Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Prof Axmed Ismaaciil Samatar oo ka digay Dastuurka Cusub iyo isaga oo baaq u diray Dowladda soomaaliya Prof Axmed Ismaaciil Samara oo kamid ah Aqoonyahaanada soomaaliya oo iminka ku sugan magalada Muqdisho ayaa sheegay in Dastuurka Cusub uu nusqaan yahay islamarkana dhibaato badan u keeni doona umadda Soomaaliyeed Porof Samatar waxa uu kadigay in Dastuurkaasi lagu dhaqan galiyo dalka soomaaliya, waxa uuna tilmaamay in dastuurkaasi lagu doonaayo in lagu bur-buriyo dalka soomaaliya, Prof Axmed Ismaaciil Samatar oo hadalkiisa intaa kusii daray ayuu waxa uu sheegay in dastuurka ay ku jiraa qodobo si gaar ah lagu doonaayo in lagu kala geeyo bulshada soomaaliyeed taasoo uu ku sheegay in ay salka ku hayso kor dhinta Cunsuriyada loogu magacdaray 4.5 oo uu ku sheegay in ay sabab u tahay xasuuqa iminka ka taagam dalka soomaaliya Ugu danbeyntii Axmed Ismaaciil Samatar ayaa tibaaxay in Dastuurkaasi uu sababi doono sii kor dhinta maamul goboleedyada oo iyagu kasoo horjeeda awaamirka xukuumada soomaaliya , islamar ahaantana xukuumada Sheikh Shariif ay dhaliisha dastuurkaasi iyo dhibaatooyinka ka dhasha ay dhabarka u dhigan doonto Short URL: http://markonews.com/?p=4590
  2. But Xiin its not just Yalaxow its prof cali khalif galaydh its galmudug its President sharif Hiilqaran is Ali Mohammad geedi the gedo elders the Mogadishu elders. As for Dr Yalaxow he is not a bad guy he visited hargeysa many times he is a friend of sultan Faisal, me and Yalaxow understand each other very well, marka aqoonyahanka cayda ka da fadlan.
  3. Mukulaaal i don't think AS is behind this its a group of people who are against the establishment of state in the central regions.
  4. Are you saying Xaaji Muuse suudi Yalaxow is not one of the influential people of Mogadisho ama waxgarad ugu yeedh ama aqoonyahan ugu yeedh xaajigu dee wuxu ah Xildhibaan hadana wa oday reer Mogadisho ah oo waxgarad ah. its sad though shuruucda Somalia lugu hagayo ina dusha laga keenayo oo la leeyahay qaata wa ayaan daro xita xiliga ay dawladoodu dhamanayso wakhti ba lo cayimay hadi kale hanjabaad iyo bahdilaad.
  5. This is horrible news Axmed Abdisalaan is wounded Allah ha u naxariisto inti dhimatay.
  6. Qarax ay ku dhinteen Xildhibaanno ka tirsan Dowladda Soomaaliya oo Dhuusamareeb ka dhacay Talaado, May 01, 2012(HOL): Qarax is-miidaamin ah ayaa goor dhaweyd ka dhacay magaalada Dhuusamareeb ee bartamaha Soomaaliya. Qaraxan ayaa ka dhacay goob ay ku sugnaayeen xildhibaanno ka tirsan baarlamaanka iyo siyaasiyiin kale oo dhawaanahan booqanayay deeggaano ka tirsan bartamaha Soomaaliya. Warar hor dhac ah ayaa sheegaya in qaraxan ay ku dhinteen tiro dad ah oo uu ku jiro xildhibaan Yuusuf Mire Seeraar. Dadka dhaawacmay ayaa la xaqiijiyay inuu ku jiro siyaasiga Axmed Cabdisalaam, balse ilaa hadda wararkaasi si toos ah looma xaqiijin karo. Wixii warar ah ee faahfaahsan ee ku saabsan cidda qaraxa fulisay iyo khasaaraha rasmiga ah ee uu geystay, goor dhow ayaan idiin soo gudbin doonaa.
