Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. And the circus continues This dude when half of mogadisho was being shelled And his kin were being murdered He was shouting qaxma huurto waaye Walahi reer mogadisho are to kind to men like salaad cali jeele
  2. General caydiid was not an angel and he had his errors. But to potray him as some kind of monster.Youre hero cabdilahi yusuf wanted nothing but to be caydiids partner. But general caydiid told him there was no place for yey in caydiids admin. If it is about war and killings than after caydiid died killings continuewho is responsible for that. Its like those people who continue toblame siad bare for all that went wrong post 1991 Somali waa is dishay qabriyey isku gurtay maxa meyd laga dul talaabsaday maxa hooyo goblantay maxaa aboo inantisa lugu hor kufsaday maxa wiilal geed lugu xidhay oo la toogtay. Maxa musheikh la laayey. All that happened not a single person is responsible for that. Its something all the so called somali leaders did. Its very easy to blame some one for all of that. While not seeing the bigger picture.
  3. I don't get the connection between reer buhoolde and sh sharif is he going to appoint a prime minister from buhoodle I get the support of galkacyo for abdiweli. I even understand why the luuq mayor supports abdiweli But if sh sharif appoints abdikarim as his pm than I can understand it
  4. Somaliyeey ma idin gar naqa. Koley aniga idinku dhex dhexaadsan intaan aan bilaabin horta raganu bina adan bay. Ahayeen badankooduna wabay wada dhinteed oo ciida jidkoodi cuntay hasa yeeshe. Wa inaynu arimaha kala qeexna caydiid dad wa laayey dad masaakin oo aan waxba galabsan oo xafadoodi iska jooga dadka qaar waxay yidhahaan militiada ka danbeysey eeh isagu mu kontrooleyn allah hu yaclam Wanaag wala hayo wa nin aad uga so horjeeday farogelinta. Wadamada shisheeye eeh somalia so lugu dhigta Qalad wala hayeeno isaga iyo kan ina mahdi caqligoodu wuxu siiyey inay magalaadi muqdisho eeh quruxda badnayd inay hubka cul culus isla dhacaan oo magalaadu badankeedu burburtay. Colonel cabdilahi yusuf wuxu ku amaanan yahay inu tolki u dhisay mamuul ay ku kala badbadaan oo maanta dhisan oo malaayin somali ku noolyin. Laakin wuxu ku xuma ciidamo xabashi ah bu dalkisa ku so hoogamiyey oo ay dad fara badani ku dhinteen. Professor cali khalif galaydh cidna ma dilin ma garanayo waxad lista ugu so darteen General maxamad siad bare wuxu ku fiicna hamiga in somali la miideyo bu aad ugu dheera iyo somali inay iskeed wax u qabsato dhaqaalo abuurtaan aad bu uga shaqeyey iyo in ciidan xoog ah dalka loo dhiso Wuxu ku xuma generalku tolkis ba kala garan waayey geeli tolka iyo hantidi qaranka somaliyeed isna ma odhan war ka jooga waa ka si jeedsada uun. Iyu dagalaadi ba ana eeh u la galay jabhadihi ku kacay eeh runti shacab badan ku dhinteen
  5. This is the the second delegation the snm send to xamar there was one before that. Any way I wonder how many videos keyd media has in their archives. As for general caydiid He was the most missunderstood somali politican and as moonlight said very controversial person I have to say.
  6. Che I am very good alhamdullah ramadan kariim to you two hope all is well with the family Well I hit the gym now and days so we going the right way and I am doing some other major projects so I am very busy these days Other than that I have my sanbsuuso timir and my tusbax. Waxan is yidhi meeshi sol sii yara eeg in sidi loo buuqayo
  7. B boy that's it that's the only thing they want to be left alone by puntland If puntlanders could do that everything would be perfect
  8. Caalin is faroolees partner in crime Qaarna waxayba yidhaan caalinku gabigisuba wa shandad yaro faroole iska leeyahay.
  9. Not true the likes of gen abdisamad are faroole agents mps are not to represent faroole agents but the people U stole from the garaad clan and faroole knows that khaatumo state was declared in taleex the town abdisamad is supposed to be from what a joke. These are facts I am stating and the funny part the elders should be in xamar yet they are in garowe. Members of parliament are there to represent the people not farooles lackies this will not happen as its the holy month where the heavens are open. You cannot represent 40 percent of the garaad clan u don't control 40 percent of the land. Adeer wala dhaafay xiligi somali is dhici jirtay dadki oo dhan wa so jeedaan
  10. Liibaan we are not talking about warfare where guns are involved right now faroole stole 3 of you're clan seats to achieve his goals As abdikarim told us what u need to do is get ur acts together and make sure faroole fails If some one steals from me I steal back what was stolen from me and make sure the one that took my stuff will be punished. This is not about forming states and who takes what state this is the election of somalia where every one wants his part of the cake and right now faroole stole ur part of the cake. Thanks oba for the info.
