Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Moonlight if the Ethiopians come near Somaliland remember what happened in balidhiig bordertown in 2011 dagaal ba aan ba dhacay iskada waxaaso , Ethnic Somalilanders deep inside Kililka kill Ethiopian troops not that long ago. Xuduuda Somalia xita waxa diifaacaaya Amiir Godane isagana waad necebtihin Amiir godane ba ka difaacaya Kikuyada Amiirka hada waxay is hayaan Kikuyada xabashida Ugandhees iyo qaar kalo badan.
  2. Waxan is leeyahay mala Moonlight marku kikuyada arko mala wuxu ku yidhaha xuduudeydu way baxaad weyntahay iska so gala inaga wada badan:D
  3. ingriis hada dalka ma joogo lixdanki bu ka dhaqaajiye arlada hada xuduudaadi waxa so galay kenyati Ethiopian juuq ba ba tidhahdid waxa ba aad mooda inad raaliyo tahay , amuusnantu wa ogalasho so ma ogid , Somaliland xuduudeeda wa ka ilaalinaysa cid alaale cid ku xad gudubta looma ogala wanay muuqata.
  4. Moonlight iyagu xuduud babay ilaalinayan adigu xuduudki talyaaniga ku sameye xita kikuyo waad ka ilaalin kari weydey.
  5. Somalia;832066 wrote: One should discuss which left the better legacy. Haile Selassie starved his people to death he abused and Humiliated the oromos he colonized the Eritreans he didn't leave much behind the Ethiopians hate him Haile Selassie university is now called Addis ababa university. Siad bare started good in the 70s but he messed up 2 the country he left behind is now broken and is known as a failed state, now this is not entirely his fault but some of his policies were the root causes of many problems.
  6. Well they have one thing in common they both fled Haile Selassie fled to England when Italy occupied Ethiopia in 1936 and General siad bare fled to nigeria when the USC knocked on his door.
  7. Its general siad bare and Emperor Haile Selassie when Selassie visited Mogadishu its a photo of two ancient rivals meeting.
  8. Allah ha u naxariisto very sad
  9. :D:D Somalidu wa taas.
  10. Somaliland: Somalia Talks to Be Held In London Soon Saturday, 19 May 2012 01:13 HARGEISA (Somalilandsun) – Proposed talks with Somalia will be held in London as soon as the TFG shows readiness. This was informed by the Somaliland foreign minister Dr Mohamed Abdilahi Omar during a debate broadcast live by the BBC Somali service. The foreign minster said that the fate of the talks rested with the Transitional Federal Government-TFG in Mogadishu which had complicated arrangements by appointing Somalilanders in its technical committee. Dr Mohamed Abdilahi said that Somaliland is fully prepared to start discussions with the Somalia government once the TFG has rescinded the appointment of the two Somalilanders that caused president Silanyo to withdraw from the talks. While revealing that the British government is ready to act as host , stressed that it was important for the country to participate in the talks once the TFG has cleaned its house since much sought recognition hinges on solving differences that emanate from the fateful union with Somalia. Talks between the two countries were part of the final communique of the February London conference on Somalia which brought 44 governments in search of an all binding solution to the problems that have engulfed Somalia for two decades. Though Somaliland is prepared for the talks and Britain has declared its intent to host them, conflicts between the TFG and the regional government of Puntland creates an uncertain scenario. This uncertainty is as a result of Puntland's adamant stand that the two Somalilanders in question who are incidentally cabinet ministers in the Garowe government remain in the committee while Sheikh Sharif and his TFG want them out.
  11. And after Faroole rejected the articles the new angle by the spoilers is 'why is Faroole rejecting it?' war maxaa kaa galay niyahow DANTAADA FIIRSO, waa cajiib wallahi. What is wrong with this dantaada fiirso maydan isku dan ahayn maydan hal dastuur wada lahayn wamaxay dantada fiirso
  12. Sax laakin koodooda qaldan way tageeraan isagu qalad ku tagaan shacabka anigu kama hadlayo waxan ka hadlaya siyaasinta , the political leaders of garowe.
  13. Qofka bina adanku wa inu cadalaada tageero oo u xaqa eego Somali cadalaad bay isu diidayaan dhibku halkaasu ka imanaya qolyaha reer budhlayn waxay leeyihin anagu waxbaba ma qaladno boowe dastuurka laakin anagu wanu diidi karnta yacni , veto power baanu leenahay dadka reer Mogadisho haday hadlaan wa qaswadayaal diidan in dawladu kumeel gaadh ka gudubto. Dadku wa inay is aminan oo cadalaada tageeran laakin qofku hadu Madaxweynihisa qabil indho la aan ku tageero dee dadku qadaan mayaan.
