Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. That's allot of money but this happens when there is no accountability and no real functioning government.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=2jZGyjBZJnA#!" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  3. Ethiopia’s Analysis of Somalia’s Political Situation: “A Web of Obstruction” 1 Jun 1, 2012 - 9:19:04 PM By: Dr. Michael A. Weinstein On May 11, the Ethiopian Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a position paper, “Ethiopia’s policy towards Somalia,” which defines where Addis Ababa stands in the current conflicts in the territories of post-independence Somalia. The tightly structured document provides an account of what the Ethiopian government judges to be a change in Somalia’s threats to Ethiopia (from a Greater Somalia agenda to Islamic terrorism); a vision of a best-case scenario for Ethiopia’s relation to Somalia (focused on access to Somali ports and cooperation on water sharing); a reading of the present political situation in Somalia; and guidelines for Ethiopia’s response to that situation. For the purposes of the present analysis, the important part of the document is its reading of the present political situation in Somalia; that reading is straightforward and realistic. It should serve as a touchstone for any discussion of the political dynamics of Somalia today. Ethiopia’s Reading of Somalia’s Political Dynamics The most telling feature of the Ethiopian document is its failure to mention anything about the roadmap process, which has been orchestrated by the Western “donor”-powers through the United Nations, and which is supposed to eventuate in a new constitutional government for Somalia by August 20, 2012. That process appears to be at the forefront of every other actor’s mind; Ethiopia is alone in passing it by. Addis Ababa seems to have judged that the entire “transition” of Somalia to an altered political arrangement will have no significant effect on its policy towards Somalia. Addis Ababa has made the judgment “that the condition of instability in Somalia is likely to persist for some time.” Metaphors can be revealing. The ones used by the “donor”-powers/U.N. have become so familiar to followers of the Somali scene that they have become nearly literal to the observing mind: roadmap, dual-track, and transition – all of them transportation metaphors that connote movement and destination. Ethiopia offers a counter-metaphor: Somalia is trapped in a “web of obstruction.” A web has been cast over the road and there will be no movement until is it is removed. As Addis Ababa sees it, the web has been cast by actors “who reap benefits from the absence of authority,” among with it includes “a number of Somali groups [which ones?], some traders, religious extremists, and their foreign friends.” Meanwhile, the “international community” is “evidently not ready to exert all its efforts to realize” the aim of a condition of peace in Somalia. Evidently, Addis Ababa does not believe that the “transition” is going anywhere. The web of obstruction has blocked the road. Ethiopia’s analysis is accurate as far as it goes. Indeed, all that is needed in order to make it accurate is to broaden the list of obstructionist web casters to include all the actors involved in post-independence Somalia, including, of course, Addis Ababa. All of them have cast the web and all of them are enveloped and embedded in the web: all the Somali factions, the regional actors, and the international actors. None of them is leading the others; there is no protagonist – there are only antagonists, each one with its own interests, not one willing to give an inch. They come from all directions, some intent on picking Somalia apart, others trying to hold on to what they have, each one taking its own position in the web. “Although the Somali people long for peace [do they? all of them? on compatible terms?], they have not been able to break out of the web of obstruction,” so says Addis Ababa’s document. Who has the will and the means to break out of the web? It is a strange web – hundreds of spiders spinning a web in which they entrap themselves, not one outside the web. Only a literary approach will do for an analysis of this situation. One needs a picture in order to orient oneself – a fanciful, surreal picture if need be. A roadmap with two tracks that the actors straddle (how can they move?). A web without a spider that makes it and stays outside it, but one made by many spiders which catch themselves inside it as they push and pull against its threads, unable to break out of it. How did this happen? A simple principle of political process explains it all: it is impossible to achieve a stable political organization without having first prepared the way through social reconciliation. Yet social reconciliation would involve a protracted process of give and take in order to succeed. If anyone is most responsible for the web of obstruction, it is the international actors who are not ready to exert themselves yet insist on (mis)managing the process. Under those conditions the regional actors and the Somali actors scramble to get whatever they can at the expense of the international actors and each other. That is how the “web of obstruction” is made as the efforts of the actors end up being at cross-purposes. Ethiopia’s Policy Towards Somalia Lacking any expectation of stability in the territories of post-independence Somalia, Addis Ababa announces that it will pursue a “damage-limitation” policy, which amounts to attempting “to weaken and neutralize those forces coming from any part of Somalia to perpetrate attacks against our country.” It is not only Ethiopia that is pursuing a damage-limitation policy. All of the actors are in a defensive mode (although ready to seize opportunities for aggressive action), except perhaps for newcomer Turkey, which is in the process of getting caught in the web.
