Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Why are Somalis obsessed with looks
  2. Cismaanow 1960 Somalidu way caafimad qabeen nin ka so jeeda mamuulka budhlayn ba hiiraan ama shabeelada hoose laga soo dooran jiray nin ka so jeeda qabri dhahare ba hargeysa lag soo dooran jiray berigaas Somalidu dad caafimad qaba bay ahayeen. Dr osman Pudhlayn dad badan kuma noola wa dad aad u jar hada bosaaso waxa camiray maha reer bosaaso wa dad ka so jeeda bay iyo bakool Somalida kale ba camiray maha reer bosaasood wa afar xabo reer bosaaso, 8 gobol cismaanow maha, bal halka ku noqo mala sideed degmo baad sheegeysa taasi wa macquul laakin budhlayn wa 2 gobol iyo badh nugaal bari iyo woqoyiga galkacyo.
  3. Dr osman maha dawlad wa mamuul hoosaas dawlada Somalia Mogadisho joogta adeer la soco Pudhlayn wa mamuul goboleed reereed maha dawlad dawladay xaal qaado adeer hada tan dawlad lugu sheego. Che dee waxa weye kalay ii dawada Somalia iyo Somaliland dadka jooga wa dad iska shaqo la aani hayso markaas dee wa in marba madaxweyne durbaan loo tumo.
  4. NGONGE you mean like Osman badawi and Mohammad yabarag the wardheer.com crew. Yes this guy even called one whole paragraph saving somaliland:D
  5. He seems worried i have to say on Somaliland and Somalia relations he put all his weight behind the state department and Hillary Clinton as he thinks she holds all the answers and political solutions for his country:D
  6. Dr_Osman;799961 wrote: Xaaji war meeshu clan enclave ma aha wa sideed gobol wa mamulka ugu weyn somalia marki la firiyo dad iyo dhul iyo khayraad iyo ganacsi. Your little somaliland is not even 1/3 of puntland and your saying its clan enclave, war niyahow nagala tag sheekadas meeshani opec application ayaan buuxsanayna adiguna clan enclave baad ka hadlaysa sida loo kala dheer yahay baro War meeshu Osmanow wa guri budhcad badeed meel yar oo uu iska salaxday ninka la yidha faroole ,, Osmanow Budhlayn wa laba gobol bari iyo nugaal iyo nus mudug wa intaas, meesha wa iska mamuul beeleed dad ka mid ah somalidu samaysteen sida galmudug iyo ximan iyo xeeb wax buuraan maha. Ganacsi maxay ah niman kaluunka dabta jooga maxa kale eeh laga ganacsada eeh meesha yaala adeer meesha dawlad beleysan ba dhisan inta waan ogalahay wa ariin wanaagsan nabada xogaha ka jirta mamuulka garowe.
  7. The Garowe clan enclave cannot sign a deal with the EU countries its unlawful if they did the garowe clan enclave is an entity that comes under the TFG president sharifs government.
  8. Ministery of marine transport and ports and counter piracy who are they trying to fool with that poster the international community>
  9. Bismilahi raxmani raxim that looks horrible may allah ease the pain of that woman inaalilaah,xabashidu wa dhal shaydaan weye
  10. March 7th, 2012 In this ever-changing and unpredictable geo-political issues as well as global economic, security and diplomatic challenges, a solid and well thought foreign policy is vital for a young and yet unrecognised country, like Somaliland Republic. In a very short time, the current Somaliland Foreign Policy has transformed our country from a completely introverted and isolated country into an internationally respected partner for peace, stability and democracy. The current Somaliland Foreign Policy is absolutely geared up to the changes, needs, obstacles & geo-political challenges facing Somaliland’s people today in the Horn of African Region and beyond. The Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Somaliland Republic has beyond every doubt demonstrated throughout his diplomatic vision and skills and sustained achievements a belief in a constructive policy of engagement in international issues for peace, democracy and security relevant developments. Through his exemplary actions and profound diplomatic vision, the Minister of Foreign Affairs has silenced all the pessimistic voices and misconceptions propagated by Somaliland’s critics. Somaliland’s foreign policy emphasises the importance and the added-value of Somaliland Republic for the international community and especially for the neighbouring countries in the region regarding safety and security relevant issues in one hand. On the other hand, this policy highlights Somaliland’s democratic achievements and experiences that will serve as an example and provide useful lessons for all other African countries to learn and would certainly serve as a model in enhancing stability, democracy and development in the Horn of Africa. Somaliland’s transnational foreign policy is based upon self-confidence, the trust in their own abilities and skills. This policy is guided by a new modern and profound knowledge on international diplomatic affairs. Unlike its predecessor, this policy remains involved to all major diplomatic fronts without any compromise upon the sovereignty and integrity of Somaliland Republic. Constructive approaches, broad public consultation, breaking through the diplomatic barriers, reshaping the aloof and cautious policy and what formerly was regarded as a diplomatic taboo are the hallmarks that make the Somaliland’s foreign policy so unique and special. The Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Somaliland Republic is an unparalleled top diplomat with extensive understanding of global policy. He is a man of vision, a man of purpose who is determined to follow his will-power and belief. He is a man with strong convictions whose mindset tends not to change despite the challenges and obstacles he might encounter. Thanks to his leading and forward thinking Foreign Policy, the Minister has almost certainly put our country on the map. Our country is today certainly more valued and respected as a Regional and Global Partner for peace, stability, development and democracy. It was noteworthy and so fascinating to see the brilliant and the most convenient way in which the Somaliland Foreign Affairs Minister has prepared, networked, presented and put forward the Somaliland’s case during the London Conference. In fact, the Somaliland’s delegation hijacked all the attention and the essence of the London Conference. The London Conference was the ultimate test of the diplomatic skills, ability and credibility of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Somaliland in which he unquestionably has succeeded with the highest rating.
