Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. ^^ Still no evidence that's the US state department profile of Ahmed godane nothing new
  2. Allegedly supporting? is there any factual evidence that asmara supports Alshabaab. Mahad the Amiir is not supported by Somaliland he is supported by rich Arab millionaires in the middle east and ofcource Ayman Al zawahiri.
  3. By Associated Press, Updated: Thursday, July 5, 6:56 PM WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is blacklisting six people, including two senior Eritrean military officers, for their roles in allegedly supporting the radical Islamist al-Shabab group in Somalia. The Treasury Department announced the sanctions Thursday under an executive order that can impose punitive measures on individuals deemed to threaten peace, security or stability in Somalia. The sanctions freeze any assets the men have in U.S. jurisdictions and bar Americans from conducting business with them. The six are accused of providing financial and logistical support to al-Shabab, an al-Qaida affiliate designated a foreign terrorist organization by the State Department. In addition to the Eritreans, the sanctions apply to a Sudanese accused of recruiting foreign fighters for al-Shabab and three Kenyans, including a cleric, said to have raised money and arms for the group. Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
  4. Somaliland parliament speaker Abduraxmaan Ciiro just arrived in Sanaag Ceerigaabo.
  5. xiinfaniin;848440 wrote: Has it been concluded yet? I trust the Yonis Mother to be the first in the collective Mothers political groupings to come to their senses and realize this independence nonsense is no wise possible and would not tackle challenges facing average man and woman in the region. The most patriotic Somalilanders ever
  6. Its not necessarily bad even-though i understand where oodweyne is coming from how ever there were several similar clan gatherings last year in 2011 held across Somaliland in awdal shirki xeego the dubur shir in Saaxil we had another one In Hargeysa. Its part of our society and traditional culture to organize our selves as clans most of these clan gatherings is all about development and how to better the lives and the environment of the said clan settlements in the country.But its true we must set some priorities securing the borders with Somalia dealing with the Koonfurians and their politicians focus on the talks with Somalia which is important.
  7. Taleexi;848148 wrote: Fahamkeennu ma ka foga balse isku wax ma doonayno. isku si baynu wax u fahmayna waxan aminsanahay inad caqliga u saaxib tahay wuxu hambigagu yahay na waan ogahay laakin wa wada adag oo aad maraysid oo qodxo leh oo ay qodxaha qaar ku dhigeen kuwa tol ku sheega eeh garowe ka so jeeda. Adiguna waxad leedahay cadceedi ba so baxday hala tamashleyo dunidu awoow sa uma shaqeyso. Iska iloow wuxu xaajigu doonayo adigu maxaad doonaysa ma ka dhab ba ma rabta inad gaadhid hamigaga meel walba ma u maraysa weye suaashu?
  8. Why would reer taleex disrupt the conference when they were the one hosting the conference even with the killings of reer Cali shireh It was only noble of them to let the process of the conference continue.The Khatumo conference when it was being organized it was done by the G10 Dr cali ciise cabdi from Taleex himself. The only thing Khatumo so far accomplished was minimizing the power of the Elders but you are still dealing with the same not so lucrative politicians as before. I agree though some of the progress of Khatumo is hindered by the Garowe boys to the east and dealing with the TFG will not help their case either you need to have allies in the region.
  9. Every one knows that the Garaad clan was never interested in a autonomous state well at-least their politicians are not interested in that. For them it was more about political opportunity taking their opportunity to continue their political career where every they can. I am not talking about the genuine diaspora who truly believe in a state for their own clan. But in reality we can conclude the khatumo conference and the organizers of that conference. No one really knew the exact agenda other than uniting the clan but the amount of diaspora members attending the conference was overwhelmingly more than the rest of the attendees.