  11. There are a few things u need to know son port business is what they tel the public but agreement behind close doors are never made public to the media.its dirty politics because ur cheating other clans and taking their seats to achieve you're goals. Best thing that can happen is for the khatumo folks to form a coalition with their gedo kin and line behind the next leader I don't think farmaajo but maybe the other guy mr baadiyow ninki reer jawhar and get the other clans to supprt that. And make sure puntlanders won't get the top seat or the pm. The professor needs to make new and good alliances don't bet ur money only on sharif. The game is still 4.5 and its wide open may the best man win.
  12. Waryaadhaheen ragu muxu sheegey war wa la nabad qabaye ehxogaha waan yara naxaay marka jimicsi baan ku maqna.waxa xigtay bisihi ramadan eeh barakaysan inan xaaji ahy waad ogtihin marka cibaada xita waan ku jira. Waan idin soo yara booqday eeh maxa la haya ma sidi bala isu eryanayaa. Sheikh maaday na waan arkayaa waryahee sheikh maaday ii waran hawlihi halkay wax marinayaan. Inanki inantu dhashay abtigis meeyey. Carafaat adeer beryahan siyaasadi waad ka so dhac dhacaysa miyanaan ku odhan odayga buurmadow ha inugu tageerin.arinta dib ha ugu noqon haye dhe. Moonligt hadaan anigu xil qabanayo maxa maqaaxida inanta ii dhibayaa. Siilaanyo ayan odhan iga durug. Laakin hadaad ilahaay baryaeysid weel weyn wax ku bari xita gudoomiyaha hargeysa banaan halkaasan isku hubsan laha. Dhaliyaro dhamaantin ramadan karim sanadkan sanadkisa alleh hana gaadhsiyo iyo somalia oo dawlad leh.
  13. Liibaan if you really want to defeat faroole u need to have an ally right now you don't have any The puntlanders are playing dirty politics the puntlanders will do everything to secure their interest in mogadisho and the south. And they will not let any one come inbetween that remember when faroole visited jig and met with iley and they made a deal and there was another meeting in nairobi between faroole. And the big foot clan. The deal was the new leader of somalia from the puntland region will support azania and raskambooni militia to have some sort of hegonomy over the juba regions. So far faroole has secured 70 percent of the d block mps. The puntlanders if they can't get the president they sure will not lose the prime minister. You my friends needs an ally you are betting you're horses on sharif he has 14 days left. And the state department is not so happy with sharif dude will kick the bucket politically Sharif sakin and faroole are good friends puntland is a stake holder plus mahiga and the garowe boys are good friends. You my friend needs some sort of leverage the ic doesn't consider u a stake holder in somalia but the clan that is divided Now khaatumo is taking baby steps and only exist six months you want to get leverage against a state that exists 14 years. When four of you're major elders are sitting in garowe what does that mean. Garaad mashqare garaad abdisalaan garaad abshir and caaqil maxamuud xaji cumar camay. You need to be organized as a clan and as state. As much as I like the professor he needs to step up his game and I am sure he will but will it be on time.
  14. :D Man that's fast i swear he was just in sudan the other day:D
  15. Miskiin that's a good idea i think that's the best way to lose weight wa ina si fiican u so gaajoodo africa la qaatay Garnaqsi i post most of the time from My phone but i dont like working out as i said in the first post i cant do dhidid stuff
  16. Yeah he went first from Ethiopia than to Dubai to meet president siilaanyo than back to Djibouti than he went to Rwanda just two days ago and now he is in Sudan Nin ba igu yidhi Sh sharif waxa weye madaxweynaha Somali so maray ugu socodka badan xita hada la isku daro socdaaladi Adan cade aun iyo abdirashid cali sharmarke iyo Maxammad siad bare aun waxa la yidhi intaba waxa ka socod badan sh sharif:D
  17. Mahad yare the Koonfurians are Somalis like other Somalis but i don't know who got my back if you are talking about the civil war every tribe fought for his own rights even you're clan the ssdf. Qoraalyow iyo bu ka sheekenaya bismilahi raxmani raxim dadkan halku ka keeney.
  18. Koonfurta Somaliland where the hell is that:D
  19. ^^ Mahad Yare these people are not Somalilanders wa dad magacyo quruumo kale leh oo aad mooda inu ceel ka so heley marka they are absolutely not related to me aan ahayn Magaca Somaali.
  20. ^^ Waxasi wa nonsense kan ilka la wax ba ma oga roxaantan u ka sheekeynayo maxay ahayeen dadkan u ka sheekenayo wa wax aynan waligeen hore u maqlin:D
  21. The last 5 years i have gained lots of weight whats the best way to lose some of the weight in a healthy way don't say GYM i hate Gym biro ma aniga qaadi kara wax la cabo baan raba.Or a good diet maybe balanced diet that works.
  22. Tolkay wamaxay waxaasi sh sharif goormu tolkay noqday now you are just taking the piss kid.
  23. Horta sheikh dalxiis xita bisha ugu danbeysa eeh u si joogo diyaarad kama degeyo 2 days ago he was in rwanda now he is in sudan this guy is never in Mogadisho, hargeysa muxu ka doonaya he needs to prepare for the elections start bribing the MPS Saaxib socodka yare.