Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Suldaan Ibraahim Jaamac Samatar Oo Ka Hadlay Go’aamada Ka Soo BaxayShirkii London Ee Madaxweyne Siilaanyo Ka Qayb-galay, Fariina U Diray Shacbiga Hargeysa, March 1, 2012 (Haatuf) - Suldaan Ibraahim Jaamac Samatar oo ka mid ah Salaadiinta Gobolada Gabiley, Awdal iyo Selel ayaa sheegay in go’aanadii ka soo baxay Shirkii dhawaan lagu qabtay Magaaladda London ee Dalka Ingiriiska ay ahaayeen guulo dhaxal-gal u ah Qaranimada Somaliland, tilmaamay-na in Weftigii Madaxweyne Axmed Siilaanyo hogaaminayay ee ka qayb-galay Shirkaasi London ay Dalka u soo hooyeen guul Taariikhiya, ugu-na baaqay Shacabiga Somaliland in soo dhaweyn balaadhan loogu sameeyo Caasimada Somaliland iyo guud-ahaanba Gobolada iyo Degmooyinka Dalka, isaga oo intaa ku daray in Waftiga Madaxweynaha Somaliland Shirkaasi London laga siiyay Meeqaam sare oo Dawladnimo. Suldaan Ibraahim Jaamac Samatar oo Shalay Galab Shir jaraa’id ku qabtay Magaaladda Gabiley oo Wargeyska Haatuf mar uu kula xidiidhay Khadka Telefoonka uga xog-waramay nuxurka Shirkaasi uu qabtay iyo aragtidiisa ku aadan go’aamadii ka soo baxay Shirkii London, ayaa isaga oo ka hadlaya arrimahaas, waxa uu yidhi “Run ahaantii Waftigii Madaxweynaha Somaliland Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siillaanyo) hogaaminayay ee ka qayb-galay Shirkii dhawaan lagu qabtay Magaaladda London waxay ka soo hooyeen guul Taariikhiya oo dhaxal-gal u ah Qaranimada Jamhuuryada Somaliland, kaas oo Waftiga laga siiyay Mee-qaam Dawladnimo oo heer sare ah, go’aanada ka soo baxay Shirkaasi-na waxay ahaayeen kuwo dhaxal-gal ah oo Somaliland guul ka gaadhay, marka loo eego qodobka go’aanka Shirkaas ee Caalamku ku kala saaray Somaliland iyo Somalia, taasaa inoo ah guul aynu gaadhnay, waanan ku hambalyaynayaa guusha ay soo hooyeen Waftiga Madaxweynuhu, waxaan ku baaqayaa in Waftiga Madaxweynaha oo maal-maha soo socda Dalka ku soo guryo-noqon doona in Caasimada Hargeysa si weyn loogu soo dhaweeyo, oo Gobolada iyo Degmooyinka Dalka loogu sameeyo Banaan-baxyo lagu taageerayo Qaranimada Somaliland oo aan loo kala hadhin, isla markaana la mid ah Dibad-baxyadii ka dhacay London ee lagu teegaarayay Waftiga Madaxweynaha laga sameeyo Dalka-na”.
  2. Indeed i agree with duke in here stop insulting the people of Djibouti and their achievements Here is a great singer from Djibouti That said i never compared the Somaliland republic with Djibouti i consider Djibouti a sister nation of Somaliland that's all, after all 35% of the Djiboutian population are ethnic Somalilanders any way.
  3. ^Equaling east African head of states with a pirate leader is indeed blasphemy.
  4. ^^ Nonsense eastern sanaag regions is way less populated than central and western sanaag any way lets not get carried away the entire region of sanaag belongs to SL and that's what matters.
