Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. burahadeer;827626 wrote: hahaaaa its borders ! really? nin walba meesha bugta way belbesha.America is power & know wat's on ground. Somalilands army is 25 miles away from Garowe:D And he keeps talking about borders.
  2. Faarax-Brawn;827616 wrote: Miyuu marqaansanaa? if so, then i will forgive him...If he wasnt, then, he needs a history lesson. For 1,The prof needs to know that Somalia has never(ever ever) asked for Unity with Somaliland(it is absurd to even type this)...if i have it correct, it is Somaliland that decided to break away and declare independence when the other half of the country was on fire. The rest of Somalis merely said, "no divided Somalia" if that means a call for unity,then i dont know./ i don't think he professor chews he sings songs though in his free time its Somalia asking for unity maxa baas eeh la isku haysta hadaa:D if one part of the union declared independence waanu tagnay bye bye tidhi And the other part of the union is still saying no u can't leave us. You make it sound that its Somalilands fault that Somalia is a mess remember Somaliland's independence came in 1991 if the various warlord didn't fight for power other warlords wouldn't inherit their mess and so on.
  3. Ducaysane;827620 wrote: all somalis regarless their tribe affiliation contributed the fire in Somalia. remember Godane, He was born in Burco. Godane was not born in Burco
  4. Mario B;827618 wrote: Washington won't be that dumb, why recognise another potential failed state that isn't in control of it's borders? Potential failed state wishful thinking:D
  5. I don't understand why people are against 4.5 it works for now u guys act as if there is another alternative.
  6. burahadeer;827572 wrote: realistic....20 yrs of illusion has its toll. I once listened to Ahmed samatar one of his lectures he said we the unionists in Somaliland are losing it because there aren't any solution coming from Somalia,he also said that his closest cousins in Awdal call him every day telling him to come home. I remember a koonfurian guy stood up and asked him a question he said if no solution comes from Somalia than u reer wooqoyi why don't you bring a solution.
  7. Carafaat;827576 wrote: Xiin explain yourself? Why are you not suprised? Because he is not surprised he was expecting this.
  8. Bashir was forced not only that if he wanted the sanctions to be lifted he had to come with some sort of agreement with the SPLM rebels the man is a mad man the whole darfur drama made his case worse.There was no other way even though John didn't want the break up of Sudan, but he wanted equality he also wanted to share power with the north, the referendum deal was a real victory for the south Sudanese folks. Some analysts say that Bashir really wanted peace with the south and to share the oil fields, i think he was just dumb. Mario if the Eritreans did it, anything is possible do you think the west liked Eritrea breaking away in 1991 no they didn't Melez was insecure the Amharas and the Eritreans both threatened him in 1991 before he signed a referendum deal with the EPLF. Amhaaras didn't want to lose the sea but melez thought if i have the Eritreans on my side for a while i can get comfortable ruling Ethiopia. Could be that the west miscalculated because the current regime in Asmara is not really friendly towards the west and shows the middle finger anything related to neocolonialism they are setting the pace now for Africa. Bu the ONLF rebels need to step up their game so that they can pressure addis Ababa for real talks they need to hold some ground inside Somaligalbeed.
