Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. NSUM reaction An Open Letter to President Ismail Omar Gelleh, By. NSUM Executive Committee Date:10 May 2012 Northern Somali Unionist Movement (NSUM) An Open Letter to President Ismail Omar Guleed NSUM Executive Committee Date:10 May 2012 Subject: Djibouti and Somaliland Your Excellency In the Somali culture which you value and support to the hilt, a child orphaned would always look to his or her next of kin for help while in need. In a similar sense, Somalia has been orphaned when its State collapsed after clan insurgents working with neighbouring countries brought down the government, only to bequeath Somalia what we witness today: fragmentation, clan secession, and the vicious cycles of lawlessness and famine. OnceSomaliawas down and helpless, it has become a prey for its enemies and opportunity hunters. The exception was Djibouti, the only independent sister country Somalia had and its people could lean on in their time of need, just as they too sacrificed so much for Djibouti’s independence when it needed help from its independent sister, Somalia. Under your wise leadership, Mr President, and in your tireless endeavour to revive theSomaliState, you organised in 2000 the first all- inclusive Somali conference at Arta, inDjibouti, in which President Abdelqasim Salaad Hassan was elected. That is not all. At all international and regional conferences and meetings onSomalia, you were there as the representative not only ofDjiboutibut also the people ofSomaliaand ensured to ward off any harm or schemes its enemies might have hatched. And to crown it all, it was your wise proposal that the problem withSomaliland’s secession be settled through talks among the Somalis themselves that the recent London Conference onSomaliaadopted. There is so much the people ofSomaliaowe you and could thank you for. But then you did what was expected of a brother and that is what brothers are for. Given your past track record for the Somali cause, and your role as quasi caretaker of the failed State, it came as disheartening to witness the warm and rewarding treatment given this week to a visiting delegation from the renegade one-clan secessionist enclave calling itself Somaliland. But more than anything else, it is the outcome of their meeting with your foreign Minster which comes as an unbelievable alarming development. His announcement that several agreements had been signed with Somaliland as if it was a separate country from Somalia and, to top it all, announce that Djibouti would sponsor Somaliland to be given an observer status with IGAD, strikes at the heart of the Somali nation and its unity. Unless Djibouti changes course, or others stop Somaliland’s application, that road will lead to an observer status with the AU. If it come to it, Somalia, with or without its other friends in the region, would doubless foil this step-by-step short-cut to recognition. Mr President, this is a dangerous development and we would like to believe that it does not represent your position, for it contradicts everything you stood for until now including your proposal that the secession be handled through inter-Somali talks. No need to remind you, Mr President, that Somaliland is not a monolithic entity whose people are united behind the secession. As you know, four of the five clans in formerBritish Somaliland, namely the ***********, **********, ********** and your own Isse, are deadly against the secession and committed to the unity ofSomalia. What is happening in the north west regions (former British Somaliland) is a struggle between the one secessionist clan, the *****, and the four unionist clans and regions. Noting shows their opposition to the secession more than their recent establishment of various regional States of Somalia: the Khaatumo State of Somalia, Makhir State and Awdal State. The frequent armed clashes between the people of Khaatumo State of Somalia and Somaliland’s occupying militia epitomises the struggle between the unionists and the secessionist clan. No matter how long it takes, this struggle is one in which the unionist clans and regions will ultimately win, for there is no way that one clan can prevail over determined unionist clans let alone the rest of Somalia. All that the Djibouti agreements and offer can do is give the secessionists false hopes, stiffen their backs and hence prolong unnecessary suffering on all sides. Mr.President, Djibouti has nothing to gain from this anti Somalia action and indeed everything to lose. Stabbing Somalia in the back means that you (and Djibouti) would squander the brotherly goodwill of the people of Somalia and all for nothing. Besides, each country in the Horn, including your own, has at any one time or another one or more dissident clans and hence vulnerable to secession . Supporting Somaliland’s secession in whatever form is a dangerous precedent that could open a Pandora box. It could come to haunt one day those who back Somaliland. Secession is a scurge and it is in Djibouti’s interest as much as Somalia to thwart it. Concerned Somalis, Mr President, hope you will clarify your stand on Somaliland and hopefully put their minds to rest. Please accept, Mr President, the assurances of our highest considerations. NSUM Executive Committee.
