Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Somaliland future discussed in UK Somaliland hopes for international recognition Leaders from Somalia and Somaliland are holding their first formal discussions on the future of the self-proclaimed Somaliland republic. It broke away in 1991 and wants to be a separate country - but it has not been internationally recognised. Mogadishu wants the northern territory to be part of a single Somali state. Since declaring independence, Somaliland has enjoyed relative peace in contrast to the rest of Somalia, which has been plagued by conflict. Timing of talks The talks are being held on Wednesday and Thursday in a secret location near London. Britain, Norway and the European Union have said they want the two sides to negotiate a settlement. Somaliland agreed to enter into the talks during a February meeting in London, when 40 global leaders met to tackle piracy, terrorism and political instability in Somalia. But its administration says its priority is to remain separate from the rest of Somalia - and wants Mogadishu to recognise its independence. Analysts have questioned the timing of the talks - the mandate of Somalia's transitional government expires in August when it is due to hand over to an elected president. Somaliland unilaterally declared independence 21 years ago after the overthrow of Somali military dictator Siad Barre. It is relatively stable and holds regular elections, which have seen peaceful transfers of power.
  2. Alshabaab maxay caruurta hubka ugu dhiibayaan? May iyagu dagalamaan its a crime against childhood
  3. War Deg deg Ah:-Shabaab Oo Soo bandhigtay Caruur Mustaqbalka Dhow Udagaalami Doonta”Daawo Sawirada” HolNews-Alshabab ayaa degmada Afgooye ee gobolka Sh/Hoose kusoo bandhigay caruur da’yar oo ay dhaleen dagaalyahanadii looga dilay dagaaladda Muqdisho. Caruurtan oo kan ugu weyn uu yahay 10 sano jir ayay Shabaab soo bandhigeen kahor inta aan laga saarin degmada Afgooye, iyagoo sheegay in Wiilashan ay u aargudi doonaan aabayaashood. Mid kamid ah Saraakiisha Shabaab ayaa sheegay in caruurtan la geliyay juhdi ama dadaal badan sidii looga dhaadhicin lahaa fikirka ah in lala dagaalamo ciidamada dowlada iyo kuwa Shisheeye. Shabaab ayaa lagu eedeeyaa in ay caruur aad uyar yar ay u adeegsato dagaaladda iyagoo xiliyada qaar udhiiba waxyaabo qarxa si wax yeelo loogu gaysto dowlada KMg ama dad shacab ah
  4. Wasiirka Ganacsiga Somaliland Oo Xadhiga Ka Jaray Hotel Cusub Layidha Village De Afrique Oo Casri Ah Loo Dhisay Hargeysa (SDWO 19/06/2012) - Wasiirka Ganacsiga iyo warshadaha Cabdirisaaq Khaliif Axmed ayaa xalay xadhiga ka jiray xarun weyn oo leh qaybo kaladuwan oo casri ah isla markaana lagu soo kordhiyey waxyaabo kale oo aanay horey u lahayn Hoteelada magaalada Hargeya iyo guud ahaamba Somaliland. xaruntan cusub oo laga furay xaafadda Jigjigayar ee magaalada Hargeysa waxaa ka soo qaygalay dadweyne farabadan oo gaadhay ilaa dhawr boqol oo qof kuwaasi oo isagakala yimid qaybaha kaladuwan ee bulshada reer Hargeysa iyo Daplomaasiyiinta Safaaradda Itooobiya ku leedahay Hargeysa,xubno ka tirsan golaha wasiirkada Xukuumadda Somaliland iyo dadweyne kale. Cadaan Daahir Cade oo ahaa maskaxdii ka dambeysay furitaanka xaruntaasi cusub ee casriga ah oo halkaa ka hadlay waxa uu sheegay in uu dareemay baahiday ay dadweynaha reer Somaliland u qabaan adeegga xaruntan cusub sidaa darteed uu ku fikiray hirgelinteeda "markii aanu aragnay inay Hargeysa sii balaadhanayso dadka dibadaha ka imabaya iyo kuwii sii joogay