Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Ofcourse he is he was a law student in his young years.
  2. Kenya role in Somalia clan politics worries regional allies By KENFREY KIBERENGE Kenya’s attempts to intervene politically in southern Somalia will complicate the search for stability in the war-torn country. A decision to prop up armed militias from a leading clan in the years before ‘Operation Linda Nchi’ has created competing centres of power opposed by both Al Shabaab and the Transitional Federal Government. Internal rivalry among these allies in southern Somalia is now affecting joint operations against the Al Qaeda linked terror group. Al Shabaab militants in Somalia. Internal rivalry among militia propped up to fight the terror group is affecting Kenya’s attempt to intervene politically in southern Somalia While the re-deployment of Kenyan forces under the African Union Mission in Somalia, Amisom, has ensured Kenya and her neighbours work together to eliminate Al Shabaab, there are concerns that power struggles and differences over political strategy risk undoing progress on the battlefield. This is the warning from international experts concerned about the rivalry between Kenya, Uganda and Ethiopia over how to bring stability to Somalia. The experts point to a rift over the regional strategy, warning that unless the rivalry is tackled and a common approach developed, each may seek to undermine the other’s efforts, compounding Somalia’s political and security crisis. "In the absence of improved co-ordination, Somalia could in effect be carved into spheres of influence," warns the International Crisis Group, a non-profit group committed to preventing and resolving deadly conflict. The rivalry has made itself felt most recently in a power struggle over Amisom briefings. The Kenya Defence Forces wants to give public accounts of its operations in Somalia without the approval of the head of Amisom, a Ugandan military officer. However, UPDF bosses upset at how ‘Operation Linda Nchi’ drew international and regional attention away from the work Amisom was doing in Mogadishu insist on clearing all messages with the chain of command. The Kenya Government’s political missteps in Somalia lie in both how it chose its allies in that country and how it dealt with neighbouring countries with a stake in the country’s future. Over two years ago, Kenya hatched a plan to create a local administration in southern Somalia. Known as Jubaland, and later Azania, it was intended as a buffer between Kenya and Al Shabaab-controlled territory. To set it up, Kenya trained some 2,500 militiamen and helped set up an administrative structure headed by Mohamed Abdi Mohamed ‘Gandhi’, then the TFG defence minister and now president of Azania. When Gandhi’s forces did not perform well in 2010, Kenya began to support Ahmed Madobe and his militia, called the Ras Kamboni Brigade. Support for the two men is now said to have divided the government.
  3. The hell with secessionists Somalia is one and will remain one dadkan xaafadaha kala qeybinayaan la yaaba anigu ma galkacyo ba noqon karta laba wadan come on caqliga hala isticmaalo.
  4. GaroweGal;819709 wrote: From what I understand "Soomaaliyey toos" was written in the early 1900s in attempt to entice the Somali people to rise against the Italian and British Colonialists, and this was later adopted as 'national anthem' during the civil war in an effort to restore the country. However this is not the original Somali national anthem. I believe our anthem is Qolobaa Calankeedu. I would love to know who wrote it. Qolaba Calankeena was written by Abdilahi Qarshe this man Allah ha u naxariisto
  5. This one is also good on Somali leadership and how it should be
  6. Good man jamac kediye Somali baan ahay wa runti
  7. Waryaadhaeen the koonfurians also have students calaamka meel kasta wa xaqiiqo dhab oo jirta laakin dee dad gaar ah uun baa afro hashmiti state ka yimi dee wa inaydan waxa isku qaldin.
  8. Waa kayga aniga cidi ilama laha kagana kula lihi
  9. Kingofkings Qof Somali kala qu quba halkaan looga ma baahna wada jirka dalka Somalia wa shay u bahaan in la isku hayo, marka sheekooyinkan xawalayga kala tag meesha.
