Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. carafaadoow calanka halkeed geyn dee
  2. Puntlanders oppose hiilqaran for one reason only the samatar brothers are against clan federalism. Xiin will never openly support hiil qaran eventhough he says he wants to see a better somalia in the future.
  3. But the system never changes but the so called leaders do
  4. Professor Cali khaliif galaydh walahi wa aftahan gartisa wa naqsaday wa u sarbeebey hadalka wa usi duurxulay hadalkisa wa qodobeyey wedhisa na wa dhiibtay wana goodiiyey amazing leader dadkisana wa la taliyey spoken like a true leader.
  5. Somalina;770786 wrote: Awoowe, xaad u aflagaadeeyhee abtiyaashey? xaase kasoo jirisey mahaan? ethnic lander baad tahayee, sida Aliyah kuu sheegto marwalba 3deeda tuulo ku ekoow. Djiboutian halkan iney soo galaan nooma sheegaan magaalooyinkeena cida leh ma garatey. Sii soco awoowe adigoon lagu sagootinin baan ku i r i. Laakiin, Carafaat iyo Jamac yare waa ka hadli karaan meehaan. kkkkkk Sida loo doodo xataa makaseysid ee nagu kala wad. Spot on Showqi. Awooowo Abtiyada aad baan u jecelahay wa niman madal ay joogan kugu marti soorayaa, Mayaa Awoow anigu waxan ahay Xaaji Somaliyeed gees ka gees waad igu arki doonta xaafaad yar ha igu so koobin. Carafaat manad dhegeysan wuxu yidha we need short term division to have a better and stronger unity in the future carafaat aniga soo tababaray wali cashar ba u socda.. Somalina maagaalada xamar wa meeshi xita sacabka looga tumayey marki ay istiqlaalka qadaanaayeen reer jabuuuti marka dadku wa isku xiidhanyihin, Marka dadku ma dadku sida aad moodaysid maha maantana wakuwa abaal guday Madaxweynaha sharafte leh jabuuti waka xamar ka degey waka ciidamo u diiray eesh cala. Anigu Xamarti hore wax badan iga weydi xamartan danbe xita xogaha wax waan ka ogsoonahay inkastow aan ba ku noqon 20KI sanadood eeg igu dambeyey laakin idinki ilahay xaaji muuse suudi inan mar la shaheyo hadu alle idmo waan rajeynaya. i will send u a picture awoowo lol.
  6. That's the place i wanna retire inshallah marrying my self a cute young Reer Marka Girl probably the daughter of a mullah from the city in my late years intan tusbax weyn qaato safka hore masajidka gadkkana caseysto.
  7. ^^ They were ethnic Somalilanders from Djibouti by the way the projects started from Djibouti it's self.
  8. Ethiopia enters Somalia, but avoids African Union joint operation Unlike Uganda, Burundi, Kenya and Djibouti, which have sent thousands of troops under the African Union banner, Ethiopia is intervening in Somalia unilaterally, and wont' stay for long. By William Davison, Correspondent / January 6, 2012 ADDIS ABABA, ETHIOPIA After weeks of denials, the Ethiopian government has used the advent of the new year to officially acknowledge it had rejoined the battle against militants in neighboring Somalia. 01.06.12 Ethiopia enters Somalia, but avoids African Union joint operation Ethiopian Politics African Politics War and Conflict Terrorism "Together with Transitional Federal Government forces the town of Beledwyne has been liberated from al-Shabaab," Communications Minister Bereket Simon said on Jan. 3. The arrival of Ethiopian troops from the west – who officially left in 2009 after deposing the Islamic Courts in a 2.5 year campaign – buttresses the efforts of Ugandan, Burundian, Djiboutian and Kenyan forces, all now fighting under the banner of the African Union. RELATED: What is Al Shabab? Unlike the Kenyans, who initially independently entered southern Somalia in October, Bereket says Ethiopia has no intention of becoming part of the African Union operation – and so receiving funds for their efforts from the European Union and others. This self-reliant stance backs up official statements it has no intention of staying for long. Ethiopian troops first crossed the border again in the middle of November, according to The New York Times. As the government denied the claims of multiple eye-witnesses, the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development – a group of seven East African nations chaired currently by Ethiopia's leader Meles Zenawi – requested support from Ethiopian forces at a meeting a few days later. The subsequent coyness about the operation is due to not wanting to hand Islamist extremists Al Shabab a propaganda coup about an invading Christian army, sources close to the Ethiopian government say. Although the diverse country of 82.9 million contains 25 million Muslims, Ethiopia has a long-standing connection to Orthodox Christianity and Christians comprise 62 percent of the population, according to a 2008 census. While ethnic Somali rebels sporadically attack in Ethiopia's ****** region, which Somalia attempted to annex in an unsuccessful 1977 invasion, it does not fear a resurgent neighbour. "Ethiopia is not worried about a strong Somalia for many years," says an adviser to the Ethiopian government, privately. Instead, the incursion – which is described as closer to a continuation of cross-border raiding than a repeat of 2006 – is a result of Ethiopia's desire to fulfil its role as regional powerhouse and exploit a unique opportunity to dispose of Al Shabab. Even if the Al Qaeda-linked rebels are diffused, cutting off funds by controlling the likes of Kismayo port while attacking on multiple fronts could lead to demoralization, defections, and moves toward negotiations by moderate factions, it is believed. As with the June deployment of Ethiopian peacekeepers in the flashpoint Sudanese region of Abyei, such action helps Ethiopia maintain its tight relations with influential Western allies. Although there is little reason for optimism, the eventual onset of peace in Somalia would give land-locked Ethiopia the stable neighbour it desires, and access to its ports.