labadubana ay u baahan yihiin inay helaan adeeggyada casriga ah ee ay xaruntani hirgalisay ayaanu ka fikiray inaany samayno xaruntani African Village" ayuu yidhi Mr Cadnaan Daahir Cade. Fadumo Siciid Ibraahim oo ku hadlaysay magaca dumarka oo halkaasi ka hadashay waxay si weyn u amaantay muuqaalka bilicda san ee xaruntaasi loo sameeyey waxaanay sheegtay inay kala garan wayday markii ay soo gashay inay Hargeysa jogto iyo inay Addis Ababa ama Nairobi joogto waa sida ay hadalka u dhigtay e "markii aan soo galay gudaha waxaan kala garan waayey inaan joogo Addis Aababa iyo inaan Nairobi joogo" ayey tidhi Inasiciid. Professor Ismaaciil Muumin Aare oo hore u soo ahaajiray wasiirkii Cadaadda Somaliland kadibna soo xaqabtay xilka wasaaradda Hawlaha guud oo xafladdaasi ka hadlay waxa uu sheegay inay xaruntani cusub ee African Village waxbadan ku soo kordhin doonto horumarka dalka waxaanu ku tilmaamay inay tahay araggti wacan iyo fikir saliim ah oo ku dayasho mudan "xaruntani waxbadan bay dalka iyo dadkaba ku soo kordhindoontaa waana wax fiican oo ku dayasho mudan" ayuu yidhi Professor Muumin Aare. danjiraha dalka Itoobiya u fdhiya xarubta gacsiga ee Somaliland oo isaguna madashaasi ka hadlay waxa uu amaanay Cadaan Daahir Cade aas aasaha xaruntan cusub waxaanu sheegay inyuu yahay nin siyaasi ah oo qayb weynka soo qaatay isku xidhka Somaliland iyo Itoobiya isla markaana horey dhidibada ugu taagay Jaamacadda Admas Univwersity College oo uu fikir keeda isagu iska lahaa "cadnaan waa nin Doplomasi ah oo qaybweyn ka qaatay isku xidhka Somaliland iyo Itoobiya anaguna waanu ku faraxsanahay hawshan qiimahabadan ee uu qabtay" ayuu yidhi. wasiirka ciyaaraha iyo dhalinyarada Cali Siciid Raygal oo madashaasi ka hadlayw axa uu sheegay in uu soo dhaweynayo furitaanka xaruntani isla markaana uu u arko inay qabatay qayb kamida hawilihii ay iyada bulshadu uga baahnaayeen "anigu waxaan si gaara u soo dhaweynayaa furitaanka xaruntani waxaanan u arkaa in uu Cadnaan qabtay qaybkamida hawshii ay ahayd inaanu annagu bulshada u qabano waanan ku amaanayaa wixii aanu la qaban karana waanu la qabandoonaa" ayuu yidhi Mr Raygal. gaba gabadii xafladda furitaanka waxaa ka hadlay wasiirka Ganacsiga Cabdirisaaq Khaliif Axmed waxaanu ka waramay dareenkiisa ku aadan muuqaalka xarunta cusub iyo adeeggyada kala duwan ee ay dadku ka helidoonaan gaar ahaan kuwa ka soo guryo noqonaya xiligan xagaayada ah dibadaha "waxaan u arkaa inay xaruntani waxbadan ku soo kordhinayso horumarka dalka dadka dibadaha ka soo laabanayana waxaan u sheegayaa inay ka helidoonaan adeeggyadii ay ka helijireen magaalooyinka ay ka yimdeen ama wax ku dhaw" ayuu yidhi Mr Khaliif. Wasiirku khudbaddisaasi ka dib waxa uu xadhiga ka jaray xarunta African Village oo wixii hadda ka dambeeya ay bulshadu uga helidoonaan adeeggyo kaladuwan oo raali galin doona markii ay gudaha u soo galaan xaruntaasi sida iyada oo leh qayb cunto oo casri ah iyo qaybo kale oo ay ka helikarayaan waxyaabo badan oo kaladuwan. Shiine Cilmi Kaahin – SDWO News Desk – Hargeysa
