Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. i dont know that liberation u are talking about laascaanood is free KOW even the khaatuumo guys visited laascaanood its free
  2. He can visit where ever he wants he just opened his office last week in laascaanood and thats what matters
  3. i asked pictures and the source not that hard to provide the source?
  4. nonsense where is the source pictures atleast something
  5. Somalina xita taxigilihi lacagtisa ma siin way iskaga dhaqaajisay
  6. Che Guevara we need practical solutions for Somalia in particularly baydhabo and to save guard our Somali people from becoming refugees in their own country.Things need to change for the better how long can people fight inside baydhabo and throw grenades with continues guerrilla attacks how will this solve the situation in baydhabo. Not saying the Ethiopians are the key solutions to the problems Ethiopian intervention should never be endorsed in Somalia but what is next will the fighting continue till the Somali residents of baydhabo are forced to flee into Ethiopia it self and Kenya is there not another alternative how long will the people of baydhabo suffer since they are caught in between shabaab and the TFG and Ethiopians fighting in their territory.
  7. Caano geel Somalina is not a awdalite ka baadh gobolka hiiraan
  8. True but this is worse guerrilla attacks what does this mean no war no peace this is bad news for the residents of baydhabo they want peace when shabaab was there there was one admin now the TFG are there with the assistance of the Ethiopians how long will this continue the residents of baydhabo need to be secured from the daily attacks,between shabaab and the TFG. Somalida kooxaha is haysta wa inay shacabka u tudhaan.
  9. ^^ Lool@ Somalina Somalidu wa dad walaan oo cajiib ah qabiil ba walayaa i had a guy the other day he was like where are u from he was from gedo by the way i said what do you mean he said magaalede baad ka timi he could not locate my accent ma Somali galbeed ma woqoyi meel walba wuu ila aaday i don't have a thick woqoyi accent even-though i like to play that accent on the internet:D Ninki marki anu isla rafanay mar u galkacyo ila aaday mar u garowe ila aaday mar u galguduud ila aaday wu so dhawaday oo wuxu yidhi ma reer jigjigaad tahay, But Somalis do that if they want to find out you're clan tuuladad ka timi bay ku weydiyaan ama magaalada, Any way reer hiiraan great people cleaning the city halka ka haya. Beledweyne and hiiraan are the heart land of Somalia god bless.
  10. Didn't they lose xudur today how are they fighting in baydhabo
  11. ^^ Why me Abdul i have nothing against khaatuumo khaatumo is my home allow khaatuumo no daa
  12. Liibaan i thought wasiirka beeraha from baydhabo already recognized khaatuumo aqoosniga khaatumo badana
  13. What i thought Taleex media was bluffing ileen Amiirku he welcomed Khatumo
  14. Ciidamada Dowladda KMG ah iyo kuwa Itoobiya oo dagaal la'aan ku qabsaday degmada Xudur ee Gobolka Bakool Khamiis, Maarso 22, 2012 (HOL) — Ilo wareedyo ku sugan degmada Xudur ayaa u xaqiijiyay HOL in cutubyo ka tirsan ciidamada DKMG ah iyo kuwa Itoobiya ay la wareegeen xarunta gobolka Bakool iyadoo aysan dhicin wax dagaallo ah. Degmadan oo 450-km dhinaca Galbeed kaga beegan Muqdisho ayaa noqonaysa tii saddexaad oo ciidamada dowladda iyo kuwa Itoobiya ay kala wareegaan xoogagga Al-shabaab tan iyo bishii Diseember ee sannadkii hore. Xoogaggii Al-shabaab ayaa isaga baxay degmadaas gallinkii dambe ee shalay kaddib markii uu duleedka degmadaas ka dhacay dagaal culus oo u dhexeeyay iyaga iyo ciidamada dowladda oo kaashanaya kuwa Itoobiya. "Ciidamada dowladda KMG iyo kuwa Itoobiya oo iskaashanaya ayaa gudaha u soo galay degmada, xalaaddu waa daggan tahay," ayuu yiri goobjooge ku sugan Xudur oo sheegay in ganacsiga oo dhan uu xiran yahay, sidoo kalena dadka ku haray degmada ay guryahooda ku jiraan. Bishii lasoo dhaafay dhammaadkeeda ayay ahayd markii ciidamada dowladda KMG ah iyo kuwa Itoobiya oo isgarabsanaya ay la wareegeen degmada Baydhabo oo ah xarunta gobolka Bay kaddib markii xoogaggii Al-shabaab ay si nabad ah uga baxeen degmadaas. Ma jiro hadal kasoo baxay dhinaca Al-shabaab oo ku aaddan ka bixitaankooda degmada Xudur iyo la wareegista ciidamada dowladda KMG ah, waxaase tani ay qayb ka tahay dadaallo ay dowladda Soomaaliya oo kaashanaya ciidamada dalka ku sugan ay ku doonayso inay kula wareegto gobollada ay Al-shabaab ku sugan tahay. Maxamed Xaaji Xuseen, Hiiraan Online maxuseen@hiiraan.com Muqdisho, Soomaaliya