  4. Wasiirka Madaxtooyadda oo u baqoolay Kenya iyo Raysal Wasaare Odinga oo casuumay Madaxweyne Siilaanyo June 2nd, 2012 Berbera (Somaliland.Org)- Wasiirka wasaaradda Madaxtooyadda Somaliland Md. Xirsi Cali Xaaji Xasan, ayaa maanta u kicitimay dalka Kenya oo uu sheegay inuu socdaalkiisu gogol xaadh u hayay wefti uu Hoggaamin doono Madaxweynaha Somaliland Md. Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) uu ku tagi doono dalkaasi oo uu ka helay martiqaad rasmi ah. Wasiirka Madaxtooyadda oo maanta ka dhoofay madaarka Berbera, oo saxaafadda ugu waramayay halkaasi ayaa sheegay inuu socdaalkiisu salka ku hayo gogol xaadhka socdaalka madaxweynuhu ku tagi doono dalka Kenya oo uu tilmaamay inuu madaxweynuhu martiqaad ka helay Raysal wasaaraha Kenya Railla Odinga. Wasiirku wuxuu intaasi ku daray in qasdiga Socdaalka Madaxweynaha ee Kenya uu qeyb ka yahay iskaashiga ay Somaliland la leedahay dalalka gobolka iyo mandaqadda Geeska Afrika. Md. Xirsi Cali Xaaji Xasan wuxuu tilmaamay in Somaliland iyo Kenya ka wada hadli doonaan sidii kor loogu qaadi lahaa iskaashiga labada dal, isla markaana ay Somaliland ay wadammadda gobolka ugala shaqayn lahayd dhinacyada nabadgelyadda iyo horumarkaba. Marti-qaadkan rasmiga ah ee Raysal wasaaraha Kenya u fidiyay Madaxweynaha Somaliland ayaa qeyb ka ah qorshe ay Somaliland dedaal xoog leh ugu jirto inay xubin sharafeed ka noqoto Urur-goboleedka IGAD oo dhawaan ay u qadintay dalab ku wajahayn sidii ay xubin uga noqon lahayd urur-goboleedkaasi. Waxa kale oo socdaalka Wasiirku ku soo beegmay iyadoo wefti Madaxweyne Ku xigeenka Somaliland Md. C/Raxmaan Cabdilaahi Ismaaciil (Saylici) uu hoggaaminayaa ay ku joogaan dalka Jabuuti, waana socdaalo ujeedooyinkoodu isku xidhan yihiin oo xukuumadda Axmed Siilaanyo ay ku qaaday dalalka gobolka.
  5. They EPRDF is in some serious trouble not just with the Muslim uprise in addis but also the Amhaara persecution and removing them from their land not to forget selling land to foreigners in the gambeela region. But before that Melez will wage a war against Eritrea some people close to the TPLF say that he still believes in the so called abay tigray dream.
  6. So does saado support Faarmaajo for President?
  7. ^^ Why would he President Siilaanyo has a British Passport.
  8. Ciidanka Ilaalada Xeebaha Somaliland ee Degmada Laasqoray oo Dhirbaaxo ku Dhuftay Dablay Maraakiib Watada oo ku soo Xad-gudubtay Biyaha Somaliland. Iska hor-imaadkan oo ka dhacay dhinaca Bada gudeheeda, isla markaana laysku waydaarsaday Lasqoray(GNS)-Iska hor imaad ayaa maanta dhex maray ciidamada ilaalada xeebaha Somaliland iyo Maraakiib ku soo jeeday Magaalada Laasqoray ee Gobolka Sanaag. Iska hor-imaadkan oo ka dhacay dhinaca Bada gudeheeda, isla markaana laysku waydaarsaday Hubka noocyadiisa, ayaa ka dambeeyay ka dib markii saddex Markab oo Rag hubaysani la socdaan u soo jihaysmeen dhineca Xeebta laasqoray, halkaasoo beryahan dambe warar soo baxayay ay sheegayeen inay imanayaan Maraakiib Qalab iyo Shaqaale u sidaa Dekeda laasqoray oo dib u dhis lagu samaynayo. Wallow warar kale oo soo baxayayna ay tibaaxayeen inay deegaamadaasi dhanka xeebta Gobolka Sanaag iyo Buuralayda ku soo fool leeyihiin Kooxo Macdan qodayaal ah oo doonaya inay si tuugo ah dhulkaasi uga baadhaan Macdan. Si rasmiya looma oga khasaaraha dhabta ah ee ka dhashay Israsaasayntan Maanta dhex marta Ciidamada Ilaalada xeebaha Somaliland iyo Dablayda Maraakiibta saarnayd, hase yeeshee Taliyaha Ciidanka Xeebaha Somaliland ee Gobolka Sanaag ayaa Warbaahinta u xaqiijiyay in Hal Askari dhinacooda ka dhaawacmay, dhanka kalena aanay wax war ah ka haynin. Geesta kale Taliye ku xigeenka ciidanka Ilaalada Xeebaha