  10. Ardayda Reer Somaliland Ee Dalka Jordan Oo Guul Ka Soo Hooyey Bandhig Jaaliyadeed Ay Ka Qayb-galeen 30 Dawladood, Lana Dhex Tagay Calanka Jamhuuriyadda + Ciyaar Dhaqameed Ay Dhigeen (Sawiro) Irbid (Ramaas) Apr 16,2012 – Magaaladda Irbid ee dalka Jordan ayaa waxa lagu soo gabogabeeyay bandhig jaaliyadeed sanad walba loo qabto ardayda ajaanibka ah ee wax ka barta jaamacadaha dalkaasi oo ay ku jiraan arday badan oo reer Somaliland ah, kuwaasi oo wax ka barta jaamacadaha dalkaasi. Bandhigan oo sanad walba la qabto si loo kobciyo is-dhex galka bulshooyinka ajaanibka ah ee ku dhaqan dalkaasi isla-markaana lagu soo bandhigo qaybo kala duwan oo ka turjumaya hidaha iyo dhaqanka jaaliyad kasta, taasi oo ka turjumaysa wadankii ay ka yimaadeen ayaa sanadkan guud ahaan jaaliyadahaasi ku soo bandhigeen ciyaar dhaqameedkooda iyo waxyaabo kale oo dhaqanka la xidhiidha. Bandhigan oo sanadka ay qaban-qaabadiisa lahayd Jaamacada loo yaqaano JUST (Jordan University of Science and Technology) ee dalkaasi Jordan ayaa waxa ka qayb qaadanayay ilaa 30 dawladood oo Carab iyo ajaanib kaleba leh. bandhigyada noocan oo kale ah ayaa sanad walba waxa loo qabtaa ardaydan, si loo kobciyo is-dhexgalka bulshooyinkan, isla markaana wax looga barto dhaqanka iyo hiddaha ay caanka ku yihiin wadamada ay ardaydani ka kala yimaadeen. Sanadkan ayaa markii ugu horaysay taariikhda bandhig-jaaliyadeedkan ka qayb qaatay ardayda jamhuriyadda Somaliland oo si weyn loogu soo dhaweeyay saaxadda jaaliyadaha ee jaamacadan. Wefdiga matalayay wadanka Somaliland waxay ku guulaysteen inay soo bandhigaan qaybo kala duwan oo ka turjumaya hiddaha iyo dhaqanka bulshadeenu leedahay sida ciyaar-dhaqaameedyada oo ay soo bandhigeen ciyaarta loo yaqaan "Saylici" iyo cuntooyinka shacbiga ahba, kuwaasi oo guud ahaan ardaydii kale ee ajaanibka ahayd iyo waliba madaxdii ka soo qayb-gashay soo dhaweeyeen ciyaar-dhaqameedyada iyo cuntooyinka reer Somaliland caanka ku yihiin ee ay soo bandhigeen ardaydan oo sidoo kale halkaasi la tagay calanka Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland. Ardayda reer Somaliland ee ku jira jaamacadaha dalka Jordan ayaa guul wax ku ool ah ka soo hooyey bandhigaasi iyagga oo calanka Somaliland la dhex tahay dad ka kala yimid 30 wadan oo adduunka ah.
  11. Dastuur federaali ah oo dusha lagaga keeno ba waxan oo dhan burin kara. Budhlayn is part of somalia cid wax goosanaysa ma jirto.
  12. Waleh tani meel kale bay ka degeya hadaan la is daba qaban.
  13. Liibaan khaatumo waxay ka mid tahay somaliland sida ay azania uga mid tahay kenya.
  14. Liibaan i am not anti Khatumo never was i consider Khaatumo state of Somaliland but i believe Qatumo is part of Somalia.
  15. Azania horta halkay ku danbeysey ciidamadi Kenya halkay wax isla marinayaan where is zack and abtigis.
  16. This is my fav song 2012 " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  17. Not gonna happen adeer the unity of Somalia is a must.
  18. KingofKings you are flirting with secession but it will never happen you will always be ruled by Mogadishu.
  19. Che Guevara cadalaada wa in la sheega ama cadaalo darada waxa meesha ka jira bal weynu eegi labada dastuur eeh ka TFG iyo kan faroole soo mal maluuqay siday isku wafaqaan:D