  5. Shirkii Somaliland Iyo Somalia Oo maalintii labaad ka Socda Aqalka Chevering House June 21st, 2012 Shirkii wada hadalka Somaliland iyo Somalia ee ay marti-gelisay dawladda Ingiriisku ayaa maanta galinka danbe lagu soo gabo gabeenayaa aqalka Chevering House oo ku yaala Sevenoaks, oo ah duleedka Magaaladda London. Shirkan oo soconaya labo maalmood, waxa la sheegay inay ka qeyb galeen Wasiirka Arrimaha dibadda ee Africa Henry Bellingham iyo dublamaasiyiin ka socda dalalka reer galbeedka iyo daneeyeyaasha mandaqadda Geeska Afrika. Shirkan ayaa ilaa iminka si habsami leh u socda, waxaana maanta oo Khamiis ah taariikhduna tahay 21 Jun 2012 saacada Labada Duhurnimo, labada dhinac ka soo saari doonaan war murtiyeed ay labada geesood si wada jir ah ugu saxeexan yihiin. Hasayeeshee Lama oga nuxurka war murtiyeedkani xambaarsan yahay, waxaase la filayaa in muhuumadiisu ku kooban tahay gogol dhiga qaabka labada dhinac u wada hadlayaan, marka wada hadalada Somaliland iyo Somalia furmo. Ergadda Somaliland ee shirkan ka qayb gashay waxa hoggaaminayay Wasiirka arrimaha dibadda Dr. Maxamed Cabdilaahi Cumar, waxaana xubno ka ah Guddoomiye Ku xigeenka koowaad ee Wakiiladda Md. Baashe Maxamed Faarax, Guddoomiyaha xisbiga mucaaridka ah ee UCID Eng. Faysal Cali Waraabe, Wasiirka Madaxtooyadda Md. Xirsi Cali Xaaji Xasan iyo Wasiirka shaqadda iyo arrimaha bulshadda Md. Maxamuud Axmed Garaad. Dhinaca Somalia waxa uga matelaya Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha iyo amniga Cabdisalam Macalin Maxamed Mohamed, waxaana xunbo ka ah Wasiirka waxbarashadda Axmed Caydiid Ibraahim, Safiirka Somalia u fadhiya Jabuuti Cabdi Xuseen Guul-wade iyo laba xildhibaan oo ka tirsan baarlamaanka dalkaasi oo kala ah Xuseen Xasan iyo Maxamed Xasan Aadan.
  6. Little progress in Somaliland and Somalia talks LONDON — A tense first day formal discussions between feuding neighbours Somaliland and Somalia in a secret location near London has run into rough weather on Wednesday. According to sources in London issues such as Somaliland’s independence, bilateral ties and cooperation in key areas remain as the biggest hurdles. “The first day deliberation lasted five hours and the two sides remain deadlocked on number of issues,” the source, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Somalilandpress. Somaliland, which enjoyed relative peace for the last two decades, primarily seeks Somalia to accept and acknowledge its statehood. Mogadishu believes the northern region is part of its integral territory. Somaliland and Somalia’s transitional government have struggled to put their relationship on an even keel since joining into a temporary union in July 1960. Somaliland withdrew from the union in 1991 after a war that left hundreds of thousands of people killed says it has no plans to reunify. The source said talks will resume later today (Thursday) and are expected to last the whole day. It further added the mediators — Britain, Norway and the EU might force the negotiations into an overtime– as they sought to find a compromise. The sponsors said they want the two sides to clarify their future relations and where the two stood on issues such as foreign aid, security, development and cooperation. Regional exports have said a breakthrough was unlikely any time soon considering this was the first face-to-face dialogue in 21 years. The private meeting between the rival sides has prompted speculation as to the timing– the transitional government’s term expires in August and is due to hand power over to a new permanent government. Wednesday’s five-hour long meeting was a preparatory talk which could represent the start of the next stage of negotiations if common ground was established. Both sides have sent a team of five member.
  7. ONLF is fighting a legitimate cause to free themselves from Ethiopia the question is we should ask our selves is can they deliver is it smart to include other Somalis from the region.Perhaps new leadership with in the ONLF is needed to reform the organization.