Somaliland Col Cabdi Xirsi Ducaale oo aanu Khadka Talefoonka kula xidhiidhnay si aanu arintaasi wax uga waydiinay, ayaa xaqiijiyay inay Ciidankooda isku dhaceen Dablay hubaysan oo la socday Maraakiib ku soo jeeday Degmada laasqoray, kuwaasoo ilaa hada ujeedada ay halkaasi u imanaayan aan la ogayn. Taliyuhu waxa uu sheegay inay Ciidankoodu joojiyeen Maraakiibtaasi, ka dibna Rasaas loogu jawaabay, taasina dhalisay iska hor imaadkaasi, waxaanu intaasi ku daray inay wixii faahfaahin e la xidhiidha dhascdadaasi dib ka sheegi doonaan. Degmada Laasqoray ayaa ka mida Deegaamada Somaliland ee dhinaca Xeebta ku teedsan, taasoo beryahan dambe damac badani kaga jiray Maamulka Puntland oo doonaya inay qayb libaax ku yeeshaan Did u dhiska Dekeda Laasqoray oo hada la bilaabayo, waxaana dhici karta inay puntland ka dambeyso Maraakiibtaasi hubaysan eek u soo xad gudbay Biyaha Somaliland.
  9. Ciidamo ka soo goostay Al-Shabaab oo saaka Soo Gaaray Degmada B/Xaawo ee Gobolka Gedo Degmada B/xaawo ee gobolka Gedo ayaa saaka subaxnimadii hore waxaa soogaaray gaari kamid ah kuwa dagaalka iyo 20 dhallinyaro oo gaarigaas watay kuwaa oo ka soo goostay Al-Shabaabka ku xeeran gobolka gedo. Ciidamadaas iyo gaariga ay wateenba waxaa la wareegay maamulka degmada ayadoo dhamaanba ciidamadaas la geeyay saldhigga dhexe ee degmada. Sargaal ka tirsan ciidamada dawladda ee gobolka Gedo ayaa saxaafadda u sheegay in ragga soo goostay iyo gaarigoodaba ay la wareegeen ciidamada dawladda. Sargaalku waxaa uu intaa raaciyay in haatan kulan soo gaba gaboobay la isla gartay in ciidankan laga gao qoryaha ay wataan kadibna ay magaaladooda galaan ninkii doonayana uu kamid noqon karo ciidamada dawladda. xaaladda Al-Shabaab oo maalmihii la soo dhaafay ahayd mid aan caadi ahayn ayaysan ahayn ciidamdii ugu horreeyay ee ka soo goosta Al-Shabaab inkastoo aanay jirin wax war ah oo ay ka soo saareen xarakada Al-Shabaab ee ku sugan qaybo kamid ah gobolka Gedo Gedo Times
  10. ^The topic has nothing to do with Somaliland they didn't even mention Somaliland where did you see Somaliland?
  11. CAIRO (CNN) - The Cairo courtroom erupted in chaos Saturday after an Egyptian judge convicted former President Hosni Mubarak, but acquitted six of his aides, for the killing of protesters during last year's pro-democracy uprising. The judge handed Mubarak, 84, a life sentence. It appeared the entire gallery of men dressed in suits began shouting and stood on their chairs chanting that the decision wasn't harsh enough. Fists flew and at least one man suffered a bleeding gash to his chin. "We want honesty!" they shouted. "Revolution til victory!" Other Mubarak opponents headed to Tahrir Square, the center of last year's protests, shouting, "Illegitimate! Illegitimate!" They also chanted for Mubarak's execution. The echoing cheers outside the police academy where the trial was held turned to angry shouts as people heard that all of Mubarak's senior advisers and his two sons were acquitted. The mostly anti-Mubarak crowd threw rocks at police, smashed cars, and cursed the ruling military council. Mubarak was immediately transferred to a prison in southern Cairo to serve his life sentence, a prosecutor said, a final fall from grace for a man who ruled the nation with an iron fist for nearly three decades. "Mubarak arrived to Tura prison by helicopter, and will be admitted to a hospital in prison," said Adel Saeed, a spokesman for the prosecutor. A spokesman for the Interior Ministry said Mubarak refused to leave the helicopter on arrival at the prison. About 840 people died and more than 6,000 others were injured in last year's 18-day uprising, according to Amnesty International.
