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Golaha Wakiiladda Somaliland Oo Doortay Laba Guddoomiye Ku xigeen iyo Jawigii Fadhiga March 24th, 2012 Comments Off Hargeysa(Somaliland.Org)- Mudaneyaasha Golaha Wakiiladda Somaliland ayaa maanta Guddoomiye Ku xigeenka koowaad ee Golaha Wakiiladda u doortay Md. Baashe Maxamed Faarax, halka ay Guddoomiye Ku xigeenka labaadna u doorteen Md. Cali Yuusuf Axmed. Fadhigii maanta ee Golaha Wakiiladda oo uu gudoominayay Guddoomiyaha aqalkaasi Md. C/Raxmaan Maxamed Cabdilaahi (Cirro) isla markaana ay madasha fadhiyeen 64 Mudane. Waxa ka muuqday xamaasad xoog leh oo Mudaneyaashu dhinac waliba u xusul duubayay in murashaxiinta ay wataan ku guulaystaan labada Guddoomiye Ku xigeen ee Wakiiladda. Xilka Guddoomiye Ku xigeenka koowaad ee uu hore u baneeyay Wasiirka cusub ee Maaliyadda Md. C/Casiis Maxamed Samaalle, waxa u tartamayay Md. Baashe Maxamed Faarax iyo Md. Ibraahim Axmed Haybe (Ibraahim Kacaan). Halka Guddoomiye Ku xigeenka labaadna ay u tartamayeen Md. Axmed-Yaasiin Sh. Cali Ayaanle iyo Md. Cali Yuusuf Axmed. Md. Baashe Maxamed Faarax, waxa u codeeyay 49 Xildhibaan, Halka murashaxii la tartamayay Md. Ibraahim Axmed Haybe ay u codeeyeen 22 Mudane, sidaasna waxa ku guulaystay xilkii Guddoomiye Ku xigeenka koowaad Md. Baashe Maxamed Faarax. Md. Cali Yuusuf Axmed, waxa u codeeyay 43 Xildhibaan, halka Md. Axmed-yaasiin Sh. Cali Ayaanle ay u codeeyeen 20 Mudane, sidaasna waxa ugu guulaystay Guddoomiye ku xigeenka labaad Md. Cali Yuusuf Axmed. Labadii murashax ee laga guulaystay Md. Ibraahim Axmed Haybe iyo Md. Axmed-yaasiin Sh. Cali Ayaanle, oo doorashadaasi ka dib Golaha la hadlay ayaa u mahad celiyay mudaneyaashii doortay iyo kuwii aan dooranba. Waxaanay intaasi ku dareen inay ku qanacsan yihiin siday doorashadu u dhacday. Geesta Kale Guddoomiye Ku xigeenka koowaad ee cusub Md. Baashe Maxamed Faarax iyo Guddoomiye Ku xigeenka labaad Md. Cali Yuusuf Axmed ayaa iyaguna u mahad celiyay Mudaneyaasha Golaha Wakiiladda, gaar ahaan labadii xildhibaan ee xilalkan kula tartamayay. Weriye Cumar Maxamed Faarax Somaliland.Org/Hargeysa cumarmfaarax@hotmail.com
Somaliland should send Police security forces to Somalia
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Carafaat's topic in Politics
Carafaat is dreaming again let geele send his police force. -
Le Somaliland indépendant demande sa reconnaissance par l’UE Mieszko Dusautoy / Somalie Ouganda / (crédit : Parlement européen) (BRUXELLES2) Le Somaliland mérite votre coopération et souhaite qu’on reconnaisse son droit à l’indépendance, c’est le message principal de Mohamed Omar, le ministre des affaires étrangères de cette république autonome de Somalie, a délivré aux eurodéputés de la commission parlementaire des affaires étrangères (AFET), mercredi (21 mars). Une occasion également pour le ministre de remercier l’Union Européenne – « le principal bailleur de fonds » du pays – mais aussi de rappeler combien son pays tient une position stratégique dans la Corne de l’Afrique. Il souhaite ainsi que l’Europe accorde une attention plus importante à la coopération non seulement au développement mais aussi à la sécurité et appelle au départ du gouvernement fédéral de transition (GFT), que soutient pourtant (à bout de de bras) la communauté internationale, et (de moins en moins) l’Union européenne. Une exception dans le chaos de la région Dans une région où règne parfois le chaos, le Somaliland fait, en effet, figure d’exception, tant en termes de gouvernance, de développement, et de sécurité que dans le domaine social. Les élections se déroulent normalement, la transfert de pouvoir en 2010 ayant été surveillé par des observateurs internationaux qui n’ont pas détecté de problème particulier. Le gouvernement « fournit une éducation primaire gratuite », la mortalité infantile a baissé de 152 à 50 o/oo en 20 ans, etc, explique-t-il. A partir de cette situation, les autorités du Somaliland réclament la reconnaissance internationale