Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Thankful;768850 wrote: I concur! I have never seen this side of Xaaji. He honestly seem's frustrated and the fact that he is attacking the TFG like never before is shocking and tells me that his secessionists dreams are over. Xaaji, you are talking about the Aid workers that were gunned down when this has occurred all over Somalia including your inclave. In fact one of the most gruesome and brutal attacks this year was the slaughter of a family while they slept in their homes. This resulted in Mr. Taani's losing his in the NW Somalia goverment because of his involvement in the attack. Why else would he have been fired by Siilaanyo if he was innocent? Why hasn't Siilaanyo visited? You talk about Clan Enclaves is hiliarious because the protestors in Borama made it clear that Siilaanyo is running a one tribe government. That's not me saying it, but the people he supposedly preside's over. Thankful you are missing the point again what we are discussing here is why this Prime Minister mr Abdiweli failed his country he isn't aware of what his defense minister is doing, his defense Minister was not aware of if there were Ethiopian troops in Somalia, and if they were inside Somalia he would have welcomed them. The Prime minister didn't have a clue of what his defense Minister was doing or telling the press nor did he knew about the Mini invasion of Ethiopia in the central regions. The only thing he did correctly so far was being instructed by his superiors to deliver before august 2012 and we are not even sure he will do that on time. What did Abdiweli achieve that's what we are asking our self's other than touring in the Garowe Clan Administration or playing soccer on the beach in Mogadishu. As for General Nuux ismacil taani losing his job he was accused by some but with no factual evidence he was not involved keep in mind he was the supreme Somaliland general he is not a politician or an mp. He is the Army chief and responsible for the security of the nation one of the most important institutions of Somaliland (Ciidanka qaranka). His image cannot be damaged that's why he was replaced by president Siilaanyo. Going back at Abdiwelis shortcomings as being the TFG prime minister what about the food aid being sold in the Capital city markets by the so called TFG officials Abdi weli supposed to manage all of that he has failed miserably i have to say sorry thankful you cannot defend him.
  2. Well done reer Somaliland building roads and a great choice to name the road after the legendary Muse rabbiile good allow ku naxariiso a true son of Somaliland.
  3. While the current TFG prime minister was touring bosaaso with his clan cousin faroole the ruler of the fiefdom aid workers were being gunned down in Mogadisho. This is not about visiting the garowe clan enclave this is about misplaced priorities. Ali geedi visited the Garowe Clan enclave so did the Omar Abdirashid only Farmaajo didn't visit Garowe because the garowe admin was acting all hostile towards the TFG during his primeministership . So its not something remarkable to visit you're clan fiefdom. This is not about the TFG getting stronger or not this is about the incompanticy of this so called TFG prime minister Abdi weli Gaas.
  4. iska ooy laakin albaabku haku furnado
  5. He is a good man he is giving back to his country its a sacrifice he made for his people and Nation and His ministry is a very important one for Somaliland lets wish him all the best.