  11. Pirateland are having a party did they capture another ship or something
  12. Dr osman is he from the Kings lineage i see horseednet is promoting him.
  13. Cigaal used to let out some rumours about a possible reshuffle on the media so that he could check what the public thinks about it and from there he would just do the reshuffle. Siilaanyo will reshuffle his cabinet very soon maybe in a few days you will see.
  14. The sultan of eastern sanaag suldan siicid likes cadami as they are close family
  15. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;799775 wrote: They are. Si automatic ayee mudaadin Soomaali u yihiin as guaranteed by axdigii la qoray 1960. Every Soomaali oo labadiisa waalid Soomaali yihiin xaq ayuu u leeyahay baasaboorka Soomaaliyeed, whether ku dhashaan dhulalka la heysto ee Gaarisa ama Jigjiga ama kuwa xoreysan, regardless. Dad badan ayaa NFD iyo Soomaali Galbeed ka imaan jiray in '60s, '70, '80, arriving in Xamar to get their baasabooro -- su'aal la'aana baasaboorkooda Soomaaliyeed la siin jiray without any question. Maxamuud Xarbi oo Reer Jabuuti ahaa baasaboor Soomaaliyeed wadan jiray. Now kuwa u adeego shisheeyaha Soomaalida dhulkooda heysto want to change or take away this right given in the old constitution. Waxee rabaan inay Soomaalida kala saaraan, same way as you are already implying. Thats why Mogadishu in the 70s was called xarunta umada Somaliyeed instead of caasimada umada Somalia.
  16. Toby Kenyon: Somaliland Sovereignty ''Somalilanders will remain separate from Somalia , even when Somalia changes to become the best paradise-utopia in the world''. Toby - The major International Conference , on the many acute problems in and around The Horn of Africa , held in London on 23 February 2012 , has ignored the nation of four million people whose peaceful and democratic country is in the very centre of this turbulent and chaotic area . The African Union makes two excuses for the ignoring the stability of The Republic of Somaliland :– 1- “” AU aims to get all the countries of Africa under one flag “” 2- .”" In a divorce two parties are involved , therefore both parties have to be in agreement before any change happens “” The United Kingdom has enough years of diplomatic experience to tactfully overcome such arrant nonsensical policies . Knowledge of the Somaliland frontiers surveyed and agreed by Clan leaders in 1884 , is the start for intelligent discussion . Then knowledge is essential of The Somali Republic for the true understanding of the devious methods adopted by the government of The Somali Republic in the capital city of Mogadishu from 1 July 1960 to 18 May 1991 to thwart the progress and wishes of Somaliland. Somalilanders had made , in good faith , the hasty unratified agreement with Somalia , for the experimental one year union ,.which was to have been tested under fair conditions in June 1961 by a referendum . But Somalia, THE LARGER POPULATION , reneged on the unratified ” agreement “ Today , in 2012 , The United Kingdom will gain both economically and strategically by proposing peacefully at The General Assembly of The United Nations Organisation that The Republic of Somaliland is accepted ……… politically ………..into the world community again ( as she was on 26 June 1960 before the start of The Somali Republic , and on the ending of The British Somaliland Protectorate . ) . The United Kingdom has two reasons for refusing the request of Somaliland for sovereignty : – 1- ”" It is for the Somalians and the African Union to approve the sovereignty of The Republic of Somaliland . “” 2- ”"As UK was the former imperial power , UK MIGHT BE ” PERCEIVED ” AS GUILTY OF ” NEO-COLONIALISM “ The replies to AU and UK inaction on the Somaliland Case are : – A- The African Union specifically sent a Fact-Finding Mission to Somaliland in 2005 in order to ascertain the legal right of the de facto Somaliland to complete independence ( like Eritrea and places outside Africa which had been given UN membership with much weaker claims to independence ) . The AU Mission recommended to the Council of AU that The Republic of Somaliland has all the requirements of de jure status forthwith . The AU Council is failing to action the recommendation of their own Fact-Finding