  2. The vast majority of somalis reject this constitution. Galmudug puntland ximan iyo xeeb some of the elders in xamar the somali professors. Its seems only mahiga and the TFG are liking the constitution.
  3. So puntland is against the dastuur that's good we are getting some where now.
  4. What about an Independent O'gaden republic the ONLF are very divided on this issue and not clear about what to do when they are independent from Ethiopia.
  5. Xiinfaniin i would not be so surprised since Abtigis is a separatist him self he wants to break away from Ethiopia remember.
  6. oba hiloowlow;828628 wrote: abdul war waxaa waa sheeko Melez iyo afawerkis hal villa oo towfiiq ku yaal ayeey wada deganaayeen in the 80s maantana labada dhinac is heysto bey taageerayaan labadoodaba soomalia oo cagaha ku istaagto ay diidanyihiin laakinse yaa fahmaayo? Xiliga cadaw kaliya bey lahayeen Mengistu haile maryam hada laakin iyagi ba isku cadaw ah Eritreanka iyo tigrayga wana run dee siyasadooda bay kugu fulinayaan hadu Melez tageero TFG ,, Eritrea waxay tageereysa shabaab Proxy war ba la yidha.
  7. Somalia;828840 wrote: I hope he's kidding. I want Somaliland for nothing more than domination to better further the goals of all our people, that's the honest way to look at it and may God never grant them what they see as self determination as it does the rest bad. :cool: :D:D
  8. War deg-deg ah: Dad rayid ah oo goor dhawayd Boosaaso lagu dilay. Posted by Puntlandi on May 10th, 2012 Kooxo hubaysan ayaa goor dhawayd Magaalada Boosaaso ku dilay laba nin oo rayid ah oo ku sugnaa xaafada laanta Hawada ee magaalada. Dablay hubaysan oo Madexu uu u duubanyahay ayaa dilkan gaysatay, waxaana la xaqiijiyay in dablaydu ay rasaas la dhacday labadan nin oo ka qaxweynaysay goob mukhaayad ah oo ku taala xaafadaasi gaar ahaana Aaga xerada Xerta. Inkastoo ay goobta soo gaareen Ciidanka booliska hadana ma jirto cid dilkan labada nin loo qabtay, waxaase socda baaritaan xoog leh oo dhamaan qaybaha ciidanku ay ka qayb qaadanayaan. Labadan nin ee la dilay ayaa la sheegay in ay iskmu hayb yihiin kana soo jeedaan deegaanka gobolka Sanaag ee Puntland.
  9. Jacaylbaro stop hacking abtigis account we don't believe this.
  10. Carafaat adeer Somaliland iskaa daaa, Puntland uun ku eekow.
  11. Madaxweynaha Somalia oo dallacsiiyay in ka badan 100-sarkaal oo Ciidanka Booliiska Soomaaliya ka tirsan Khamiis, May 10, 2012 (HOL) — Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, Shariif Sheekh Axmed ayaa maanta dalacsiiyay 141-sarkaal oo ka tirsan booliiska Soomaaliya oo uu ku jiro taliyaha ciidanka booliiska Soomaaliya, Jen. Shariif Sheekhunaa Maye. Saraakiishan ayaa lagu dallacsiiyay munaasabad ka dhacday Muqdisho, iyadoo hadal uu goobtaas ka jeediyay taliyaha ciidamada booliiska uu ku sheegay inay ku timid dallacsiintan kaddib markii saraakiishan ay muujiyeen karti iyo howl-karnimo dheeraad ah. "Madaxweynaha saraakiisha uu dalacsiiyay waxay ahaayeen G/sare ilaa Sareeye Guuto 17-sarkaal, G/dhexe ilaa G/sare 13-sarkaal, G/lle ilaa G/dhexe 17-sarkaal"ayuu yiri Jen. Shariif Sheekhuna Maye oo tilmaamay in isaga uu si gaar ah u tixgeliyay saraakiisha la dalacsiiyay, markii warbixin loo soo gudibiyay, isla markaana uu arkay waxqabadkooda iyo dadaalkooda. Agaasimaha Wasaarada Arrimaha Gudaha iyo Amniga Qaranka Bashiir Maxamed Goobe ayaa sheegay ka aqriyay Munaasabada Saraakiisha la dalacsiiyay, isagoo ugu horeyn magac dhabay Taliyaha Ciidamada Booliska Jen. Shariif Sheekhuna