  14. oba hiloowlow;831749 wrote: ^^ Aniga ciyaalkan yari shaqadeyda maha waxey dhahaayan like raggii sida xiin oo kale filaan waa bay igu noqotay, shalay bey dad dhahaayeen spoilers weeye, faroolena marku kaso horjeestay dastuurka wey ka aamuusen, weji gabax ay igu noqotay walahi Waxay ku odhan doonaan faroole fara taag ba odayaal reerkisa ku magacawdeen madaxweyne Qabil marka isagu ma qaldami karo laakin xildhibaano reer Mogadisho haday wax diidaan wa spoilers qas wadayaal diidan hormarka Somalia caqliga halkee laga dheela.
  15. oba hiloowlow;831745 wrote: Dee sheekada fahma dadoow ''spoilers'' are reer Mogadishu, iyagay ka degi weyse somalia.. Faroole waa nin madax Caqligaas bay raban inay umad ka dhadhiciyaan:D
  16. Abtigis raised some excellent points faroole is undermining the end of the transition period but thats not all. Faroole wants the constitutional conference to be held in Ethiopia ,because he feels he cant raise his points in Mogadisho the capital of Somalia.This is all about securing his clan objectives turning Somalia into an organization of member states, he considers the garowe principles as if they are a holy scripture. Others who are calling faroole a reasonable man i say he is worse than sheikh Indho cade and those who rejected the constitution before him.Problem with the former taxi driver faroole is he only speaks for his clan state but you never see him talking about what is good for Somalia the only time he mentions Somalia is when he deliberately wants to turn it into lose weak federal states,he believes zenewi can help him with that. Faroole the leader of the criminal entity in Garowe thinks he can threaten the TFG government if things don't go his way this is unacceptable. Faroole and his crew were the one calling the loudest for the arrest of many influential Mogadishu politicians the likes of xaaji Muuse suudi general indhocade Professor geedi and many others, and thats if they even asked questions about the whole constitutional process, why are they singing a different tune all of a sudden?
  17. Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibeda Somaliland Oo Sheegay In Wada Hadaladii Somaliland Iyo Soomaaliya Dhawaan Lagu Qaban Doono Dalka Ingiriiska. Hargeysa (Ramaas) May, 18, 2012- Wasiirka arrimaha Somaliland Dr Maxamed Cabdilaahi Cumar, ayaa *****lka ka qaaday in ay dhawaan dalka Britain ka bilaabi doonaan wada hadaladii ay beesha caalamku baaqadya bishii Febuary sannadkan ku baaqday in ay dhexmareen Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya. Wasiirka waxa uu sheegay in wada hadalada oo hakadgalay la bilaabi doono dhawaan, ka dib markii ay xukuumada KMG ah ee Soomaaliya ogolaatay in ay wax ka qabato qodobadii muranka dhaliyay ,isla markaana ay dawlada Britain dhankeeda ogolaatay in ay martigeliso wada xaajoodyada labada geesood. Dr Maxamed Cabdilaahi oo galabta ka qaybgalayay dood ay laanta Af-Soomaaliga ah ee Idaacadda BBC-du kaga hadlaysay maalinta madaxbaanida Somaliland ee 18 May oo maanta ku beegnayd, ayaa sheegay in Somaliland wada hadalada uga faa’iidaysan doono qadiyadeeda aqoonsi raadinta ah . “ Xukuumada KMG ah ee Soomaaliya waxa ogolaatay in ay wax ka qabato khilaafka ka yimid dhankeeda , waxa aanu wada hadalada aanu ku soo bandhigi doonaa qadiyada aqoonsiga , dawlada Britain waxaanu ugu mahadcelinaynaa in ay dalkeeda ku martigeliso wada hadalada , waxaad og tihiin in Somaliland aanay haysan aqoonsi siyaasadeed, hase yeeshe waa dal Dimuqraadiyada o nabad ah” ayuu wasiirka arrimaha dibedu. Hadalka wasiirka ayaa ku soo beegmaya wakhti dawlada KMG ah iyo maamulka Puntland isku khiaafsan yihiin sida wada hadalada looga qaybgalayo, maadaama oo xukuumada Sheekh Shariif ay doonayso in ay ergada dhankeeda ka cadhayso laba wasiir oo ka soo jeeda Puntland,kuwaasoo ka qaybkoodu xudun u ahaa muranka soo dhexgalay Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya.
