Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Kamaavi naftadaad been u sheegeysa khaatumo jigjiga lugu so dhaweye golaha G9 oo ali khalif iyo traditional chiefska reerka laakin dee wa booqasho maha in dawlada Ethiopia tageereyso waxyaalaha nocaas ah, Mida xigta Mamuul hosaaska Kilinka shanaad melez zanawi wu fasaxay inay waxkasta sameyn karan ciday doontaa ha u yeedhan haday uun gobolka dds ka ilaaliyaan onlf iyo wax ku lidi ah Ethiopia dawladeeda , khaatumo laftigeedu ma foga oo wa koox Somaliland ah oo afkaar duwan uun wata , tagitaankooda Jigjiga waxba ma so kordhineyso Kamavi adigu Somaliland cadaw baad u aragta waxad hoosta ka tageeereysa adeerka ileeey oo aaad is leedahay Somaliland bu wax u dhimi kara. Oo aan Macquul ahayn markad caqliga salimka isticmaashid,, adeer Dawlada Somaliland way ogtahay Ethiopia Addis ababa looga taliya, iyo Ethiopia inanay Somalida kala jeclayn aniga ii sheegi meysid laakin adiguna motive baad wadata taa meesha haka saarin adeer taasina wa no muuqata.
  2. NGONGE;783420 wrote: Nonesense, saaxib. The people met in Taleex but chose three presidents for eighteen months. The people, frankly, don't know what they want. The people keep coming and going from SL. So why do you want me to give up on the 'people' now? Give me a good and strong reason to do so and I will happily do it. Khadar, you are avoiding me because you are a beenale. War fulaynimada jooji and stand up for what you believe in (if there is anything taht you believe in to begin with). Xiin, wax cusub la kaalay adeer. Try to leap byond your limitations, saaxib. Surprise me! He doesn't know that was just the khaatumo section the ssc xaglo and co were not happy with the formation of a new khaatumo, always waxay shiryaan dad isku fikir ah we shall see how khaatumo goes.
  3. Hee maxaad jacaylbaro u raadinaysa isna ma jigjigad ku so dhaweyn lahayd
  4. Somalina;783311 wrote: Awoowe, it seems that Amir is on certain clique's payroll these days. That dude, Mr Ducaale is Jubbaland's new hogaamiye. Mar lee madexweyne igu yeera. lol...more quule anyone? Walaaa ma madaxweyne ku sheeg cusub baa walahi wa yaab why is Amiir muxu nonsenseka u so sawiryaa
  5. Who said any particular group is the decision maker in Somaliland its up in you're head But here are some historical pictures Signing the independence of Somaliland in Britain Creating the union with Somalia in 1960 Dissolving the union in 1991 the grandshir in burco 1991
  6. Somalida Xurguftan yar oo Siyasadeed ba ka dhexeysa laakin not colaad beelo dhan oo Somali inad cudur ku sheegtiid maha Munasib wana wax aan sharaf ahayn ka wantow baan odhan laha not just on the net diiniyan wax hagaagsan maha.
  7. ^^ War niyo adigu maad walaantahay ma qabil dhan oo somali baad kanser ku sheegeysa maxaad ahayd adigu kaftan ka yar eeh sol baad run moodaysa.
  8. Somalina;783216 wrote: She's a hater! Atleast Amin Amir is avoiding the news of the oil in Daroor Valley and the peace in Xamar and is keeping busy with nonsense like these. Who the hell is that and thats some ugly flag awoowo muxu aha kan maroodiga saaraan
  9. I cannot take you serious what are you exactly running away from the colonial boundaries well if you try to ignore that and try to run to the TFG an entity that has no problem with the colonial boundaries,they largely accept the colonial boundaries,meel aad u socotid ma ogid.
  10. ^^^The World does not work like that son
  11. As Suldaan Nuur dhago cun once said Qabil'ku ha wada loolaamo sidi laba quroomood eh .
  12. Why are the leaders of Somalia accepting the Colonial borders why is faroole calling the likes of Zack Ethiopians when in reality he is a Somali from Qabridhahare. why is Abdicawar the so called TFG prime minister saying Alshabaab crossed illegally into kenya when it supposed to be Somali territory? why are they accepting the Colonial boundaries you can't pick and choose what you want. Why does Djibouti have an Embassy in Somalia why is that largely accepted why are they accepting the Anglo-french border drawn by the white man ?
