Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Faisal cali waraabe on Somaliland & Somalia talks " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  2. Sharif said he appointed 7 people but so far we only have 5 Wasiirka Arimaha gudaha amaank Cabdismaad Macalin Maxamuuud Wasiirka garsoorka iyo diinta Axmed xassan roobe ugaas bille Wasiirka Arimaha dibada Cabdilahi xaaji xassan Wasiirka Arimaha gudaha cabdilahi Axmed jamac ilkajiir Wasiirka Xiriirka Calaamiga iyo qorshaynta dauud Maxammad cumar. Where are the other 2
  3. Duke we are not talking about the genetic make up of Somalilanders and how it differentiates from others. President Siilaanyo never supported the killings and shelling of the Somali Muslim People In Mogadishu you did Col Cabdilahi Yusuf did Tuute Muse did in the name of Clan supremacy and subjecting the people of Mogadishu under Xabashi rule but the brave People of Mogadishu rejected the Ethiopians and you're clan hero, Men Like Mujahid Adan Hashi Cayrow stood up for them. History will remember the heroes but it will never remember the cowards.
  4. Qaranki;818686 wrote: Will Ilkajir ask if he can visit his home town? :D
  5. Duke you don't believe in Somalia you believe in Puntland hegemony over Somalia you supported when Faroole was threatening Sh sharifs government when you're clan didn't get the Prime Minister position suddenly faroole supports the TFG i wonder why? Duke wants a weak Somalia where clan federal states call the shots with a weak central government so that he can threaten the central government when ever he wants.You are a country with in a country with you're own constitution army police navy parliament all in the hands of one clan no elections are taking place. Where one clan has more than 31 seats in the Parliament it makes it impossible for other clans in the garowe clan enclave to even think about becoming president in you're enclave. You did support Cabdilahi Yusuf even when he used Somalia's arch enemy to destroy the Somali Capital no my friend you are no nationalist. You support Cabdi Cawar because he is you're clan cousin but you didn't support farmaajo but you did support cumar buur what do they all have in common??.I never supported clan federalism i want Somalia to remain one and a strong state instead of being divided along clan lines Puntland ximan iyo xeeb waax iyo waadi mareeg state galmudug jubaland etc etc but my good friend duke doesn't see that blinded by Qabyalaad may allah guide you brother.
  6. Africa own don't waste ur time on duke we all know what he is going to say Somalia is one we are united at the same time long live clan federalism , Down with the evil secessionists at the same time he advocates for clan federalism so that every clan lives in his own little village. But its good that Somaliland and Somalia are talking they might agree on something lets wait and see.
  7. its no secret its a disputed area but the majority part is controlled by Somaliland:D You seem obsessed with Amiir godane
  8. Africa own This is the disputed area and it will be solved inshallah
  9. It took you 21 years to have a government even-though its protected by Amisom mercenaries but hellow Somaliland said it will talk to a government in Somalia and now the world wants to mediate between Somaliland and Somalia no problem we welcome it. Not sure if the talks will bring a solution and not sure if the talks will make sure Somaliland and Somalia can have relations again we have to wait and see What Constitution i don't know what you on about why don't you bring you're so called Constitution to laascaanood:D Yes we love clan self determination don't we duke lets support the self determination of west Puntland and those in raas caseer:D
  10. General Duke;818633 wrote: The delegation looks great. The SNM will await their fate to be decided by the real stakeholders. Unionists are pleased so far... Duke union come from two sides not from one side try again:D Somalilanders have nothing to lose if they talk to this government of Sharif so far so good.
  11. ^^ According to wardheernews the man who is leading the talks on the side of Somalia has no problem with a recognized Somaliland republic http://www.wardheernews.com/Articles_2011/Nov/18_tfg_somaliland_hassan.html Any way this is not about recognition its about talking lets see where it takes us if we can have a dialogue Guys.
  12. Carafaat this one is just gogol xaadh Rayaale will be leading the real talks in June between Somaliland and Somalia
  13. Madaxwayne Axmed Siilaanyo Oo Sheegay Inuu Guddi Qaran U Saari Doono Wada Hadalada Soomaliya, Shanta Wasiir Ee Uu Magacaabayna U Sii Gogol Xaadhayaan Shirkaasi Hargeysa (Ranaas) Apr 14,2012 – Madaxwaynaha Somaliland Md Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) ayaa ka hadlay hawlaha ay u xil-saaran yihiin guddida shanta wasiir ka kooban ee uu dhawaan u magacaabay gogol xaadhka wada hadalada Soomaliya oo siyaasiyiin badan u fahmeen inay yihiin guddida Somaliland uga qayb-galaya wada hadalada Soomaliya. Madaxwayne Axmed Siilaanyo oo maanta furay shirkii golaha dhexe ee KULMIYE ayaa sheegay in guddidaasi ay gogol xaadh u yihiin wada hadalada Somaliland iyo Soomaliya, isla-markaana marka dambe uu magacaabi doono guddi qaran. Madaxwayne Axmed Siilaanyo oo hadalkiisani daba socday hadalo badan oo ka soo yeedhay bulshada qaybaheeda kala duwan oo ay ku dhaliileen guddidaasi shanta wasiir ka kooban ayaa yidhi isaga oo ugu horeyn ka hadlaya muhiimada Somaliland uu ugu fadhiyey shirkii ka dhacay London “Waxaa marag-madoon ah in ay Somaliland qiimo wayn ugu fadhido guushii aynu kasoo hoynay shirkii caalamiga ahaa ee London oo ahaa dhacdo taariikhi ah, waxaanay shirkaa dunidu ku go’aamisay in Somaliland iyo Soomaalya ay wada hadlaan, waana madashii ugu horaysay ee mudo 50 sanadood ku siman ay beesha caalamku garwaaqsatay jiritaanka Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland (as an entity).” Madaxwayne Siilaanyo waxa kale oo uu soo qaaday “Hadaba, Anigoo ku kalsoon in ay danteena iyo madax-banaanideenu ku jiraan isla markaana dhinaceena fulinaya go’aanka shirkaa London, waxaan magacaabay Shan (5) Wasiir oo London u tegaya go-gol xaadhka iyo diyaarinta qaabka wada hadalka kuwaas oo hordhac u ah sidii aynu uga midhodhalin lahayn wada-hadalkii ay dunidu inoogu baaqday. Waxaa ii qorshaysan in aan soo saaro gudi heer qaran ah oo diyaarisa istaraatiijiyada wada hadalka iyo qorshe lagu midaysanyahay marka ay ku haboonaato, waxaynu ku guulaysankaraa marxalad kastana kaga gudbi karaa midnimo iyo isku-duubni.”
  14. Detoore Osman is tired of Farooles little games its time for General samatar from the Royal Boqor Lineage no need for goat Politics:D
  15. Duke its all about talks just like we talk in here do we agree unless one sides compromises but i know one thing fore sure sidan wadkayga u hubo Somaliland Dawladnimadeeda kama tanasulayso qof kala tanasulaya:D