Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Very well written article by Maxamad Cismaan Cumar the ups and downs during the struggle of the SYL the noble vision of the SYL shall always be remembered.
  2. Abtigiis doesn't like Maadaay that's why he is calling him a D@bo******* CIA, i remember Maadaay insulting Abtigiis i think this has something to do with that.
  3. Somalilands first vice President from 1991 till 1993 running for the top seat his party is already well supported all over Somaliland.
  4. Kenya wants the Somali sea's it also wants to drill oil offshore it wants to create a buffer zone for its own interest in the juba regions. Kenya also mistreats the Somali refugees in Kenya.Kenya's Foreign Policy towards Somalia is no good,dad baase laakin u riyaaqaya oo so dhaweynaya waxay kenyaatigu wadaan. Well done Hassan Sheikh Somalia's interests number one.
  5. Abwaan;871047 wrote: I guess XX is upset that this is happening when he is getting the Somali passport. This is his way of saying is this fair? Mooge would you say about this? I already have a Somali passport ki hore kan cusub uma baahni ki frenjiga baan haysta nin iska basaabooro badan baan ahay.
  6. Dawlada Puntland oo shaacisay in Kaararka Aqoonsiga ah loo sameyn doono Muwaadiniinta reer Puntland. Posted by Pi1 on September 18th, 2012 Garowe (Puntlandi.com):- Dawlada Puntland ayaa shaacisay in Muwaadiniinta reer Puntland loo samaynayo Kaararka aqoonsiga. Wasiirka arrimaha gudaha, Dawladaha hoose iyo horumarinta reer miyiga Mudane C/laahi Axmed Jaamac Ilka-Jiir oo maanta la hadlay Warbaahinta Caalamiga ah ayaa sheegay in uu jiro qorshe Muwaadiniinta reer Puntland ee shuruudaha muwaadinnimada buuxisa loogu samaynayo Kaararka Aqoonsiga. Wasiirku wuxuu sheegay in qorshahani laga hirgalinayo dhamaan gobollada Puntland ee miyi iyo magaalaba leh islamarkaana hawlwadeenadu ay tagi doonaan meel walba oo ay muwaadiniin reer Puntland ah ku nool yihiin deegaanada Puntland islamarkaana muwaadin kasta loo samayn doono Kaarka aqoonsiga. Wasiirka arrimaha gudaha, Dawladaha hoose iyo horumarinta reer miyiga Mudane C/laahi Axmed Jaamac Ilka-Jiir wuxuu carabaabay in qorshani uu yahay mid mudo badan ay dawladu soo waday kuna hanweynayd in ay hirgaliso, wuxuuse carabaabay danta ugu muhiimsan ee laga leeyahay in ay tahay arrimaha doorashada iyo Marxalada Axsaabta badan ee Puntland oo uu waxyaabo badan fududayn doono. Inta aan samaynta Kaararkan aqoonsiga la bilaabin, waxaa ka horeeya sida uu wasiirku sheegay Tirakoobka dadka oo laga samayn doono dhamaan deegaanada Puntland miyi iyo magaalaba. Waxa samaynta Kaararkan loo xilsaaray Shir wadaniga ah ee PITECH oo ah mid gaar loo leeyahay islamarkaana inta badan dawlada kala shaqaysa samaynta Kaararka Sharciga ah, waxaana Kaararkan loo samayn doonaa cid walba oo buuxisa shuruudaha Muwaadinnimada oo ay ka mid tahay arrinta deganaashaha mudada dheer ee la xaqiijiyay, iyo in qofku uu ku dhashay gudaha deegaanada Puntland deegaan walba ha ka soo jeedee. Wasiirku wuxuu sheegay in qorshahani uu si deg deg ah mar dhaw uga bilaaban doono dhamaan deegaanada Puntland wuxuuna xaqiijiyay in Kaararkani ay yihiin kuwo aan la Copy-garayn karin maadaama qofka laga aadayo Suulkiisa iyo Sawir insha ah oo u haraya shirkada Dawlada kala shaaynaysa arrintan iyo Wasaarada arrimaha gudaha lagana helayo xilli walba oo loo baahdo. Arrintani waxay ka mid tahay orshayaasha horumarineed ee dawlada Puntland ay ku talaabsatay mudooyinkii ugu dambeeyay aadna moodo in ay la jaanqaadayaan qorshaha Khariirada horumarinta iyo geedi socodka hanaanka siyaasadeed ee Puntland ay gashay. www.puntlandi.com
