Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. ^^ wax la kala gooynaya ma jirto wixi isku daray uu ba hadana kala tagay intaasun weye ma dhul ba kala go aya meesha ma bad ba u dhexeysa. Ciid wax ku shubtay ma jirto shacabku iyaga goo aansaday ogoo SNM ma rabin in lala so noqdo Somalilandti 1960 eeh laakin shacabka yidhi halala so noqdo by any means necessary
  2. Abwaan;798739 wrote: JB, xitaa shirkii London ka dib weli ma ictiraaf baad ka hadlaysaan? Mise xoogaa gorgortanka jagooyinka ayaa la sii xoojinayaa. Amay roon tahay in Hargeysa fursadda ay maanta haysato ka faa'iideysataa? Ma maqashay murtida Soomaaliyeed ee oranaysa "markaan tabar hayey talo ma hayn, haddoon talo hayana tabar ma hayo" taas baan idiinka baqayaa inay idinku dhacdo. Abwaan Muhimadu waxa weye shacabka rabitanka taasina waxa weye gooni isutagaaga Somaliland u malayn mayo kurasi iyo xilal ba qancinaysa dadkaas marka ta in la ixtraamo weye mar kastaba. London waxay tidhi dawwlada somaliland iyo dawlada Somalia wa inay wada hadlan si ay uga arimaha khuseyaa mustaqbalkooda loona qeexo noocay isla jaanqaadi karan. Marka lacagti lugu laha Somalia ama Somaliland sidi loo kala hagi laha oo loo farsamayn laha wa in laga wada hadlo.
  3. Libaaxa you did not listen to president Siilaanyo all talks will be based on separation not about power-sharing or Political seats lets see what the Somalia's government brings on the table. Hence why we are discussing possible the debts of Somalia and Somaliland and how to manage those.
  4. ^^^Why should he is the UN ambassador Representative for Somalia
  5. burahadeer;798630 wrote: waryaahe dee GADHKA iska xiir. that's my language & you turned around & say GARKA. Geed waa la fuula waa laga degaa....see even mahmaaho has no meaning... Koonfurians don't know when to use Dh or the R they also cant pronounce kh they will place it with Q
  6. Maya bob the source also mentioned that particular book Bob did you read that book by the way a simple question it would be interesting if you did it will explain lots of things?
  7. Excellent work by Mr Muhammad hashi cilmi it all going the right direction Laakin ina xaashi kabta ayuu la yara dul maray odaygi daahi rayaale:D
  8. Mukulaaloow it has nothing to do with majority and minority if the region today was asked do You want independence or not they would. Want independence 100 percent. Mukulaloow for freedom one has to pay a price.
  9. I am not sure but somaliland Should not accept much of the debt perhaps 25 percent.
  10. I also looked it up this is you're source and they also claim the clan of Ahmed guray him self the imam i will look up that book though nor do they even mention the clan of the said Mr Omar D ahmed they hardly mention his full name they are mixing up the names Aw barkhadle was the Arab Sharif founding father of Walashma.They also claim that imam Semaron said died 1432 the clan you are telling us Mr Aw barkhadle belongs two read it you're self how can his ancestor die later than the existence of the whole Empire that's illogical. http://dirrera.blogspot.com/2005/12/adal-empire.html
  11. lool@ i would've been married by now war maya no need for arguing but when we we are debating a particular subject we need to stay with in the topic not go from talking about Adal Empire than talking about oromos being part of the struggle something we are not even discussing we are talking about the rulers and those who founded the Empire,now tell me who and what was his name who were his parents i mean don't throw just some name of a clan when talking about historical facts. nor did i say you are from awdal carafaat said that not me Bobo Qisadadu saxiix maha wali awoow:D
  12. Kikuyo boys are not made for war bad news for reer Azania few months in the lower juba makes them pull out, these kikuyos are afraid of the Somali forest and people want to led them into combat:D
  13. ^^^Somalina awoow Somalidu waxay ku mah mahan nin walaaan walaalki ba u miir qaba uma didin hormar caladalad iyo nolol wanaaagsan umada degen Somali galbeed kheyr iyo sharaf baan la jeclahay, laakin marna xal maha isku dhibid xabashi xita waxba ma ahaateen haday xaq iyo xuquuq ku yeelaan lahayeen Ethiopia xita taas ayaan jirin, Marka u malayn mayo inay taasi rajo keeneyso. Mide 2aad intu nin Somali noolyahay oo u leeyahay wala ii haysta wa iska yartahay xal u helida dalkaasi meeshaasina reer kaliya ma laho Somali cidi kama maqna tuuladaydi aan quraanka ku so bartay maanta gacan igu ma jirto marka dee runti wa wax laga naxo dhaliyaro so koraysa oo hadu eebo kusima ogolyahay maskaxdi laga badalayo oo lugu shubtay wax kale oo niman kale oo shisheeye wataan wa ayaan daro.
