Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Abtigis u are also one of us so ededay kumay dhalin mise waxad rabta adigana lugu yidha inadeer
  2. Suuq xalaal ma hilib ba lugu ibiyaa:D oba kan indhaha tag tagaya halkeed ka so hesheen
  3. kan u eeg inay naftu sudhantahay uun muxu aha waxa baad mooda in laga so ibiyey suuqa bakaraha.
  4. The constitution needs to be discussed a nation wide discussion we need time to reach that, Faroole can bring forward what he thinks is good for Somalia but stuff like we want extra people in the constitutional committee is nonsense and unacceptable. The problem is faroole is speaking for 2 regions and a half, he never speaks for Somalia he doesn't talk about what is beneficial for Somalia as a whole.President Sh sharif is willing to compromise and wants the Constitution to be discussed by Somalis he said there are things we accept and there are things we don't accept.
  5. No one hates Puntland nor are the people of Puntland hated, Puntland is a region of Somalia the Problem is they talk to much nonsense now they want to hold the constitutional conference in zenewis backyard. Because they don't trust other Somalis Particularly those who live beyond southern galkacyo. The Constitution needs to be discussed inside Somalia by Somalis and decentralized articles need to be added to the draft also the whole citizenship article needs to be changed Somalia belongs to the people of Somalia.
  6. BN some lands were sold during the former Siad regime Cigaal didn't solve the issue rayaale's regime than sold some other parts of the same territory to another businessman who also hails from east Hargeysa apparently some guys wanted to buy the land back but the guy refused. Wa sheeko qoto dheer.
  7. ^^ Dalka aad lo ilaalinaya Hargeysa is the most important city in Somaliland the army hareerayhay magaalada ka joogan inta badan amaanka guud eeh magaalada in la laaliyo wa muhim Hargeysa wa magaaalo aad u dad badan. Marka ciidanka bariga degena uun bay niman so weeraren oo ay moodayeen in dhul laga qaadayey manay ogayn ciidanku waxa ba lugu so weeraray markay is difaaceen ayay dad dhinteen unfortunately laakin badankoodi wala so qa qabtay oo wa xidhanyihin. Sheekada na xalkeedi ba hada la isla wada.
  8. You don't understand the Military base in eastern hargeysa was attacked they were always based there every one in Somaliland is condemning the attack including MPS from eastern hargeysa elders every one. The army base was attacked after salatul fadjr the army didn't even know what the cause of the attack was. This was not President Siilaanyo's fault any way allah ha u naxaristo those who died both Ciidanka qaranka iyo kooxdi so weerartay. In Hargeysa there about 4 Military bases one in southern hargeysa one in eastern hargeysa one in northern hargeysa and one in western hargeysa.
  9. Qandalawi's argument is subclans fought well that is also a major problem subclans in galguduud can't agree to share one federal clan state lets say the bigger habar gangster clan in galguduud doesn't feel the need sharing a qabil mamuul with the other sub clans of the Habar gangster clan. How the hell will clan federalism work? What about Jubaland they belong to the same clan but different subclans but can't agree on Jubaland azania or juba state please share with me how you going to solve this matter.
  10. General Duke;831102 wrote: If it's not about clan what made hundreds of people demonstrate? The guy who bought the land and the folks who are demonstrating belong to the same clan each family is claiming the land.
  11. This is a land dispute between a Businessman who bough land from the Previous regime and some other folks are claiming his land right or wrong the army base is also near the disputed area.This happened before in saaxil during rayaales days and cigaal days also not to forget the farm dispute between reer dila and reer gabiley in 2008 ceel bardaale seemaal. Its not President Siilaanyo's fault he is not to blame.
  12. Laakin ka ugu horeyaa eeh sawiirada kaasi mid yar uma eeka wa mid aad u qayilay.
  13. Nice song tonight hargeysa is in a party mood the whole city is turning green white red.
  14. MoonLight1;831136 wrote: waryee xaaji, siilaanyo markuu Addis joogay february ee uu ka dacwoonayay khatumo, ayaan darro ma aadan ku sheegin ee sidey wax u jiraan. hore waan u sheegey xita siilaanyo iyo Cali khalif inay addis ku ordaan oo loo wada heshiyo wa ayaan daro wana meel ka dhac waan sheegey baan filaya few months ago.
  15. Ciidamada SPU Iyo RRU-da Oo Ku Guulaystay Inay Si Nabadgalyo Ah U Kala Kexeeyaan Dad Xalay Ilaa Galinkii Hore Ee Maanta Mudaharaad Ka Dhigayey Xaafada New-Hargeysa Hargeysa (Ramaas) May 17,2012 – Ciidamada Booliska Magaaladda Hargeysa ayaa ku guulaystay inay si nabadgalyo ah u kala dareeriyaan dad xalay ilaa saaka Mudaharaado ka dhigayey xaafada New-Hargeysa. Dadka Mudahaaradayey oo ka cadhooday xukun adag oo dil iyo xabsi daa’in ah oo Maxkamada ciidamada Somaliland ku riday eedaysanayaashii weerar ku qaaday xerada ciidamada warshada kabka ee ciidamada qaranka, ayaa taayiro ku gubay jidadka xaafadaasi, balse ciidamada SPU-da iyo kuwo loo yaqaano RRU-da oo halkaasi la geeyay ayaa ku guulaystay inay markiiba kala kaxeeyaan, iyadda oo aan wax dhibaato ahi dhicin. Maxkamada Ciidamada Somaliland ayaa shalay 17 ka mid ah eedaysanayaasha ku xukuntay dil toogasho ah, halka shan kalena ay ku riday xukun xabsi daa’in ah, waxaana Guddoomiyaha maxkamadaasi sheegay inay afkooda ka qirteen inay weerarka ku qaadeen xerada ciidamada qaranka. Shaqaaqadan ay sameeyeen dadka la xukumay ayaa dalka, gaar ahaan Magaalada Hargeysa galisay mashquul aad u badan, waxa ugu badan ee shacabku hadal hayaana waa dhibaatada ka dhalatay rabshadaasi ay ku dhinteen askarta iyo dadka kale ee rayidka ahaa.
  16. The ministers are all in their homes there was a small demo in east hargeysa last night and that was about it , Dahabshiil didn't buy it that's also not correct where did you read that, the land was bought buy a guy who hails from eastern Hargeysa,
  17. A khadar these youth have a bright future they should not occupy them selves with Politics its a waste of time learning and getting a proper education is the best time of you're life.Who knows they can be the next pilots lawyers doctors its a shame they are running around in Buhoodle with flags what is the aim war caruurta ha waalina mustaqbalkooda hakaga ciyaarina.They should've finished their high-school and than get higher education abroad or with in the country.
  18. They are the future of Somaliland the next leaders
  19. The guy who bought the land is not from Siilaanyo's clan he hails from the same clan as the folks in eastern Hargeysa this is not a clan issue this is a land dispute and that needs to be solved and it will be solved. By the way hargeysa is the capital of Somaliland every one is welcome in Somaliland no one can claim it from others.