  7. Madaxweynuhu sii wanaagsan bu u hadlay wa in la cadeeyo eedeynta loo jeediyey madaxweynihi hore.
  8. Fiqi was talking about this just yesterday that his people are not safe in xamar and fiqi is a Puntlander. Fiqikhayre;870527 wrote: Xaaji Xunjuf how can we live together if certain clans are not safe in Mogadishu or even nations not respected because they 'support' a rival clan?
  9. Midnimada Somalia wa in la ilaaliya zero tolerance for secession threats.
  10. Beryahan danbe qofki wax wayaa baa wuxu yidha waan goosanaya faroole what have u done dadki wu waalay faroole:D
  11. 18 September 2012 Last updated at 03:39 GMT Help Mitt Romney has defended remarks he made at a private donor dinner after a secretly filmed video emerged showing him disparaging Barack Obama voters. In the footage, the Republican nominee is shown saying that the 47% of Americans who back the president do not pay income tax and would never vote for him. At a press conference following the publication of the video, he told reporters that his thoughts were "not elegantly stated" but that he stood by the idea behind them. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-19632019
  12. Mooge Cabdi Cawar lost the elections he should just go home and leave Somali politics to its winners.
  13. Somaliland: World Bank Initiates Economic Growth Programme Sunday, 16 September 2012 17:59 World Bank EPG launching ceremony HARGEISA (Somalilandsun) – Local entrepreneurs are set to benefit from a World Bank funded economic growth program EPG. The World Bank revealed this during the launching of the second phase of the EPG that targets all categories private sector business concerns ranging from Small Market Entrepreneurs-SME' to the Big concerns nationwide. The vice president Hon. Abdirahman Abdilahi Ismail Sayli officially launched the EPG at a ceremony held in Hargeisa with a joint government- World Bank representation. The VP who thanked the World bank for the multi-million dollar EPG project said that, the intervention of the global financial body was a clear indication of the respect the country and its private sector has earned internationally for the discernible development strides undertaken without external support in the past 21 years. While officially launching the EPG, VP revealed that the World Bank is also assisting the government with various agreed upon public service related development projects, said he, "So far the global financier has already completed an assessment study of Berbera port which is a prelude to important extensions and modernization" The two senior world bank officials at the function, Mr. Denis Dann and Najib Hasan Hashi urged local entrepreneurs to utilize the programme properly not only for the growth of their personal business but for the good of the country as well. Mr. Denis Dann informed who said that the selection process would be fair and impartial informed that beneficiaries would be chosen after nationwide calls for proposals detailing all conditions necessary is made public thus ensure that every Somalilander is aware of the opportunities of the EPG. Said he, "Those business big or small to be benefit from the EPG will be selected from applicants that fulfill pre-set conditions for funding. According to the minister of commerce and industry Hon Abdirazak Khalif Osman, selected business would receive commercial development funds ranging from $5000 to $150,000 "The EPG does not discriminate commercial activities thus all private sectors entrepreneurs i.e. Fisheries, Minerals, Import/export, Hospitality industry, Transport, Small consumer outlets etc. shall benefit" Said minister Abdirazak. He stressed on the imperative need for those benefitting initially to utilize the funds as planned and achieve target outcomes in-order to show appreciation as well as motivate the World Bank to increase funding. It is anticipated that implementation for the World Bank funded economic growth programme shall begin immediately ongoing preparatory arrangements are complete.
