Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Its seems that reer laascaanood are not interested in clan states they see the larger picture of nationhood. The Caaqils are the elders of Somaliland god bless them Burahadeer:D:D
  2. ^^You have to proof that there were alshabaab fighters in gaashaamo there if you don't have evidence its stops here.
  3. Taleexi hada waxaad keentey sheekadi cali samatar oo kale Riyaale iyo ismacil cali abokor ba xun Generalku wuu fiicanyahay maxa lugu haysta wa tabti uun tad wadiid.
  4. Wadani the situation is totally different rebels fighters crossed the border into Ethiopia is that is wrong i ask you? Ethiopians entering and crossing the border into Somaliland is also wrong perhaps it depends on who you speak 2 in my book its wrong but what caused this but was it a reaction and shelling the town is also wrong see two wrongs don't make it right.Here is the catch though this would've not happened if there were no ssc and rebels fighters inbetween Somaliland and the Ethiopian border. Now compare it to Liyo Boolis just going inside villages in the region harassing people taking them into prison totally demolishing entire villages.The people of gaashaamo were just doing their daily works and they were attacked for protecting their dignity because of the incident that occurred in gaashaamo.
  5. Liibaan is again comparing apples to oranges there were border clashes between the border of SL and that of Ethiopia led by Xaglatoosiye the former rebel leader of ssc keeping the insecurity of the region intact.This is a whole different situation this is just random Liyo boolis attacking some of the regions in gaashaamo killing people. and no border dispute.Now Buhoodle is peaceful no rebels in Buhoodle xaglatoosiye left.This is the exercise of bad action and recations between the Somaliland army and their former rebels and that's seems to be solved and the region of the buhoodle district is an oasis of peace now stop comparing the incomparable.
  6. Lets support the professor for the top seat i am sure he will be a great head of state.
  7. Prof. Cadow oo maanta si rasmi ah u shaaciyey inuu u sharaxan yahay xilka Madaxweynenimo sheegayna Qorshahiisa hadii uu ku guuleysto Madaxtinimada dalka. Posted: March 19/2012, 4:24 pm Musharaxa u qaataan qabashada xilka Madaxweynenimo Prof. C/laahi Xassan Cadow ayaa maanta soo bandhigay waxyaabaha uu ka qabanayo xaalada dalka hadii uu ku guuleysto Madaxweynenimada Soomaaliya. Siyaasiga C/laahi Axmed Cadow oo maanta Magaalada Muqdisho ku qabtay kulan su’aalo lagu waydiinayay oo ay ka qeyb galeen qeybaha kala duwan ee bulshada ayaa waxa uu si rasmi ah u shaaciyay in uu u yahay musharax u taagan xilka Madaxtinimo ee dalka, isagoo balan qaaday in wax badan uu ka qaban doono xaaladda dalka hadii uu ku guulaysto jegadaasi. Siyaasiga ayaa sheegay in wax ka qabashada dalka uu u leeyahay waayo aragnimo buuxda, isagoo tilmaamay in marxaladda dalka uu haatan ku sugan yahay uu aaminsanyahay in uu wax badan ka qaban doono, waxaana uu intaasi ku daray in beesha Caalamka iyo shacabka Soomaaliyeed uu u cadeynayo in xilligaani uu u taaganyahay xilkaasi. C/laahi Axmed Cadow ayaa balan qaaday in hadii uu ku guulaysto doorashada Madaxtinimo uu xoogga saari doono dhinacyada nabadda, dhaqaalaha iyo dhisidda Ciidamada xooga dalka Sooamaliya si ay u hantaan ammaanka dalka sida uu hadalka u dhigay. Ugu dambeyn Prof. C/laahi Axmed Cadow ayaa waxa uu soo dhaweeyay wadamada ka socda qaaradda Afrika ee Ciidamadoodu ay joogaan Soomaaliya, isagoo taasi ku tilmaamay mid lagu taageerayo shacabka Soomaaliyeed, maadaama dalka aan ka jirin nidaam iyo kala dambeyn la isku haleyn karo.
  8. STOIC;806578 wrote: .I do believe that SL is a functioning government today while your dancehall state is not functioning beyond the mechanics of organizing get-together parties..Revival and reform have been a dormant theme in Somali politics for the last twenty years, so i will not be surprise if i see dancehall state flag flying high in all your cities, but it takes time and patience.Just know that there is a danger in overemphasing the weakness of SL while the reality on the ground is a different ball game.It takes a bedrock of faith, and inspirational reality to reach the level of SL... This is how SOIC views khaatumo
  9. ^^ Easy on them they are you're countrymen
  10. ^^ Che you said it before a nation with out heroes.
  11. Taleexi war anigu oday baan ahay laakin dhaliyaradu ha iska xafladeyaan STOIC wa halyey ha ila i daayo wada dheer bu so maray wa nin guri shisheeye ka yimi ku qabsashada waxa weye dhex galida umada ma fahantay.
  12. Ina xaashi wanted to step down he was 2 years the Minister of Finance i think he wishes to retire from Politics he is an old man in his mid 70s.
  13. Independence should be celebrated its a bit early but good
  14. Abtigis is right on this its not a clan war the Liyo Police not that long ago were burning down food storage's and killing farmers in the villages of abshir and mandheedh. Its a disaster they arrest abuse elders all over Somali galbeed they humuliate daughters infront of their fathers and brothers and all this happens all over Somali galbeed from dhagaxbuur to wardheer fiiq qalaafe qabridhahare danod and now in gaashaamo.The TPLF wants to turn into a clan war between the different communities laakin qofki caqli leh wa iska fahmi kara.
  15. No its not about clan its about people caring about their own people do you know how many relatives of the family members were knocking on the doors of Siilaanyo the past few days from elders business people and other people. There are no doctors in the region to treat the people even the doctors from sl were not allowed to enter the region after much talking they were allowed. As for the ONLF i consider it a noble struggle and it deserves support but it has a long way to go to get the support of the northern people of Somali galbeed lots of dialogue and reconciliation between the different communities is needed.
  16. It does make sense if the people of burco and oodweyne and ceerigaabo have direct family members in gaashaamo that they are worried about.Particularly their close family members across the border.And if they are pressuring their government to act or to condemn the atrocities committed by the Ethiopian forces than that doesn't come as a surprise does it? Not so sure see the problem if the SL government condemns the attacks on the people of gaashaamo don't we all condemn it? Lets just hope it all calms down and let the people live in peace and harmony inshallah.
  17. Why are people on STOIC case what did he do wrong its just his opinion respect his political beliefs.
  18. Asad its just a reshuffle nothing major changed Xaabsade hada wa wasiirka hawlo guud
  19. Kaligi taliye the royal goat kingdom of garowe led by mr faroole.
  20. Well some of these peopLe have families in somaliland if not all of them so they put pressure on the sl govt eventhough there is little they can do about the situation
  21. It all started with a group of liyo Boolis from the command of wardheer arrived in Gaashaamo and started harassing some local females a young man from gaashaamo stood up to them first they brutally beaten him and after that they shot him dead.Locals from Gaashaamo heard what happened and picked up their guns and went after the Liyo Militia gunned down 9 of them they fled the same evening they came back and burned down villages cadaada and raqda near gaashaamo killing a numerous of innocent civilians situation is still tense.The authority in jigjiga claims they are fighting extremist elements in gashaamo.