  15. Ciidamada DKMG iyo kuwa Ethiopia oo la wareegay Xudur Muqdisho: (Sh. M. Network) Ciidamada dowladda KMG Soomaaliya iyo kuwa Ethiopia ayaa la wareegay gacan ku heynta magaalada Xudur ee xarunta gobolka Bakool kadib markii degmadaasi ay ka baxeen kooxfa Al Shabaab. Abaari 12:40 daqiiqo saacada afrikada bari ayaa waxaa gudaha degmada Xudur u galay ciidamada dowladda KMG Soomaaliya iyo kuwa Ethiopia kuwaasi oo xalay ilaa shalay kusugnaa deegaano waxyar 20 km u jira degmadaasi Xudur. Kooxdii Al Shabaab ee hotay gacanta ugu heysay degmadaasi Xudur ayaa la sheegay in ay isaga baxeen degmadaasi kadib markii ay ka warheleen in ay ku soo wajahanyihiin ciidamada dowladda KMG iyo kuwa Ethiopia, waxaana ciidamadaasi ay qabsadeen magaalada iyada oo aan wax dagaal ah ka dhicin. Ciidamada dowladda iyo saraakiisha Ethiopia ayaa durba waxa ay fariisimo ka sameysteen saldhiga degmadaasi Xudur, waxaana ay dadka ugu baaqeen in ay is dajiyaan oo howlahooda ay caadi u wataan. Degmada ayaa waxaa la sheegay in ay durba dib ugu soo laabteen qoysas shalay cabsi uga barakacay degmadaasi kadib markii ay ka warheleen in ay degmadaasi ku soo jeedaan ciidamada Ethiopia. Xaaladda ayaa haatan waxa ay tahay mid degan, iyadoo ilaa iyo hadda aan la ogeyn halka ay cirib iyo jaan dhigeen kooxihii Al Shabaab ee gacanta ku hayay degmada Xudur, mana jiro wax war ah oo ka soo baxay Al Shabaab. Aqriso oo la soco Shabelle.net Saacad Walba si aad u hesho wararkii ugu dambeeyay ee Soomaaliya.
  16. Al-shabaab oo laga saarey degmada Xudur ee gobolka Bakool Ciidamada DKG iyo kuwa Itoobiya ayaa maanta la wareegey gacan ku haynta degmada Xudur ee xarunta gobolka Bakool. Al-shabaab oo iyagu horay magaaladaas ugu sugnaa ayaa ka baxay waxyar kahor markii ay ciidamada huwantu degmadaas gaareen. Ciidamada Itoobiya iyo kuwa Soomaaliya ayaa lagu arki karaa wadooyinka waaweyn ee Xudur waxayna baaritaan ku sameeyeen qaar kamid ah guryaha. Ka bixitaanka Al-shabaab ee degmada Xudur ayaa imaanaya xilli shalay dagaal xoogani uu ka dhacay deegaanka Aboorre oo qiyaastii 25km degmadaas galbeedka kaga beegan. Bil kahor ayey ahayd markii ay ciidamada DKG ah oo kaashanaya kuwa Itoobiya ay Shabaabka kala wareegeen gacan ku haynta magaalada Baydhabo kadib markii ay iyadoon wax dagaal ahi dhicin ka baxeen. Xudur ayaa noqonaysa degmada 2-aad ee ugu weyn gobolada Baay iyo Bakool taas oo laga qabsado ururka Al-shabaab oo iyagu horay inta badan gobolada koonfureed ee Soomaaliga uga arimin jirey. Horseed Media
  17. Ciidamada Dawlada Federaalka Iyo Kuwa Itoobiya Oo La Wareegay Magaalada Xudur- Lasanod Online. Thursday, March 22, 2012 Xudur,(lasanod Online)- Ciidamada DKG iyo kuwa Itoobiya ayaa maanta la wareegey gacan ku haynta degmada Xudur ee xarunta gobolka Bakool. Al-shabaab oo iyagu horay magaaladaas ugu sugnaa ayaa ka baxay waxyar ka hor markii ay ciidamada dawladdu degmadaas gaadheen. Ciidamada Itoobiya iyo kuwa Soomaaliya ayaa lagu arkiyaa wadooyinka waaweyn ee Xudur, waxayna baaritaan ku sameeyeen qaar kamid ah guryaha magaalada. Ka bixitaanka Al-shabaab ee degmada Xudur ayaa imanaya xilli shalay dagaal xoogani uu ka dhacay deegaanka Aboorre oo qiyaastii 25km degmadaas galbeedka kaga beegan. Bil ka hor ayey ahayd markii ay ciidamada DKG ah oo kaashanaya kuwa Itoobiya ay Shabaabka kala wareegeen gacan ku haynta magaalada Baydhabo, kadib markii ay iyadoo wax dagaal ahi dhicin ka baxeen. Xudur ayaa noqonaysa degmada 2-aad ee ugu weyn gobolada Bay iyo Bakool, kuwaas oo laga qabsado ururka Al-shabaab oo iyagu hore inta badan gobolada koonfureed ee Soomaaliga uga talin jirey
  18. In an ideal world yes why do you think it took 21 years to even mention talks between Somaliland and Somalia its the most sensitive issue in our history more controversial than Axmed gurays Clan the out come will shape the entire future of the Somali Peninsula. Do you even know what is at stake the entire future of our peoples. I applaud the international community to mediate between the two countries.