  14. You wait ages for a new leader in the Horn of Africa, and then two of them come along at once. SIMON ALLISON reports on Ethiopia’s new prime minister and Somalia’s new president, and the daunting challenges faced by both. The Horn of Africa is a generally known as a region where leaders can settle down and make themselves comfortable in power. Look at Eritrea, where Isaias Afewerki has been president for nearly two decades and in charge for even longer. Or Djibouti, where Ismail Omar Guelleh assumed office in 1999 from his president-for-life uncle and looks all set to continue the family tradition. Then there’s Ethiopia – before his death, Meles Zenawi was one of Africa’s longest-serving heads of state. Somalia is the exception, its chaos throwing up new leaders regularly in Mogadishu, while Somaliland has been lauded for its regular elections that have resulted in a change of government. In this context, last week was momentous for the Horn of Africa, when not one but two new leaders were appointed. This is change on an unprecedented scale. Firstly, in Somalia, a parliamentary vote produced a thoroughly surprising outcome when the unheralded (but well-qualified) Hassan Sheikh Mohamud was chosen as Somalia’s president, replacing the much-maligned incumbent Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed. Hassan Sheikh is a civil society activist and academic, considered unsullied by the politicking and corruption to which Somalia’s leaders too often fall prey; his election has convinced many previously skeptical observers that the new government might be something more than just a re-branding of the old, failing government. Secondly, in Ethiopia, the country’s ruling party ushered in the Ethiopian New Year by finally settling on a successor to the departed Meles. As expected, his deputy, Haile Mariam Desalegn, is the new man in the Prime Ministry, although it took a little longer than expected for the confirmation to come through. Although he’s expected to follow in Meles’ footsteps, Desalegn might rejuvenate politics in Ethiopia simply by virtue of his very different background. Desalegn is not from the Tigray ethnic group, which dominated most areas of government since Meles took power; nor is he from the mainstream Ethiopian Orthodox Church. Instead, he considers himself a Protestant. He is also not a veteran of the armed struggle against Mengistu. This might help to open up political space a little. Desalegn’s appointment will be rubber-stamped by parliament at the end of the month (as in South Africa, real leadership decisions are made by the party, not the parliament or the people). Both men have a raft of challenges to deal with, although of the two, it is Hassan Sheikh who will be having more sleepless nights. Al-Jazeera journalist and respected analyst Abdi Aynte neatly summed up the most urgent things in his overloaded inbox, and it’s a daunting list. The new president needs to get rid of the corruption which has plagued the government – the United Nations estimates that seven out of every $10 of international assistance is siphoned off into some official’s bank account. Then he needs to strengthen government institutions, which are hopelessly inadequate. “Virtually all other institutions [besides the intelligence] are nothing more than a few lanky men with laptops, folders and Gmail accounts preying upon the innocent public and unsuspecting donors,” writes Aynte. Sheikh also needs to figure out a political solution to Somalia’s problems, starting with negotiations with the nationalist elements of al-Shabaab and the leadership of the breakaway region of Somaliland. Finally, he needs to re-think Somalia’s constitution and federal structure, finding a way to make the country more representative and more stable. Fortunately for Ethiopia’s prime minister, he takes over a country with a little more going for it. Still, he’s got a few thorny issues to address. First among them must be the unrest from the country’s Muslim population, in response to perceived government interference in religious matters. Given their growth rate, Muslims will most likely outnumber Christians in Ethiopia within the next decade, if they don’t already. However, the country’s main decision-makers are mostly Christian. To keep tensions at bay, Desalegn needs to incorporate more Muslims into his government and, more importantly, disassociate the politics of state from the politics of religion. Next on Desalegn’s agenda is to manage Ethiopia’s double-digit inflation, which has contributed to high unemployment. This risks stalling the country’s otherwise impressive economic growth, a key justification for the government’s intolerance of opposition. That’s something else the new prime minister would address, in an ideal world. Ethiopia has an awful reputation when it comes to censoring media and any kind of dissent, but don’t count on this changing: Desalegn is Meles’ protégé, after all. It’s said that a change is as good as a holiday, and the Horn of Africa could sure use one of those. Neither of the two new leaders is likely to make much difference to regional dynamics, however. Ethiopia’s long track record of interfering in neighbouring countries, specifically Eritrea and Somalia, is likely to continue – Meles’ death did not remove Ethiopia’s pressing need for secure access to a port, or its willingness to target secessionist groups operating from outside its borders. Somalia, meanwhile, is a long way away from being a fully-functioning state; its destabilising effect on its neighbours will remain in place for the foreseeable future. Still, it’s exciting to think there will be two new faces from the Horn of Africa at summits of the African Union or regional body IGAD. Don’t expect this to happen again any time soon. DM