  10. Showqi Family ba laga bilaaba marka danbe qarankay isku badasha oo wala isku sii biira wax fahan dee wa baby steps:D
  11. :D presumably you're right but when some intruder is trespassing you're territory or house shouldn't you be ready shouldn't you organize the entire family like they are doing at the top mountain of daalo in sanaag:D
  12. Oodweyne ma maqli jirtay Geeli ba ino dhalay the peoples are very comfortable now and days even though in Somaliland the citizens are very traditional a clan gathering doesn't mean anything.Our very own establishment as a country was that of a multi tribal conference in 1991. Its like some sort of re identifying our selves as people and the roots of our political culture for centuries. But i see you're point national unity is our priority since we are fighting for our rightful place at the world stage. But Keep in mind there isn't any opposition right now ucid seems to be allied to the government udub is busy with party politics and the rest of the parties are not legitimate parties yet. We need real organized opposition with in the country the government is getting to comfortable. This is just a counter conference of the gar adag one in 2008 this will most likely be the outcome. 1 in la ilaaliyo midnimada iyo qaranimada iyo wadajirka jamhuuriyada Somaliland 2 in ay beeshu xaq u leedahay inay magaalooyinkeeda deegamayso 3 in ay beeshu xaq u leedahay inay xisbiga ay doonto tageerto 4 in ay beeshu kula noolato beelaha kale eeh Somaliland si nabad iyo sharaf ku jirto 5 in ay beeshu gudi sameysato ka arimisaha arimaha u gaarka ah beesha libaaxyada 6 in ay beeshu xaq u leedahay inay gobolo ku yeelato dalka Ethiopia 7 in ay beeshu kala tashato Ethiopia xuquuqday ay ku leedahay dalka Ethiopia iyo Kilinka shanad 8 in ay beesha salaadinta soojireenka oo kaliya matalaan beesha 9 in ay beeshu xaq u leedahay inay ka muuqato hayadaha dawliga eeh degmada hoose eeh burco 10 in astaanka beeshu tahay ta libaaxa. End of conference
  13. Sheekh Xasan Daahir: Shacabka Soomaliyeed Tacsi ayaan u diraynaa 1-Luluyo, maadaama waddankii la haysto Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aweys oo ka mid ah saraaiisha shabaab si aa ahna uga soo hor jeedo Joogitaanka Ciidamada shi sheeye ayaa uga tacsiyeeyay Umada Soomaaiyeed munaasabada 1-luliyo oo la Xusayo. Aways ayaa sheegay in Xiligan aan la xusi Karin Luliyo waxa uuna sheegay in dalka Gumeysi uu ku jiro, oo uusan xor ahayn. Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aweys waxa uu sheegay inuu jiro dhibaato laga galay Umada Soomaaiyeed, waxa uuna sheegay in Xornimada laga haysto Dalalka Itobiya iyo Yugaandha. “ aniga ma garan waxa loogu Dabaal dagayo 1-Luliyo Maxaa yeelay Dal Xor ah ayaa dabaal daga, dalka waxaa laga haystaa Adis ababa iyo Cnpala, marka ma garan u jeedadaas”ayuu yiri aways. Sidoo kale Sheekh Xassan Daahir ayaa ku eedayay caalamka Islaamka iyo dowladaha Carabta in ay iska indha tirayaan Xaalada Soomaaiya. Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aweys ayaa sheegay in Xiligan uu ku sugan yahay gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose waxa uuna si weyn u dhaliilay dowladaha Caalamka isagoo ku tilmaamay in qadiyadoodi ku wajahneyd Soomaaliya ay hoos u dhigeen Mareykanka.