  14. A shocking video has appeared on the Internet showing Libyan rebels torturing a group of black Africans. People with their hands bound are shown being locked in a zoo-like cage and allegedly forced to eat the old Libyan flag. “Eat the flag, you dog. Patience you dog, patience. God is Great,” screams a voice off-camera in the video uploaded to YouTube last week, which also made its way onto LiveLeak.com. The torturers are also shown making the group of captive black Africans stand up with pieces of green cloth still in their mouths and apparently forcing them start jumping. A number of people are shown standing outside the cage watching the atrocity. After Muammar Gaddafi was killed, hundreds of migrant workers from neighboring states were imprisoned by fighters allied to the new interim authorities. They accuse the black Africans of having been mercenaries for the late ruler. In the course of the fighting to topple Gaddafi last year, sub-Saharan African migrants and refugees “became targets of stigma, discrimination and violence,” the human rights group Amnesty International said last month. “At the beginning of the crisis, there was vastly exaggerated propaganda for which the highest level of the National Transitional Council should take some responsibility because they largely contributed to that unfounded propaganda,” said Donatella Rovera, Amnesty’s senior crisis response advisor. Some of the black migrants managed to flee into neighboring Mali and Niger, but more than 5,000 were detained. They face mass execution, beatings, and revenge killings, according to an Al Jazeera report published back in September. Before the Libyan uprising broke out, the country hosted about a million black African workers, many of them employed in domestic work, construction, trash collection and other low-wage jobs. Human Rights Investigations (HRI) suspect Libyan rebels of ethnic cleansing of the black population of the country, particularly in the city of Tawergha. Watch video here http://rt.com/news/libya-rebels-torture-africans-679/
  15. Mukulaalow Somali galbeed waxa xoreyn kara Somalida degen gobolka Somali galbeed Somalidaas ayaa xoreyn kara wanay ka heli karan Somalia tageero ama Somaliland ama Djibouti ama wadan kale laakin self determinationka dadka meesha degen si ay xoriyad u helaan wa inay iyaga ka bilowday maxaynu dagaalki 77 ku weyney waxay ahayd dal kale baanu duqeyney sax way ahayd dhinac laakin calaamku waxay u arkayeen dalka inu dalkale gudaha u galay. Marka si ay dadkaasina u nabad galaan oo ay xoroobaan wa in la tageera asaas ka timi gobolka Somalida eh Somali galbeed, Somalida kale na tageeraan saasay ku heleyaan intaasi wa inti xoriyada. Mukalaloow imika ma waxad leedahay faisal ba yidhi xabashida iga xiga wiilka reer mogadisho marka ta daradeed wa inay dadka Somalida eeh somali galbeed degen ay xabashida isku dhiibaan waxasi caqli gal maha adeeer. Just because nin ba wax yidhi ana bakhti baan u cunaya adeer caqli gal maha wax macquul ah maha wax dadku ka qadanayaan maha. Mukulaloow Somaliweyn iyo dawlad kaliya muhim maha , Muhimadu waxa weye inay Somalidu sharaf iyo cisi ku noolaadaan marka xitaa haday Somali galbeed dawlad gaar ah noqonayso dee wa arin wanaagsan mar hada xabashidi laga so gooyey waxa kale wala isla meel dhigi kara.
  16. For a ssdf supporter you really like former Kacaan Generals
  17. Professor cali khalif galaydh is a great orator welcome to Nairobi Mr professor.
  18. Mukulaalow abdilmajid cali iid farax dauud Abdi ileey they all worked for the TPLF i don't see any difference between them just because they are from different tribes it doesn't mean anything its not like inay sharcigooda wax ku mamuulayan. As for faisal ali warabe he is entitled to his own opinion not every one agrees with what he says he doesn't speak for every Somalilander. Somalilanders fought hard military and politically to free that region even prior independence in 1958 when Micheal Mariano Garad ali and Cigaal and Sultan Abduraxmaan diiriye went to Britain to lobby for Somalilands independence and that of the hawd and reserve area, the were told to hold talks with the Emperor of Ethiopia at that time Mr Haille Selassie it all failed but the effort was there. When returned to hargeysa people asked them guul ma haysan they said no Guul ma hayno sabab they failed to bring the Somali galbeed region. Laakin Gobonimo baanu ahayna just for Somaliland it was a sad day runti for all the people.
  19. Cambuulo maya cidi uma didin aniguna uma diidani laakin systemka nimankan geela u heesa ba hor tagan sida naxar nugaleed, waxa kalo oo diidan meesha ninka Dr Osman la yidha oo awoowgi dharka xariirta xiidhan jiray oo aminsan inanay cid aan reerkisa ahayn waxba mamuuli karayn, wa halku carafaaat ka gubanayo:D Naxar Mawlid waxan filaya inu shabeelada dhexe ka so jeedo mako xaaji banadir na wa from Xamar laakin dee President sharif isku family maha Muqdishona wa magaalo qadimi ah umado fara badan ku noolyihin. Somalida dhaqankeeda waleh wa adagtahay sida loo badalo iyo waxan la yidha waan ka abtiirsiin fiicanahay beri baan la murmay mid labada go eeh cad cad ka sheekeneyey maalinkasta wuxu odhan jidhay go'a cad baa Somali burburiyey:D
  20. ^^^ Dalka ya mamamuulaya markaas maka xaji banadir iyo mawlid macaane:D
  21. ^^ There is a difference dhul Somali ah ba xabashi la siiyey wax sharci ah maha saaxib tani waba mid dhow, ta Somali ba isku raacay mar inay is raacaan maantana wa kala noqdeen laakin seed ula bar bar dhigi karta dhul xabashi ay Somali ka haysato? oo dhulki la haysto qaar durbaanka u tumayaan wa wax ayan daro ah.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=eMu4d-ewGHM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>