Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. I never knew awdal state was a rebel movement war they have a parliament speaker and a whole cabinet like President darmans government:D
  2. Anigu ma cid baan kaladhka haysta laakin Awdal waxay ku tala Africa dadku wa inay ta fahmaan ku xalin meysid basement adigu isku so xidhid oo aad heeso qaadid. Wadada borama ila lughaya ila iyo garbo dadar ila qulijeed ila iyo Seylac marta waad taqana hadi kale inaga dayaa buuqa. Faaraah anigu Qabiil iyo waxa ma jecli inan ka hadlo marka waxa horta meel inaga dhig, qabiil oo dhan ba waan nacay anigu , anigu xita qabiil ba ma lihi. Xaajiga gadhka cad leh baan ahay.
  3. To much clan and qabyalaad in here nothing new this clan lives here that clan lives there this clan lives up there nonsense. Even the MOST unionist Professor Ahmed Ismaiil Samatar from awdal is against this Dawarsi Qurba meer state:D Wax cusub lama sheegin.
  4. Oodweyne the conference in daalo is harmless now its more about development the port in mait the gaashaamo incident who to support in the next elections and local elections some say this is the first time the clan came together in so many years. But you are right the timing is not perfect when there is all sort of talks with Somalia and what not i agree. Even though the conference organizers said every one is welcome we want to invite the President of Somaliland or Vice President or any one in Somaliland is welcome to attend the conference, they say its a conference to strengthen the unity of Somaliland and that of the Somalilanders.
  5. ^^ Haday Itoobiya xukunkeeda qabsadaan baad arki inay dadkaga yihin iyo in kale:D
  6. ^^ Not going to happen Somaliland will never ever compromise its statehood.
  7. Somalia;844772 wrote: Exactly! Contrary to popular belief Oromo are by far a greater threat than Tigray. Oromos have expansionist agenda as for TPLF policies, the TPLF have no interest of taking Somali territories but their problem is they subjugate Somalis and torture and Kill them, so its not Tigray its the TPLF. But oromos want to take over territory heaven forbid an oromo sitting in addis ababa as the leader of Ethiopia. TPLF is busy land grabbing Amhaaras but oromos want to take over Somali territory.
  8. Oromos are a big danger to Somalis in Somaligalbeed i have said it before they are the real danger Somalis are facing in Somali galbeed. Somalis need to defend their territory from these invaders.
  9. ^^I don't think Faisal is against the Koonfurians but he just portrayed as that and if one wants the talks to continue the controversial issues are still being avoided.
  10. Somalia: Puntland left out of Somaliland and TFG talks 23 Jun 23, 2012 - 10:47:58 AM GAROWE, Somalia Jun 23 2012 (Garowe Online) – The Transitional Federal Government (TFG) and Somaliland talks that wrapped up in England, excluded the Puntland government which criticized the secluded meeting, Garowe Online The meetings held somewhere outside of London between TFG and Somaliland cabinet ministers wrapped up on Thursday, to the disapproval of the Puntland government after two ministers were excluded from the talks. The Puntland government issued a letter to the EU and UK ambassadors who were overseeing the talks, requesting that the meetings be reconsidered because of the lack of Puntland representation at the conference. The Puntland letter issued a day before the talks began in England, stated that if Puntland is left out of the meeting that it would not accept the outcome of the dialogue. “Puntland will not accept the new development or outcome of the proposed meeting in London, which entails dialogue with Somaliland that excludes Puntland to satisfy separatists’ demands,” read the letter, signed by Puntland President Abdirahman Mohamed Farole. The letter also discusses the fact that the meeting between south Somalia and Somaliland could help legitimize a false precedent of what Puntland calls “defunct colonial boundaries” which, “attempts to deny the reality on the ground.” In the letter also talks about Somaliland and Puntland’s continuing dispute over territories and the need for dialogue between the two. For the past 10 years the two governments have contested over regions in northern Somalia which both governments lay claim to. Puntland’s response to the proposed meetings fell on deaf ears as the meeting wrapped up in England on Thursday. The outcomes of the meeting have not been released but officials did say they agreed to continue talks in the future. Earlier this year Somaliland pulled out of talks with the TFG after President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed appointed two ministers from Puntland to join the discussions. The meeting which was thought to be cancelled, convened after the two Puntland ministers were left out of the delegation. GAROWE ONLINE
  11. You should call it a state when it actually exist.
  12. Abwaan shakhsiyaaad baad ka hadlaysa anay talo ka go'in Buubaa haday talo Ka Go'odo Muxu Somaliland u tagi wayey, wa nin shakhsi ah oo Somalia jooga Abwaan waxanu ka hadlayna cidi ay taladu ka Go'odo. Eeg adigu shakhsiyad baad ka hadlaysa aniguguna waxan ka hadlaya dad buuxda Maanta hadaad tarxiili kartid Buubaa iyo kaluun dee sidu ba ku qasi kara caqli ba maha hadu Buuba ku qasay muxu meesha ku jooga taasina wa suaal?