  14. Diinta Masiixiga iyo Diimaha kale waa in ay noqdaan kuwo si siman loogu adeegsan karo Dalka Soomaaliya ” (Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibedda Taliyaaniga Giulio Terzi) Roma (Ramaas) July, 4, 2012- Wadamada deeq-bixiyayaasha ee caalamka ee ka qaybgalay shirkii arrimaha Soomaaliya lagaga hadlayay ee ka dhacay Magaalada Roma ee xarunta dalka Talyaaniga , ayaa dalbaday in dastuurka cusub ee Soomaaliya uu noqdo mid dhowraya xorriyadda Diimaha. "Waxaa waajib nagu ah in sharciyada iyo xorriyadda Diimuhu ee dastuurka cusub ay noqdaan kuwo loo siman yahay, ayuu yidhi wasiirka arrimaha dibedda Taliyaaniga, Giulio Terzi oo dalkiisu uu marti geliyay shirkan. "Diinta Masiixiga iyo Diimaha kale waa in ay noqdaan kuwo si simman loo adeegsan karo," ayuu yidhi, iyada oo dowladda Soomaaliya ay sheegtay in dastuurka cusub uu yahay mid lagu saleeyay Diinta Islaamka. Shirka Roma ayaa waxa ka qaybgalay saraakiil ka socday 28 dal iyo wakiillada haya'daha caalamiga ah oo uu ku jiray ergayga gaarka ah ee xog-hayaha guud ee Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan arrimaha Sopomaaliya Dajire Augustine Mahiga. "Hawlo badan oo ka mid ah khariidadda nabadda ama Roadmap-ka ayaan weli la qaban," ayaa lagu sheegay i qoraalkaas. Iyada oo madaxda dawladdu ay sheegayaan in ay ku dhameyn doonaan xilliga KMG ah muddada loogu talogalay oo ah 20-ka bisha August ee sannadkan. Af-hayeenka baarlamaanka Soomaaliya Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan oo hadal ka jeediyay kulanka ayaa sheegay in xaalada Soomaaliya marayso mee halis ah. "Xaaladda Soomaaliya waxa ay maraysaa meel khatar ah... haddii aan gabagabeyno xilliga KMG ah, waxaan rajeynayaa in shacabka Soomaaliyeed ay geli doonaan xaalad cusub." Dastuurka cusub oo qaybyo-qoraalka ah ayay madaxda Soomaalidu waxa ay isla garteen bishii la soo dhaafay shir ay ku yeesheen Magaalada Nairobi, iyada oo loo gudbiyay odayaasha dhaqanka si ay uga soo talo-bixiyaan. Lama oga sida ay madaxda dowladdu ku aqbali karaan in qabyo-qoraalka dastuurka ee la doonayo in la ansixiyo 12-ka bishan uu u noqon doono mid dhawraya xorriyadda Diimuhu.
  15. The Somalia –Somaliland Dialogue and Punland’s Deception on the Peace Process. By Mohamoud Arrale the current on-going dialogue between Somaliland and Somalia is a controversial issue and it has divided the opinion of the people the current on-going dialogue between Somaliland and Somalia is a controversial issue and it has divided the opinion of the people into two packs. One crowd (majority) is in-favour of the dialogue while the other set is not at ease with the discourse. In this dialogue at least the is one benefit for Somaliland: the generations who born after 1960 in both sides are appreciated now that Somaliland and Somalia were two different countries which united and chosen to be called Somali Republic in their Union in July 1960. However, the first set or those who are in favour of the talks differ in their ultimate objectives and each group wants to persuade the other in a cordial way: The people in the south of Somalia are supportive of the union whereas, quite the opposite, those in Somaliland are asking for their recognition from their counterpart in the south and from the international community. On the other hand, the latter crowd who is disconcerted to the kick off the Somalia –Somaliland dialogue, sees itself as a political loser if the current initiative bears fruits in one way or the other (Re-union or recognition). Therefore, in this article I would like to reveal the deliberate manoeuvring of Dr Abdirahman Faroole, the president of Puntland who fit in to this disconcerted crowd. ever since the British Government hosted the London conference on Somalia in February 2012 and that dialogue between Somaliland and Somalia came into the agenda, the leader of Puntland was singing