Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Dumarku wa gob waan jeclahay hooyo edo iyo qaar kalo badan wa kuwanu dhalnay but siyasad dee uma dhiban karno meelo kalo oo badan oo ku haboon ba jira oo loo dhibo oo ay ka so bixi karan shaqadooda.
  2. Yes lets hope that but don't equal hargeysa with garowe wa aduunyo kale fog. Ssc dee wa xisbi is diwaan geliyey i think i will be a member soon Who are the cousins Che is talking about gogoshi oday Siilaanyo wali way furantahay.
  3. ^^ war kuwasi rag bay u eegyihin manad arkayn qaab dhismooka Che Yurubianka wa iska yara stif stiff eeg isday u taganyihin
  4. Carafaat;802009 wrote: SSC? Thats a Somaliland party
  5. Che -Guevara;802008 wrote: This is an improvement Xaaji. We went from 'we have nothing to do with Somalia' to we will talk to them....now talk to your cousins to the east, it's next logical thing to do. Che Guevara all Somaliland leaders since 1991 said if there is a government in Somalia we will talk to them but how could Somaliland talk to warlords or Abdiqasim or the ICU at that time if Somalia has a government, Somalilands government is willing to talk to them. We are not sure of the talks will succeed or not,its not even certain if the talks between Somaliland and Somalia will be prior august perhaps after august.
  6. War naga da niyo ambay nin ba lahayn war habluhu gurigooda ha ino joogan. Ma rag ba arladi laga wayey markaynu gabadh madasha calaamka keeneyno.Xita ka ay qabto wa u damiir xumo sabab first man bu la baxaya wamaxay waxaasi First man waba sheeko walaan.
  7. Faroole is stalking nonsense again as usual. Somaliland mamuul beeleedka pudhlayn wax ka dhexeyaa iska yar Somaliland will talk to Somalia and thats its
  8. Inagada naag Somalia hogaamisa ka waran Madaxweynayasha calaamku haday inaga shukaansadan Madaxweynaha
  9. It was already posted by by Jacayl baro salax and general duke
  10. Carafaat;801803 wrote: The Hermet, you cant deny that SSC always wanted Somali Unity. And that Somaliland and TFG wil talk and one of the options is Unity. If there was only one outcome possible then it would be talks but an ultimatum. So SSC is closer to its goals sxb. Somaliland Unity with Somalia is out of the question not gonna happen stop living in a fairy tale. If the garaad clan wanted to be part of Somalia they would not reject their closest clan cousins from the pirate enclave who promote larger unity and even clan unity. Ask you're self why did they reject the pirate enclave they are not interested in Somalia.
  11. Che -Guevara;801785 wrote: They need to be baptized like the Woyanes, only then will they leave Somalia. :D madaxa halo qo qoyo Kikuyada
  12. Yes they did but its not something bad they asked their government for help and i hope siilanyos govt will listen.
  13. Duke this is an internal SL matter it doesn't concern pirates. Somaliland goverment belongs to all the clans of Somaliland so don't know what clan folks you are on about adeer.
  14. Yes the city council members don't want khadra gaydh to be the mayor of Gabiley well atleast a section of the gabiley city council members so they so they organized a demo they want to get rid of her.i think it has something to do with she is not a native from gabiley city but from alaybaday and the natives of the gabiley want a strong leader in gabiley city who protects the interest of reer gabiley.The Government arrested the traditional elders of gabiley it sacked general jidhif and taani both hail from the gabiley region they are not happy and they voted for kulmiye in big numbers during the elections,also mr cawar xareed was arrested with out evidence. Perhaps the govt of SL should listen to reer gabiley and let them express themselves and if needed replace the admin of gabiley.