de leur Etat. Demande de reconnaissance de l’indépendance Mohamed Omar a rappelé cette demande de reconnaissance de l’indépendance aux eurodéputés. Il ne s’agit pas d’une « sécession » mais de la « dissolution d’une union qui a échoué ». Les anciens des clans du Nord de la Somalie ont déclaré leur indépendance et créé la République de Somaliland en 1991. Une telle reconnaissance lui permettrait non seulement de se développer grâce à un accès aux fonds internationaux, mais aussi d’accentuer son influence dans la lutte contre la piraterie et le terrorisme dans la région. « Le Somaliland veut jouer son rôle (en tant que) phare de la paix et de la sécurité dans la Corne de l’Afrique ». La reconnaissance du pays au niveau international permettrait par exemple qu’il ne soit pas inclus dans l’embargo sur les armes envers la Somalie, ce qui « renforcerait sa capacité à contrôler ses eaux et gérer les menaces sécuritaires comme Al Shabaab ». Si la stabilité, la paix et la sécurité, sont bel et bien l’objectif à court terme, auquel le Somaliland travaille déjà avec succès, l’indépendance reste « l’objectif à long terme », a rappelé Mohamed Omar. Un partenaire indispensable dans la lutte contre la piraterie et le terrorisme Pour l’UE, avoir un partenaire stable dans la région serait un atout considérable. « Nous sommes entièrement engagés dans avec la communauté internationale dans la lutte contre le terrorisme et la piraterie » a déclaré le ministre. La coopération existe déjà avec le Somaliland, mais Mohamed Omar regrette que ce ne soit pas le cas dans le domaine de la sécurité. Il appelle par exemple à une formation des forces de son pays. Le Somaliland dispose par ailleurs de prisons, qui manquent cruellement dans la lutte contre la piraterie, et un transfert de prisonniers des Seychelles vers ce pays est déjà prévu. De même, le Somaliland est un allié important dans la lutte contre le terrorisme. Si le mouvement Al Shabaab est presque vaincu autour de Mogadiscio, la capitale de la Somalie, Mohamed Omar pose la question : « mais où vont-ils ? Ils se déplacent [...] peut-être vers le Nord, dans les montagnes du Somaliland », évoquant ainsi une menace possible. Il en appelle là aussi à une collaboration plus étroite en matière de sécurité. Une reconnaissance internationale permettrait également au Somaliland de faire partie de l’Union Africaine (et donc de l’AMISOM), plaide-t-il. Pour l’instant, le nouvel Etat ne demande qu’un « statut d’observateur » à l’Union africaine. Le Gouvernement fédéral de transition (GFT) somalien doit partir Le ministre du Somaliland se pose en opposition avec le GFT somalien, « en place depuis 2004, depuis huit ans ». « Ce n’est pas un interlocuteur crédible » car il demande une extension de son mandat « à chaque échéance ». Mohamed Omar est ici en accord avec les conclusions de la Conférence de Londres, qui demande que le GFT laisse la place à une nouvelle administration. La feuille de route de Djibouti, qui prévoit des élections parlementaires et une assemblée constituante d’ici au mois d’août, est un échec selon le ministre, qui ne voit pas pourquoi l’on continue de négocier avec « une administration qui va partir dans quelques mois » (à savoir, le GFT). Et il appelle à un dialogue « d’égal à égal » entre la Somalie et le Somaliland. « Se concentrer sur la re-création d’un Etat centralisé par une approche « top-down » ignore les réalités du terrain, qui sont dictées par par la nature décentralisée de la politique somalienne ». Il faut alors prendre l’exemple du Somaliland et des réussites déjà avérées. « Nous offrons un exemple incontestable d’un processus de construction nationale pacifique et démocratique basée sur des méthodes africaines testées, dessinées pour régler des conflits entre communautés voisines ». Mention « bien » Finalement, le Somaliland a reçu ce qu’on pourrait appeler une « mention bien » des eurodéputés qui ont salué son action stabilisatrice, même si tous ne partagent pas aussi fortement l’idée d’un démembrement de la Somalie et d’une séparation totale (le séparatisme de l’Erythrée qui a obtenu son indépendance de l’Ethiopie est encore dans certaines têtes comme le contre-exemple).