the blues as he spared no effort to get the attention of International community, by playing games and making frantic statements to pave the way for Puntland to be included in the process of Somaliland - Somalia Dialogue as an equal entity. He ranted to barricade any direct negotiation between Somaliland and the TFG of Somalia. However, it is apparent that the Puntland administration is neither recognises Somaliland official borders as they claim some districts of Sanaag, Sool and Buhoodle of Somaliland nor respects the right of the TFG over his ******teenia regions in both the national and international levels. On 19th of June 2012, as Dr Faroole is fighting with his teeth to sabotage the on-going peace dialogue, he submitted a complain letter entitled TFG-Somaliland Dialogue to Chevening House meeting held on 20-21 June 2012 (can be searched on Puntlandi.com). The letter was addressed to the UK ambassador to Somalia, The EU Special Envoy to Horn of Africa and the Norwegian ambassador to Kenya and also copied to the president and the prime minister of the TFG, Dr Mohiga, The S. Rep. of AU Commission to Somalia and Finally to the US Rep. To Somalia. But this letter was not copied to Somaliland. The substance of the letter or the message it has carried can be summarized in two points a) the claim of some parts of Somaliland - Sanaag, Sool and Buhoodle - by Puntland and b) the barring of the two Puntland members from the selected negotiating committee by the Somalia’s TFG as demanded by Somaliland because the two members from Puntland were Somalilanders. However, during the meeting another letter from Khaatumo group arrived to the venue and basically refuted line item (a) of Puntland letter. On 23 June 2012, Dr Abdirahman Faroole, the President of Puntland, gave an interview to the BBC Somali section in which he also casted doubt over the purpose of the meeting between the two presidents of Somaliland and Somalia (M.A. Mohamoud and Sh. Sharif Ahmed) held in Dubai on 28 June 2012, in which the presidents in their capacity as leaders of the two countries – Somaliland and Somalia- endorsed the outcome of the peace initiative talks in London and Istanbul. Surprisingly, Mr Faroole was present in the venue where the two presidents were signing the agreement between the parties (Somaliland and Somalia) and the International Community is considering his administration as a part of Somalia (Southern Somalia) that is represented by President Sheikh Sharif in the occasion: the man that he is trying to share with his shoes. That disparaging interview in which he told to Yusuf Garad of the BBC that the meeting was merely a gathering for which the sheikh was seeking for re-election and Silaayo for recognition and sarcastically said that he did not know how they could help each other on that. He added that few photos were posted together in the hall where he was at time. He openly pronounced in the interview that he is not supporting any peace initiative that he is not involved as a person and thus statement shows his egotism and his insatiable nature. The whole interview was a gruff utterance to blight the on-going peace process. As a matter of fact it was the practice of Garowes’ successive administrationS to have their policies on their sleeves: keeping deviously the order of their house while at the same time sharing the power with Mogadishu Administrations or course-plotting for any change in power. As a last resort, the Puntland president is now aiming to heal wounds with the Khaatumo Group and ****** people in a proposed meeting in Jigjiga with the aim of gathering weight to get in the way of the dialogue between Somalia and Somaliland. Finally for Somaliland apart from that dialogue, there is an uphill task waiting for them that needs to be addressed in the soonest possible; Somaliland needs to tidy