Mission of 2005 . . B- UK ” fear ” in FCO that ” perceived neo-colonialism ” might upset other nations , ( which have poorer records on human rights than Somaliland ) , needs to be put to the test in the normal manner of UN General Assembly peaceful Debate . We created UN as a ” better ” committee than The League of Nations , yet we fail to use UNGA in this most vital case . Failure to debate peacefully due to ” an ill-defined sense of colonial guilt and fear ” , fifty – one years after the amicable end of The Protectorate , is the pathetic and basest deriliction of UK moral Duty and obligation , after we have received requests , frequently , from Somalilanders that UK is the nation which they wish to lead in the peaceful debate . The Cold War was the reason that our attention missed the genocide of Somalians on the population of Somaliland . Somalilanders are showing the world that their stability is equal to the most ” advanced ” countries of the world ……..But we deny them the security which comes with UN membership . The disputed frontiers , which may be taken to The International Court of Justice at The Hague by two nations , can only be settled when Somaliland is a nation again . Somalilanders will remain separate from Somalia , even when Somalia changes to become the best paradise-utopia in the world . Somalilanders are faithful moderate Muslims , who have respect for civilized ways ……….They will keep their excellent development and motherland inviolate . For UK to perpetuate the limbo status of Somaliland is bad for UK as stated in Parliament by The Prime Minister on 7 July 2010 .. Somalilanders have shown that they are best fighters in the world , in WW 1 & 2 and the Civil War when Somalilanders defeated Somalia which is three times greater and was armed by the Soviets . The 23 February 2012 Conference in London was preceded by 7,000 peaceful happy Somalilanders in Whitehall witnessing their Petition for Sovereignty being delivered to 10 Downing Street . The President of The Republic of Somaliland was invited , and attended the Conference ………. Will The United Kingdom now act at The United Nations for Somaliland’s Sovereignty ? By Toby Kenyon (Independentsomaliland)
  17. Galmudug way duushay mashallah god bless galmudug and the people of galmudug
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=xWUy9pcbLbM#!" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  19. Good news mashallah the Turks are real friends of Somalis may allah bless them.
  20. Fresh-prince xaabsade saying that the diaspora of the Garaad clan didn't welcome the presidential ceremonial party or were not present at the gathering that doesn't mean he doesn't represent them back home in Somaliland.Since back home is more important than what happens in merry old England .You're point is invalid when we are discussing the representation of you're clan in the Somaliland republic.
  21. Yes there is oodweyne hide in Kenyan hotels and take pictures with the defeated general Morgan and say we represent the garaad clan from nairobi chanting we love khaatuumo and dancing the jaandheer ritual dance alongside with the Luo tribes in the Spirit of Somalinimo.
  22. Freshprince Xaabsade visited saaxdheer meets Garaad jamac garaad cali not a single person stopped him when leaving southern laascaanood when the traveled from kalabaydh all the way to the border of SL at saaxdheeer spend 5 days in saaxdheer ate the finest camel dish with the traditional chiefs of his clan. Can hurre buuba do the same and travel from Somalia all the way to salaxlay and have a nice camel dish with Suldaan Maxammad suldaan cabdulqadir i don't think so.
  23. FreshPrince;799690 wrote: What about Keyse Abdi Yusuf, Abdi Xabsade, Fuad Adan Cade? Aren't they to, "opportunistic carpetbeggers" ? You think they are really and genuinely representing the thinking and the sentiment of the Khaatumo people. I used your own words against your own illogical claims. There is a difference Fuad adan cade xaabsade keyse abdi yusuf have the full legitimacy in their constituency while the likes of Buubaa and omaar and others don't, they cant even visit the village they hail from that's the difference.If they wish to return they have to beg the SL government to return.