Abdul yes he also supports khaatuuumo and 2 weeks before that he declared a war on khaatuumo as for the Somalia stuff he was talking about the said conspiracy theories he was talking about the possible out come of the future he never said this is what i want or this is what i want for reerkeyga all conspiracy theories bu ka hadlay.I don't see know what this has to do with garaad abshir and ugaaska Boocaame.
LONDON (ShareCast) - Ophir Energy, the African energy firm which began trading in London last year, is hailing 2011 as a 'transformational year' as both revenue and cash-flow surged. Revenue jumped from just $0.53m in 2010 to $14.68m in the 12 months ended December 31st 2011, helped by a farm-out gain from its AGC Profond interests to Noble Energy (NYSE: NBL - news) . Meanwhile, the loss before tax was more of less flat at $19.08m (2010: $19.28m) as higher revenue was offset by rising exploration and administration expenses. The company completed a $384m initial public offering (IPO) in July, which "as set against a backdrop of turbulent capital markets and relatively low levels of new equity issuance." Ophir said it ended the year as the best performing IPO stock for 2011. Cash inflow was $306.7m, compared to an outflow of $45.4m at December 31st 2010. The group had no debt, unchanged from the previous year. The group's cash position stood at $396.6m at the year-end, mainly from the funds raised from the IPO. These will go towards its planned activities for 2012, but the group said it will need additional funding for forecast expenditure beyond this period. 2012 OUTLOOK IS 'PROMISING'... In February, the company completed its recommended offer to acquired AIM-listed peer Dominion Petroleum (Other OTC: DMPTF.PK - news) , which was sought to expand its east African portfolio.Ophir now boasts to be the largest acreage holder in the fast-evolving offshore east African play. Earlier this month, Octant Energy announced a $65m placing in Canada to fund a farm-in to Ophir's Madagascar, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Uganda and Somaliland acreage This is expected to remove significant capital expenditure requirements for Ophir's non-core assets. Jefferies said that the key advantage of the transaction is that it will allow Ophir to continue to use almost all of its capital to its core assets. A nine well drilling campaign is planned for 2012, and the group said that preparations are underway for a planned 12-well programme in 2013. Ophir's Chief Executive Officer Nick Cooper said that the board is "look[ing] to the future with confidence and excitement," as the oil and gas industry's focus on African exploration has risen dramatically in 2011 and early 2012. "The pace of activity on both the East African offshore gas play and the West African pre-salt play have increased as major oil companies have entered the region and made significant discoveries," the company said. Since listing last year, the stock has almost doubled and is now trading on the FTSE 250 (FTSE: ^FTMC - news) . Shares fell to a low of 184.5p shortly after its IPO, but are now trading close to their highs at 424.2p. The current 52-week high is 440.8p. BC http://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/ophir-energy-looks-2012-confidence-075200194.html
Buurmadow is opposed to Somalilands president Siilaanyo but he is not against his own country never ever he is against the government of siilaanyo not even the entire goverment he has some personal beef with siilaanyo something related to the garadag conference in 2008. Since buurmadow was a good friend of rayaale and a die hard udubist. Now buurmadow is locked up can you lock up garaad abshir salax when he comes to taleex?
