Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Madaxweynihii Hore ee Somaliland Md Rayaale oo Dalka Dib ugu soo Gurya Noqday Si balaadhana loogu soo dhaweeyey Gegida Diyaaradaha ee Hargeysa February 16, 2012 - Hargeysa/ToggaHerer 16 Feb Madaxweynihii Hore ee Somaliland ahna Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga UDUB Md Daahir Rayaale Kaahin ayaa Goor Dhawayd Ka soo dagay Madaarka Magaalada Madaxda Somaliland ee Hargeysa . * Md Rayaale Kaahin ayaa Si balaadhan loogu soo dhaweeyey Madaarka iyada oo Boqolal Gaadiid iyo dad ahi Ku soo Dhaweeyeen Gegida diyaaradaha ee Hargeysa International Airport. Madaxweynaha Hore ee Somaliland Md Rayaale ayaa Dadweynihii ku soo dhaweeyey Hargeysa ay u soo gelibyeen Dhinacaa iyo Gurigiisa Magaalada Hargeysa. Madaxweynihii Hore Somaliland ayaa lagu Wadaa in uu dhex galo Khilaafka u dhaxeeya Garabyada Xisbiga UDUB wakhti uu Ku simihii Gudmooyiha Xisbiga ahana Gudoomiye Ku xigeenka UDUB Md Axmed Yusuf Yaasiin uu Waydaartay una Baxay safar uu kaga mid Yahay Waftiga Somaliland ee ka qayb galaya shirka London 23 Feb. * * Md Rayaale Ayaa ka soo kicitimay Wadanka Jibuuti oo uu joogay labadii maalmood ee u danbaysay isaga Fadhigiisu ahaa Wadanka Faransiiska oo uu Sanadadii Danbe
  2. It will be launched next week officially, this is a very good well thaught project and there are many advantages there for somaliland economically and it will be very interesting how the corporation will be build and how Board of Directors of the corporation will operate. This will basically allow Somaliland to attrack multi Million investment deals from other countries ( state Companies) in a very legit way and these projects will be endorsed by the trustees of the Corporation since Somalilands De jure recognition is pending in the mean time Somaliland will build it's economy and employment will rise in Somaliland. Somalilands future looks bright indeed.
  3. Taleexi;789741 wrote: Waryaa aflagaadada jooji haddii kale waxaan ku xasuusinayaa inaad leedihiin Multi clan systme ... oo saddexda habrood ah iyo weliba waxyaalo kale oo aan ogahay. Wa kaftan ama dacayaad Taleexiyow inan reer khaatumo dadka ugu jecelahay so ma ogid idinku ba xita xisbi baad Somaliland ku leedihin meyey ninki keyse abdi yusuf ssc somaliland sinaan iyo cadalaad:D
  4. Mario B;789732 wrote: It's ok, so long as the seccesitionist have have unionist on both side of the triangle towns it's fine by me. There is nothing unionist about one clan with 2 subclan states in the diaspora:D Haa walaato Dadkanu mala midnimada si qaladay u fahmeen Adeeer xita hadaad xafladeyneysan midnimo ku xafladeyaa:D Reer khaatumo for instance xafladoodu wa mid wa sax saasi , laakin sadex madaxweyney Leeyihin:D Xita sadex caasimadood bay leeyihin buuhoodle taleex iyo tukaraq
  5. Taleexi;789725 wrote: I propose a merge of Awdal iyo Saylac. You don't understand they are from the same clan just a different party in the same basement:D
  6. Taleexi hub aad la so gasheen ceerigaabo wala oga siday ku dhamatay sheekadasi intad isku so urursateen fiqifuliye iyo masagan tuulooyinkini dee waati akhirka nin walba kursigi u sanaag kulaha dib ugu fadhiistay:D
  7. Awdal state oo laba juffo oo si kala baxday:D
  8. Dr gaboose gets a welcome like this in ceerigaabo and he is not even from ceerigaabo eventhough he is an ethnic Somalilander but he is from Mudug but tribally he is closely related to the elites in ceerigaabo. While General Ilkajiir who was actually born in ceerigaabo cant visit ceerigaabo his birth place that's the reality, it looks like a Sultan Xirsi Amaans welcome with horses and stuff like in the mid 19 century.
  9. All the Somalis including Somalilanders Djiboutians O'gadeniyans Koonfurians reer nfd are not more than 250.000 people.