  15. Its already solved Xukuumadda Iyo Odayaasha Saaxil Oo Kulan Ay Maanta Berbera Ku Yeesheen Ka Soo Saaray Qodobo Meesha Ka Saaraya In Warshad Labaad Oo Sibidh Laga Hirgaliyo Berbera Berbera (Ramaas) Mar 10,2012 – Xukuumadda Somaliland iyo odayaasha gobolka Saaxil oo maanta Magaaladda Berbera ku yeeshay kulan xal loogu raadinayo muranka ka dhashay warshada sibidhka ee shirkadda Dahabshiil doonayso inay ka hirgaliso duleedka Magaaladda Berbera ayaa ku dhammaaday guul. Kulankan oo dhex Wasiiradda Wasaaradaha qorsheynta Qaranka Dr Sacad Cali Shire iyo Wasiirka arimaha gudaha Maxamed Carraale (Duur) iyo odayaasha gobolka Saaxil oo ay matalayeen guddida horumarinta gobolka Saaxil ayaa laga soo saaray saddex qodob oo xal loogu raadinayo murankaasi, kuwaasi oo fulintooda Hargeysa ay la imanayaan labada wasiir. Qodobadan xalka ah ee laga soo saaray khilaafka warshada sibidhka, ayaa lagu sheegay in shirkadda Dahabshiil la siiyo dhul, dhulkaasi oo aan la sheegin inay warshad ka dhisanayso iyo in kale. Qodobadan ayaa u dhignaa sidan: 1. In ganacsatdii hore ruqsada u haysatay (Berbera Cement Factory) in loo qiimeeyo warshadii hore wixii ka hadhay hawlahoodana loo fasaxo 2. Inaan dalku qaadin Karin laba warshadood, sidaa daraadeed xukuumaddu dhexdhaadiso labada dhinac oo Hargaysa hawshooda lagu dhameeyo xukuumaduna kor ka maamusho 3. In shirkada Dahabshiil la siiyo dhul.
  16. Cambuulo Ethiopia cant and will never ever solve Somali problems when will people learn Alshabaab can be solved by Somalis themselves but letting Ethiopians come inside Somalia and fight and destroy you're villages will only further escalate the Situation.i don't like Alshabaab as they don't have a concrete plan for Somalia but letting Ethiopians and Kenyans in Somalia is more depressing. Leave Somalia for Somalis no foreign interventions let Somalis solve their problems. But intay gacan shiisheeye inugu jirto waleh xalku wa si fogaanayaa.
  17. Cambuulo i am against shabaab when they kill innocent Somali students and that should always be condemned as they are our children but if they totally wipe out an Ethiopia battalion than kuddos to them.
  18. ^^ Indeed they are great Somalilanders some of their community though is a bit misguided inshallah they will see the light soon.
  19. lool@ Che I am sure cabdi cawar is not a pretty woman but what will you call this prank calls:D
  20. Reer Khaatumo Dareenkiina U Muujiya Cabdiweli Gaas- Lasanod Online. Friday, March 09, 2012 Ogeysiis: Waxaa laga codsanaynaa dhamaan shacabka reer Khaatumo ee jooga aduunka dacaladiisa, inay muujiyaan dareekooda.. ku aadan warqadda bugta ah ee lagasoo macmacay xafiiska Cabdiweli Gaas. Waxanu hoos idiinkusoo tebinaynaa telefoonada, fax iyo emailada xafiiskaas, sidaa awgeedna qof kasta oo akhrista qoraalkan waxaanu ka codsanynaa inuu email ama telefoon diro uu ku muujinayo dareenka shacabka reer Khaatumo. Arrintani waxay Cabdiweli iyo budhacadda joogta xafiiskiisa tusi doontaa in shacabka reer khaatumo uusan waxba uga baahnayn Cabdiweli, Faroole iyo Siilaanyo, iskuna tashaday marka lagasoo bilaabo go'aankii Taleex ee dhidibada looga taagay Maamulka Khaatumo. Lambarada iyo emailka xafiiska Cabdiweli waa sidan: Tel: 252618555573 ama 252699904444 Email: pm@opm.gov.so Fax: 2525941017 http://www.lasanod.com/details.php?num=7087