The Death of Abdullahi Yusuf but what will history say...
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to The Hermet's topic in Politics
He is dead we can say allah ha u naxariisto its not nice to talk bad about a deceased man he is now with his creator every one knows XX was his biggest critic with the Ethiopian invasion but he is now with his creator Allah the Allmighty. Let him rest in peace allah samir iyo iman eheladi iyo qaraabidisa haka siyo especially his wife it must be so devastating for her. Every Somali individual has his own opinion about Cabdilahi Yusef, there is nothing we can change about that. -
Wafti ka Socda Somaliland iyo Deegaanka Gaashaamo ee Dhawaan Dagaalo ka Dhaceen oo Galabta u Anbabaxay Itoobiya. Waftigan oo Galabta ka Ambabaxay Magaalada Wajaale ee Gobolka Gabiley ayaa la sheegay ...... Hargeisa (GNS)-Wafti Balaadhan oo ka Socda Somaliland ayaa Galabta u Boqoolay Dalka itoobiya, Waftigan oo ka koobnaa 17 Xubnood oo isugu jira Salaadiinta Somaliland iyo Xubno ka mid ah Golaha Guurtida oo uu hogaaminayay Xaaji Cabdi Xuseen(X.Cabdi Waraabe) ayaa Safar ku Tagay Dalka Itoobiya. Waftigan oo Galabta ka Ambabaxay Magaalada Wajaale ee Gobolka Gabiley ayaa la sheegay in ay kulan la yeelan doonaan maalinta Sabti Madaxwaynaha Dawlada Deegaanka Somalida Itoobiya Cabdi Maxamuud Cumar, kulankaasi oo lagaga Wada hadli doono Shaqaaqadii dhawaan ka Dhacday Deegaanka Gaashaamo ee kililka Shanaad ee itoobiya oo ay Ciidanka Liyuu Boolisku ku laayeen Dad Shacab ah oo Dhalasho ahaan ka soo jeeda Somaliland. Waftiga ayaa waxaa ka horeeyay Wafti ka socda Deegaanka Gaashaamo oo u Badan Madax dhaqameedka iyo Salaadiinta Deegaankaasi kuwaasi u Tagay kulan ay ku balansanyihiin Beelaha Deegaanadii Dagaalku ka dhacay iyo Madaxaynaha Dawlada Deegaanka Somalida Itoobiya Ma jiro War Rasmi ah oo ka soo baxay Waftiga Balse warar ku dhaw xubnaha Waftiga ayaa Sheegay in Wufuudan kala duwan ee ku Sii jeeda Magaalada Jigjiga ay Marti Qaad ka Heleen Madaxwaynaha Kililka Shanaad Cabdi Maxamuud Cumar oo la sheegay inuu kala hadli doono Xal u helida Dagaaladii Dhawaan ka Dhacay Deegaanka Gaashaamo
Abdul this is not about me this was posted on the khaatumo website lasanod.com still they are tribal chiefs they are the signatories of khaatuumo and today they sing a different tone. So tell me Abdul are there specific garaads with veto power with in the garaad tribal structure? Loool@ NGONGE:D faroole odaydu la shiro oo la casheyo wa muhiim:D
Qardho,(lasanod Online)- Wasiirkii hore ee wasaaradda Amniga Puntland, haddana ah musharax u taagan xilka madaxweynaha Puntland.. oo maanta gaadhay magaalada Qardho, ayaa shir uu Saxaafadda u qabtay kaga hadlay arimo badan. Wuxuuna ku dheeraaday arimo uu kamid yahay Dastuurka cusub ee Puntland ee 15-ka bisha soo socota ee April ay ergooyinka koobni ansixin doonaan, isagoo sheegay in Dastuurkaasi uu yahay mid aan la aqbali Karin, rabitaanka shacabkana aan ka turjumeyn. Cabdilaahi Siciid waxuu ka tacsiyeeyey geerida madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya