Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. It will most likely be tplf part two
  2. Sh sharif or sharif sakin will win the next elections
  3. We welcome professor cali khalif for this position I am sure he can deliver as the speaker of the parliament.
  4. Aaltiyaah is right faroole is wrong in this he stole from reer khaatumo the mps belong to reer khaatumo and not faroole Its very simple and they can support who ever they want
  5. Dr jurile dad badan ba ku kacsan inaalilaah Soo kuwa cadho ku seydhiyey Beritoole iska sug marku dr cisman so tooso yaryarka boosaaso oo dhan bu liqaya
  6. What about gaydh and hassan abshir Duke no one from sharif axmed clan is running
  7. Tilamook dblock wa madaxdi somaliyeed ma waxad moodaysa inay ku qancayaan kursi barlamaan
  8. If he wins than cabdi cawar is finished even farmaajo ba albaabka ka duulaya.
  9. Somalis always find a way to credit murderers
  10. You are not making sense in 2007 the ethiopians attacked many villages but they coudent hold it cadaado they were pushed out by the muqawamo the same with gelinsoor though the ethiopians and tfg recapture it. And than were pushed out of it again in the end. As for xamar the tfg and ethiopians were not given one chance abdilahi yusuf at the end was alone and his ethiopians friends were defeated. Now compare it to sh sharif He controls hiiraan all of banadir parts of shabeelada hoose majority of gedo Galguduud and ximan iyo xeeb and puntland and galmudug are allied to him He also controls the majority of bay region and parts of the lower juba. Now how much did yey control when he was forced to resign Sh sharif will be remembered for the first time in history xamar is under one admin New constitution new parliament he did well where cabdilahi yusuf failed admit it boy
  11. I said there were tfg militia in baydhabo Loool@ jawhar he was invited there bymaxamad dhere remember cabdilahi yusuf oday duq oo ciyaala suuq ah oo joodarigi iga xaday lool He was maxammad dheres guest in jawhar Waryaaa cabdilahi yusuf was a failure sharif achieved more since he became the tfg president
  12. Wayahay cabdilahi yusuf used xabashi to invade his own country fighting against. Al maxakim al islamiya he spend two years in kenya from 2004 till end 2006 he never really controlled the country tfg militia were running around baydhabo and there were ethiopians every where So mr cabdilahi yusuf waited two years for uncle sam to give tplf the green light to invade somalia Now sh sharif a former islamist was the one calliing the loudest for jihaad allahu akbar than fled to asmara when the ethiopians entered Today they call him the moderate islamist there are foreign troops in somalia Problem with sharif is he never said he was wrong in 2006 he never said he is right now Who knows he might join the islamist when he loses his seat. You guys trust somali politicians to much war these men care about their kursi Siyaasada laftigeeda mnafaqad ah
  13. Guys oba and shinbir faroole is not going any where its all threats to get things done he did the same in 2009 Faroole talks lots of nonsense even if he wanted the majority of puntlanders. Will get rid of faroole if he tries to break the country into 2 Faroole just loves attention he loves it when he hears faroole yidhi just ignore the pirate.
  14. Loool @ real citizens of laascaanood like faroole in exile in garowe
  15. 4.5 is not the problem its just a way of powersharing the four major tribes sharing power nothing wrong with that As for the minority tribes they were never interested in politics besided the four major tribes have some sort of alliances So Its not one tribe having everything countries in the horn have unoffical four point 5. In kenya if the president is kikuyo the prime minister is luo In djbouti if the president is somali the prime minister is afar. Even in iraq if the president is a kurd the prime minister is a shiate So its not a problem every one in somalia is happy with the 4.5 As for what regions the govt controls right now the banadir region Parts of shabeelada hoose and parts of shabeelada dhexe Parts of bay and parts of bakool and parts of gedo and a few districts in the lower juba Hiiraan and parts of galgaduud are allied to the tfg. Puntland galmudug and aswj are allied to the tfg
  16. Very strange the khatumites their closest kin are against them selecting their own mps While abwaan from the habar gangster clan and oba hiloowle from the unuka clan supports the khatumites selecting their own mps Afterall clan is not everything But my dear khatumites do not worrry faroole and cabdi cawar will lose Those who steal from others will never win
  17. Jacfer what makes you think somalilanders have any interest in leading somalia Have you seen a somalilander that what's to run for office in somalia Reer azania have every right to be the speaker of the parliament or prime minister r what ever Ileen wa dad u dhashay dalka soomalia
  18. So the list is complete now 275 mps are now ready to operate.
  19. So the presidential elections will be held in september I told you they won't make it on time
  20. I always knew saado was a politician but will she stop singing now Ngogne saado defected long time ago just six months after keyse defected
  21. So what about the elections will they elect a new parliament speaker today
  22. Mooge sharif is still ur president till elections happen.and even if he wants warlords the constitution doesn't say warlords are not allowed to be mps I remember ur hero yey had all kind of warlords in his govt what's so different today.