Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. ^^ Surrender to whom Amisom and Ethiopia i don't think the Amiir will ever surrender.
  2. Very nice 21 years of independence prosperity peace and development and unity God bless you the people of Somaliland. All praise goes to Allah the almighty.
  3. Faroole didn't reject anything wa sheeko huuhaa
  4. Somalia needs proper reconciliation between the various communities of the country but finger pointing will not solve anything the fact that you are comparing you're fellow citizens to warlords doesn't contribute anything to the co existence of the People of Somalia. Dad is aaminayn baad rabta adiguna inad cay ugu si dartid.
  5. Thievery and thuggery ma amaan baa? Somalia la isma cabudhin karo Dhibaatadi Somalia the last 21 years cid kasta ka masuul ahayd not just some sections of the country.
  6. ^^^Cayda shacabka Somaliyeed ka daa adeer aflagadadu reeban.
  7. ^^ Dee i said it before its good if faroole is against the Constitution wa good leader markaas.
  8. Mukulaalow;826220 wrote: war xaaji adigu dadka ma gaarsiin miyaa in faroole bahasha uu diiday, waa ineey taageeraan distuurka, u sheeg. Faroole hadu diido dastuurka wa fiicantahay wa arin la so dhoweynayo runti
  9. Are the People of Somalia also spoilers warlords and dad Qaranimada iyo wadajirka Somalia diidan?
  10. Banaanbax looga soo horjeeday ansixinta Dastuurka oo ka dhacay Galgaduud SHABELLE MEDIA NETWORK MAY 3, 2012 Banaanbax balaaran oo looga soo horjeeday ansixinya qabyo qoraaleedka Dastuurka, laguna eedeeyay R/wasaaraha Xukuumada KMG Soomaaliya ayaa maanta ka dhacay gobolka Galgaduud ee Bartamaha dalka Soomaaliya. Banaanbaxaani oo ay ka soo qeyb galeen, ururada bulshada, odayaal, waxgarad, haweenka iyo Ardeyda ayaa waxa uu ka dhacay fagaare weyn oo kuyaala degmada Balanbal ee gobolka Galgaduud iyadoo banaanbaxaasina si aad ah looga soo horjeeday qabyo qoraaleedka Dastuurka, Roadmap-ka iyo xarigii R/wasaaraha uu u geystay qaar ka mid ah rag ka tirsanaa xafiiskiisa. Banaabaxa ayaa waxaa masuuliyiintii ka hadashay waxa ay aad ugu dhaliileen qabyo qoraaleedka Dastuurka, waxaana ay sheegeen in xiligaan aan loo baahneyn in Soomaaliya la galiyo jawi jahwareer ah Dastuurkuna uu yahay mid shareecada islaamka dhibaateynaya. C/risaaq Cabdulle Ciqaal oo ka mid ah dadkii ka qeyb galay banaanbaxa ayaa Idaacada Shabelle u sheegay in banaanbaxa sidoo kale aad loogu cambaareeyay talaabadii uu kula dhaqaaqay R/wasaare Gaas qaar ka mid ah ilaaladiisa oo uu amar ku bixiyay in la xiro kadib markii R/wasaaraha gurigiisa lagu arkay waxyaabo qarxa. Boqolaalkii qof ee ka qeyb qaadanayay Banaanbaxa ayaa sitay boorar ay ku xardhanaayeen dooni Mayno Dastuurka qabyada ah, Dooni meyno R/wasaare Gaas iyo erayo kale oo ay ku diidanyihiin Qorshe howleedka dowladda KMG Soomaaliya. Ugu dambeyntii haweenkii kulanka ka hadlay ayaa ugu baaqay dhamaan shacabka Soomaaliyeed in aan la ansixin qabyo qoraaleedka Dastuurka, oo ay ku sheegeen in uu mugdi galinayo dadka iyo dalka Soomaaliya.
  11. How can faroole reject the constitution when he screams the loudest for Clan federalism.
  12. What do you have against Sheikh indho cade he is a top Military commander of the TFG
  13. Jb we should make a law for both Somaliland and Somalia the movement of People something similar Djibouti and Somaliland agreed on.
  14. President cigaal the longest serving President of Somaliland we were never citizens of a country called Somalia
  15. This guys is a nobody siilaanyo ba caleemo saaray to counter attack buurmadow As they used to say during cigaals day wa salaadinti busaarada.
  16. Well it takes 2 to have a union if one side says we don't want it than there is no union:D unless u want to be a union with you're self:D This constitution was approved by its people it has the full legitimacy of the people of Somaliland and that's what matters.
  17. Nice pictures nimankan timahoodu caadi maha.
  18. Somaliland constitution Article 1: The State of the Republic of Somaliland 1. The country which gained its independence from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on 26th June 1960 and was known as the Somaliland Protectorate and which joined Somalia on 1st July 1960 so as to form the Somali Republic and then regained its independence by the Declaration of the Conference of the Somaliland communities held in Burao between 27th April 1991 and 15th May 1991 shall hereby and in accordance with this Constitution become a sovereign and independent country known as “The Republic of Somaliland”.