  8. Somalia: Islamic Radicals In Retreat Thursday, June 21, 2012 Al Shabaab has lost its fearsome reputation, and that has proved to be a very costly defeat. More local militias are forming to drive out al Shabaab gunmen. With so many al Shabaab gangs destroyed (by combat and desertions), the remainder have fewer allies to call on if they run into local opposition. Many local al Shabaab groups had turned into gangsters, living off extortion and theft. Word has gotten around about the many defeats al Shabaab has suffered this year, and encouraged more opposition to the Islamic radical group. The core al Shabaab members are preparing to shift to being terrorists. That means trying to blend in, or go hide in a thinly populated area. This is particularly unpleasant for Kenya, which has suffered from Islamic terrorism for decades. But it's a step up from al Shabaab launching raids across the border, and providing logistical support for terrorists in Kenya. The demise of al Shabaab will put an end to all that. The Islamic terrorists are handled like another criminal gang in Kenya, one that specializes in mass murder rather than stealing. Sin Somalia the final blow to al Shabaab, the Islamic army, will be the capture of Kismayo, which is now surrounded by the Kenyan armed forces (the army on the land side, the navy off shore.) Without Kismayo al Shabaab cannot afford to pay a lot of gunmen or buy weapons and equipment. They go back to being a bunch of Islamic fanatics with a dream. Even with al Shabaab completely gone (not likely to happen soon), Somalia still has a major problem with the fact that it is the most unruly region on the planet. Sometimes described as a "failed state," that itself is optimistic. For most of the last thousand years, Somalia described an unruly region, not a unified state. Turning the place into a functioning nation is going against the nature of Somalia, which is normally a collection of tribes and warlords. Central government is not highly respected, feared or easily obeyed. Kenya wants Somalia declared pacified so it can shut down the Dadaab refugee camp near the Somali border and force the 450,000 refugees back into Somalia. The camp has become a major problem for Kenya, becoming the base for a growing number of Somali criminal gangs and terrorizing a growing number of Kenyans living near the camp. While foreign aid groups protest this plan, many of these same foreign aid groups will not allow their foreign employees to work in the camp. Kidnapping foreigners for ransom is becoming popular, and robbery has always been in fashion. The Somali government is offering amnesty and jobs in the armed forces for al Shabaab members. The government wants to prevent, as much as possible, al Shabaab men from becoming Islamic terrorists. Many current al Shabaab are just young guys looking for a job. Al Shabaab offered one, which seemed like a good deal when al Shabaab controlled most of southern Somalia. For the last year, that job has become too dangerous for most Somalis. Those who have not been killed or captured have often deserted or accepted amnesty. For many Somalis, who you carry a gun for is just business. Somali pirates are having a bad year. For the first half of 2011, they captured 28 ships. For the same period this year, only five have been taken. Pirate mother ships are under constant attack and most large ships operating near the Somali coast now have armed guards. The loss of mother ships makes it difficult for the pirates to go long distances to find unguarded ships. The seafaring nations are hoping that the defeat of al Shabaab on land will enable Somali security forces to shut down the pirate operations. June 18, 2012: In the port of Hobyo, which is halfway down the east coast of Somalia, two groups of pirates fought each other. There were several casualties, and the fighting was apparently the result of one pirate group trying to steal from the other. Hobyo has long served as a base for pirates. June 17, 2012: In Mogadishu, a car bomb went off in a market, wounding three people. Al Shabaab took credit. June 16, 2012: A suicide car bomber attacked troops outside Mogadishu (Afgoye) killing himself and two soldiers. Al Shabaab took credit. The United States declassified some of its military activity in Somalia, admitting that it was American guided missiles, often launched from UAVs that caused the deaths of numerous al Qaeda and al Shabaab leaders. June 15, 2012: Armed guards on British merchant ships now have permission to fire first when approached by pirates. Armed guards have to comply with laws applicable to the country of the owner of the ship they are on. Some European nations have very restrictive rules about the use of firearms and the pirates were taking advantage of this to get close before opening fire.
  9. The biggest mistake they ever made.
  10. It doesn't look like a kniisad to me wa gaal heesaya dee ama christaan ha noqdo ama budist ha noqdo hadu Somaliland u heeso dhibaato ma leh. Waxan moodayey Somaliland oo vaticanka tagtay oo kniisad Somaliland dalkayga ka so qaaday war hana waalina.
  11. Carafaat;843764 wrote: I think many Somalilanders are hoping these talks will fail as well. They dont know how diplomacy works and both parties have interest in a succesfull deal. Xaaji Xunjuf prebare to get dissapointed. Disappointed about what Somaliland and Somalia are talking let them finish their talks we will discuss the communique they will release in a few hours time.