  6. Xukuumadda S/Land Iyo Reer Awdal Oo Ku Tartamaya Dhamaystirka Jidka Muuse Rabbiile by lug in News Jidka u dhexeeya Dila iyo Borama ee Muuse Rabbiile Good ayaa waxa lagu soo warramayaa inuu meel fiican marayo, hawshiisuna si xowli ah u socoto masaafadda dhimanna waxa la sheegay inay tahay 10 KM. Laga bilaabo magaalada Borama ilaa tuulada Gorayo-cawl waxa gacanta ku haysa hay`adda jidadka Awdal iyo Salal ( ASARDA ) oo gacan ka halaysa dadwaynaha reer Awdal, Salal iyo Gabilay meel kasta oo ay joogaanba, halka ay haya`dda jidadKa Somali Land (SRA) oo ka wakiil ah xukuumadda S/Land -na dhinaceeda ka soo bilowday magaaalada Dila soona gaadhsiisay tuulada Tulli Cagaagan, halkaana waxaa ku eg 4tii KM ee u horraysay ee ay ballan qaadday xukuumaddu, inkasta oo ay ku darayso 4 KM oo kale sida ay wararku sheegayaan. 6 KM ee hadhsanna waxa la filayaa inay shacabka reer Awdal, Salal iyo Gabilay dhamaystiri doonaan. Sida laga warqabo, jidkan waxa dhowr maalmood ka hor soo baxayay warar laga soo xiganayay xubno muhiim ah oo ka mid ah haya`dda ASARDA oo sheegaya in jidku marka uu dhamaado loogu magacdari doono marxuum Muuse Rabbiile Good, iyada oo ay tallabaadaasi dad fara badani aad u soo dhaweeyeen. Taariikh ahaan, General Muuse Rabbiile Good waxa uu ku dhashay magaalada Borama sannadkii 1938,Waxanu wax ku soo bartay dalka Sudan oo uu shahaadada heer jaamacadeed ka qaatay, kadibna waxa uu macallin ka noqday dugsigii sare ee Camuud ee magaaalada Borama. General Muuse Rabbiile Good waxa uu ahaa ninkii ugu horreeyay Somaali ahaan ee lagu dhawaaqay inuu ku guulaystay doorashadii golihii barlamanka ummadda Soomaaliyeed sannadkii 1960 kii. Xildhibaan Muuse Rabbiile sannadkii 1961 kii waxa uu u baxay socdaal aqoon korodhsi ah, waxanu arday ka noqday kulliyadda ciidanka ee Sanhurts ee ku taalla magaalada London ee dalka Britain. Sannadkii 1969 kiina waxa uu ka mid ahaa jannanadii ugu waawaynaa ee hirgeliyay tawraddii Soomaaliyeed, iyada oo uu habeenkii afgenbiga 20 kii October General Muuse gacantiisa ku dejiyay qorshihii ammaan ee magaalada Muqdisho lagula wareegay, islamarkaana uu hoggaaminayay ciidamadii taangiyada ee habka nabdoon ku qabsaday Xamar. General Muuse Rabbiile Good, laga bilaabo dhalashadii tawradii Somaliya illaa burburkii maamulkii dhexe waxa uu soo qabtay wasaarado ay ka midyihiin, wasaaradda Caafimaadka, beeraha iyo xannaanada xoolaha, gaadiidka cirka iyo dhulka , waxayna reer Awdal si gaar ah ugu xasuustaan inuu isagu hirgeliayay gobolnimada Awdal iyo degmooyinka gobolkaasiba. Sannadkii 2001,ayuu General Muuse Rabbiile Good ku geeriyooday dalka Maraykanka.
  7. ^^ Yeah he is incompetent what exactly did he achieve since he was the Prime Minister?
  8. Ra’iisul wasaaraha oo dib ugu soo laabtay Muqdisho Muqdisho: (Sh. M. Network) Ra’iisul wasaaraha Xukuumadda KMG Soomaaliya oo maanta dib ugu soo laabtay magaalada Muqdisho ayaa faah faahin ka bixiyay booqashadii uu ku tagay deegaano ka mid ah Maamulka Puntland. Galinkii danbe ee manta ayaa Ra’iisul wasaaraha xukuumadda KMG Soomaaliya iyo wafdi uu hogaaminayay waxa ay ka soo dageen garoonka diyaaradaha magaalada Muqdisho, iyagoo kasoo anbabaxay magaalada Boosaaso ee xarunta gobolka Bari Ra’iisul wasaaraha ayaa waxaa garoonka ku soo dhaweeyay qaar ka mid ah Golihiisa wasiirada oo uu ka mid yahay wasiirka Warfaafinta xukuumadda soomaaliya, iyadoo C/wali uu faah faahin ka bixiyay kormeer uu ku tagay qaar ka mid ah deegaanadii uu booqashada ku tagay ee Maamulka Puntland. Cabdi Wali Max’ed Cali ayaa waxa uu sheegay in uu booqasho ku tagay magaalooyin ay ka mid yihiin Qardho iyo Boosaaso, isagoo tilmaamay in ay ka jirto nabad galyo la isku haleen karo oo in lagu daydo mudan. Ra’iisul wasaare C/wali Max’ed Cali ayaa waxa uu dhinaca kale sheegay in go’aanadii kasoo baxay shirkii wada tashiga ee ku soo idlaaday magaalada Garoowe ay yihiin kuwo dhaxal gal ah sida uu sheegay. Ra’iiul wasaaraha Xukuumadda KMG Soomaaliya ayaa waxa uu ka mid ahaa Mas’uuliyiintii ka socotay dowladda ee ka qaybgalay Shirkii wadatashiga ee ka dhacay magaalada Garoowe, iyadoo Ra’iisul wasaaraha in dhawaan ah booqasho iyo kormeer uu ku tagaayay xarumo muhiim ah oo ku yaalla magaalooyinka qaar oo uu ka arimiyo maamul goboleedka Puntland
  9. Happy new year all of you have a nice new year