  13. IAmRevolution;783254 wrote: Colonial border? Your fighting to die what a British guy marked prior to 1960? LOL If we're going back and fighting for the PAST, then I guess, we'll fight for the return of Buroa to my clan and Hergeisa to the OG clan because they belonged to us long before the arrival of the British Colonizers. No one is fighting for the past we are fighting today my friend its survival day 2012
  14. Somalia;783249 wrote: Colonial boundaries set up by the British. In the 21st century we have people claiming colonial borders set up by a third people. Unbelievable. Well the most important thing is the self determination of the people of Somaliland wanting back the sovereignty they lost in 1960 when merged with Somalia.The borders just makes the case legitimate that Somaliland is not a secessionist entity but more a country breaking up the union they once formed and that's the truth so don't come with silly talks you recognize the border between Somalia and Kenya the same way you do recognize the Ethiopian Somalia border you were even praising ileey the stooge earlier this day.
  15. ailamos;782991 wrote: LOL ... Khatumo did to Somaliland what Somaliland did to Somalia... i.e. secede along clan lines Karma's a b*tch Somaliland does not want to secede along clan lines they declared independence on the bases of the boundaries of prior 1960.Not so sure what you are talking about why inject clanish talks into this topic.
  16. MoonLight1;783171 wrote: seriously Xaaji let me ask you a question, Do you consider the dead Daraawiish who were killed by the Brits as Martyrs? It doesn't matter what i think its up to allah swt who he will consider the Mujahid or not Anigu Ma bixiyo during the day of Judgement who will sit by the shadow of allah the almighty.
  17. Somalina;783172 wrote: Aden Adde, Abdullahi Isse, Xaji Barako, Sheikh Cali Jimcaale , Saqaawadiin, Ismaciil Jimcaale, Wardhiigley, Sheikh Xasan Barsane, General Dau'd, Gololey, Bacadle, Abdulle Raage, Cali Ameriko, Sheikh Sharif and many more. Reerku Halyey badana
  18. Qandalawi;783170 wrote: loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool @ Taalo Nice one, keep building Taalo's for the SNM criminals. It only shows the hypocrisy and the fascist clanish ideology of this current SL administration. What is so clanish about the heroes of the nation being remembered and considered as the freedom fighters of the country
  19. Taleexi;783165 wrote: Raggaa taalooyinka u qalma ee aad afka ku taagaysid! Ma dadka nool
  20. MoonLight1;783164 wrote: Xaaji taas looguma dhisayo, dee waa "Mujaahid" usoo halgamay dowladii hore ma aha? Wax faham sxb. Oo saasad ka waday dhinaca ba kamaan eegin koley reer budhlayn dhinacna dawladi kacaanka wa kala jireen dhinac na wa ka so horjeedeen , iska laba afleeyaa.
  21. Taleexi;783160 wrote: Madaxda iyo waxgaradka waxba ha ka sheegin Xaajiyow annaba kuwaaga waa caayi karnaaye. Madaxdu wa kuwee
  22. Taleexi;783152 wrote: You are paying attention. Smart man. But Moorgan Budhlayn dhisitanki waxba kamuse ahayn odaygi Sri lankiga gartay Abdilahi Yusuf
  23. Hada sheekadu waxay maraysa reerkaagan aqaana Xiin waleh cawa albaabku madaxa la dhacayaa , waxay ka gaadhay wax baan jecelahay:D
  24. Qandalawi anigu gumeysi ku faanaya halkeed igu aragtay ? Dee i believe every one was born a free man ilaahay dhulna wa ina siiyeey dhulka wa inad u talisid muhimidu wa intaas. And i wish to die as a free man thats the difference adigu frenji walba u yeedh baad is leedahay Somali. Somaliland iyo Somalia 80 sannoh bu talyaani iyo Ingriis soo gumeystey. Maxay so kordhiisay waxba Somalidu may ku midoobeen marki xoriyada la qaatay wa maya inyar bay wada joogeen dabeedna wuxoodi ay hore u walaqan jireen bey walaaqdeen.