Maye oo ka dalacay Sareeye Guuto, loona dalacsiiyay Sareeye Gaas. Saraakiisha la dalacsiiyay ayaa waxaa ka mid ahaa: Maxamed Rooble Jimcaale (Goobaale) oo loo dalacsiiyay jeneraal, Axmed Diiriye Faarax oo loo dallacsiiyay sareeye guuto, taliyaha ciidanka booliska gobolka Banaadir, Axmed Xasan Maalin oo ahaa gaashaanle sare ayaa loo dallacsiiyay sareeye guuto, taliyaha laanta dambi-baarista booliiska ee CID-da, Cabdullaahi Xasan Bariise oo ahaa gaashaanle sare ayaa loo dallacsiiyay sareeye guuto, Cali Xirsi Barre (Cali Gaab) oo isna ahaa G/sare ayaa loo dalacsiiyay sareeye guuto. "Waxaan idin leeyahay hambalyo, waxaana la idin kaga baahan yahay inaad dusha u ridataan mas'uuliyadda cusub ee la idin saaray aadna ugu shaqeysaan dadkiina iyo dalkiinna," ayuu yiri wasiirka arrimaha gudaha ee dowladda KMG ah oo hadal ka jeediyay munaasabadda lagu dallacsiiyay saraakiisha booliiska ka tirsan. C/samad Macallin Maxamuud ayaa u sheegay saraakiisha la dalacsiiyay in markii la arkay kartidooda iyo dadaalka dheeraadka ah ee ay bixiyeen loo gartay in xilalkooda loo kordhiyo, wuxuuna ku tilmaamay booliiska inay yihiin halbowlihii sharciga dalka. Tallaabadan ayaa noqonaysa tii ugu horreysay nooceeda oo uu madaxweynaha Soomaaliya ku dallacsiiyo saraakiil booliis oo tiradan le'eg, waxaana dalalcsiinta saraakiishan ay imaanaysaa xilli ay dowladdu dadaal ugu jirto inay sugto ammaanka Muqdisho.
  12. Carafaat;828740 wrote: The constitution is still not made public. Some traditional clan elders who cant read or write will adopt the legal basis for Somalia's governance. Those advocating for this constitutional piracy never distentiated themselves from piracy on the high sea. Is this a clear attempt of afduub of Somalia. Indeed its afduub ka gaadhsi but it wont work mark my words:D Ana war ku haye waleh.
  13. Somalia again nothing can be forced history proved that remember the Ethiopians in Somalia supported by the state department,just few years ago. What can mahiga do who is he is he the leader of Somalia or something who gave him the right to talk such way. I don't think you can call Professor Samatar and Hiil qaran Mooryan don't think you can call professor ali khalif galaydh a Mooryan I don think you can call President Tiicay a Mooryan. I also think President sharif is not interested in lose federal states. Somalia,, Somaliland has nothing to worry have u seen them talking about Somalia the only time they mention Somalia is when it comes to talks between them and Somalia.
  14. Somalia nothing can be forced in Somalia it will create only more hostilities between the different regional communities some are against the constitution because they don't agree with the way the new constitution was drafted. Religious leaders are against it because of their religious beliefs. Some are against it because they do not want to see a federal Somalia with lose federal states. Every one has his own reasons to oppose it we shall see how it goes because a constitution should be something for the people by the people.
  15. The Constitution might be passed but that's not the issue will it be implemented in Somalia while huge sections of the country are against it.What u will hear soon is dastuurka dhulkayaga lugu ma dhaqi karo what are you going to do then?
  16. Ximan iyo xeeb galmudug the Mogadishu elder Professor cali khalif galaydh the demonstration tomorrow the religious leaders Professor Samatar its all coming together people are seeing the light.
