Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Maaddeey;798149 wrote: Bob & Xaaji, I know Arab faqeeh doesn't mention The Imam's ethnicity and that is why I said: 'If you read carefully '. In the book The Imam talks about a certain chief of a clan and says: 'This Soomaali..'. again the author always differentiates The Imam and the Somalis and their troops. Intaa wax ku qaado. Also, there's a mention of person that can be his father and he is referred to as a 'Below' Habashi ethnic that has been arabized. War Imaamka wa inaga laakin dee buuga fatux un ba qorin laakin dee imaamku wa inaga.
  2. Carafaat;798105 wrote: Xaaji, Awdal folks maxaa tariiq ugu diidisaa? I have seen that there is even an old script stil practiced by a few in Borama. Waryaaa uma diidani taarikh wa dad wanaagsan oo xadaraad fog leh oo far gaar ah xita qortay, laakin dee waxan diiday uun taarikhda la iska samaysanyo Waliba waan u qirsanahay inay dagaaladi xabashida lala galay ka qeyb qateen, laakin asaaska boqortooyadi adal uun banu isku yara khilaafsanahay walaalkeen bob.
  3. BOB;797916 wrote: Brother, The earliest recorded history of Adal empire begins from the 13th century. now we all know that the empire's capital was Zeyla (Saylac) in it's entire existance and at that time Zeyla (Saylac) was ruled by a king named Omar D. Ahmed nicknamed Aw-Barkhadle and his reign was long and successful and when he passed away his children inherited the throne. Now, I can't provide you a link to 'prove' my point as I don't believe what you find in the net these days can be deemed as authentic as anybody can post misleading 'stories' BUT what I can do is give you a name of a book and the name of an author that will answer every question you may have about Adal empire, who established it, who ran it and who were the original residents and the rightful owners of the city used to be known as 'The Light' in the muslim world but Saylac to you and me today. I've said in my earlier post and I'll say it again that the empire became a multi-ethnic MUSLIM empire afterwards and many different Somali tribes, Oromos, Afars, Hararis, Arabs (from Yemen)and Turks from the Ottoman empire all joined in because of the Jihaad against the gaalada taasoo u sahashay inay ka adkaadaan Solomonic Christian Empire. For example Imam Gurey used canons against amxaaro and portuguese which was something they've never seen before waxaana soo siiyay Ottoman Empire who sent quite a large army to help train and fight beside the Adal empire marka xaalku sidaa buu ahaa Xaajiyow ee Boqortooyadii Amxaaro Samar00n kaliyaa jabiyay inaan leeyahay ha moodin, in fact Soomaali oo dhan haday isu tagi laheyd kamaanu adkaaneen ee raggu waa lagu jihaaday oo wixii Muslim ahaa oo Horn of Africa iyo agagaarkiisa joogay (Ottoman empire from the Red Sea regiment) ayaa isugu tagay. Find a book called (Masalik Al Absaar) written by an egyptian author called Subhul Ahsha, it's not ONLY about Adal empire mind you but about all the muslim conquests, expeditions, tactics, trainings, weapons, warfares, defeats and victories through the long history of Islam. Now if you can prove me wrong then you're more than welcome to do so but if you can't (which I know you can't) then I'd like to take a break and focus on my other interest in life which it's motto reads 'Victory grows out of harmony'. Salam. Peace, Love & Unity. i am not saying the Awdal clans did not take part when it come to the wars against the Abyssinians but the point is there is no historical evidence that a Somali clan founded the Adal Empire particularly those from the present awdal region. We know About Yusuf al baqdadi and the family of umar walashma and all of that but what we are discussing here is the clear point which is that you claimed that a certain clan in Awdal founded the Adal Empire i ask you to proof it? I will look that book up for now but still its not proven