  12. Jacaylbaro;843770 wrote: UPDATE: In kasta oo wax war ah oo rasmi ah aan laga hayn sida ciyaartu u socoto, garoonka cayaartana laga xidhay taageerayaasha labada team iyo daawadayaasha dhammaan, balse sida ilo lagu kalsoonyihin tibaaxayaan team ka Somaliland ayaa cayaar aad u wanaagsan soo bandhigay, half garoon baanay ku hayaan team-kii Somalia. Waxa la sheegayaa in wasiirka arrimaha dibadd Somaliland uu dhawr kubbadood oo aad u qurux badan ka soo dhigay koonaha bidix taasoo cayaartoyga caanka ah ee Xirsi uu bahal hirdi ah kaga gaw siiyay balse goolwaluhu dirqi iyo tu xun ku qabtay, marar badanna koone u saaray, sidoo kale ninka khadka dhexe uga cayaara Somaliland ee Bashe ayaa issagun kubbaadaha dhulka sii taabanaysa bahal laad ah ku tuwaalinaya oo dhawr jeer birta kaga gariiriiyay, ninka difaaca Somaliland uga cayaara ee la yidhaa Garaad ayaa la sheegay in la dhafi la'ayaha oo uu kubbad wal oo weerarka reer Somalia soo dhisaanba uu si qurux badan uga jarayo.... Cayaartyoga caanka ah ee Faysal Cali waraabe oo issaga indho gaar ah lagu eegayo ayaa daqiiqaddii 25aad kubbad uu dhexda ka qaadtay si xarrago le ula dhex qaaday oo xarfaddii lagu yaqaannay kula dhaafay cayaartoydii reer Somalia oo dhan, laad qurux badana sudhay, laakin birta sare ayay kubbadii cuskatay... Cayaarta oo ilaa immika 0-0 ah, halftime kii horena dhammaaday, waxay dadka cyaaraha faalleeyaa filayaan in haddii ay sidaa u wadaan cayaarta ay team-ka Somaliland hubaal goolal dhalin doonaan halftimeka danbe.. Suldaan faisal waxay ahayd inu madaxisa qawaan ku dhaliyo:D
  13. Aadan Jugle;843680 wrote: independence or nationhood??? watch your use of terms, independence was 1960 June 26, nationahood may 18 1991 You are right 26 June is the day Somaliland gained independence we can call 18 may nationhood or the re-independenceday of Somaliland or the day the union was dissolved.
  14. Burahadeer its just talks you don't have to take it to serious Somaliland made it clear that their hard earned independence is not negotiable the question we have to ask our selves, is it possible for Somaliland and Somalia to have relations maybe if they start talking now maybe in the future. Keep in mind Somalia is a bit insecure to be left behind that's all its not like they will be landlocked or lose fertile land. Burahadeer in Africa Somaliland and Somalia talks should be the most easiest if its done in a proper way. In Africa we had Ethiopia and Eritrea case Ethiopia ended up being landlocked we had Sudan and South sudan in 2005 they agreed to have a referendum on independence. In 2011 they gained their independence sudan losing all its oil fields.What will Somalia lose nothing much they still have enough land they still have a long sea coast they still have fertile land and other natural resources matter infact its smart to support Somalilands recognition,Somalia can be the richest country in Africa. So buarahdeer its good to talk because peaceful coexistence between the two countries is something good for both countries.
  15. burahadeer;843665 wrote: both sides are arming themselves as they aware nothing coming out of these talks...so stay tuned. Its a long process the international community told Somaliland to talk to Somalia it doesn't mean they will agree but it shows that Somaliland is showing good will its a formality and ofcourse that the koonfurians are unreasonable when it comes to dialogue. Even if talks fail Somaliland can say they tried their best but it didn't work out, its a path Somaliland never walked talking to Somalia. But lets hope they agree on something that is beneficial to Somaliland.
  16. Dear Aaaliyaah i don't think the Mighty garaad clan can be occupied by qad chewing mafrishles. Dadku wa dad is jecel adeero khatumo na walala heshiinaya ha u baqan
  17. A_Khadar;843605 wrote: Awoowe Tan iyada ah ee Somaliland waad nagu wareerisee, bal define somaliland.. Are you talking about the clan you belong to or the colonized somaliland by British? If it's later one, common sense is before jumping to that high, let those who live their agree on this.. Hadii kale dee be specific and talk about the ONE that needs to be a NATION.. Awoowe i am talking about the people of Somaliland not about English colonizers Awdal Borama Hargeysa Togdheer burco Gabiley Berbera Ceerigaabo Sanaag Sool Caynabo Laascaanoood
  18. Carafaat;843594 wrote: My guess would be just before or just august. Oke so in august we shall see if there is new Somali nationalism.