  17. Somalia Recolonized – With African Help Glen Ford May 9, 2012 Since at least 2006, Somalia has been the focus of the United States’ drive for military domination of Africa, with other African states lining up to join in the bloody, neocolonial feast. Sierra Leone is the latest. "Sierra Leone’s soldiers have become cogs in the imperial reconquest of Africa, with Somalia as ground zero." "Washington’s actions have been calculated to ensure that a strong Somali state never rise again." With great fanfare from the international corporate media, the West African nation of Sierra Leone has committed 850 soldiers to the African Union’s forces in Somalia. In reality, Sierra Leone’s soldiers have become cogs in the imperial reconquest of Africa, with Somalia as ground zero. Following the U.S.-backed invasion of Somalia by Ethiopia, in 2006, Washington and its European allies, including the old colonial rulers, Italy and Britain, propped up a puppet government in the capital city, Mogadishu, while simultaneously encouraging the breakaway regions of Puntland and Somaliland. The capital is occupied by AMISOM, the African Union’s military force in Somalia, which is paid for by United Nations and, for all practical purposes, an extension of U.S. foreign policy on the continent. AMISOM’s largest contingents are from the U.S. client states Uganda and Burundi, and the force is commanded by a Ugandan. Another contingent hails from Somalia’s neighbor to the north, Djibouti, a tiny country that is little more than a military base for the United States and France. Djibouti is the main center of operations for AFRICOM, the U.S. Africa Command. Although the Americans pay constant lip service to the idea of a permanent national Somali government and to the territorial integrity of country, Washington’s actions have been calculated to ensure that a strong Somali state never rise again. Vast areas of the country have been occupied by Somalia’s historical enemies, Ethiopia and Kenya. The O'gaden region of Ethiopia is populated mainly by people of Somali origin, against whom Ethiopia’s military regime has waged a brutal counterinsurgency war. Parts of northern Kenya are largely inhabited by ethnic Somalis. Both Ethiopia and Kenya view an intact and unified Somalia as against their national interests. Yet these are the countries, along with Uganda, to which the U.S. has, in the words of one Somali analyst, "subcontracted" the war against the Islamist Shabaab – which the U.S. claims is part of its war on terror. "Oil companies also have an interest in a weak Somali government, and have already begun operations in the secessionist regions of Puntland and Somaliland." Kenya and Ethiopia can be expected to pursue what they consider to be their own national interests, bringing large parts of Somalia under their direct or indirect control, while fulfilling their obligations to the U.S. master. Ethiopia, especially, has exhibited the utmost contempt for Somali civilians under their control, arming and financing their own warlords and criminal gangs. Somalis widely believe that Kenya wants their oil. But the truth is, the people that will ultimately get the oil are the multinational energy corporations favored by the United States and its European allies. These oil companies also have an interest in a weak Somali government, and have already begun operations in the secessionist regions of Puntland and Somaliland. In the national capital at Mogadishu, the international community – meaning, the United States and its allies – is overseeing the writing of a new Somali Constitution, one that effectively partitions the country into three territories: Puntland, Somaliland, and South Central Somalia. These same international overseers have warned that any "spoilers" that oppose the new order will be dealt with, harshly. Thus, we see that the recolonization of Africa is well underway – with the enthusiastic collaboration of other Africans.
  18. Dalmar Kahin Dear Mohamed F Yabarag, I quickly skimmed through your opinion entitled, “Is “Somaliland” Crumbling on Ahmed Silanyo’s Feet?” published on wardheernews website because hardly was a need for me to ponder on the content of any of your “articles” for the obvious reasons. That is, for you recycling the same paper repeatedly seems to be an unwinnable contest. As always after reading one of your emotional and subjective “papers”, I ask myself: “Haven’t I read it before? Or is this just another darn déjà vu?” In any event, some of the following titles, which have all predicted the demise of Somaliland, were written by none other than yourself, Mohamed F Yabarag , Osman Hassan, and others. Yet Somaliland has made progress in every leap. Just revisit your previous “papers”: “The Declaration Of Awdal State Rattled “Somaliland” Establishment” “The last nail to the secessionists’ coffin” “Death Knell for Secessionists in “Somaliland” “Countdown