up its rather messy internal affairs. It has to expedite the settlement of all pending and sore issues whether it is political or tribal dealings all across Somaliland. Mohamoud H Arrale For your ease please find below all Communiqués CHEVENING HOUSE DECLARATION JUNE 2012 1- Following the commitments in the London and Istanbul communiqués that the international community would support dialogue between the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia (or its replacement) and Somaliland to clarify their future relations, the two sides met at a technical level on 20‐21 June at Chevening. 2. The meeting was hosted by the UK and co‐hosted by Norway and EU, at the request of the two sides. 3. The purpose of these preparatory talks was to establish a framework for future substantive talks. 4. The participants of the meeting welcomed the opening of a dialogue and emphasised their commitment to the continuation of these talks. 5. The participants: (i) Agreed that the talks would take place between two sides ‐ the TFG (or its replacement) and Somaliland, in accordance with paragraph 6 of the London Conference Communiqué and paragraph 10 of the Istanbul II Conference Communiqué; (ii) Noted the need to adopt a common approach to avoid anything that would undermine the continuation of the talks as defined above; (iii) Committed to the continuation of the talks and called on the two presidents to meet to review progress as soon as possible; (iv) Called on the international community to continue to facilitate the talks, including providing the two sides with external experts on legal, economic and security matters; (v) Agreed to share experience on working more effectively with the international community on the use of development and humanitarian assistance for the people of both sides and called for the international community to increase that assistance; (vi) Agreed to cooperate in the fight against terrorism, extremism and serious crime; (vii) Agreed to cooperate in the fight against piracy at sea and on land, maritime crime, illegal fishing and toxic dumping; and (viii) Reiterated their support for ending the Transition in Somalia Dubai Statement 28 JUNE 2012 Following the London and Istanbul communiqués that the international community would support dialogue between the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia (or its replacement) and the government of Somaliland to clarify their future relations, and following the meeting held in Chevening House, London, the President of the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia and of the president of Somaliland met on 28 June, in Dubai. The meeting was hosted by the government of the United Arab Emirates, at the request of the two sides. The purpose of this meeting was for the two presidents present, President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, Transitional Federal Government of Somalia, and the President Ahmed Mohamud Silanyo, Somaliland, to formally endorse the process of the talks between the two sides that were started in Chevening on 20-21 June. Both parties agreed to the continuation of this dialogue, and agreed to allow the two committees, formed by the Presidents, to continue the talks on order to clarify the relationship between the two sides. H.E. President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed H.E. President Ahmed Mohamoud Silanyo Presidents, President, Transitional Federal Government of Somalia Somaliland
  16. http://boramanews.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=742&catid=34&Itemid=53