  19. Somaliland Keen On Independence At London Conference 20 JUNE 2012 London — Officials from Somaliland and the southern Somali government met in London to discuss the future of Somalia and Somaliland, Garowe Online reports. Officials from the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) of Somalia and the breakaway region of Somaliland began talks in an undisclosed location in London. The Somaliland Somalia meeting was an issue agreed on at the London conference earlier this year. According to the final communiqué from the London conference held in February, this conference was organized to open up talks between the two governments to clarify their future relations. For twenty odd years, Somaliland's stance has been to gain independence from Somalia. Despite talks between the two governments Somaliland officials maintain that they are seeking independence. Speaking to the Somaliland media in Hargeisa Foreign Minister Dr. Mohamed Abdullahi Omar assured that Somaliland would not renounce its bid for independence. "We should maintain our dignity as an independent nation, deserving of international respect. Our sovereignty is non-negotiable," Dr Omar said. The issue of independence will likely cause an interesting debate over whether or not the TFG is willing to recognize Somaliland as sovereign nation. The TFG have kept an open mind approach to the conference but political analysts say the lack of a solid position on Somaliland's independence, could result in a failed conference. Somaliland pulled out of the talks last month when TFG President, Sharif Sheikh Ahmed appointed two ministers from Puntland state to attend the conference. After protest from the Somaliland government the Puntland ministers did not attend the conference in London. Somaliland and Puntland have hotly contested regions in northern Somalia which both lay claim to. http://allafrica.com/stories/201206201205.html
  20. War Deg Deg ah: Shirkii London wararkiisii ugu dambeeyey xog rasmi ah Posted by Pi on June 20th, 2012 London (Pi) Shirkii maanta London uga bilowdey Dowlada KMG ah iyo Maamulka Soomaaliland ayaa xogta soo baxaysa sheegeysaa in Dowlada Ingiriiska oo ah Dowlad aad ugu xeel dheer wadahadalada siyaasadeed iyo dariiqada loo maro ay ku guuleysatay inay dhinacyada Soomaalida ku qanciso ajandayaal sahlan oo wadada u xaaraya inuu bilowdo isfahan, is aaminid iyo wada shaqayn dhexmarta dhinacyada Soomaalida oo kala qoqobnaa mudo ka badan 21 sano. Ajandayaasha maanta lasoo hordhigay labada dhinac ayaa ahaa kuwii looga hadlay shirkii London ee 23 feebaraayo, kuwasoo ay kamid ahaayeen Amaanka, Dhaqaalaha, ladagaalanka Burcad badeedka, ka hortaga Xagjirnimada, ilaalinta Xuquuqul insaanka iyo Ku dhaqanka habka Maamul wanaaga. Waxaa shirka maanta laga ilaaliyey waxkasta oo abuuri kara xasaasiyad, sida dib u midow iyo kala go’id labadaba. La soco wixii kasoo kordha shirka, adoo kala soconaya Puntlandi.com Puntlandi.com London
  21. Saxiixeyaasha Roadmapka oo Nairobi shir uga socdo Magaala madaxda dalka Kenya ee Nairobi waxaa maanta ka furmay shir ay isugu yimaadeen saxiixeyaashii qorshaha Roadmapka ee Soomaaliya. Shirkan oo loo badinayo inuu noqon doono kan ugu danbeeya ee ay saxiixeyaashu yeeshaan kahor xiligan kala guurka ayaa waxaa la iskula soo qaaday arimo dhowr ah. Qodobadii maanta lagu gorfeeyeyna waxaa kamid ahaa in lasoo dhiso gudigii farsamada ee ka shaqeyn lahaa xulista golaha ansixinta Dastuurka iyo Baarlamaanka cusub. Sidoo kale waxaa layskula soo qaaday in la sameeyo guddi ka shaqeeya xalinta khilaafaad yary yar oo soo kala dhex galay odayaasha dhaqanka ee magaalada Muqdisho uu shirku uga socdo. Qodobada kale ee ay saxiixeyaashu maanta shirkoodu ku gorfeeyeen waxaa kamid ahaa sidii loo dar dar gelin lahaa howlaha socda maadaama xiliga Roadmapka ay mudo 60 maalmood ahi ka harsan yihiin. Si kastaba ha ahaatee asbuuca soo socda ayaa lagu wadaa inay si rasmi ah u bilowdaan howlaha la xiriira soo xulista golaha ansixinta Dastuurka cusub ee Soomaaliay. Horseed Media