Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. So pathetic finding a woman on the internet or finding ur male lover on the internet. Dhaliyaridi maxa ku dhacay Ma habki loo shukaansan jiray ba dhamaday
  2. Somalia;863264 wrote: Good line Xaaji, Somalia is indivisible too. Yes indeed Somalia is indivisible to
  3. This is village politics i own village reer hebel and he owns village reer hebel stop this nonsense Somaliland one nation under god its Indivisible.
  4. lol@ implementing the road map this was entirely pushed by the international community the six signatories all took part of the so called road map and did their part of the road map. Sheikh sharif was not halting the constitution he wanted the constitution to be completed Setting up an anti corruption committee while being self a corrupt official:D Mentioning the road man twice will not make his case better either:D
  5. Not true the border is 5 km from garowe and 8 km from bosaaso.
  6. Even though Somalia has a parliamentary system but sh sharif here and there still appointed Ministers he fired ministers he was still the commander in chief with more executive powers than cabdi cawar. Sh Sharif takes all credit even for appointing cabdi cawar eventhough cabdi cawar ended up working for faroole.
  7. Recent History well its his achievement whether it happened six months ago or a year a go its still his achievement he is the most favorable to win the elections.
  8. He achieved allot when we talk about the TFG for the first time xamar is under one entity Alshabaab were removed from several towns and cities all over central and southern Somalia under his reign. He started training thousands of Somali troops he appointed capable governors and mayors in Mogadishu and freed cities from Alshabaab. Where cabdiqasim failed where cabdilahi Yusuf failed Sh sharif succeeded and you have to admit that.
  9. The Ugandans support him The sudanese Support him The Turks support him The Support of Djibouti Even the Europeans are very much pleased with him The Support of the African union
  10. ^^ Lool@ he is in the past don't sing a different tune in a few days time:D
  11. Myir sh sharif has the community of Mogadishu behind him which is the capital of Somalia he has the external leaders behind him even the Europeans are very much pleased with him. Somaliland is just observing the elections in Somalia lets leave it to that.
  12. It has nothing to do with me his opponents are abdiweli and Faarmaajo and their block is divided. Sh sharif will most likely get 70% of the ****.block votes and also significant portions of the other blocks thus he will most likely win. Besides that he has external supporters like the President of uganda Muusefaniin president of Burundi and he has also the Support of the Turks the Support of Ismacil Cumar geele.
  13. Its seems Alshabaab xoogoodi oo dhan kismaayo iskugu geeyeen Dhinaca kale na baardheere bay fadhiyaan
  14. Oromos genetically are much closer to Amhaaras than that they are to Somalis HLA class II allele and haplotype frequencies in Ethiopian Amhara and Oromo populations. Fort M, de Stefano GF, Cambon-Thomsen A, Giraldo-Alvarez P, Dugoujon JM, Ohayon E, Scano G, Abbal M. Source Laboratoire d'Immunologie, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Rangueil, Toulouse, France. Abstract HLA class II alleles were identified in 181 healthy unrelated Ethiopian children of both sexes and in 350 European controls from the South of France. The Ethiopian individuals belonged to the two major ethnic groups of the country: Oromo (N=83) and Amhara (N=98). In both panels, genetic polymorphism of HLA class II alleles was analysed for the first time by molecular typing of DRB1, DQA1 and DQB1 loci. Allelic and phenotypic frequencies were compared with those of European controls and other African populations. Construction of HLA class II three-locus haplotypes was also performed. The study revealed some differences between the two groups. Characteristic features of Central and North African populations appeared on the Ethiopian HLA genotypes. Surprisingly, DRB1*11 presented one of the lowest gene frequencies in both Ethiopian ethnic groups in contrast to Europeans and West Africans. Furthermore, this decrease was more marked than those observed using serological techniques in other geographically close East African countries. Oromo and Amhara only showed minor differences in spite of their different origins and histories. One significant difference consisted of a lower DRB1*01 gene frequency in Oromo as reported in most West African people. Some new or rare haplotypes were also observed in the Oromo group. Our results underline the distinctive features of the Ethiopian populations among the few HLA genotyping data available for East African groups and emphasise the major interest of such investigations in this region of Africa.
  15. Mashallah on david he knew allot about islam
  16. Xaaji Xunjuf


    The guy is talking about everything and at the same time he is lost in his own words one time he says F@qash is who ever worked with the former government and he is deeply shocked when a friend of him called him a F@qash. What he may not know is people who supported the government were also called F@qash so was he supportive to the regime. His whole point is Koonfurians are known as f@qash by Somalilanders based on what a kid once called him a F@qash he should've addressed the point right away instead of making up stories.
  17. Xaaji Xunjuf


    The author of this not so well written article seems to be deeply emotionally hurt because some one called him F@qash.
  18. Oromos are Somali neighbors and speak afro Asiatic language but that doesn't mean we share the same ancestry its like saying the germanic tribes and Slavic tribes of eastern Europe share the same ancestors because some of them have the same words. Language and ancestry are two different things afaan oromo and the Somali language have some similar words. But its not the same language.
  19. Where is Dr Osman to give us the latest on the oil project in Puntland?
  20. Horn Petroleum’s Somali wells come up dry Mon, Aug 27 2012 * First exploration in conflicted country in more than two decades * Horn Petroleum and partners to drill more wells in Somalia NAIROBI, Aug 27 (Reuters) – Canadian oil and gas exploration company Horn Petroleum said on Monday it had encountered only water in a well it drilled in Somalia’s semi-autonomous Puntland region earlier this year, the first to be sunk in the country since civil war erupted two decades ago. The well, Shabeel North-1, reached a total depth of 3,945 metres and is now being plugged, Horn said. Because there were no shows of oil and gas, Horn Petroleum determined a second well it drilled earlier in the year, Shabeel-1, also was dry and said the company would not test it further for hydrocarbon potential. “While we were disappointed that we were not able to flow oil from the first two exploration wells in our Puntland (Somalia) drilling campaign, we remain highly encouraged that all of the critical elements exist for oil accumulations, namely a working petroleum system,” Horn’s chairman Keith Hill said in a statement. While there has been speculation about finding oil in the anarchic Horn of Africa country for decades, it has no proven hydrocarbon reserves. The prospect of oil beneath Dharoor’s sandy, arid plains has elicited excitement among officials of the impoverished region. The companies estimated there could be as much as 300 million barrels of recoverable oil in the northern part of Somalia. Somalia, mired in conflict since warlords in the early 1990s and then Islamist militants reduced the government to impotence, represents one of the final frontiers in Africa to be explored. Source Reuters
  21. oba hiloowlow;850394 wrote: oromo is bahalo caqli badan laheyn, Afar waa rageedi Afars were conquered by the Ethiopians they are insignificant in Ethiopia Eritrea and Djibouti the're marginalized in all 3 countries even though oromos are pretty much useless because oromo is a dysfunctional ethnic group to big for its own good. But atleast the oromos had one Ethiopian Emperor who converted to islam some where in the early 20th century Iyasu V. And there were several other Oromo Emperors who worked them selves up all the way up to the Ethiopian throne. These oromos were most of the time oromos related to Amhaaras on their maternal side. But with Modern Ethiopia this is not the case any more.