  19. Loool@ jacaylbaro walaalkeen carafaat either he is naive ama kisku iska waalayaa. Beesha calaamka walo bahanyahay dhex dhexaanin hadi kale talks will fail and we are then where we were in 1991. Do you want that, Somalia wil not accept somaliland as its neighbor with out a good deal perhaps the international community can help with that. Carafaat this is 2012 not 1960 back than Somaliland wanted a union and the koonfurians were not so sure about it adan cade told cigaal to wait with the union atleast a few weeks. There was not a problem back than here is the problem today Somaliland already independent controling its territory. Somalia doesnt want to lose somaliland because somaliland is rich in resources oil gas gold. Here the ic comes in to help mediate talks can fail if one side is not happy
  20. This is not true the Amiir does not support clan ideas
  21. Arafat the international community will mediate between somaliland and somalia. The minister is just paving the road for that.
  22. Allah ha u naxariisto general saqadhi dubad a man who did allot for somalIland.
  23. Foreign Minister of Somaliland addresses the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament Dr Omar declared that: “Somaliland has recently re-engaged with the international community, in order to play its part in solving the ongoing challenges Brussels, 21 March 2012 – The Foreign Minister of the Republic of Somaliland, Dr Mohamed A. Omar, today had a meeting with the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament. In his statement to the Committee, Dr Omar drew attention to the contrasting fortunes of Somaliland and Somalia since the former declared independence in 1991. He spoke of “the emergence of a peaceful and democratic Somaliland through a painstaking process of reconciliation at the local level. At the same time, governance collapsed in Somalia, leading directly to the problems confronting the Horn of Africa today, namely terrorism, piracy, and hunger.” Dr Omar declared that: “Somaliland has recently re-engaged with the international community, in order to play its part in solving the ongoing challenges in neighbouring Somalia. Last month's London Conference represented an important milestone in Somaliland’s diplomacy.” The Foreign Minister continued that: “the international community’s focus on an inflexible and unrealistic notion of Somalia’s so-called territorial unity endangers the very stability that we are all looking for. Focusing energy on the re-creation of a centralized state through a top-down approach ignores the realities on the ground, which are dictated by the decentralized nature of Somali politics.” Dr Omar added: “We offer a compelling example of peaceful and democratic nation-building through a bottom-up approach, drawing on tried and tested African methods designed to defuse disputes between neighbouring communities.” Dr Omar continued: “We believe that a similar approach is needed in Somalia too, and we have offered to share our experience with our brothers and sisters in Somalia.” Foreign Minister Omar made it clear that: “Somaliland would be in an even stronger position to contribute to a stable and peaceful Somalia if Somaliland is politically recognised internationally.” Aware that EU member states are significantly affected by Somali piracy, the foreign minister noted: “We are fully engaged with the international community in the fight against terrorism and piracy.” The Foreign Minister drew attention to the Communiqué of the London Conference which supported “any dialogue that Somaliland and the TFG or its replacement may agree to establish in order to clarify their future relations.” This “reinforces Somaliland’s vision of a dialogue between two separate entities, Somalia and Somaliland, that can engage as equals, and marks a starting point for constructive discussions about the future relations between Somaliland and Somalia.” Referring to the generous development and other assistance provided by Europe, Dr Omar stated: “Let me once again express the gratitude of the Government and people of Somaliland to the European Union and its member states for their continued support for my country.” Dr Omar concluded by saying that: “political recognition of Somaliland’s independent statehood within the borders established by the European powers in the 19th century would reinforce Somaliland’s role as a beacon of peace and democracy in the Horn of Africa, and allow us to emerge as an even more effective partner for the region, for Europe, and the international community.”