ahaana asaasihii dowladda Puntland Cabdilaahi Yuusuf Axmed oo xalay ku geeriyoodey dalka Imaaraadka carabta, kadib markii uu in mudo ah xanuunsanayey. Gen. Samatar waxa kale oo uu digniin culus u diray madaxweynaha Puntland Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Faroole, isagoo sheegay inuu maray wado aan ahayn tii uu ku dhaartay inuu Puntalnd ku hagi doono markii uu xilka qabtay. Si gaar ah wuxuu usoo hadal qaaday mudada sanadka ay ee ay xukuumadda Faroole xilka ku kororsatay, isagoo tilmaamay in taasi ay tahay mid dadka Puntland aysan aqbali doonin islamarkaana dhibaato horseedi doonta “Hal maalin kuma darsan kartid… hal maalin, hadii aad ku darsatidna waan u sheegayaa Isimada, waan u sheegayaa dadweynaha, waxan u sheegayaa indheer garadka, wixii dalka ka dhaca adaa mas’uul ka ah” ayuu yidhi Samatar.
Isimada Khaatumo Oo Qaarkood Weli Faroole La Fadhiyaan-(Sawiro)- Lasanod Online. Thursday, March 22, 2012 Garoowe,(Lasanod Online)- Madaxweynaha Puntland Cabdiraxman Maxamed Faroole ayaa xalay casho sharaf ugu sameeyey.. xarunta madaxtoyada Garowe isimada iyo odayaasha dhaqanka Puntland. Dhegayso Heesta Munaasabadan Ujeedada xafladan ayaa saraakiil ka tirsan maamulka puntland ku sheegeeen inuu ahaa xog isweydaarsi , kala war qaadasho xaaladaha guud ee Puntland. Isimadii xalay ka qaybgalay martiqaadka madaxweynaha Puntland waxaa ku jiray saddex isim oo kasoo jeeda deegaanka Khaatumo, kana mid aha isimadii ka qaybgalay shirkii Taleex ee maamulka goonida ah loogu dhisay deegaanka SSC. Isimadan xalay fadhiyey madaxtooyada Puntland durba miyeey ka baxeen ballantii shacabka ee berdaha Khaatumo?. 1- Garaad Abshir Saalax 2- Suldaan Siciid Cismaan 3- Boqor Cabdilaahi Axmed Dabagooye
Qaar Ka Mida Garaadadii Ka Qayb Galay Shirkii Taleex Oo Kalsoonidii Ka Noqday Kooxda Khaatumo State. Garoowe(Ramaas) Mar, 23, 2012- Qaar ka mida Garaadadii ka qyb galay shirkii degmada Taleex ee lagaga dhawaaqay maamulka Khaatumo Statem ayaa ka noqday kalsoonidii ay u hayaan maamulkaas oo ay ka qayb ka ahaayeen dhismihiisa. Garaadada oo xalay kulan gaar ah Madaxtooyada Puntland ee Magaalada Garoowe kula yeeshay Madaxweyne Cabdiraxmaan Sheekh Maxamed, ayaa sheegay in ay ka mid yihiin madaxda dhaqanka ee Puntland , isla markaana aanay la safnayn maamul kale oo lidi ku ah danaha Puntland,iyaga oo hore wacad ugu maray in ay taageeri doonaan beeshooda dhisatay maamul u gaar ah . Xubnaha Garaadada ah waxa ka mid ahaa Garaad Abshir Garaad Saalax, waxaana ay madaxda Puntland u xaqiijiyeen in ay kala shaqayn doonaan nabadgalyada deegaamada ay ka soo jeedaan, isla markaana ay dadka ku wacgelin doonaan in ay qayb ka noqdaan Puntland oo ay ka tanaanulsaan tabashadii ay ku aas-aaseen Khaatumo oo aan hawlgeli karin wakhtigan, maadaama oo aanay gacanta ku hayn dhulka ay degto beesha sool intiisa badan. Tallaabada ay qaadeen Garaadadu ayaa wiiqi doonto jiritaanka Khaatumo State oo aan ku taagnayn cago adag,iyada oo la filayo in madax dhaqameed kale ay iyana ay ka baxaan kooxdaas oo inta badan dibed wareeg ah.
