Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Somalidu waxay u bahanyihin madax cadalaad wada oo dadka oo dhan ku qanacanyihin not just a section of the population.
  2. There were more than 50 african head of states in Ethiopia and zack expects prime minister zanawi to all welcome them at the airport caqli ma jiro
  3. Qaranki;782640 wrote: ^Oo Maakhiir maxaa ku dhacay Khaatuma khatumeysey maakhiir
  4. oo taleexi ma waxa lugugu yidhi hargeysa waxa jooga oo kaliya XX iyo oodweyne dadkay ilmadeerka yihin. Amabaad idinku ilmadeer tihin.
  5. Dr osman these guys you posted don't look like they are able to develop any thing look at them man
  6. The biggest nonsencial argument coming from Mr Xiinfanin let me put it this way when the pirates were defeated by the Somaliland armed forces what did exactly happen a local clan jabhad was established how did that end how was that exactly embraced in Garowe? Skimirish between the Somaliland armed forces and a local Militia will never escalate mark my words on that it will never happen it will here and there go lose a bit.But knowing the political culture in Somaliland and its different communities and knowing that one clan in one region cannot share a single administration nor with his kin it will be a devastating containment in the long term. And here is where the Somaliland government will play its fine Politics the same way how the former ssc rebels were incorporated into the Somaliland Political system. But the biggest losers will be the pirates as a subclan state is turning into a sub subclan state the garaad clan did set the pace for others to follow a clear genuine example for raas caseer and west Pl states that every thing is divisible into smaller clan fiefdoms in the former garowe Clan enclave indeed time is ticking Xiinfaniin
  7. What the hell reer Buuhoodle are being oppressed by reer awdal war nagada niyo beenta. Wax dulmi ah ma jirto dadku iyo dalku wa cadaalaad
  8. xiinfaniin;782579 wrote: Somaliland is not a country , it will not disintegrate. However, those who believe the separatist ideology will see their border shrink to the areas encompassing the three Mother triangle and that is not bad , it will be a true reflection of the future political landscape , communities will have local administrations. Thats what you wish that Somaliland resembles Somalia but this is not the case , you want more clan states in the already failed Somalia weak and more weak federal states and semi autonomous regions all based Clan and later into sub clans.Just like in the Garowe Clan enclave first it was Puntland state than it was raas caseer state than it was west puntland state.The future indeed looks bright there in the pirate enclave. The pirates want to turn Somalia into a broken puzzle. Everything must and look like you're clan state the smaller the fiefdoms the better somaha Xiinfaniin:D
  9. Somalia;782573 wrote: The poet? Show me, funny little anecdote, ironic given the history you had before the Sayid showed you the light of Islam. So in reality, you are saying that the poet from the British loving clan made the term to diss the people fighting for their freedom? ( ) Wow No the poet was actually related to the Mullah on his Maternal side he called him all kind of names, Islam and the Mullah you do know the so called Sayid was disowned by his own Religious teacher Muhammad bin salih.I don't think he was able teaching any one the fine principles of our beloved religion Islam.. Inaan Bile tagoogada ka xidhay, tebiya oo geeya Inuu xaarka taallada ka dhigay, tebiya oo geeya Inaad gaalo taag daran tihiin, tebiya oo geeya Labamaare inuu tiirsan yahay, tebiya oo geeya Shanle-dheere inuusan wax tarin, tebiya oo geeya Cabdiraxiin inuusan tol helin, tebiya oo geeya Daraawiishi inaysan tureyn, tebiya oo geeya In Ustaadku tiir-dhaadan yahay, tebiya oo geeya Somalia he called you're king Osman a weak infidel ?
  10. Somalia;782565 wrote: See, you are proving my point. "Mad Mullah", a word invented by the British to delegitimize his cause. It's just goes to show my previous point regarding cuqdad against the other clans who fought for the independence of Somaliland. It was the Daraawish, where were you? I always see the secessionists talking about the Somaliland Camel Corps as if it's something you wear as a badge of honour. This is your history. Wadaadki waalna was coined by Mr Ali dhuux adan gorayo Ashaaday ba gaalki waka af iyo been dhe Abtirsiintadu waxay gasha eyda reer xamar eh
  11. Oodweyne;782557 wrote: Taleexi , No, Abti , it's the habit of those who were brought up under the Kacaanka, who simply couldn't imagine that history may not been what was been told to them. Hence, my argument, is to say, you may think, that Sadidka was fighting for a particular cuase (as Afweyne's regime had it); but, in all honesty, his was far more complicated than that seemles narrative that many of you were breast-fed on it (or at any rate some of the "ciyaalka kacaanka", in which we have them in here of SOL, were so seductively reared with, indeed). And, therefore, are forever regurgitating to us in here, indeed... :D Neo fqashism was exposed so many times through out the history the *******ization of the Somali history was deliberately done by the Likes of Aw Jamac Ciise hayaag and his buddy idajaa. They can write as much nonsense as they like history is written by the winners:D
  12. He is raising some good points here though Unionist idealogy: some learned individuals disguising themselves as Northern unionists employ a counterproductive strategy based on tribalism for unionism. Through lack of genuine nationalism coupled with clannish sense of purpose, they horribly upload their writings with hateful overtones labeling a certain clan in the North as troublesome secessionists as though they were less Somali than others. These articles appearing frequently on Somali websites are not only characterized by myopic views but they truly reflect paranoiac attitudes towards others as well. Given the potential lurking dangers in the dark, employing a strategy splitting up Somaliland into clannish cantons as a vehicle for re-establishing unity of Somalia has a lot of contradictions in itself and manifests ideological and political bankruptcy which cannot be an option for any true unionist. Historically, tribalism proved a very dividing and devastating factor in the social and political relations among Somalis. The unfortunate collapse of Somali government is widely attributed to tribalism and therfore it cannot be used as a medium for resurrecting the unity of Somalia from rubbles under any circumstances Frankly speaking, neither Awdal State nor Khatumo or others already declared in the South can lead us to reestablishment of a strong Somali government, but we will end up in creating another epoch of total anarchy, bloody inter-clan hostilities, disunity, devastation and human suffering in the modern Somali history
  13. Taleexi;782551 wrote: Indhaha fur. Even that one clan state - arkaanta Islaamka oo kale ma aha ... ee way sii kala gogo'i karaan. See wax kuugu sheegaa. Wax kala go' go aya uun baad ka sheekeysa waxanad tidhaha hadh iyo habeen midniman raba mid dooro dee abti sidani wa khal khal eh
  14. I thought Somaliland was a one clan state how can it disintegrate into tribal fiefdoms:D What a confused bunch
  15. The Dervishes were a group as the modern Alshaabist they used to identify them selves as Xarakata Darawiish Saalxiya it was not a clan or a group. The Sultan there you posted was described by the Mad Mullah as the Dulihi shareerna he was later locked up in Seychelles by the brits.