to Somaliland’s collapse” “Somaliland on the Brink of Imminent Collapse” “18 May: A sad day in the History of Somalia” What a shame! Wishing the downfall of a Somali society—while “advocating” for Somali unity is a classic example of clannish rants disguised as a campaign for Somali unity. Indeed, the likes of Mr. Yabarag and Mr. Osman, the so-called pro-unity groups, have paradoxically butchered unity to death. That is, they shed more crocodile tears for Somali unity than thunderclouds could spill rains, yet they inadvertently jam daggers into its heart, repeatedly. Congratulations gentlemen! Why anyone, from Somaliland, in his/her right mind would share a country with you folks? The only question that creeps into my mind is: how did we manage to share a country (former Somalia) with people like Mr. Yabarag and Mr. Osman for thirty years? Were we in deep coma for these three decades? In recent years, remember at the height of the former SSC rebels’ violent campaign against Somaliland security forces, Mr. Hassan wrote an article entitled, “Countdown to Somaliland’s collapse”. Little Mr. Hassan knew that the countdown was ticking for the obliteration of his violent SSC militants, not for Somaliland’s collapse. Just few months later, the SSC disappeared faster than ice cubes vanish in a hot desert. Similarly, I recall as soon as a Diaspora group from Awdal region, in Somaliland, announced the so-called Awdal State administration at a glamorous house party in Canada, Mr. Yabarag ecstatically performing spectacular back fillips to express the overwhelming joy of his long-awaited dream: the fall of Somaliland into feuding clans. Mr. Yabarag wrote an emotionally and strategically miscalculated piece entitled, “The Declaration Of Awdal State Rattled “Somaliland” Establishment”. I reminded him that he celebrated prematurely. Evidently, as I have predicted, so far the “Awdal State” Diaspora group remains convinced that controlling Somaliland with a remote control from the heart of Canada is far more logical than venturing into Awdal region to face the reality on the ground. As for the February 2012 Somali conferences in London, over fifty countries for the first time realized that Somaliland was no longer a region that exists hypothetically; but it was (is) a legitimate country, with its problems, like any other nation in Africa. Therefore, the world, unambiguously, echoed that Somaliland and Somalia must sit down to agree or disagree on the issue of Somali unity. No one has ever mentioned any of the fly-by-night “administrations” namely SSC/Khatumo, Makhir, and Awdal State, attempted to parachute into Somaliland by selfish, power-hungry Diaspora groups. Truth is: the international community cares less whether or not some clans in Somaliland disagree with its quest for independence. The only thing the world wants to know is: what the majority in Somaliland want? It doesn’t matter which clan they hail from or region they inhabit. Nor does it matter which clans signed an agreement with the British colonizers. Do you think every African clan signed an agreement with the colonizers? Of course not! So, putting aside the usual fadhi kudirir (Somali political debates at the coffee shops) the indisputable truth is: Somaliland’s independence is unavoidable—just as death and taxes are inescapable. Thank you, Dalmar Kaahin
  19. Madaxweyne Tiiceey oo sheegay in la tashi la’aan uusan socon karin Dastuurka SHABELLE MEDIA NETWORK MAY 10, 2012 COMMENTS OFF Cadaado: (Sh. M. Network) Madaxweynaha maamulka Ximan iyo Xeeb Max’ed Aadan Tiicey oo wareysi siinayay Shabakada Warbaahinta Shabelle ayaa waxa uu ka hadlay dastuurka cusub ee loo sameenayo dalka soomaaliya, wuxuuna sheegay in wada tashi la’aan ay jirto. Max’ed Aadan Tiicey ayaa sheegay in ay jirto is faham la’aan iyo tashi ku aadan ansixinta dastuurka qabyo qoraalka ah, isagoo xusay in dadkii fikirka ku dari lahaa dastuurka albaabka laga xirtay, wuxuuna intaasi ku daray in ansixinta dastuurka uu ka dhaxeeyo dhamaan shacabka Soomaliyeed balse ay isku kooban dad gooni ah. Madaxweynaha maamulka Ximan iyo Xeeb ayaa isagoo hadlkiisa sii wata waxa uu tilmaamay in ay haboon tahay in dastuurka lagu saleeyo shareecada islaamka maadaama dal walba oo dastuur sameesanaya uu dastuurkiisa ku lifaaqo diintiisa. Mudooyinkii dambe ayaa waxa soo badanayey Xildhibaano, Siyaasiyiin, Waxgarad, Culumaa’udiin iyo qeybaha kala duwan ee bulshada Soomaaliyeed ay ka hadlayeen ansixinta qabyo qoraalka dastuurka maadama sida la sheegay qodobada ku jira dastuurka ay ka hor imaanayaan shareecada islaamka.
  20. Gheelle.T;828600 wrote: Sheeka xarritaadii baa bilowday ya XX. The PM met Khaatumo delegates weeks ago and Liban has posted the pics here in SOL. Marka beentaan naga daa awoowe War anigu waxan maan qorin waxay ku taala websitka real taleex oo ah website tageerta Arimaha Khatumo weydi walaalkeen Liibaan he will confirm it.