Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. With or with our recognition Somalilands statehood is not negotiable its hard earned independence will never ever come in question the world knows that and every one else knows that.
  2. Because sports and Politics are two different things.
  3. Carafaat all those invidiuals that came back were allowed back by the Somaliland government because they had no place to go and they are Ethnic Somalilanders after all sifir the General etc.But every one knows that Siilaanyo is a smart politician. Carafaat there is no problem if Somaliland talks with Somalia we should welcome that as soon as Somalia has a functioning government.But this is not about Somaliland talking to Somalia this is about the international Community talking to Somaliland and Somalia. The independence thing was done that's non negotiable Siilaanyo knows that the people of Somaliland know that there is how ever a change in policy when dealing with the international community and that's what the Kulmiye government is all about all we be clear in 3 weeks time.
  4. Ileen ceeb looma dhinto allow sahal amuraha Somalida Waa taan sharaab iyo u siida frenjigi shuqulada badnaye Waa taan sheedaha ka dawada madaxda ii shirayse eh waa taan shalay iyo maanta la kala baxa magacyo sharfeed eh waa taan shaki badan ku abuurah shacbiyada Somaliyeed eh
  5. Oodweyne the current foreign policy of somaliland is completely runned by silaanyo his foreign minister has no clue what he is talking about he is doing what he is told did you know at first the foreign minister ruled out somaliland attending this conference in november 2011 I wonder what changed.
  6. Now let's wait and see what they bring back from the conference and how it will benefit somalilands cause I preferred another solution concerning this conference. But the brits told siilaanyo something which made him change his mind keep in mind the decision makers of somaliland are somalilanders. Atleast both the govt in somaliland and the opposition are in agreement regarding this conference
  7. What dialogue between somaliland and somalia there is nothing to sell you have no products
  8. Who mocked them exactly i am not aware of somaliland officials being disrespectful towards galmudug when did this happen.
  9. Waleh I never knew that was it faisal ali waraabe.
  10. Horta I don't understand why is galmudug pissed does it have something to do with daahir calasow.
  11. All eyes on somaliland every one is worried abtigis is doing over time writing endless essays nimanki wardheer news articleska siday daadinayaan hadaad arki lahayd. If koonfurians worried less about somaliland and more about somalia the political situation there would've changed.
  12. I don't understand carafaat is a unionist he wants somaliland as a state to lead somalia asswel using one country with two systems and share a common foreign policy military. You guys should welcome his ideas if you are truly unionist haadi kale wax kale idinka guuxaya.
  13. Foreign policy of somaliland actually works it might have not delivered the end goal but it sure had shaped somaliland political maturity when dealing with European countries. As for djbouti the next door neighbor is a friendly country there is lots of trade between the two countries. And as for somalia how things are today I do not think somaliland will any time soon have any good relations with somalia with the current political status of somalia.
  14. Denmark opens office in Somaliland Written by dk/da Feb 03, 2012 at 06:39 PM As the first western country opens Denmark is now a bilateral program office in Somaliland, which is the northern part of Somalia. Much of Somalia is plagued by conflict and war, but Somaliland has made significant progress - both in terms of safety and incipient democracy. "Somaliland is plagued by enormous challenges. Many people are extremely poor and tens of thousands of internally displaced persons live in indescribably miserable conditions. This positive development we now see is fragile, and therefore it is right now, the international community should support the development" said Development Christian Friis Bach. The office will be permanent manned by two counselors in Somaliland's capital, Hargeisa. "The presence is a clear signal to Somaliland, that their efforts to build a more secure and democratic society has our full support. It is crucial that every human experience progress in their daily lives. We will therefore, among other things focus on safety, health and education in cooperation with Somaliland's elected local government ", says Christian Friis Bach. The Minister believes that progress in Somaliland can spread to other regions of the Horn, if they become entrenched. "In large parts of Somalia, hopelessness great. Therefore it is important that Somaliland shows that decades of famine, oppression and conflict can be reversed. It will be important for the entire region," says Christian Friis Bach. He also stresses that a Danish engagement in the Horn can be a win for Denmark. "Concern for vulnerable people will always be our main objective to provide assistance to poor countries and areas. But in a globalized world, we in Denmark too great advantages to help. Poverty, hopelessness and lack of a functioning state in the Horn is the main reason the area is considered one of the new hotbeds of terrorism that can strike Western targets. The same applies to piracy, which is a big problem for Danish ships and companies. In addition, wars and conflicts in the Horn of Africa in the future lead to refugee flows. So also for Denmark, there are concrete benefits to help, "says Christian Friis Bach. http://um.dk/da/forsidenyheder/newsdisplaypage/?newsID=AB271FA9-701C-42A8-809B-E01576AF7F11
  15. Not sure how this will better the situation its an interesting development though
  16. A new alliance in the making Ethiopia south sudan Djibouti Another Alliance Eritrea Sudan Egypt
  17. independence was declared in 1991 in burco , the borama conference was merely a conference about making peace between the different Somaliland communities and its where the former government of cigaal was elected the civilian government.There was no need to declare independence in borama as it was done 2 years before that in the second capital of Somaliland burco 18 may 1991 in togdheer.