  12. stanbul: (Sh. M. Network) Shirkaani oo ay ka qeyb galayeen Madax ka tirsan Caalamka islamarkaana shalay galinkii dambe kusoo idlaaday Magaalada Istanbul ee dalka Turkiga ayaa waxa laga soo saaray qodobo qaarkood muhiim ah oo ku aaddan wax u qabashada shacabka Soomaaliyeed. Qodobadii kasoo baxay shirka oo si wayn loo falan qeeyay ayaa waxa ka mid ah, In lasoo afjaro Xiliga KMG 20-August-2012 sida ku cad Kampala Accord, Road-Map, Garowe Principles iyo Addis Ababa. In Beesha Caalamku ay si deg deg ah u fuliyaan dhammaanba Ballanqaadyadii ay horey u ballan qaadeen si loo helo markii Odayaasha Dhaqanku ay Muqdisho ku laabtaan ay soo xulaan ergadii Ansixin laheyd Dastuurka iyo Baarlamaanka Cusub. Markii uu soo idlaaday Shirka ayaa waxaa la hadlay Idaacadda Shabelle Afhayeenka Xukuumadda KMG Soomaaliya Injeneer C/raxmaan Cumar Cismaan Yariisoow kaasi oo sheegay in qodobadii kasoo baxay shirkii Istanbul ay ahaayeen kuwa ay ku qanacday Xukuumadda KMG ah islamarkaana ay ka mid ahaayeen ballan qaad rasmi ah oo dowladda Turkiga ay u sameysay Soomaaliya iyo in laga gudbo xilliga Kumeel-gaarka ah. Injeneer Yariisoow ayaa waxa uu sheegay in Xukuumadda ay kasoo horjeesatay qodobo ka mid ah kuwii shalay laga soo saaray Shirka Istanbul kuwaasi oo ay ka mid aheyd in guddi wadajir ah oo wax ka Maamula dhaqaalaha Soomaaliya la magacaabo. Ugu dambeyn Afhayeenka Xukuumadda KMG ayaa waxa uu intaasi ku daray in shirkaasi uu ahaa mid Caalami ah islamarkaana ay kasoo qeyb galeen Madax sar sare oo ka tirsan Caalamka oo ay ka mid ahaayeen Mas’uuliyiin ka socday dalalka Qaaradda Afrika, dowladaha Maraykanka iyo Ingiriiska, wuxuuna carabka ku adkeeyay in shirkaasi uu kusoo idlaaday jawi wanaagsan.
  13. Wasiirka Madaxtooyadda oo maanta safar gogol xaadh ah ugu kicitimaya Kenya oo uu Madaxweyne Siilaanyo Martiqaad ka helay Hargeysa(Waaheen) Wasiirka Wasaaradda Madaxtooyadda Somaliland Xirsi X Cali Xasan ayaa saaka safar Gogol xaadh ah ugu kicitimaya dalka Kenya oo la filayo Madaxweyne Siilaanyo inuu ku tagi doono martiqaad uu ka helay Madaxda Dalkaasi. Gogol xaadhida Wasiirka Madaxtooyadda ayaa lagu wadaa inay qaadato muddo laba cisho ah, iyadoo Madaxweyne Siilaanyana maalmo gudahood ugu bixi doono dalkaas safarkiisa. Ilaa hada ma cada ujeedada safarka Madaxweyne Siilaanyo uu ku tagayo dalka Kenya iyo cida casuuntay toona, hase yeeshee waxa ay wararka aanu ka helayno Madaxtooyaddu sheegayaan in ay Xukuumadda Kenya Martiqaaday iyadoo uu dhawaana helay mid ka horeysay balse ay u suurtogeli weyday arrimo farsamo awgeed inuu u baxo. Safarka Madaxweyne Siilaanyo ayaa ku soo beegmaya wakhti uu Madaxweyne ku-xigeenkiisii iyo wefti uu hogaaminaya socdaal ku joogaan dalka Jabuuti, isagoo sida uu Wasiirka Arrimaha dibadu hore u sheegay Madaxweyne Siilaanyo safar uu Turkiga ku tagi lahaa inuu uga baaqday safarka Madaxweyne ku-xigeenkiisa awgeed. Safarada Madaxweyne Siilaanyo iyo ku-xigeenkiisa C/raxmaan Saylici ayaa ku soo beegmaya wakhti ay beesha Caalamka iyo Dalka Turkiguba ku mashquulsan yihiin shirar ay u qabanayaan kooxaha Somaliya, isla markaana ay u tafaxaydan yihiin sidii Nabad waarta looga samayn lahaa Deegaamadda ay dagaaladdu ka socdaan oo ay qaarkood Ciidamadda Huwanta ah ee dalalka Jaarku ay ku qabsadeen meelo badan oo ay Al-shabaab ka talin jirtay.