  7. ^Ask carafaat every one is a unionist African unionist regional unionists horn of Africa's unionist:D
  8. War deg deg ah:- Qaraxka dhacay Dhuusamareeb Xildhibaan Seeraar iyo Xildhibaan Maxamed Aw Maxamuud oo dhintey Posted by Pi on May 1st, 2012 Warar ka iminka naga soo gaaraya Dhuusa mareeb ayaa no xaqiijiyey inay ku dhinteen Alla ha u naxariistee Xildhibaan Yusuf Mire Maxamuud Seeraar yo Xildhibaan cCabdiwali Shiikh Maxamed owmohamuud iyo 5 qof oo rayid ah, waxaa iyana dhawac ah Korney Cabrisaaq Sheikh Biixi, Xuseen warsame Gafar, iyo Mohamed cabdisalaan oo Wasiir mar ahaan jiray. Ragaan dhawaca ah qaar ayaa dhawacoodu aad u liitaa lakiin nalooma kala xaqiijin. wixii so kordha kala soco Puntlandi.com
  9. Cali seenyo is a remarkable song writer and poet garnaqsi
  10. Mukulaalow we can arrange something with the movement of people any way the technology is moving forward people have ipads and stuff who knows u can virtually be in Somaliland while still being in Somalia in the near future:D War niyo dunidu wa nooc kale waxan xasuusta anago hawd record yar dhegeysan jirnay
  11. Historic picture of the legenadary Haaji Adan afqalooc
  12. Mukulaalow;825057 wrote: xaaji adi boolaa tahaynoo, anaka hadii SL sii deeyno yaa noo heeheesaa? tiyaatar danbe mala maqlaayo. Oo ma hadaad tiyaatar maqasha dad tiyaaatar xasuusan wabay yaryihin Somalia:D Walaga samri kara taas:D
  13. Mukulaalow there was no Somalia in 1991 there was no government there was a civil war so the only option Somaliland had was to re declare Somalilands independence based on the boundaries of prior 1960 and that's what they did. Building the state from scratch building all its working institutions from police army and democratic institutions. I am glad Cigaal and tuur and Rayaale did that and seeking international state recognition and they did well they established bilateral relations with many of Somalilands neighbors and elsewhere in Africa and in the EU. Somaliland doesn't exclude any options when it comes to its statehood recognition if you listened to President siilaanyo's last speech u will understand what he means Somaliland case is unique in Africa the country they made once a union with disintegrated into civil war.
  14. Somaliland govt did it well so far holding talks with the TFG Somalia's government the regional states in Somalia with the exclusion of Puntland are all in support of the self determination of the People of Somaliland. There was a time i remember when Koonfurians didn't dared to even utter the word Somaliland afkay kala bakheley jireen gobolada woqoyi look at them now. Give it another year and they will say dadkan naga sii dayaa nooh adiga aloore moos ma qabtid babay ma qabtid xaad nugu so kordhisa Khaldaan wiif, its all coming together.
  15. They are part of the signatures of you're so called road-map they were part of the London conference Somalia there is no mamuul goboleed in Somalia with 2 regions or more only Puntland.
  16. Mukulaalow no one said iyaga wax ictraafay read the topic support Somalilands quest for statehood wa tageero iyago wa mamuulo waxba ma ictraafi karan laakin waxa la dhisaya xidhiidh with Somalia the better friendly entities towards sl the better for Somaliland the lesser political enemies this has nothing to do with dejure recognition Somaliland is seeking.
  17. Somalia: 11 Killed in Bloody Battle Against Ethiopian Forces 1 MAY 2012 Hudur — At least 11 people have been killed in the latest clashes between Al Shabaab insurgents and Somali and Ethiopian troops in Somalia's southern of Bakol, locals said on Tuesday. Residents told that the clashes sparked after Al Shabaab insurgents stormed the district of Hudur, 420 kilometers (260 miles) southwestern Mogadishu, where Ethiopian and Transitional Federal Government (TFG) troops were largely stationed. Somali military officials told Shabelle Media station in the capital by telephone from Hudur town that the Al shabab fighters have overnight attacked the town from different direction to take it over. They also said the TFG forces alongside Ethiopian troops repelled the attacking militants, killing at least 7 fighters. The official of Somalia military forces did not specify the casualties on TFG side during the battle in Hudur on Monday night which was a tough one that TFG and Ethiopian troops managed to drive back Al Shabaab agents and maintain the control of the town. Reports indicate that the fighting forced hundreds of local residents to flee from their houses as both warring sides were receiving reinforcements that could lead heavy and deadly battle. Al shabab, which is battling to topple the UN-backed Somali government and the regional forces under AMSIOM, has yet commented on the combat so far.
  18. Somalia but Aswj and Galmudug are recognized entities with in Somalia ha ba iska noqdaan dad isku hayb ah that's besides the point.