  18. Somaliland: 21 years of Independence and Self Driven Development May 18th, 2012 HARGEISA (Somalilandsun) – Thousands of people attended commemorations of the 21st independence celebrations nationwide. Commemorations which took place in all major cities of the country saw regional governors read the president’s speech simultaneously with the president in Hargeisa. During the main commemorations which took place at the Beerta Xoriyadaa (Freedom Garden), the President H.E. Ahmed Mahmud Silanyo who officiated, congratulated Somalilanders from all walks of life for sustained peace and multi-sectored developments that they have achieved with 21 years of self-rule while unrecognized internationally. The thousands of Celebrants representing all sectors and ages, included members of the cabinet, parliamentarians (Guurti & House of Representatives), civil servants, Armed forces, international community and ordinary Somalilanders. In his address to the nation President Silanyo said that 18th May is a very important day in the nation as it signifies the day Somalilanders made their irrevocable decision to withdraw from the unfortunate union with Somalia thus reclaim their sovereignty. “On the 18th of May 1991 all Somalilanders united with hands clasped together to declare their sovereignty as a nation” Said the president The president stressed on the fact that this was the day that we Somalilanders unilaterally made a decision to stand on our own two feet in freedom rather than unity with the south and bondage. The decision culminated in the new life we have now. To the international community H. E. President Silanyo said that they can no longer continue being blind and deaf to the aspirations of Somalilanders who have for 21 years established a functional, peaceful and democratic country in one of the most volatile regions in the world. “The republic of Somaliland is as a result of the wishes of the people, after massive loss of lives and property, thus the fulfillment of our aspirations” The president who prayed for the solace of those who lost their lives during the prolonged struggle against the Siyad Barre led dictatorship prevailed upon the international community to rethink its stand on recognizing the country as an independent entity. He informed that this was a decision of the people and thus sacrosanct. President Silanyo further informed that the country’s democratization process has reached its peak with his government being the fourth to assume power peacefully in a period of 21 years. He stressed on the fact that Somaliland is not only ripe but overdue for recognition as it has fulfilled all major requirements, Said he, “The international community is witness to the fulfillment of requirements for recognition as an independent nation” The president said it is important it be realized that Somalilanders will never tire of soliciting nor waiting for recognition because their decision is sacrosanct thus non-negotiable and irrevocable. London Conference On the London conference president informed that over 45 governments attended where a historic decision was approved pertaining to the status of Somaliland thus an agreement on the imperative and urgent need for Somaliland and Somalia to hold face to face talks as two independent entities. “Somaliland has fulfilled its part of preparation for the talks and it is now upon the Somalia government to reciprocate and we pray that they are successful in order to implement the desires of the international community” Somalia President Silanyo informed that Somalilanders are saddened by continued conflict in Somalia which has affected citizens for a very long time. He urged the government and politicians to be mindful of the suffering of their people thus facilitate fast return to peace and stability. “I urge the Somalia leadership to pursue peace and stability for their people even at the cost of their personal political ambitions” Diaspora President Silanyo commended Somalilanders in the diaspora for their relentless efforts in nation building without whom, the country would not have seen the major development strides it has achieved in all sectors, “I extend not only the nations but my personal congratulations to you Somalilanders wherever you are in the Diaspora” DEMOCRACY The president informed that the country takes pride in its democratization which is made possible through cohesion and nationalism. The president stressed on the fact that his administration has fulfilled many of its campaign promises among them the registration of new political groups to participate in imminent local council elections. “In every competition there is always a victor and loser with the victors sharing their glory with the losers” In a clear reference to the political groups that failed verification thus disqualified from contesting forthcoming local council elections, President Silanyo revisited the 2003 presidential which he lost by the lowly margin of 80 votes and accepted the decision for the sake of the nation’s tranquility. “I urge the groups that failed verification and those that will lose council elections to accept defeat and join the victors in nation building” He prevailed upon the groups to be patient as patience is not cowardice or ********* but a virtue of political maturity, “If you still have grievances pertaining to your disqualification I ask you to utilize legal channels and present your case to the courts of law for arbitration” SECURITY & PEACE President Silanyo who commented the security forces for diligence in maintain prevalent peace and security that citizens continue to enjoy, also lauded traditional leaders for their role in peace building that has successfully complimented that of the government. “Security and peaceful co-existence is the cornerstone of our nationhood and government, it is therefore imperative that we continue our efforts not only to sustain prevalent status quos but strengthen them as well” In conclusion the president H.E Ahmed Mahmoud Silanyo prayed for the Succor of those who died during a recent land based confrontation between security forces and civilians. Similar celebrations that saw Somalilanders adorned in the nations flag were held in all parts of the country
  19. As for Awdal Borama this was today " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>