  9. the goldogob community only have 4 seats in the puntland parliament.
  10. Dude who talked about you're puntland why do you always inject nonsense into topics please do not post you're Bosaaso buildings in this topic wabaan ku sii sheegey. Adeer the project is in full gear the security of the nation is protected by the Somaliland security forces one of the most capable armed forces in the horn of africa. Do not worry about the security of our nation.People in Somaliland do not slaughter each other in mosques people in Somaliland protest in peace when ever they like and that's something we always welcome.And every one can eat from the same pie its something we welcome more development about this project in the next coming weeks inshallah.
  11. You can't please every one lots of locals got the jobs but obviously not every one is going to be happy the project is in full gear well done Somaliland government and the somcable Ceo Mr Muhammad aw siciid.
  12. Xadhiga Isgaadhsiinta Cable-ka Oo Maraya Badhtamaha Lowyacado Iyo Tokhoshi Oo Maanta Ay Hakad Galiyeen Dad Shaqada Doon Ah Oo Weerar Khasaare Keenay Ku Qaaday Hawl-wadeenadiisa Oo Reer Jabuuti Ah. Lowyacado (Ramaas) Jan 5,2012 – Xadhiga isgaadhsiinta casriga ah ee CABLE-ka ee shirkadda SOMCABLE dhulka hoostiisa soo marinayso oo maraya inta u dhaxaysa Magaalooyinka Lowyacado Iyo tokhoshi ee gobolka Salal ayaa maanta istaagay ka dib markii dad kor u dhaafaya 80 qof ay weerar ku qaadeen shaqaalaha qodaya dhulka xadhiga isgaadhsiinta la soo marinayo. Dadkan weerarka hawsha hakiyey ku qaaday shaqaalaha dhulka hoostiisa soo marinaya xadhiga isgaadhsiinta Cable-ka oo dhammaantood ah dadka deegaankaasi ayaa la sheegay inay hore u codsadeen in lagu daro shaqadaasi si ay dhul qodida uga qayb-qaataan, balse markii loo sheegay inaan lagu darayn ay maanta galinkii hore rabshad balaadhan ay halkasi ka geysteen, iyagga oo muraayadaha ka jajabiyey gaadiid badan oo shirkada iyo shaqaaluhu lahaayeen oo joogay halka qodida dhulku marayso. Raggan weerarka rabshada ah sameeyay oo la sheegay inay ka cadhoodeen shaqaale 40 qof gaadhaya oo guud ahaantood xadhiga Cable-ka ka soo raacay Djabuuti ayaa iyaga qaar ka mid ah soo gaadhay dhaawacyo kala duwan, ka dib markii shaqaalihii kale ay gacmaha isula tageen isla-markaana qaarkood lagu eryaday baabuurtii ay khasaaraha gaadhsiiyeen. Raggan rabshadoodu hakisay hawsha shirkada SOMCABLE xadhiga Cable-ka dhulka hoostiisa ku soo marinayso ayaa markii dambe 28 ka mid ah waxa xidhay ciidamo boolis ah oo halkaasi gaadhay, iyadda oo xitaa kuwii dhaawacyadu gaadheen ay boolisku u dhaadhiciyeen saldhig ku yaala Magaaladda Saylac. Wariyaha Ramaas ee gobolka Salal oo arintan la socday ayaa sheegay in toban maalmood ka hor dadkan rabshada sameeyay ay codsigooda u gudbiyeen madaxa hawsha qodida dhulka ee gobolka Salal ee shirkadda Somcable oo magaciisu yahay Siciid Cindi, balse uu ku qancin kari waayey in shirkadu shaqaale qaadatay, taasina ay sababtay rabshadan hakadka galisay hawshii qodida dhulka xadhiga la soo marinayo. Qodida dhulka xadhiga la soo marinayo ayaa ee ka socota halka rabshadu ka dhacday ayaa waxa wada shaqaale afartan qof gaadhaya oo reer Djabuuti ah iyo Cagaf ay u adeegsanayaan qodida
  13. Somaliland Minister briefing the people of dila he does that , that's his job Awdalites are the founding fathers of the republic and Hargeysa is the capital of the nation wa laba mataanood marnaba kala marmayn.