  9. burahadeer;827560 wrote: Abtigiis in jail after sneaked border without visa:D boqorkiibay shaah wada cabayaan. War buurmadow shaahi xita walaga mamnuucay guadka jeelka Hargeysa ayaa maqlay buurmadoow oo madaxweynaha habaarayey hada sadex cisho buurmadow wax ma cabin:D Dont know about Abtigis isaga abti ba loo yahay biyo iyo roodhi wala siin:D
  10. Mario B;827558 wrote: These elections are a gimmic, its "SL"'s way to extort money from the international community by playing the democratic card. This process that criminalizes unionist in the enclave should never be called democratic...it's a slur to genuine democracies of the world that this clan charade should put in the same breath as other true open societies. Somalilands genuine democracy the British prime Minister
  11. Mario B;827547 wrote: Somaliland is no where except in your deluded mind. The S Sudan and Eritrea independence has shown that self governance is not the answer to Africa problems, both countries have taken what was a local conflict and given it a international dimention. The west have wisen up to this....too bad your enclave hasn't woken to this fact. The only difference is the EPLF dealt with the TPLF matter infact they marched together all the way to addis Ababa South sudan dealt with Bashir but bashir was forced by the international community to sign a peace deal with the SPLM, sad for him now he is fighting for oil fields near the border i am loving it:D.He was the man who blocked President rayaale to address the African union Assembly in Ghana in 2007. Here is the difference Somaliland is dictating how we are going to talk when and where and who is going to mediate. There is no Somalia today as a state the ancient Ethiopia was still intact when Eritrean rebels were fighting, sudan is still intact. Mario you should support this don't you want the Somali galbeed brothers to be free from Ethiopia lets support the oppressed people in Africa. How are the tuareg rebels in north mali by the way.
  12. ^^ Africa is about to be reshaped son African borders are not holy any more with south Sudan secession from Sudan, South Sudan is an ally of Somaliland John Garang SPLA rebel leader, and president Siilanyo were buddies in the 80s. Mario we are already there Somaliland is already there.
  13. ^ its not a Photoshop it was in south Sudan in 2011 at their independence day. The Dinkas are our Friends
  14. Professor Samatar is coming home he is so right Somalia is a mess right now some sections of the country is controlled by pirates other parts of the country controlled by grave worshiping Ethiopian lacky's. Another section of the country is being invaded by Kenya who on their turn want to establish a buffer zone in the juba regions. Other Parts of the country is controlled by Islamic Militants called the Shabaab and they are not that reasonable when it comes to talking. You also have the western backed government called the TFG protected by 12.000 Ugandan and Burundian forces we should skip all this nonsense and have a direct dialogue with Mahiga and General Bahuku.
  15. Samafal;827503 wrote: Anigana inta odayaasha adiga kula caqliga ah ay dhamaanayaan 1000 years waa igu filantahay, ana aan ku representgareeynayo in the international arena, qariidada sevenka ahna ay jirto I'm satisfied :) Ehehehe anigu waxan ogahay wadada loo so maray Somalilandta maanta calanka leh dhaliyarada inan dhagaha kaga adimo wa waajib ii taal. if u are only satisfied with the 7 than a centralized state ba maad diideen koley waxba ku laaba:D You will be dealing with these people these girls are what in their early 20s they were born in the mid and late 80s during the struggle Watch from 3:48 yar iyo weyn odayga calanka lulaya eeh gadhka cad leh ma arkaysa yar iyo weyn:D
  16. Samafal;827495 wrote: Hadayba yihiin baan ku iri oo igama aadan go, maba go;kartid inta wiilasha Daraawiishta ahaa ah ay noolyihiin, so onus is on you to become internationally rcegnised country! go on I give you another 40 years Anigu maan fahmin Go itaan maxaad u taqaan horta waxad tidha go itaankaagi banay gaaladu aqoosnan si rasmi ah wali taasi wa caadi. Darawiisthu na ma Darawiish ba nool 1921 baan u maleyneyey inay kuwaasi u danbeysey nolol I don't mind samafal and the people of Somaliland don't care as long as they are not ruled and are living in freedom they are willing to be unrecognized for another 1000 years:D Than sharing a country flag and government with Somalia halkasa la kala taganyahay , haye maxa ku dan hada adiga:D
  17. Samafal;827490 wrote: ^Rest assured Waqooyi Galbeed is and will be part and parcel of Somalia, but there's something called delusion and that can go on how long you want. Ma af bay ku noqon tallow:D
  18. MoonLight1;827488 wrote: xaaji xunjuf cayaartaas waxaa moodayay inay soo gabagaboowday 27kii february, amaa tan puntland laguu qaataa, the guys in the south are calling for the repeat of your nightmares of centeralization. Idinka isla Somaliya so heshiyaaa Somalilanders halkaasay ugu badisa:D