Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Abwaan;792793 wrote: Kuwaan ma aragtid miyaa? Horta macalankii Talyaanigay ruxayaan, maxaa loo lahaa Waqooyi Talyaani lagama jecla.Dad calankoodii iyaga googoobayo iyana riwaayado kale iyo dhalanteed ku mashquulay. I have not heard the UK goverment stating tha they have invited dowlad Somaliland la yiraahdo... Adeerow Somaliland calan u gaar ah bay leedahay Madaxweyne u gaar ah bay leedahay kuxigeen u gaar ah bay leedahay ciidan iyo boolis gaar ah bay leedahay halgan iyo taarikh u gaar ah bay leedahay odayaal dhaqan u gaar ah bay leedahay gola barlaaman iyo gola guurti bay leeyihin , Waxan oo dhan iyaga sameystey wa na rabitaanka shacabgooda yar iyo weyn dalka iyo dibada wey ka mideysanyihin. Marka cid ay u joojinayan ma laha dadkanu caruur iyo ciiroolobe.
  2. Former Vice president of Somaliland Axmed yasin Alun Michael pro Somaliland MP from cardiff
  3. Abwaan;792763 wrote: I repeat ------> Maasha Allah...soon to be reer Soomaaliya again:) Maan fahmin reer Somalia again? i don't see reer Somalia in the pictures war ma waxba ii dhaafay?
  4. Yeah it was a big turn out reer Somaliland well done showing the world that the aspirations of Somalilanders is loud and clear well done.
  5. This cannot be called an invasion even though it depends on who you regard is in charge the TFG govt allowed Ethiopians in their Country so technically its not an invasion.i dont think any Somali likes Xabashi inside Somalia laakin dan iyo awood daro ba u geysey inay is bahaystaan. Lets just hope Somali soldiers can fill the vacuum and the Xabashis can return to their homeland.
  6. Wakan xiinfaniin Somaliland iyo shaydaanku xita haday is dilaan shaydaanka midnimada Somalia rabu odhanaya kaasu tagereya:D
  7. Somalia;792612 wrote: Man, that is some weak sauce excuse. He said "all the parties" also including your region. He could have said Puntland and it would still be the same. Wallahi I actually feel sorry for the region, to go through that kind of humiliation.. All the parts of Somalia yo're clan enclave you're other countrymen from galmduug and the TFG and the Sufi grave worshipers. See you are referred as regions, And he goes on about Somaliland and its progress see the difference:D
  8. ^^ Technically he recognized Somaliland he differentiates Somalia from Somaliland
  9. Aaaliyaah dagaalki sooki joogsaday wamaxay dagaalkan aad ka sheekeyneysid war inantu dagaal jecela
  10. Somalina;792574 wrote: How about in meel la isugu geeyo oo dab lagu shido? soo kama fiicna baryada. :D:D
  11. Somalina;792567 wrote: Qori ayaa afka laga gelinaa, hadal ma jiro. Baryo wey dhamaatey, kii Alqaeda rabo Waziristan ha aado, very simple. How about in la xidh xidho dabeedna maskaxdooda wax wanaagsan loogu shubo jeel magnuun:D
  12. True laakin what about their victims the people they brainwashed you need to deal with them Somalina when you are a leader you need to act responsible.The people of baydhabo lived so long under the Shabaab/Alqaeda obviously there are still elements who sympathize with the irhaabis the thing is we know its bad but they don't know it and you need to bring them into the fold and give them the carrying they need an alternative you need to give them a future something to live for the after match is the biggest task awoow.
  13. Carafaat;792561 wrote: Defeating Al Shabaab military is just the beginning, but beating Al Shabaab's ideology is more important. That's the biggest problem Extremism and takirism is a big issue the problem with these people is they believe you are an infidel if you do not believe in their little organization. They need to be re-brainwashed or else they will be a danger for the people in the society.
  14. Gaacuur;792555 wrote: XX, Shabaab waxaa loo soo gamaa dhankiina, Shabaab lasoo gamay oo Burco, Berbara iyo New Hargeysa qabsaday amay dhacdaa. Ina adeerkaa Abuu Zubeyr dadki way naceen, waa xilligi uu reerkiisa magan galyo ka doonan lahaa. Gaacuuur in Somaliland they have Anti Takfiri Police ciyaar mood Burco is the most Conservative city in Somaliland and its religious leaders are united against Extremism and Takfirism. As For Mr Abu Subeyr i heard he is going to Yemen warkaasan hayaa Somalia hada waka so dhamaatay
  15. gooni;792549 wrote: Dhagdheer dhimatay miyaa sheekadu geedka ha lagasoo dego marka aaway xaabsade iyo hiiraale? sow dadkooda inay maamul u sameeyaan maahan eegga? Qolada shabaabtu nimanka asxabuul fiil markay arkaan eeh lugaha ga gaaban meel ay ka baxeen wala waayeey,Qolooyinkan africaanka waxba iskaga ma tiriyaan laakin mar alaale markay nimanka lugaha gagaab arkan meel ay baxeen taw bay yidhahaan horta nimanka waxa jabisay Alqaaciida baanu ku biirnay iyo bila blaan iyo Somalidi oo nacday hada xaaladoodu wa gebo gebo.
  16. No he only meets with their fictional leaders:D
  17. Carafaat Xamar waxan joogi jiray wagaad diaparska dhex jiiftay:D
  18. Sh sharif now controls a huge portion of Somalia The Bay region The Banadir region The Hiiraan Region A big section of the gedo region Puntland Galmudug Ximan iyo xeeb Ahlsuna wal jamaca
  19. oo shit ma david ba na diiday ma dhici karto war cismaanow warka ku noqo daviid heshiis banu nahay awoowgi iyo Xaaji Cabdi waraabe ba xiligi 1930 garta wada naqsan jiray war ba ma hayo Dr Cismaan.