  14. Mashallah Xamar looks nice keep the pics coming Awoowo 2012 the year of Mogadisho idinki ilahay.
  15. ^^ There was no puntland in 1991 Dr osman puntland was created in 1998 ha qasbin adeer lama qasbe eh
  16. Cuqaal talisa Boqor caaddila iyo culimo miisaan leh. Ilaahi Carshiga Nuuriyoow kaaga caban mayno. Caddaankaanu wada loollanaa madaw cisaynmayno Al Xaag Xassan tarabi dhaqanku ma guuro. Somaliland traditional culture is the way forward in the horn of Africa.
  17. ^^^ They are the largest Ethnic group in af Somali they are laandheero they can turn Ethiopia into a Muslim nation and remove the midget from his seat in Addis Ababa laakin wadna diiday qofku marku isku kalsoonayn oo anu awoodisa ku kalsoonayn wa dhibaato. Sida arinta lo xaliyo na way adagtahay.
  18. ^^ Doesn't faroole's clan enclave already recognize sool and sanaag as part and parcel of Somaliland, so whats the difference between him and mr faroole?
  19. Rayale intervenes to avert UDUB’s Demise Hargeisa, January 4, 2012 - The exploding UDUB party leadership wrangles have been put on hold. The wrangles which have threatened to tear the party apart came after Mr. Jamal Ali Hussein was declared party’s presidential candidate and leader during a disputed executive committee meeting which was convened secretly by Ahmed Yusuf Yasin the party’s deputy leader and former vice president of Somaliland in the Rayale administration. Former President Dahir Rayale Kahin has been living in France since he handed power to current president Silanyo after losing heavily in the mid 2009 presidential elections in Somaliland. Ahmed Yusuf who was Rayale’s Deputy the presidency and party leadership has been acting party leader and is accused of masterminding the illegal nomination of Jamal A Hussein as the main opposition party’s leadership. The former VP is said to have supervised the near destruction of the oldest political party in Somaliland by favouring Jamal Ali who is from his Isse Muse Clan. Following the hasty committee meeting which made the nomination, Mr. Ali Waranade an aspiring candidate and veteran politician threatened to tear the party apart if the nomination was not revoked and proper party procedures followed. The white haired former Aviation minister is supported by party heavyweights thus the fear of party fragmentation if the situation is not saved. The Waranade threat has been taken seriously, prompting the france based Rayale to revoke Jamal’s nomination until after local government elections which are planned for mid this year. Dahir Rayale who spoke on the phone to chief editor Mohamed Rambo said that his instructions to the acting leader were to conduct the nomination in a transparent and democratic manner. He asked the various factions that have emerged to hold their horses until after the forthcoming council elections before they jump the boat. Rayale promised to return to the country as soon as possible to ensure that power transfer is undertaken honourably.
  20. Xaaji Xunjuf


    How exactly are they going to rejoin Puntland ?
  21. Kan taleex.net qora waba mid xanuunsanaya war garaadada shirka ducadisa bay leeyihin malaha agendada shirka ergooyin iyo gudooyin ba loo xil saaray. Shirku meel wanaagsan bu maraya runti war shirka beel ba ku tashanaya beesha taladooda halo dayo, maanta wedjigiisa koobaad ba lagalay wedjigisa labaad beritoole loo gali doona inshallah.