  4. Wasiirka Duulista iyo Shirkad Ajanabi ah oo kala saxeexday heshiiskii dhismaha madaarka Hargeysa March 3rd, 2012 Hargeysa(Somaliland.Org)-Wasaaradda Duulista iyo Hawada Somaliland iyo shirkada laga leeyahay dalka Shiinaha oo la yidhaahdo China Hono Group, ayaa maanta waxay si rasmiya u kala saxeexdeen heshiis lagu dhisayo madaarka magaaladda Hargeysa. Wasiirka wasaaradda Duulista iyo Hawda Somaliland Md. Maxamuud Xaashi Cabdi oo shir jaraa’id ku qabtay xafiiskiisa magaalada Hargeysa, ayaa waxa uu ku sheegay in dhawaan dhisitaanka madaarka la bilaabi doono. “Sidaad la socotaan waxa dhawaan la qaaday qandaras ku saabsan madaarka Berbera iyo Hargeysa.” ayuu yidhi Maxamuud Xaashi. Wasiirku waxa uu inta ku daray hadalkiisa “ Waxa lagu dhawaaqay natiijadii dadkii uu tartamayeey qandaraasyadda ee ka soo qaybgalay waxa ka mid ah shirkan (maanta), heshiiska aanu halkan ku kala saxeexanayno. Waa shirkadii ku guulaystay qandaraaska madaarka Hargeysa.” Wasiirka Duulista iyo Hawadda Md Maxamuud Xaashi Cabdi, waxa kale oo sheegay in la bilaabi doono madaarka magaalada Berbera oo ay shirkad kale ku guulaysatay dayactirkeeda, waxaanu yidhi “Sidoo kale shirkad kale ayaa ku guulaysatay qandaraaskii magaalada Berbera loogu dhisayey madaar cusub. Marka maanta waxaanu saxeexayna, haddii lagu dhawaaqay 17 bisha oo 18 bishan aanu siinay warqad ka hadlaysa iyagu inay dhisayaan oo ay iyaguna keenaan aqbalaad. Nidaamka iyo xeerkuna waxa weeyaan in soddon maalmood in heshiiska la saxeexo oo ay qalabkooda soo raran sidii shaqadda loo bilaabi lahaa.”
  5. Juxa;798265 wrote: I know you mean well but dadkaa iyagaa loogu yimid Somalia. They have suffered enough. Waala dhacay dhulkoodi oo la boobay beerahoodi As result of xaqii laga galay dadkii diidey Iney qaataan hub or were not strong enough to defend themselves waakaa Somalia degi la oo cudur, gaajo and dagaal dartii Somali oo dhan ey meel walba sharaf daro ku heyso Yaa malika are we not duty bound to say NO to xaq darida? Should we not learn from past mistakes? Mise waligeen awoowgeey baa ahaa thorough-bred baan meeshan lasoo cirid weynaan? We are not harsh. Waa in la is dabo qabtaaa... In fact yartan yar is getting off lightly Hada iyaga dalka loogu yimi manay ahayn iyaga ah Somalidi dhabta ah ileen iyaga loogu yimi eh.
  6. Clan federalism is destined to fail but we support a decentralized system but no to clan federalism.
  7. Dr osman carafaat is just saying PL politicians should just take a rest for a decade or two that doesn't mean he hates them.
  8. http://www.bbc.co.uk/somali/war/2012/03/120302_silanyo.shtml
  9. So osman Mr Faroole and his subclan the goat people are only concentrated how to advance garowe and they totally neglected bosaaso? Dr osman i think Pl needs new leaders with a new vision perhaps some one from the kings lineage what happened to them ever since tuute muuse was removed from the seat they are just sitting in bosaaso nothing productive?
  10. Dr osman give us you're opinion on this why is faroole failing to take the right security measures for boosaaso puntland commercial city.
  11. This is a disgrace if they want to be Ethiopians they should sing in af amhaarigna
  12. Dr osman carafaat doesn't hate pl he even visited that place. He just wants folks from the garowe enclave to get a new hobby that's all.