  13. ^^ Somalia how long do you want this to continue is jiijidkan road map hebel kampala accord 1 2 Djibouti accord Addis ababa accord Shimbirooye heesa:D
  14. Somalia;844558 wrote: Xaaji, Abwaan is right, you overthrew the government and left the rest of Somalis to pick up the pieces. This was highly unprofessional and to be honest very bad! Somalilanders did their part helped overthrew the former government but its not their fault that Somalia is divided along tribal lines today,Somalilanders are not responsible for the failure of Somalia.
  15. Abwaan Cumar carte Qaalib wa nin Somaliland u dhashay inkasto u ku dhashay cadan laakin wuxu aha nin aha hadhaagi Afweyne oo meesha waxa kagatagay dawladi hore markay waxay ahayd shaqadi USC inay dee meesha ka saaraan. Marka Cumar carte Qaalib nin meesha dhex fadhiyey bu aha ma nin talo ka go'oda baa Meesha runta wax ka sheeg Cali Mahdi iyo general caydiid ba isu tanasuli kari wayey.Ina Cigaal Dawladisi waxay dhacday 1969 wa intanay kacaanku dhalan. Buubana dee wa iska buuba ma kaasaad hada naf ka daydey ma iman kara Somaliland dadka iska soo tarxiila wa halki dalabay walaxan wax nugu so kordhiyaan ma jirto.
  16. Anigu waxan la yaaba waxan la isku haysto ba wa cantayn road map iyo hebel ba wax sexeexay Somalidu waxad mooda inay wax aan muhiim ahayn isku mashquuliya umadaha kale dalkooda bay dhistaan laakin qof walba wax yar bu ku fakiraya. Kan nadaaro na jecela inu dad isku diro
  17. Yarka Puntland u hadlaya Qabyalaad badana Ka kale na wa funny faroole Madaxweyne maha:D
  18. Abwaan;844556 wrote: XX....taariikhdu pick and choose ma ahan ee waa as a whole, Reer Waqooyi burburka Soomaaliya wax waa ku lahaayeen, period. Dawladi dhexe markay meesha ka baxday hanaanki dawladnimo xamar wa ka jiray safaradihi xerooyinka dawlada wasaaradihi, Dawlad dhexe markay meesha ka baxdo cid uun ba buuxisa meesha Abwaanow marka warlordska iyo kala ququbka iyo kala socodka Somalia iyo beeleysiga waxa keeney abwaanow reer Somalia.
  19. Abwaan;844550 wrote: Reer Soomaaliya intaad wax ka burburisay oo wixii nuxur ahaa wax ka diiratay,, dembiyadii wax ka gashay baad rabtaa inaad dad hadda cirka ka soo dhacay iska dhigtaan! XX midnimada ciyaarta hallaga daayo! Kismaayo, Xamar, Bay, Mudug, Shabbeello Hoose, Dhexe, Hiiraan meel walba waad joogteen, madax baad ka ahaydeen, shacab baad ka ahaydeen, markii aad meelaha ka hadleysidna sidi nin aan intaas haysan baad u hadashaa! Dadka Reer Somaliland marnaba masuul kama aha burburki iyo midnimadi la'aanta Somalia haysata , wa run dawladi dhexe eeh hore eeh jirtay wax waka so rideen laakin marki Generalki maxammad siad bare dalka ka baxay. Burburka Yaa keeney maxa dilki si waday Maxa qabil is qababsada keeney maxa warlordka keeney ma reer Somaliland ba keeney mise reer Somalia? Intaasun ka jawaab.
  20. Abwaan;844537 wrote: Caano, wax cuqdad la dhaho meesha ma yaallaan, dadkaan Unity bay rabaan inay beeli dhul goosato ay dad la wadaagaan oo dowlad ula baxdo ayay ka xun yihiin. Somalidu waxay tidha nin aad kabaha ka tolaneysid kabihisa la eega , midnimada aad ku baqaysid maa reer Somalia laga arko Siyaasad ahaan shacab ahaan dawlad ahaan?