  14. Salaadu halkay iska qabsan laaadahay dee , faroole iyo ninka australianka isku salaad ma tukanayan.
  15. Abtigiis;836519 wrote: First criteria for me is the President must be an INTELLECTUAL. Secons is he must be an INTELLECTUAL. Third is about his personality. When I say an Intellectual, I mean an intellectual, who does satisfy the representations of an intellectual as set out by Edward Said. Only a man of such character can take somalia out of the abyss it is in. No Faroole, Sharif or men with old clan mentality. I have to confess I do not know Abdirahman Badiyow that much, but from the few meetings (rather encounters I had with him) I felt he was a mature and knowledgeable man. I have no problem if a modern islamist rules somalia. In fact, I prefer that to a crazed secularist. you see I am secular and will not tolerate any government interferance into what I do in my home, but I want a government that regulates the society in such a way western bad cultures are not imported mindlessly. No place for gay, alcohol and other socially harmful practices. Alcohol and open sex bring about diseases and social malaise. Girls going without Hijaab doesn't bring any social ills. So the government must not regulate these aspects of life. Plus weddings and art. Abtigiis is a big atta turk u need to have a word with Sh xassan turki.
  16. Bisinka wamaxay ta buraan eeh is rog rogaysa, kulaha i am rachel balayo ku rachesyey
  17. Somaliland: VP Sayli in Djibouti to Strengthen Relations Thursday, 31 May 2012 20:54 VP Sayli to spearhead Djibouti talks BERBERA (Somalilandsun) – The governments of Djibouti and Somaliland are set to strengthen bi-lateral relations. A strong team of Somaliland officials led by the Vice president Hon Abdirahman Abdilahi Ismail "Sayli" departed this afternoon from Berbera airport following an official invitation from the prime minister of Djibouti Hon Dileita Mohamed Dileita, The VP Sayli led delegation includes the minister of Information Hon Abdi Yusuf Duale "Boobe, Minister of posts & Telecommunication Hon Ali Elmi Gelle, Minister of Aviation Hon Mahmoud Abdi Hashi, a couple of parliamentarians as well as the 3rd deputy chairman of the ruling Kulmiye party Mr. Abdirahman Mohamed Talyanle. During a press briefing at the Berbera airport VIP lounge, VP Sayli said that his team which will be in Djibouti for three days will hold talks related to bi-lateral relations between the two countries, among them President Ismail Omar Gelle, Prime minister Dileita M Dileita who is the official host, ministers, parliamentarians and business leaders. The VP added that the talks will relate to strengthening the two neighbourly countries diplomatic relations, Economic ties, security as well as mechanisms cooperation in joint utilization of natural resources in the Gulf of Aden waters shared. The VP stressed on the good relations which the two countries share as can be exemplified by the official invitation from PM Dileita, Said he, "Since President Silanyo assumed office multi-sectored relations between Somaliland and Djibouti has been enhanced" Diplomatic relations between the two countries reached a low a month ago after two cabinet ministers from Djibouti were denied entry into the country at the Lowya'ade border point, by local immigration officials purportedly on orders of the minister of interior Hon Duur Arale. President Silanyo who is credited with existing cordial relations, immediately dispatch the interior minister on fence mending mission where he stayed for a number of days before the minister of foreign affairs Dr Mohamed A Omar joined him after the he (Dr Omar) attributed the entry denial to poor communication. The vice president who was supposed to lead Somaliland's delegation to the ongoing Istanbul talks opted to remain behind thus attend the Djibouti talks which the government in Hargeisa deems more important than the Istanbul conference on Somalia in which Somaliland said it will only participate on the first day's activities. This was reiterated at Berbera airport by the minister of information Hon Boobe who also doubles as the official spokesperson of the government, Said he, "Our talks in Djibouti are beneficial to Somalilanders while the main agenda of the Istanbul conference will dwell on the "Road Map for Somalia" that is of no concern to our country" The information minister stressed on the fact that the four member delegation to the Istanbul conference only attended the first phase of the Istanbul conference that deliberate on Development and Economy and more specifically on Resilience, Energy, Water and Roads issues relevant to Somaliland,