  5. ^^ Population wise ceerigaabo is the largest city of sanaag and the maakhir folks don't even consider ceerigaabo the capital city of sanaag they consider badhan the capital of sanaag either way the garaad is from dhahar which is eastern sanaag unless you say dhahar is located in western or central sanaag:D
  6. Garaad Cali Yuusuf Oo Ugu Baaqay Shacbiga Bariga Sanaag In Dagaal Ay Kala Hor-tagaan Kooxaha Argagixisada Ah Ee Ku Soo Qul-qulaya Gal-gala Laasqoray, March 1, 2012 (Haatuf) - Garaad Cali Yuusuf Cabdule oo ka mid ah Isimada Degmada Dhahar ee Bariga Sanaag ayaa ku baaqay in Dagaal ay kala hor-tagaan Dadweynaha Deegaankaasi Kooxda Al-Shabaab ee isku urur sanaysa Buuralayda Gal-gala ee Bariga Sanaag, kuna tilmaamay hadalkii dhawaan ka soo yeedhay Ninka lagu magacaabo Yaasiin Kilwe oo sheegay inuu yahay Afhayeenka Kooxda ka dagaalanta Buuralayada uu sheegay in dhawaan ay ku biireen Ururka Al-Shabaab hadal Caruureed, cadeeyayna in aan loo dul qaadan-doonin in Kooxaha Argagixisadu ay gabood ka soo dhigtaan deegaanadaasi Gal-gala, uguna baaqay Bulshada deegaanada Bariga Sanaag in dagaal hubaysan ay ku qaadaan Kooxaha Argagixisada ah ee ku soo qul-qulaya Buuralaydaasi Gal-gala. Garaad Cali Yuusuf Cabdule waxa uu sidaasi ku sheegay xog-waraysi uu siiyay Laasqoray Online, ayaa waxa ka mid ahaa hadaladiisii Garaadka “Hadalkaa ka soo yeedhay Kooxdaasi waxaan u arkaa hadal Caruureed, Buuraha Cal-madowna waa dhul Xoolo daaqeen ah, Dadka ku dhaqana aniga ayaa Amiir u ah. Kooxdii Atam ee meeshaasi ka dagaalami jirtay-na hadday yidhaahdeen waxaanu noqonay Al-Shabaab oo ku xidhan Ururka Al-Qaacida, maanta laga bilaabo anaga maaha, Dadka ku dhaqan deegaankaasi-na waxa waajib ku ah inay ka hor-tagaan oo gacan bir ah wax kaga qabtaan Kooxdaasi maanta laga bilaabo oo aanay u kala hadhin sidii ay deegaankaasi Gal-gala uga xorayn lahaayeen, waananu ka xunahay in waxaas oo kale ka soo yeedhaan Kooxdaasi”. Dhinaca kale Ninkan sheegtay Afhayeenka Ururka Al-Shabaab Mr Yaasiin Kilwe ayaa isagu ka mid ah Kooxdii Argagixisada ahayd ee Magaalada Tog-wajaale badhtamihii Sandkii 2006 ku dhacay Lacagta, isla markaana Xukun Maxkamaddeed ugu xidhnaa muddo lix Sanno ah Xabsiga Madheera ee Gobolka Saaxil, intaa ka dib-na markii la sii daayay tagay Magaaladda Muqdisho oo uu ka mid noqday hor-joogayaasha Ururka Al-Shabaab, halkaas oo uu ku guursaday Gabadh ay walaalo yihiin Afhayeenka Ururka Al-Shabaab Sheekh Cali Dheere.Mr Kilwe ayaa dhawaan loo soo magacaabay Hogaanka Al-Shabaab ee deegaanka Gal-gala.
  7. Bob Adal Empire had nothing to do with the clan you mentioned Sabr ad-Din was not from that clan matter in-fact the entire sultanate had nothing to do with that particular clan you mentioned.
  8. Trust Trust Somalis do not trust each other in the past the trust was a bit better now and days its gone worse.
  9. Sometimes u need to use that kind of language dad baan wanag ku shaqo Lahayn.
  10. Dr osman u seem a bit frustrated, today I know you want. To be like somaliland but you just don't have what it takes you don't have the genetics. And you're small clan fiefdom is 2 and a half region they only control. Two regions and a section of mudug north galkacyo the rest of galkacyo is shared between two other clan states. To be honest the kings are the weakest of them all they hardly border hostile clans.
  11. nin walba salad yar ba lugu sita:D
  12. Che berigaas na sidaas uun bey u dhali jireen how big was the Somali population 500 years ago,Sidaas uun bey u dhali jireen ka fakir in 50 years time Somalidu will be more than 50 Million laakin waxaso oo dhan ilahay ba inaga og.
  13. ^^ ambay sida digaaga u dhaleen miyanad arkin single motherka ka buuxa qurbaha oo sanadka kasta dhala
  14. ^^ Haa miyanad sh sharif dhegeysan afcarabiga xita wu ku shirbiya nin yaabaan hadu la yaabi doona sharifka madow eeh afcarabiga ku hadlaya.
