Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Hargeysa 1960 habeenki 27 june party non stop if they only knew:D:D dad iska qiireysna not the politicians Cigaal in the late 50s mar u london tegey marku so noqday ayaa la weydiyey Hawd and reserve area ma haysa markasu yidhi Maya laakin Xornimo Baan ino haya , Marki weftigi Somaliland xamar tegey dadka Somaliland waxay ku yidhaheen Midnimada Somalida wax aan ka yarayn ha so celin, Adan cade xita wuxu yidhi bal no yara kaadiya.
  2. Abwaan;840394 wrote: This is what end marka qof cimrigiisu/cimrigeedu 80 dhaafay ay tiraa waan talinayaa. She was the one of those who allegedly robbed xornimada aad XX sheegtaan inaad hesheen oo Koofur la timaaddeen maantana cajal kale ayey idiindaareen let us wait the one aad laqi doontiin at the end of this year Insha Allah. Yes she did her generation ruined Somaliland's future the generation after her were better they corrected the mistakes so she feels guilty so she will do everything to correct her mistakes. The same with cigaal he gave full gear 100% for Somaliland saying that he was never a citizen in a country called Somalia. Qofka bina adaanku qaladkisa wa sixi kara. War do you think the leaders of Somaliland are driving the seat its the people do you know the SNM majority of them were unionist only a small partion maybe 30% were for independence.But that small portion when they spoke at the conference in burco in 1991 the people were overwhelmed and wanting nothing less than a full fledged independent Somaliland republic by any mean necessary.
  3. ^^ Haa isagu kaladhka la hayo ba la dalacay oo diyaarada la dhex fadhiisiyey oo lugu yidhi fadhi oo ha kicin.
  4. Alshabaab oo u jawaabay Maraykanka qofki so sheega Hillary clinton digaag ba la siinaya qofki so sheega Obama kuruska ugu macaan ba la siinaya.
  5. Well if we have to follow ur logic one can say that there are no problems between the garaad clan and the garowe boys than why couldn't they share a single administration based on tribal kinship? Because historically they never shared one and in the late sixties they had their own political experience with the rest of the Somaliland communities. I don't believe in the fake mantra's that is repeatedly chanted by the likes of you they are the enemy and they are against this we are against that. The world doesn't work on emotions son where did i say the Garaad clan didn't support the union i said the middle clan was the one that was calling the loudest for union as if their lost son was trapped in Mogadishu:D
  6. By the way i think i would be a very ugly belly dancer since i have a big tummy nagada hadaba Xaaji caloosha ka ciyaara lama arkin eh.
  7. Thats now i not view things you see everything through a clannish perspective that's not how it works son. The Khatumites never ever shared an administration with the garowe boys. why do you think they created their own entity Khatumo? No one hates each other its all politics and different interests. i support Khaatumo against the Garowe boys at the end of the day the Khatumites are part and parcel of Somaliland by culture by tradition by Political culture by history and they are my people. Sure there are elements with in the khatumu entity who want larger union with the Koonfurians that's their beliefs. But don't forget more than 50 years ago it was the middle tribe of Somaliland that was really really in love with uniting with the Koonfurians calling the loudest for union. Also the Garaad clan is dissatisfied with the current regime of Somaliland when it comes to sharing power with in Somaliland and all of that. There are many factors playing a role but this is bigger than you. Adigu durbaan qabiil uun baad tumaysa sidi lugu jiro dagaaladi qarnigi sagaaliyotobnaad:D
  8. ^^ They don't know where the Amiir is:D How are they going to target him
  9. What he is the Amiir why should he not be called Amiir we call Sh Sharif President why not call Godane the Amiir.
  10. Niyo Somalidu Siyaasi shakhsi ah jecela so what if they call him sakiin wamaxay odayasha dhaqanka eeh afka buuraya. Barlamaanka ma iayaga iska leh bay u haystaan
  11. Waryaa stop it you want the CIA to knock on my doors or to 3 double check me when ever i am traveling:D It was Amiir godanes idea:D
  12. I don't see a problem if khaatuumo cleans its their territory from the garowe clan enclave , do you?
  13. Its just matter of time till hollywood makes a movie about piracy who watched expendables the beginning of the movie:D
  14. We are not talking about just people we are talking about TFG officials the so called govt of Somalia. Not about normal people living and residing in Somaliland. Read what Salax posted and you will understand there are no diplomatic relations between Somaliland govt and the Somalia's TFG govt. And if TFG politicians arrive at the airports of Somaliland, the Somaliland security forces at the airports expect the so called TFG officials to behave that's all nothing more nothing less.
  15. They were not politicians i see hadwaawi a poet sheikh geedi a cleric from Hargeysa and a Somaliland elder, this guy was a TFG official there is a difference. Do you know how many Koonfurians visit Somaliand, elders Businessmen Sheikhs etc.
  16. Mu Kuleeti kala so qaato hadu xita ay ugu nabnayd dee mu diyaarada iskaga jiro war maxa ku dedjiyey:D
  17. Its not like Somalilanders go to Somalia and wave their flag ileen gar wa lo wada Islaan ninkan, Waliba the security forces at berbera were very nice inay lix sacadood xidhaan bay ahayd. Diyaaradisi uun ba lugu celiyey eh. War diyaarada maxa ka so dedjiyey Faduul:D
  18. Maya Amiirku wa nin Qadiyad leh waligi Lugu qaadi mayo tangi amxaar ama mid Ugaandhees xita haday kun ku kufrinayaan ama kun ku Muslimayaan Amiirku wa nin qadiyad leh. Nimanka frenjigu walaga yaaba inay is yidhahaan inay casumaan laakin ma dhacayso.
  19. Maaaday hada ma waxad leedahay sheikha laba jeer baad maagtay oo sh sharif na hal jeer baax xustay waleh Somalidu meel walba wax bay ka dayeyaan:D
  20. Maadeey yes hadaad sentence ugu horeysa akhridid waxan idhi. when we take it into the right context and how the west views the Politicians in Somalia. Maraykanku waxay u haysteen ICU inay ahayeen argagaixso wati lala dagaalamay waxayna u haysteen indhocade terrorist. Ilaahay ima waalin ha i waalin
  21. Well she is no longer the First lady of the former dissolved republic remember she was the Somaliland foreign Minister From 2003 till 2006.
  22. Maaddeey;840246 wrote: XX, aad baad u qaldantahay!. ku laabo post-igaaga ee qaladkaas isak sax intey goori goor tahay!. Dib u akhri waxan idhi wa siday beesha calaaamku u fahansayihin Siyaasada Somalia ama Siyaasiinta Somalia dadkanu ama wa argagaxiso ama waxay ahaan jireen argagixso wa siday u arkaan. Maha sidaan anigu arko, wa siday gaaladu u arkaan wax fahan:D