Carafaat is a member but his parents are not aware of this if they only knew carafaat son u need more guidance
Qofku suaal xuma Ma cid ba dalkisa ibisa
Breaking News: Legend Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed has passed away....
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Allah ha u naxariisto the colonel now he died its not nice to say something bad About him -
Somaliland: War on Piracy and Pirates Exchange Now Official Wednesday, 21 March 2012 21:03 Some of convicted pirates in Hargeisa prison Some of convicted pirates in Hargeisa prisonHARGEISA (Somalilandsun) - Somaliland is now officially in the fight against piracy in the Indian Ocean and Gulf of Aden after president Silanyo signed two laws. President Silanyo formally legitimized the country's war on piracy after he signed two laws pertinent to Anti-piracy and pirate exchange. A presidential decree # JSL/M/XERM/249-988/032012 stated that President Silanyo has officially signed Piracy law # Xeer Lr. 52/2012 thus legitimizing Somaliland's participation in the international concerted war on Piracy. The same decree also divulged that pirates exchange has been legitimized after the president signed law # Xeer Lr. 53/2012. This formally allows Somaliland to receive pirates sentenced in other countries for imprisonment in its prisons. The president said that he signed the two laws in pursuant to Articles 75 & 90 of the Somaliland constitution as well as a parliamentary approval of the two laws # GW/G/KF-17/555/2012 ee 21/03/2011 The two laws were recently approved by both houses of parliament after the president asked the law makers to prioritize them before his departure to the London conference on Somalia held late last month. Parliamentary approval of the two laws facilitated President Silanyo's discussions with world leaders on concerted efforts to eliminate piracy as well as pirates exchange especially with Seychelles from where the first batch of 14 convicted pirates is expected in the country soon. Currently Somaliland which has managed to protect its water from pirate activities while devoid of international support and sufficient materials holds over 70 convicted pirates in its prisons a bulk of who are in the UN refurbished Hargeisa prison. The international community has provided low scale support for these anti-piracy activities through coast guard training by the British Navy and refurbishment of the Hargeisa central prison by the UNDP. Following this legislation Somaliland will be in a position to not only receive funding for its anti-piracy activities but legally imprison pirates convicted in Special courtrooms in the Seychelles and Mauritius. On the other hand drastic action is needed: more than 4,000 Somali pirates have been captured and released since 1999, nearly five times the number that has been successfully prosecuted. Not a single convicted pirate has completed their sentence. Peter Cook, founder of the Security Association for the Maritime Industry, says: "Having internationally certified prisons in Somaliland and Puntland ensures that pirates stay within Somalia and is ultimately more constructive than someone disappearing into a Western country. It will build rather than destroy confidence in the regions, and ensures that there is a rule of law that sets a precedent. Eventually it could work its way down the coast." Seafarers and shipping operators are increasingly angry that more has not been done to curb piracy in the Indian Ocean. Attacks rose to a record 237 in 2011, with ransoms worth £100m paid to release 31 hijacked vessels, according to a One Earth Future Foundation report released last week. The UK remains one of the few Western nations not to have prosecuted a single pirate in the past three years, despite the taking of British hostages such as Paul and Rachel Chandler, who were kidnapped by Somalis for 13 months, and Judith Tebbutt, who was released recently after being kidnapped from a Kenyan beach resort last September after her husband was shot.