayaan u soo dhaweynaynaa.” Weftigan, ayaa ka koobnaa laba nin oo u dhashay dalka Sucuudiga iyo nin u dhashay dalka Kuuriya, waxaana la sheegay in xubno ka tirsan weftigoodu ay dalka imanayaan maalmaha soo socda.
  18. I am sure that General Maxamed Xasan C/laahi (Jidhif) will do great things as he is a very capable General.