  15. Somaliland: Ministers approve 2012 annual budget Tuesday, 28 February 2012 21:15 Vice President SayliBy: Yusuf M Hasan HARGEISA (Somalilandsun) - Central coffers are set to see an increase of 23% in allocated expenditure following the 2012 budget approval by the council of ministers. The 2012 budget which was finally presented to the council after a month's long delay was approved unanimously thus paving the way for the minister of finance to present it to parliament. If parliament approves the same government expenditure for this year will see an increase of 23% above last years budget. The council approved budget stands at 639,369,240,470 Somaliland shillings equivalent to about $110,000,000. This will be the second budget for the Silanyo administration and it is hoped that parliament will act expeditiously as it did last year when it approved the first Silanyo Budget on delivery. Last year's total budgetary allocations was $75,000,000 and the 2012 will be on parliament approval became biggest amount ever allocated government expenditure. The council of ministers approval was announced by the VP Abdirahman Sayli who chaired the meeting owing to the absence of President Silanyo who is yet to return following participation in the London conference. The budget is said to have already been submitted to parliament for necessary action while the 23% increase is attributed to enhanced tax collection and anti-graft policy of the Silanyo administration. The Silanyo war on corruption is exemplified by the establishment of the one year's old anti-corruption and good governance commission which has been actively involved in ensuring that things are done as they should. Other measures include the arrest and subsequent prosecution of a number of senior operatives, recruitment of young graduates from local universities, 100% salary increase for civil servants and the retraining of ministry of finance personel after examination by the civil service commission.
  16. Imagine 5 federal states in Somalia Puntland Galmudug jubaland bay and bakool state hiiraan and shabelle state how will this practically work in the country in the long term what if the central government and a particular federal state have a dispute over sharing and distributing the resources of the country or region what if there is an internal dispute in of the federal states a subclan dispute remember the police from each and every federal state all belong to one Qabil.5 federal states will make a small nation like Somalia very weak some states will even withdraw from the federal structure of the state government and be an autonomous state and have one on one relations with Somalia's neighbors kenya and Ethiopia is that what you want for Somalia a weak divided Somalia along clan lines and fictional clan borders.You need to cure Somalia not poison it with more clanish unnecessary division.Somalia u need to look further than today 2012 think about the future think about you're grand children in what for Somalia will they live in, what we decide today is Somalia's future inshallah. Somalidu waxay ku mah mahan talo rag kama dhamaato eeh hala is dabo qabto intay goori goor tahay.
  17. ^^ Somaliana goormey edo clinton yeelatay edo clinton waxad ku tidhahda ninkaga ka ilaasho habar kale timo madow , intanay Somalia isku mashquulin the problem is with Somalia they take the IC and their words as a holy scripture. Suaashu waxa weye federalism Somalia ma u dan ba?
  18. Eng.Cadde;796901 wrote: It is the responsibility of the Local clans to come together and make thier maamul while the Gov tries to help them achieve that. Saaxib federalism was declared in 2003 and almost 10 years later clan federalism is still not implemented the people of Somalia have no interest in clan federalism its destined to fail. For instance you cannot deny one clan state and embrace the other this will only create more conflicts.
  19. Somalia;796890 wrote: There will be unity as Somalis and sharing of natural resources. Each clan will build his federal state and meet in Mogadishu to discuss national issues. The Somalidiid region will be given the choice to secede along its clan lines and if it chooses to do so unity is much more likely. :cool: Eastern sanaag and eastern sool regions are part and parcel of Somaliland its indisputable
  20. Federalism has a long way to go there are only two federal states in Somalia now galmudug and Puntland the rest of Somalia is hardly interested in clan federalism.
  21. General Duke;796862 wrote: Out frustration you contradict yourself. How can you be a multi tribal and cousins at the same time? Or you don's have the slightest what you are talking about. So you support, Siilanyu, the TFG defense Minister and Al Qaeda leader Ahmed Godane in order to show all of us the multi-tribal society that you hail from? Somalilanders are all related remember we are one ethnic group the Ethnic Somalilandish group of people different tribes though.I have never supported any of the various faction groups in Somalia i always called for a dialogue between the TFG and shabaab so that they come to an agreement.And president Ahmed siilaanyo is the president of the afro hashimite republic in the horn Africa.
  22. General duke you seem a bit angry Somaliland is a multi tribal society clan cousins often fight but we have our Traditional elders who played a huge role bringing back all the Communities in Somaliland closer to each other those in Sanaag those in sool those in togdheer and those in awdal and those in hargeysa. And that is what is today the Somaliland republic it cannot compared to banana states and pirate enclaves who have a hard time uniting a subclan, a subclan state which is turning into a sub sub clan state soon we will here federal clan states in the pirate enclave:D
  23. Carafaat;796847 wrote: Since when does he support secession? Come with proof. Taleexi fahan wuxu ku leeyahay profesooorku wa inu tageero mamuulada qabiilka iyo mamuulada reeraha hoose markasay Somalinimadu muuqanaysa:D