  17. Madaxwayne Siilaanyo Oo Ka Warbixiyey Natiijadii Kulankii Uu Dubai Kula Yeeshay Sh. Shariif, Madaxbanaanida S/land Ku Sifeeyey Mid Aan La Loodin Karin “Wuxuu Shirkaasi Inoo Tarayaa Inay Somaliland, Sh. Shariif Iyo Cid Kasta U Caddayso Mawqifkooda Iyo Gooni Isu Taagooda” Berbera, July 3, 2012 (Haatuf) – Madaxweynaha Somaliland Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) ayaa ka warbixiyey kulankii uu Magaalada Dubai ee Isku taga Imaaraadka Carabta kula yeeshay Madaxwaynaha dawladda TFG-da ee Somalia Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed, kaas oo tilmaamay inuu Sheekh Shariif iyo dunidaba uu u cadeeyey Mawqifka iyo Gooni Isu Taaga Somaliland, kaas oo tibaaxay in kulankaas dan wayni ugu jirtay Somaliland. Madaxwayne Siilaanyo waxa kale oo uu sheegay in Sheekh Shariif ay isku afgarteen in la sii wado wada-hadalada Somaliland iyo Somalia si laba dhinac ahna labadii Guddi ee ay kala magacaabeen u wada naaqishaan Mustaqbalka labada dalka ee Somaliland iyo Somalia. Madaxwaynaha Somaliland Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) ayaa waxa uu sidaasi ku sheegay mar uu shalay Warbaahinta ugu waramayey Qolka Nasashada ee Madaarka Magaalada Berbera oo ay ka soo dageen isaga iyo wefti uu hogaaminayey, ka dib markii ay ka soo guryo noqdeen Magaalada Dubai ee isku taga Imaaraadka Carabta oo uu kulamo kula soo yeeshay Madaxwaynaha Somalia. Sidoo kale Madaxwayne Siilaanyo ayaa ka dhawaajiyey in Gooni-isku taaga Somaliland Muqadas yahay, isla markaana aanu cidna u daba fadhiisanayn waxkasta oo lagaga midho dhalinkaro dedaalka bulshadda Somaliland ee u ooman inay Aqoonsi Caalami ah ka hesho beesha Caalamka ee hagratay. Ugu horayna Madaxwaynuhu isaga oo ka hadlaya Natiijada kulankii uu Sheekh Shariif la yeeshay, waxa uu yidhi “Waxa aniga iyo weftiga heer qaran ah ee ila socodaaba aanu marka hore aad u salaamaynaa ummadda reer Somaliland. Farxad weyn ayay noo tahay inaanu dalkii dib ugu soo laabano, Waxaanu tagnay oo ka qayb galnay shir beesha caalamku ay iskugu yeedheen Somaliland iyo Somalia. Shirkan oo daba socday shirarkii laga soo ambo-qaaday dalka UK oo lagu baaqay in labada dal wada hadal yeeshaan, Kulankanna kuwaasi ayuun buu daba socday”. Madaxweyne Axmed Siilaanyo waxa uu sheegay inaanay waxba ka qabin wax wada qabsiga Somaliland iyo Somalia, hase yeehsee ay qaranimadda Somaliland tahay mid lama tab-taan ah oo aan gor-gortan geli Karin, isagoo arrintaasi ka hadlayayna wuxuu yidhi “Waxaanu Madaxweynaha Somalia isku afgaranay oo ka wada hadalnay in wada hadalada labada dhinac ay sii socdaan oo wixii maslaxad loo arko laga wada hadlo. Anagu (Weftiga) haddii aanu Somaliland nahay waxaanu mar walba ku adkaysanay, kuna adkaysanaynaa inaan waxba ka qabin wada hadalka walaalahayaga Somalia wax wada qabsigeedda, Hase ahaatee gooni isu taaga Somaliland aanu ahayn marnaba wax gor-gortan geli kara oo madax-banaanideenu tahay lama taabtaan”. Sidoo kale, Wasiirka wasaaradda Arrimaha dibada Somaliland Dr. Maxamed Cabdilaahi Cumar, oo isna halkaasi ka hadlay, kaas oo tafaasiil ka bixiyay qodobadii shirkii labada Madaxweyne Ku yeesheen Magaaladda Dubia, waxaanu tilmaamay in kulankaasi diirrada lagu saaray sidii ay labada dal u sii wadi lahaayeen kulamadooda wada xaajoodka ah, isaga oo Wasiirku arimahaas ka hadlayana waxa hadaladiiisii ka mid ahaa “Kulankii ay labada Madaxweyne ee Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya yeesheen waxa nuxurkiisu ahaa oo ay isku waafaqeen in la sii wado oo taageero buuxda la siiyo shirkii labada Guddi ee Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya ka kala socday ee lagu qabtay Magaaladda London iyo qodobadii ka soo baxay”. Dr. Maxamed C/laahi Cumar isaga oo hadaladisii sii wata, waxa uu yidhi “Waxa labada Madaxweyne ogolaadeen waxa uu ahaa in qaabka loo wada hadlayaa uu noqdo oo loo wada hadlo laba dhinac oo kala ah Somaliland oo dhinac ah iyo Dawlada TFG-da Soomaaliya oo dhinaca kale ah. Laba Madaxweyne waxay fasaxeen in labadda guddi ay gudo galaan arrimaha muhiimka u ah laba dal ee bartilmaameedka laga dhigay shirkii hore, Waxaanu markaa rajaynaynaa in wada hadaladani ay Somaliland horumar