  16. 'Liibaan';782477 wrote: Xaji X, you are radical clan secessionist, and your snm/Somalidiid-land is clan-Jabhad. thousands of your clan leaders and clan soldiers were working for Government of Somalia and Somali National Army during 1980s, and today there is so many from your clan who work for TFG Government. Most of the current leaders of snm/Somaliland Clan Enclave like warrencade, Gaboose,Riyaale, Cigaal, Cirro, Waraabe (the infamous informer), etc, all of them were working for Somali Government in the period between 1980-1991. Xaji X as clan-secessionist you want to divide your country Somalia along fake clan and colonial lines. you want your own snm/Somalidiid clan-state, your own snm/somalidiid clan flag, your own snm/somalidiid clan militia. Liibaan where does the Somalia border ends according to you that's a question i want to ask you second Yes there are individuals who worked for the former Somali government but what is the point the government is no longer there. What do you want me to say they should be killed or something come on son. The TFG officials cannot visit their homeland they have allied them selves with the other group and they left Somaliland for good. Again i don't see you're point, My point is you try to portray the Somaliland army as a one clan army at the same time 100s of you're clan daily defect according to you're websites how is that possible if it is a one clan army?
  17. General Duke;782474 wrote: The secessionists are in a situation today that's quite remarkable. Somalia is coming back. You were saying that in 2007 when warlord Yey was destroying Mogadisho with the help of Ethiopian mercenaries and guess what in 2012 not only the Ethiopians are back the Kenyans are there two even Ismaciil Cumar geele joined the party. And ofcourse we have our Ugandan and Burundian forces as well under the command of a dude called General Bahuku bahaka. The Pirate enclave criminals are facing some serious problems with killed clan elders every day in Mudug and Bari and Killed MPs and the subclan state is turning into a sub sub clan state, Yes indeed Somalia is coming back:D Somalia is divided more than ever along clan lines and Irhaabist and more clan states are popping out every where and the party indeed continues:D. Rome is thinking about putting Somalia under an official trusteeship and in Dukes mind everything is getting better:D
  18. Taleexi;782472 wrote: Maya tobonayadii late eighties qol London ah isugu timi ee SNM abuurtay baan ka hadlayaa... maxaad horta isu yeelyeeshaa ... you who reer Awdal are... SNM dee may qaadi jirin beerkey adiga ku weyn intay bawdaha calanka Somalia ku xidhan they were determined wanay ka midhi dhaliyeen himiladoodi. Anigu nin Dalxiisyaan arkaya iyo qolo xaflad ku jirta oo xabxab ka dhargay oo camaradaha isku dhigaya kaalaya na arka
  19. Taleexi;782463 wrote: Egal annagaa beri hore qoraalo is waydaarsanay ... Reerkiisii Awdalna gab, Reer Somaliland-na ma badbaadin karaan... Waa digaagad madaxa laga gooyey oo kale ... ikhtiyaar badan ma laha inay galgalato mooyaane. Khaatumo iyo Awdal ma ina Egal oo kale baa loo joojinayaa! la yaabna ka daran, ee waa amankaag. Allow soo hadee. Horta awdaltay ka sheekeyaan maxay ahayd ma waxaad ka hadlaysa ninki Toronto ka tegey looool ma isaga awdal la yidha ma nin dhan ba magac gobol la yidha lol.
  20. What first they wanted to defeat Somaliland with poorly written articles and now they want to shoot us with their Music instruments all the way from Minneapolis
  21. Taleexi;782442 wrote: Why would one treat them as a privileged group? .... Let our brothers come to the discussion table like anyone else. No more, no less. Who said they want to unite with Somalia? Somaliland will never ever be ruled by others they know the world knows it
  22. Cali dhimbil na muxu aha is that you Carafaat