Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. That’s nonsense no one can cleanse any one that’s just crazy talk from either side . Somalilanders grudge is just much deeper what they have endured no one endured in the history of the Somalis . How ever they have learned their lessons licked their wounds moved on
  2. In their own country we were never one country we. We’re people who United with foreign people and got screwd and now . We are on our own. Which is the best thing
  3. Thé nabadids haven’t felt the wrath of the sl army yet but the big karbaash is coming ha sugi wayina
  4. And u are generalising somalilanders yes we are hashemites and u are African people. There is a distinction between us and u that’s why we can’t share a country diiintuba somaliland ba idinka timid Islam reached in the 7th century when the prophet was alive and when did Islam reach u in the 11th century Marka yaa diin u dhow
  5. Why not u want. Somaliland to share a country with Mogadishu and we know what somalia has done with somaliland through out the 1980s and more then 150 people Died in somaliland back then . So because of war which erupted isn’t a case why it can’t share governing system with somaliland
  6. Galbeedi leaders in somaliland come and go but the somaliland republic remains and that is sacrosanct. No Ethiopian or Kenyan can change that and president biixi never agreed to abiye to unite with the koonfurians that’s absurd . Have u not seen the talks in 2020 in jabuuti hosted by the old man geele. One thing ur right the ssc state is a non starter for every one not in somaliland Ethiopia or puntland are interested in it . Though the hand of the Ethiopians is there but what makes u think people will listen to them what makes u think the Gãrââd and their terrorist allies would honer anything the Ethiopians say or demand
  7. So and where does this state operate on the internet
  8. Not really all bounderies in africa are made by the colonialists somaliland is no different then botwasana border or the Kenyan Tanzanian border or the French Italian border Eritrea Djibouti border . Your clan thinks one border is better then the other u think ur ancestor made ur current border with kenya or Ethiopia
  9. Galaaadan manay ahayn kuwan Aad dhex degentihid oo caydha ku siiya maaay ahayn kuwa Aad international community uggu yeedhid when ever. Lugu yaro karbaasho naga so gaadhay walana dilay eh
  10. Dowladu halkay ka jirta ma guriga Garaad jamac
  11. Tell that ur grandpa Gãrââd Mahamoud ali Shire who was a well known boot licker of the British for a very long time . He even received a medal for his services to bad the brits humiliated him and send him to seyshellss to rot eventually released on old age. After haka laga yeedhsiiyey
  12. Che do u agree that. Hassan sheikh should send his troops to laascaanood and somaliland to defend the so called union. And if so u believe this do u think this will not create an open confrontation with the somaliland defense forces. And another war that will never end for decades to come. And if let’s say the Gãrââd clan who oppose somaliland Independence which is fine on his part . Isn’t it a bit unfair to say that he wants to drag the entire somaliland to be under the bunker. Ileen xal maha hadu odhan laha aniga dhulkayaga Somalia ayaan ku darsanaya and somaliland can do what it wants with its land wax la qadaan Kare bay ahaan lahayd . Laakin waxan kugu daraya xamar now that goes a bit far
  13. I can live with that. Good answer
  14. We’re these members given the positions because they were a clan or because they had high merits cumar carte was distinguished diplomat spoke five languages. Professor Ibrahim’s meygaag was a professor diplomat freedom fighter . Siilaanyo was a technocrat intelligent a head of his time . These gentlemen meeshaa kumay Inman baryo iyo wax isi sin but because they were the best man for the job. Xita kumay caasiyin kibrin ileen afweyne qarankuw mu lahayn eeh Dadku ka dhexeye. Dhaxal reer mu qeybinayn wax reerkisu leeyahay mu qeybinayn jaggooyin Somali ka dhexeye uun bay ahayd and these guys were the best guys for the job
  15. Is there a law that forbids a daughter of the president becoming a minister trumps daughter was also an adviser afweyne had his cousins as foreign minister his son as a general . Non of u above critized afweyne for it.but when hassan does it it’s wrong that’s what we call hypocracy
  16. Bugland is sending mercenaries and the sl govt is fighting terrorists that’s why the war will continue until they are completely annihilated and defeated todsy they have lost over 25 people and somaliland lost only two soldiers
  17. Somaliland is winning the war as we speak the Garaads and their terrorist sympathiser are lost and don’t know what to do
  18. This is the best art of politics the good cop the bad cop u got to love ina xirsi qani war bahashi wu bartay
  19. Somaliland military has this morning captured over 22 terrorist as Maxaabis that is the latest. Things are moving forward really and yes the president is holding down and doesn’t want the city to be destroyed thst is why he is holding back
  20. Che now listens to the most bitter anti somaliland people on social media . Ileen that is how u entertain ur self what does 36 stand for i understand the g
  21. Nobody is going to listen. Muse was elected to protect the nations and he is doing that as we speak )hunting down the terrorists
  22. What sovereignty does Somalia have over somaliland according to its people and referendum what ever unity created in 1960 is null of void . By the way the bunker president can try. He can’t even liberate jubbade dhexe and parts of galguduud let him try we want it . It will only create international awareness for our cause we want him to attack us. Ilaahoow run nooga dhig we have defeated afweyne with a much smaller rebel movement. And. Now that we are a nation the small bunker entity is no match for us so who does have mandate over ssc puntland or what ur bunker haha
  23. ur wrong cali sandule never left or flipflopped. The jamac siyaad hardly flipflop. It was xaabsade who went from somaliland to puntland and then from puntland to somaliland and then Lafertin back to puntland Cali sandule waligi somaliland kama tegin alla ha u naxaristo eh