  10. The first existential test for New Kenya will come, not from the Rift Valley and its addiction to bloodletting, but from the Coast and its fondness for secession. How the Coast issue is navigated over the next couple of years will determine whether Kenya marches forward as the serious country it has the potential to be, or slides into a smoking network of warring Bantustans. The Coast has a history slightly more complicated than the rest of the country. The 10-mile strip was property of the Sultan of Zanzibar until 1895 when it became a British protectorate, administered on behalf of the Sultan. In 1963, sovereignty for the strip was transferred to Kenya under a memorandum of understanding signed by the Sultan and Jomo Kenyatta. There were conditions attached to that transfer, chief among them respect for religion and land titles. Secessionists claim that under the memorandum, the Coast was granted the right to vote in a referendum whether it wished to remain a part of Kenya, or go its own way in 2013. I have seen some of the components of that memorandum, but no reference to a referendum. The Mombasa Republican Council has emerged as the container of the grievances of the Coast and a movement to challenge the existence of Kenya. The group, which is illegal, argues that Pwani si Kenya and has been recruiting extensively across the province and fanning the flames for the creation of an independent coastal nation, along the lines of Southern Sudan, Eritrea and Somaliland. To justify its rather drastic proposal, I think there has been an argument that the Coast was never actually properly a part of Kenya. Which is total nonsense, of course, and is the kind of argument which can be made by almost any scrap of Africa, thrown together by colonialists during the scramble. I think it is more accurate to say that there have always been centrifugal forces, notably among the traditional slave-keeping overlord classes who in old times owned and traded in the Miji Kenda. But today, it is among the Miji Kenda that the protest voices are loudest. While I will never advocate the dismembering of Kenya, the grievances of the MRC and other pseudo-secessionists are real: the poorest counties are at the Coast. Then there is the land conundrum. This started with the British at the turn of the last century. The Land Title Ordinance of 1908 declared all land which was not under cultivation to be Crown property. Another 1915 law stripped Africans of land ownership, turning them into tenants of the State. After independence, the dispossession of locals continued. Today, there probably isn’t a one-eyed ***** who served in the top echelons of the Kenyatta and Moi governments and does not have endless acres of first-row beach property. In settlement schemes in Kwale, Kilifi and Lamu, upcountry people probably got more land than the locals. There are some families in this country with title to 80,000 hectares. In my travels at the coast, I have on numerous occasions, been offered land. Usually, it would be their sole property, their only means of sustenance. They have huge tracts of “clan land” elsewhere, I would be told. They get very little from the land and they are selling it to go start a business, they say. I have on every occasion politely declined because I know there is no clan land and many who sell their land do not start any businesses. They squander the proceeds on good living, and then build shacks on roadsides. Families in Coast are very poor, but unlike in other poor communities, many Coast children do not go to school. This means that the current hopelessness will continue into the future. I think Coast has a serious leadership deficit. Because of that, the problems of the region will not be resolved, even if Seyyid Said is resurrected and given a new crown. I also know that the suffering at the Coast is caused and compounded by the kleptocracy and mismanagement of the State by the maggot elite both regionally and nationally. I also suspect that parts of that elite may be fanning the fires of secession. Devolution was intended to bring hope and development to marginal communities. However, it will take very good leadership — the sort we don’t seem to have — to sort this one out.