  10. NASSIR;789689 wrote: Somalina, The SNM ragtag militia was defeated by Col. Du'ale and Gen. Jama Green. Erigabo remained under the full control of the Somali government until its collapse in 1991 or late 90. Thousands of Makhiris died in the SNM launched wars of Erigavo, with my own sub-sub-clan enduring the heaviest casualty. The wars had not ceased until the 1993 major peace conferences, which were held in Jidali and Shimbiraale towns of Western Sanaag. Don't force me to post documents. Erigabo is ruled under that agreement whose violation could lead the communities in Erigavo away from the peace that they currently are blessed to have. The politics of Erigavo governance is complicated and is based on mutual understanding. Priorities focus on maintaining the power balance and stability. Well said xiinfaniin. Wrong the SNM under Axmed mire attacked ceerigaabo in September in 1989 and it was not you who was fighting as a clan it was the SNA army that was doing the fighting the war continued for more than a month and a half and after that the SNA was cleaned from ceerigaabo.They tried to take back ceerigaabo in February in 1990 but they failed miserably and lost even more men the clan militia were no use for them either.There were many casualties on both sides i have to say but the defeated lot were the SNA, in-fact the SNM in late 1990s and 1991 they pushed all the way into eastern sanaag as far as hadaaftimo xingalool eastern sanaag territories and there were many wars unfortunately there. In 1993 it was the SNM who organized the conference for Umadaha Sanaag held in ceerigaabo capital of sanaag. And the accord was that the people of sanaag are part and parcel of Somaliland as agreed on in 1991 in burco, and that the various clans should live in peace and harmony under the Somaliland republic as they still do in 2012.
  11. Xiinfaniin Somaliland statehood is sacred for Somalilanders they made it clear so many times its non negotiable.The SNM leadership in Sanaag organized a separate conference for the Clans in Sanaag to come together in 1993. And we all know what was agreed on to live in peace next to each other, to live under the Somaliland flag and the constitution of the republic. Xiinfaniin in ceerigaabo there are decision makers and than there are just people who try to locate the capital of sanaag to another village called badhan.See you are comparing Ceerigaabo with Buuhoodle its wrong Ceerigaabo is SNM's tribal homeland the Great grand ancestor ina xaaji Nuur is buried inside ceerigaabo its self. So ceerigaabo is not the city that in dispute eastern sanaag (badhan dhahar) is get you're facts straight adeer. if you wave the Somaliland flag you're allowed in the city like the Sultan if you are not you will continue to live in exile and that's how its going to be.
  12. AfricaOwn;789671 wrote: ^^ these guys are dishonest men. Africa Own the Maakhir folks don't even consider ceerigaabo the capital city of Sanaag they call badhan the capital of Sanaag now and days:D
  13. Somalina;789653 wrote: What? how am I "promoting/supporting occupation of LA" ? Do you have pics of Somalia's flag flying in Eastern Erigavo?. Awoowo this was Erigavo last 18 may
  14. To be honest erigavo was never disputed not in the the past not now there is no east west north erigavo there is one erigavo and one admin that runs the town ismaciil xaji Nurs admin in the early 90s it was Mujahid Talaabo and that's about it.In 1989 when SNM leader of Sanaag Axmed mire Maxamad nuux captured the town he set up a local SNM administration for 2 years this was before the declaration of independence in 1991.The Maakhir sultan is allowed in erigavo because he openly supports Somaliland the grand son of Sultan ali shire. The place how ever that is disputed is eastern sanaag in particularly dhahar and badhan.
  15. Gawaadhidi garowe yaalay oo dhan ba sh sharif lugu so dhaweyey well done reer garowe:D
  16. Sharif visiting the many regions he governs its good for him to visit other parts of somalia here and there well done sharif ahmed he really made the TFG work to some extend he did his best in his short term.
  17. Imika ma waxad ku haysata oodweyne jabhad baad samaysatey oo dadkaagi iyo dalkaagi baad wax tartay. Adigu maxaad iskaga dhigaysa nin dawladi kacaanka garwadeen ka aha. Adigu manad jabhad lahayn halkeed ku ogayd taas maxayse sameyeen maxayse so hooyeen dib u akhri wuxu oodweyne ku sheegey mi mid bukugu qeexay. Maxaadse ka badali karta maandhow. Eeg nina dawladi buu burburiyey nina dalki buu burburiyey.
  18. Its good it means they have a passport and they can leave the country when ever they want
  19. Waryaa oodka ask che if he supports alshabab or al qaeda or both:D
  20. Jacaylbaro;789355 wrote: ninkan khudbadda jeedinayaa af adakaa niyow ,,,, Hooyadi ba oromo ah laakin wa Ethnic Somalilander
  21. War Ma xaajigi cabdi waraabe na ma kexeyeen waleh wa talo qaran tani:D
  22. Run ma doonaysan yartu nin bay u bahantahay wabay khafiiftay video after video maalin dhawayd waxan arkayey iyado iska dhigeysey inay mid ay jaar yihin ay la hadlayse calashaan telefoon been been ah. yarta wax mashquuliyey u bahantahay boring ba dilay war halo doono nin rog roga xiliyada qaar.Hadana yartu maha tu foolxun wa iska yam yam rag badan ba duu duub ku qadan laha allow hablaha noo astur.