  13. Xornimada Iyo Gooni Isu-taaga Somaliland Waa Mida Shacabkeenu Isku Raacsanyahay Hadii Aanu Wadahadalo La Yeelano Soomaliyana Waxaa Naga Go’aana Madaxbanaanida Dalkayga. March 02,2012(Cadceed)- Madaxweynaha Somaliland Md. Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) ayaa sheegay in marka la gaadho wada hadalka Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya ay ku qancin doonaan Soomaaliya madax-banaanida Somaliland iyo sidii u noqon lahaayeen laba wadan oo walaalo ah oo jaar ah. Madaxweyne Axmed Siilaanyo oo maanta u waramayay laanta Afsoomaaliga ee Idaacadda BBC-da wuxuu ka hadlay aragtidiisa wada hadalka labada dal, waxaanu yidhi “Wadahadal dabcan anigu waxaanu u aragnaa oo sida aanu u turjumaynayno, waxaanu ka wadahalaynaa waxa naga dhexeeya. Waxa waxaanu nahay dad walaalo ah oo wax badan oo masaalaxi ahi naga dhaxeyn karaan. Hase-ahaatee waxaanu ka wadahadali karnaa tahay madaxbanaanidayda aanu ku qancinayno walaalahayaga oo aanu jecel nahay inay nala fahmaan oo ay tahay madaxbanaanidayda oo aanu sidii aanu kuwada shaqayn lahayn oo mandaqadda iyo maslaxadeeda iyo wanaageeda iyo sidii qolo waliba wixii qoloda kale dhaanto ee khibrad ah ee waayo-aragnimo ah la isku biiriyo ayaanu u aragnaa inay tahay inay maslaxadu ku jirto” Madaxweynaha oo wax laga weydiiyey xilliga uu bilaabmayo wadahadal dhexmara Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya wuxuu yidhi “Taa waqti aan anigu qabanayaa ma jirto, laakiin waqti waqtiga la isla garto insha alle watacaa ayay noqon.” Md. Axmed Siilaanyo oo ka jawaabayay inay kulmeen Madaxweynaha Soomaliya iyo in kale ayuu yidhi “Madaxweyne Shariif waxaanu isugu nimidnay shirkii London. shirkan wax sidaa badan ismaanaan odhan aan ahayn kaftan aanu kaftanay. Laakiin insha alla watacaala sida aanu sheegnay waanu ka wadahadali doonaa wixii danaha masaalaxa Somaliland ah ee waqtiga munaasibka ah.” Waxa kale oo madaxweynaha wax laga waydiiyey waxyaabihii ay masuuliyiinta Ingiriiska ka wadahadaleen inay rajo uga muuqato inay Soomaaliya mar kale cagaheeda dib ugu istaagto oo ay fowdada ka baxdo? Waxaanu yidhi “ ILAAHAY waxaanu uga rajaynaa oo ay dunida oo dhammi ay isugu timid oo ay dunida oo dhami u rejaynaysaa oo aanu aniguna aad u rajaynaysaa oo ay dunida oo dhami jeceshahay inay Soomaaliya fowdada ka baxdo oo ay Soomaaliya noqoto dal xasiloon oo dunida iyo mandaqadda ay ku nooshahay wax ku tara oo ay nabadgelyo iyo xasilooni ku soo noqota, inta la rabay ee shirka loo qabtay intaas weeye.” Gebagabadii Madaxweynaha mar wax laga weydiiyey inay Soomaliya sidii hore noqoto oo aad idinkuna danihiina meesha ka sheegatan sidee ayay idin la muuqata waxa uu yidhi “Maya ee anaga nooma muuqato ee anaga waxa noo muuqata sidii looga wadahadali lahaa sidii walaalnimo iyo wanaag ku jiro oo loo kala bixi lahaa oo iyada oo laba wadan oo walaalaha oo jaara oo fiican u wada shaqayn lahayn oo sidii wax loo wada qaban lahaa ee loo wada shaqayn lahaa oo danaha iyo maslaxadda mandaqada looga shaqayn lahaa ayaa anaga noo muuqata oo waata ta aanu ku shaqaynaynno.