  11. Takeexow abti wa hadi ay joojiyaan ishortaaga rabitaanka shacabka
  12. HARGEISA(Somalilandpress)–The Committee for registration of new political parties and Licensing had official announced today that Fifteen newly established political organizations qualified for the second stage of contesting the forthcoming Local Council elections that are expected to be held in April 2012. The committee members made it clear that the registration process for new political parties has expired as of today. The committee made clear that these fifteen political organizations have fully fulfilled the conditions and criteria set for them in order to contest for local elections. The registration Committee further announced the above listed newly registered political organizations will be granted temporary Certificates allowing them to contest ‘’’Local Council elections which are due to take place in the country early in 2012. 1-WADANI 2-DALSAN 3-UDHIS 4-NASIYE 5-NDP 6-UMADA 7-GURMAD 8-JAMHUURI 9-DAMAL 10-BADBAADO 11-HORYAAL 12-RAYS 13-SSC 14-XAQSOOR 15-NUUR
  13. War Deg Deg ah -16 Kamida Ganacsatada Kasoo Jeeda SSC Ee Ku dhaqan Magaalada Boosaaso Oo Maanta Xabsi Lagu Daabulay! Wararka naga soo gaadhaya magaalada Boosaaso Ee xarunta Gobolka Bari ayaa waxay ay sheegayaan in maanta halkaasi si bini aadanimada ka baxsan loogula dhaqmay qaar kamida ganacasatada kasoo jeeda deegaana SSC kuwaasi halkaasi ka ganacsanayey. Ciidamada Maamulka faroole ayaa waxaa lasheegayaa inay iska soo qabqabsadeen 16 kamida Ganacsatada ugu caansan ee kasoo jeeda deegaanada Ssc ku waas oo aysan wax lagu soo eedeeyay aysan jirin Waa maalmahanba iska soo daba dhacayey falalka isugu jira Xayiraada iyo Xabsiyaynta ay kula kacayaan Ciidamada Maamulka faroole Kuwaas oo si wayn uga soo horjeeda shir waynaha Khaatumo2. Hadaba arinkan ayaa waxa uu ka gedisan kuwii ay horay ugu kacayeen Maleeshiyaadka Faroole kuwaas oo ay ku xidhayeen qurbajoogta kasoo jeeda deegaanada Sool Sanaag Iyo Cayn ee kusoo wajahan magaalada taleex Si ay qayb laxaadleh uga qaataan Shirka Khaatumo2. Qaarkamida ganacsatada maanta xadhiga cadaalad darada ah loogu gaystay magaalada Boosaaso ayaa sheegay inay ” Layaabanyihiin sababta loo soo xidhay maadaama ay ku guda jireen howshoodii Ganacsi – iyagoo sheegay inaysan gaysan wax Danbi ah ” Warar hoose oo anu halkaasi ka helayno ayaa waxay sheegayaan inuu maamulka faroole ka Gadoodsanyahay shirwaynaha Khaatumo2, dadkan ganacsatada ahna ay u xidhayaan inaysan soo dhawayn Cidii kasoo degta Garoonka Magaalada Boosaaso ee ku wajahan magaalada Taleex.
  14. Why would Somalilands government oppose a clan conference the Sl government made it clear every one wa u banaanyihin inay shiran including the Garaad Clan.
  15. Abtigis bahasha gaadh bu ka haya qalin iyo buug bu siita waxa isku hirdan lol Abtigis is your data up to date horta Mark Gordon Na goormu naag Somali ah qabay manu ahayn gaalka filimada sameya. What about the Habesha Girls are they Eritreans or Amhaaras afars or oromos or tegerus or Agaws kuwa cadaanka guursada mise way wada guursadan oo ma kala hadhan. So Ethio woman go with White guys to have lighter babies interesting.
  16. Horta Abtigis markastaba meel cidhidhi bu isku dhex tuura lol Abtigis from what clan are the girls who marry black men since you know waxa is pipbgereya.
  17. Thankful stop playing games we don't know who was behind the attacks you accuse Alshabaab they can be pirates or tribal Gangs who knows?? The karkaar tribal wars were a plague for the Bari governor many lives were lost because of those silly Clan wars.Its solved for now but Clan tensions are high in the Garowe Clan Administration and that's a fact so the editor of Somalilandpress told the truth.
  18. Waar waa anigi uun eeh sida wax u jiraan uun baan sheegey war maxa mashruuc ah waxba halkaa ii dhaaafay eh
  19. This is good news the Ethiopians finally want to talk I heard this last week that there was going to be talks between onlf and the Ethiopian govt. But one thing is for sure TPLf cannot be trusted they are up to something.Somalis in the region would 100 percent vote for independence if given the chance.But I do not think the ethiopians really want to talk about secession issues.let's just wait and see how the talks go inshallah kheyr.
  20. Sax taleexi wa runta waxba ka badali mayso mana joojin karto shirka inshallah waxaynu rajeyneyna inu noqdo shir kheyr ku so dhamaada oo afgaradbuuxa la isla gaadho. Wana qalad nin safraya oo shir toleed u socda in lugu saqajaamo waxan ba maqlayey warar sheegeya in laa siidaayey ninki marka inshallah guul khaatumo two.