Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Somalina;796240 wrote: kan shaqo kale ma waayo horta oo aan ahayn in wargeysyada codkiisa ka maqlo? shiish... Maybe he is bored dee iska daa dadka qaar ba kamaradooyinka iska jecel:D
  2. Somalia;796239 wrote: I don't know, aren't you a "Republic" or something, or is it only your borders that keep changing? Oooh snaaaap! What are you talking about maxa baas eeh is badalay
  3. Walahi xamar looks nice waxan is leeyahay ba ma tagta maalin dhow
  4. Somalina;796225 wrote: For Saalax http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=4zrwRhoyBbA :D Now i enjoyed that
  5. TOGGAHERER NEWS “In Somaliland lagu yidhaa waxaad ka mid tihiin gobol ka mid ah soddanka gobol ee la kala sheegsheeganayo, u malaymaayo in dadka iyo madaxda Somalialnd ay yeelayaan” Pro Samatar February 28, 2012 - Written by Admin “In Somaliland lagu yidhaa waxaad ka mid tihiin gobol ka mid ah soddanka gobol ee la kala sheegsheeganayo, u malaymaayo in dadka iyo madaxda Somalialnd ay yeelayaan, xaqna maaha siday ila tahay, taariikhduna arrintaasi ma waafaqsana waayo taariikhda dhabta ihi waxa weeyi Somalia waxaa abuuray laba wadan oo soomali ah… “ " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  6. Salax sh sharif wax u aqoonsaday ba iska yar mid ba suaal weydiye markasa la weydiye sadex gobol maad tihin markasu yidhi haa markasa lugu yidhi shuruudihi baad buuxisay wa iska dee sheeko meel mari weyday wa suaal la hor dhigay sharifka
  7. Culowsawgani wax buuraan ma sheegin wixisu wa iska calacaal meel lo waayey iyo waxay Somalidu maqaxiyada iskugu sheekeyaan
  8. War che maha afarqooble afarqooble wa reer daynille i think Che is reer wardhiigley
  9. once a village of 1000 people in the late 1800s now a city home to more than one million people. Ceelka toga herer is now the city of hargeysa.
  10. Somalidu mar mar waxan is yidha dadkanu manay ogayn waxa u fIcan iyo waxa u kheyr qaba . Imika xita haday wax diidayaan may sheegaan qodobkay diidanyihiin si qodob kale loogu badalo laakin wixi hore hala tuuro wax cusub hala keeno wa waxa somali halka dhigtay.
  11. ^^ Not bad by the year 2014 we will reach a quarter billion
  12. Somalilanders are happy with their dessert:D
  13. ^^ Inshallah wala iska heshiin doona A khadarow waxba ha sugi wayin lama kala marmo war naga daa laakin ciidanka qaranku ma qalo geel aanay lahayn eeh dadku wa islaam ee. Laakin it looks nice hormar iyo isku xiidhnaan ba lo bahanyahay horta cilada yar eeh siyasadeysan marka la xaliyo wana iska iman doonta inta kalena.
  14. War meeshu xoolo badana waba mashallah geeli wa ino dhalay sanadkan.
  15. ^^^We febrayo kow ba la jooga lets wait in 7 months time than we can talk about this issue.
  16. My god taleexi is so clan minded the folks in Mogadisho tallow ma tolkis bu u haysta:D
  17. Oodweyne true the current TFG is partly recognized by the international community it has the blessing of the international community hence why the international community refers it as the western backed government of Somalia.in addition even post the transitional period Somalia's new government after august will still be dependent on the presence of African union troops in Somalia.Talks one on one will benefit both countries in the longer term if they came to an agreement how ever i am sure talks will fail at the first stage of even discussing the political future of the horn Somaliland and Somalia as two separate states as the process only began just recently.
  18. Taleexi Somaliland doesn't want to talk to the likes of General Bahuku and others running Somalia we want a full fledged government in Mogadishu that exercises control over its territory a government that represents the people of Somalia from raaskaambooni to raascaseer.And even if talks fail in the future the status quo will continue either way fine with Somaliland.
  19. ^^ Dee ha cadhoon taleexiyow way dhawodahay maalintay qolyaha reer Somalia ku odhan doonaan awal ba Q@ldaan wiif baad ahayd dadkaga dhinac ka raac:D