  14. Calling a Spade a Spade By Ahmed I. Hassan March 01, 2012 Introduction Few years ago, I authored an article titled “The Clannish Wailers”. In it, I pointed out to a group of diehard Somaliland bashers and commented on the perverted rationales they employed for their bashing. The wailing never stopped. That is not surprising. Always at loss of ways of doing any tangible harm to Somaliland, the wailing is pretty much the only thing they can do. However, as time went by and Somaliland went from strength to strength, the Wailers were driven to being nothing less than hilariously hysterical. Hardly a day goes by without one or another of the Wailers taking to the pages of the websites with a piece of nearly blind anti-Somaliland and tribal hatred masquerading as intellectual dispensations on, or chronicles of, events taking place in Somaliland. The Clannish Wailers are too numerous to list them here all. But expect on almost daily basis a one Osman Hassan, a one Ali A. Fatah, a one M. F. Yabarag, a one Ali H. Abdulla, a one Aman H. D. Obsiye, a one Sadia A. Aden, a one Mohamed Awale, a one Mahado Sh. Dahir, a one Ahmed H. Abdi, a one Safi Abdi, a one Faisal Roble or someone posing as the spokesperson for some dubious organizations with names like NSPU and SSC appearing in the byline of some venom—though promoted as a serious op-ed—in major Somali Websites. An obvious fact is that, though all these gentlemen and ladies might swear and plead denial, they are all members of the Wailers Club. Another fact, however, is less susceptible to straight-faced denials. Reading an article written by one of them is as good as having read an article by any other. The subject matter, line of argument, premise, style, substance, theme, tone etc. of one scribe are strikingly similar to those of any other. It would be hard to escape the perceptive reader that the Wailers are on a concerted and well-coordinated mission of spurting defamation, disinformation, envy and deep-rooted enmity all targeted at Somaliland in general and at one of its tribes in particular. Inconsequential Contradictions The Wailers arguments against Somaliland have all the while been presented along clannish lines. They have acquired and perfected a self-defeating habit of labeling Somaliland with all sorts of tribal tribulations. They are fond of asserting, with unabated zest, that one-tribal chauvinism is the very foundation of Somaliland's existence. Somaliland, they would have us believe, is “a one-tribe secessionist entity”. That tribe is the source and perpetrators of all the troubles that are bedeviling Somalis everywhere. That tribe hates all other Somali tribes wherever they live in. That tribe is a Somalisdiid, i.e. rejectionists of Somali nationhood. All other tribes in Somaliland are under the yoke of armed subjugation and oppression at the hands of that damnable tribe. The Wailers litany of tirades is endless. read more here http://www.wardheernews.com/Articles%202012/March/01_somaliland_ahmed.pdf
  15. NGONGE best friend Osman Badawi u sheega laakin Cismaan waxa u hadlaya Axmed siilaanyo marku wada hadalku bilaabmo in a few months time.
  16. Carafaat hadaba ka yare walalaheen Djibouti iyo madaxda dawlada djibouti adeer enough is enough. Donc Djibouti es un belle nation c'est un lieu de réflexion et de mise en réseau auprès des pouvoirs publics de président geele Dieu vous bénit" Djibouti.
  17. 'Liibaan';797902 wrote: NG blindly supports his mad uncle - War Criminal Siilaanyo Dhiigyacab who killed thousands of innocent people for the last 30 years in Hargeisa, Burco, Xudun, Buhoodle, Widhwidh etc. Its good that Liibaan really cares about xudun burco hargeysa widhwidh burco buhoodle all those cities liibaan really loves his country you can dislike siilaanyo he just serves the country he doesn't own Somaliland he will leave the presidential office tomorrow liibaan you can replace him in the near future.
  18. Somalina;797265 wrote: What a beautiful city Gobolada dhexe waligay kuma hakan gaadhi uun baan xoog ku maray