weyn u yeeshaan madax-banaanideeda iyo horumarkeedaba.waxaanu rajaynaynaa inaanu Soomaaliya la yeelano xidhiidh wanaagsan oo jaarnimo”. Wasiirka Khaarajiga Somaliland Dr. Maxamed Cabdilaahi waxa uu sheegay in labada dhinac ay ku wada heshiiyeen inay iska kaashadaan Nabad-gelyada mandaqada oo uu tilmaamay in mudnaanta koowaad la siinayo. Dhinaca kale, Madaxweynihii hore ee Somaliland, isla markaana ah Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga Mucaaridka ah ee UDUB Daahir Rayaale Kaahin, ayaa isaguna hadal kooban oo uu ka jeediyay Halkaas waxa uu sheegay inay Somalia wada hadalka la sii wadayaan, hase yeeshee ay geed ka go’an iyo lama taabtaan tahay Madax-banaanida Somaliland. Intaas ka dib mar Madaxwayne Siilaanyo la waydiiyey sida ay u aamineen dawladda Imaaraadka Carabta oo mar walba taageersanaan jirtay Midnimada wixii la isku odhan jiray Soomaaliya, waxa uu yidhi “Dalkaasi anaga (Somaliland) iyo Soomaaliya ayay ina wada hadashiinayeen ee iyagu door kamay qaadanayn wada hadalka. cid kasta ha noqotee cidii iskugu kaaya yeedha, Wixii aanu u aragno madax-banaanida Somaliland waa mid aanu ku adag nahay oo aanaan cidna u dabo fadhiisanayn. Dunidda wixii ina dhex dhexaadinaya inaga iyo Soomaaliya ama iskugu keen yeedhaya cidna kuma gacan saydhayno”. Sidoo kale mar la waydiiyey waxa uu kulankii uu Sh. Shariif la yeeshay ka tari karo Aqoonsiga Somaliland, waxa uu ku jawaabay “Wuxuu shirkani inoo tarayaa inay Somaliland Sh. Shariif iyo cid kasta u caddayso mawqifkooda iyo gooni isu taagooda. Somaliland waa la wada ogyahay inay qaranimadeeda ku adag tahay, in kasta oo aanay diidaynayn wax la qabsiga Soomaaliya iyo danaha badan ee ka dhaxeeya ee ay ka mid yihiin mucaawimada iyo budhcad badeedda”. Dhinaca kale Madaxweynaha Somaliland waxa weftigiisaas shalay soo degay Madaarka Berbera ee ka soo guryo noqday dalka Imaaraadka Carabta waxa xubno ka ahaa Guddoomiyeyaasha sadexda xisbi qaran ee UDUB, KULMIYE, UCID, Guddoomiye Ku xigeenka koowaad ee Golaha Wakiilada, Wasiirrada Arrimaha dibada, Madaxtooyada, Gaashaan-dhiga, Marwada Koowaad ee Madaxweynaha, Afhayeenka Madaxtooyadda , Maareeyaha dekada Berbera iyo Xoghayaha gaarka ah ee Madaxweynaha. Waxaana Madaxwaynaha iyo Waftigiisa shalay Madaarka Berbera ku soo dhaweeyey Wasiiro, Xildhibaano, Salaadiin, Maamulka gobolka Saaxil iyo dadweyne kale oo tiro badan, waxaanu Madaxwaynuhu halkaas Salaan sharaf kaga qaatay cutub ka tirsan ciidammada qaranka Somaliland. Waxaanu Madaxwaynaha iyo waftigsiisaas Maqribkii xalay soo gaadheen Caasimadda Somaliland ee Hargeysa.
  18. Waxaynu Ku Dedaalaysaa Sidii Soomaaliya Uu Uga Soo Bixi Lahaa Madaxweyne Gooni Isu Taageena Ogol’ July 4th, 2012 Hargeysa (Somaliland.Org)- Guddoomiyaha golaha dhexe ee xisbiga KULMIYE mudane Jaamac Ismaaciil Cige (Jaamac Shabeel) ayaa sheegay in shirkii Dubay ku dhex maray madaxweynayaasha dawladaha Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya uu ahaa guul markii ugu horaysay ay Somaliland ka gaadhay doonista iyo ka dhabaynta qaddiyadeeda aqoonsi raadinta ah. Waxaa kale oo uu gudoomiyuhu sheegay inay fursad wanaagsan tahay kulanka madaxweynaha iyo gudoomiyaha jabhada SSC, waxaa kale oo uu ka hadlay shirka la filayo inuu dhawaan Xamar ka qabsoomo iyo waxa Somaliland dawlad ahaan kala gudboon ama uga meel yaal. Waxaanu sidaa ku sheegay gudoomiye Jaamac Shabeel, waraysi gaar ah oo uu siiyay wargeyska Dawan, waraysigaas oo dhamaystiranina wuxuu u dhacay sidan: S. Guddoomiye maxaad umada Somaliland bushaaro u haysaa ee uga soo baxay shirkii Dubay ee madaxweynayaasha Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya? J. Ugu horeyn waxaan umada ugu bushaaraynayaa in shirkaa ay ka soo baxeen talaabo horumarineed oo ah tii ugu horaysay ee nooceeda ah talaabadaas oo ah in ay markii ugu horaysay isa soo hor fadhiisteen labada madaxweyne ee labada dal, isla markaana wax kala saxeexdeen taasina waxay kuu cadaynaysaa mar haddii wax la kala saxeexdo oo si siman loo wada hadlay in labada dawladood layahay markaa shirkaasi waa bilawga aqoonsiga Somaliland. Umada reer Somaliland-na waxaan leeyahay shirkaa guul ayaa inooga soo hoyatay degdegna midhaheeda waynu u arkaynaa. Waxaanad garan kartaa marka ay labada madaxweyne iyagoo siman wada fadhiisteen waxna kala saxeexdeen inay taasi muujinayso aqoonsigii Somaliland oo ay Soomaaliya aqbashay inkasta oo aanay wali toos ugu dhawaaqin. S. Madaxweyne Siilaanyo wuxuu Dubay kula kulmay gudoomiyaha jabhada SSC, kulankaasi muxuu ku soo kordhinayaa xaalada bariga Somaliland? J. Horta arrintaasi waa gudaheena dadkaasina waxbay tabanayeen tabasha uun baana jirtee dhib kale meesha ma taalo taasina waxay ku haboon tahay in la iska arko ilaa la is-arko oo la wada hadlana waxbaa dhiman, markaa kulanka madaxweynaha iyo gudoomiyaha SSC waa mid nabada deegaanadaa wax ka tarayo aan wada hadalana waa aan heshiino wada hadal balaabo ka horaysa ma jirto markaa arrintaasi waa mid dhexdeena ah, waxaan rajaynayaa inay degdeg guul ugu dhamaato. S. Waxaa gudoomiye maalmahanba la isla dhex marayay in xisbigiina KULMIYE musharaixiinta golayaasha deegaanka gaar ahaan kuwa caasimada in xisbigu dhinac kararan yahay, arrintaa maxaa ka jira? J. Xisbigu waa xisbi qaran dhinac wax kararanina ma jiraan dadkan isa soo sharaxayna waa dad xisbiga taageerayaashiisa ahaa balse marna qaar nagu cusub markaa dhinaca kama rarin ta kale golaha deegaanka ee caasimadu waa 25 intii badnaydna way hadhay, awoodana waxaanu saaraynaa in aanu soo sharaxno musharax cod haysta, muhiimaduna waxay tahay in aanu doorano musharixiin cod haysta. S. Guddoomiye Jaamac waxaad ka warantaa Somaliland maxay u soo kordhisay wada socodka gudoomiyeyaasha asxaabta iyo madaxweyna dalka ee ay ku tageen dalka isu taga Imaaraadka Carabta? J. Talaabadaadi waxay ahayd mid guul wayn xambaarsan waxaanay bixinaysay sawir aan laga arag wali dunida saddexaad iyo caalamka kaleba marka laga reebo Somaliland iyo Mareykanka waana waxaan wali caalamka ka dhicin inay danta qaranka u midoobaan madaxweyne doorasho lagaga guulaystay guulaystay oo xilka ka degay iyo madaxweynihii kala wareegay iyo musharixii sadexaad ee jagadaa u tartamayay taasina waa mid aynu dunida dheerahay, isla markaana aynu danta qarankeena u wada guntanahay. S. Guddoomiye dhawaan waxaa la filayaa in Somaliya dastuurkeeda la ansixiyo, isla markaana la soo doorto madaxweyne iyo dawlad cusub ioo bedesha dawlada ku meel gaadhka ah. Arrimahaasi saamayn ka ku yeelanaysaa Somaliland? J. Horta dastuurkan ay aftida imika u qaadayan waa ku meel gaadh waxaanu dhaqan gal u noqonayaa marka uu wakhtigu u saaxamo ee ay afti dadweyne u qaadaan taa adaan intaa ku dhaafo shirka doorashada madaxweynaha Soomaaliya si ayuu inoo saamaynayaa, waxaana loo baahan yahay inay Somaliland musharixiinta faraha badan ee ku loolamaya hogaanka Soomaaliya inay ku yeelato gacan isla markaana ka samaysato musharax ogol gooni isu taageena isla markaana qadiyadeena ka run sheegaya kuna dhiiranaya inuu Somaliland aqoonsado markay sidaa tahay Somaliland, kama seexanayso inay musharixiinta Soomaaliya gacan siiso nin ogol qadiyadeeda iyo waliba in aanu ka hortagno inuu halkaa ku soo baxo madaxweyne gooni isu taageena ka soo horjeedaa. Shariifkaana kolay waxaa guul u ah oo uu ololaha ku gelayaa inuu yahay madaxweynaha furay wada hadalka Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya. Xigasho: Wargeyska madaxa banaan ee DAWAN
  19. Che -Guevara;405960 wrote: There's nothing Somali or Cushitic about Tustis. The Tustis are linguistically, culturally, and genetically similar to Hutus. The idea of Tustis being immigrants with European features superior in intellect to the local Hutus hence entitled to rule Rwanda and Burundi is European construct. They do have pointy noses though