  15. Waleh arintaan aad baan uga naxay this is the most terrible news i have read in a while.
  16. Carafaat way dhici karta wa in wixi step step loo kala qeexa oo marba jid la mara marka jidkaas ayaa hadi la maro kooxda midnimada doonkuna ku qanci karaan kooxda Gooni isutaagana ay ku qanci karan.. Siyasaasada inta badan carafaadow its not what it seems.
  17. NGONGE;870594 wrote: ^^ I am not comparing them to Hong Kong, Xaaji. I am talking about the website. It has panoramas of most major placesf of the world (and Toronto ). Check it out. Yeah but still we cant make it to that website maybe website yaro ka liidata ba la ina galin kara magaalooyinka yacni poorka ah eeh infrastructre liita leh , ileen wuxu wa kala nooca kale eh.
  18. Shinbir Majabe;870587 wrote: Xaaji, bal saadaal ka bixi.. maxaa ugu danbeyn imaan kara? malaga yaabaa labada dhinac iney sameeyaan tanaasul aad u weyn? Wax walba filo in meel dhexe la iskugu yimado wa fiicnaan lahayd balse weynu eegi halkay ku danbeyso for instance Somalia oo midnimada Somaliland iyo Somalia dib rabta inay u soo nooleyaan maxay ku qancin karan reer Somaliland dawlad iyo shacab baa. Dadka reer Somaliland eeh raba gooni isutaaga iyo dawlada Somaliland maxay ku qancin karan shacabka Somalia iyo dawlada Somalia, Waxyalahaaso dhan wa inaynu is weydino.
  19. N.O.R.F;870558 wrote: No one wants the talks to fail. Both side want it to go their way and the int community want an amicable agreement. The problem with the SL govnt is that they believe they can pull out at anytime (which they can of course) but the longer the talks go on the more attention they receive and the more 'add ons' each party gets. Those add ons and incentives may prove to be too much to lose out on if the talks fail. There were already two previous talks held in London and Dubai between Somaliland and Somalia lots of talks about talks i think we are now at the stage we address the real issues between Somaliland and Somalia. And i dont think Somaliland will pull out nor Somalia will do that.They know what is at stake both parties know that and the international community will not let that happen.
  20. Somaliland Oo Soo Dhawaysay Hadal Ka Soo Yeedhay Madaxwaynaha Cusub Ee Somaliya, Uguna Baaqday Inuu Madax-banaanida Somaliland Garowshiiyo Ka Bixiyo Hargeysa (Ramaas) Sept 17,2012 – Dawlada Somaliland ayaa soo dhawaysay hadal diblumaasiyadeed oo ka soo yeedhay Madaxwaynaha cusub ee Somaliya Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud, kaasi oo uu ku sheegay inay sii ambo-qaadayaan wada-hadaladii hore ugu furmay labada dal. Wasiirka wasaarada arimaha dibada Somaliland Dr Maxamed Cabdilaahi Cumar, ayaa sheegay inay soo dhawaynayaan hadalka Madaxwaynaha Somaliya oo uu ku tilmaamay inuu ahaa mid taxadar badani ka muuqday, balse waxa uu tilmaamay in Madax-banaanida Somaliland tahay mid ku timid rabitaanka shacabka reer Somaliland oo aanay ka noqosho lahayn. Wasiirka arimaha dibada Somaliland waxa uu sheegay in Midnimadii hore aanay ahayn mid ku timid khasab iyo jujuub, imikana aanay ku iman Karin, loona baahan yahay in Somaliya Madax-banaanida Somaliland garowshiiyo ka bixiso “Waanu soo dhawaynaynaa hadalka Madaxwaynaha cusub, hadalkiisa waxa ka muuqday taxadar faro badan iyo ka fiirsasho badan”ayuu yidh, waxaanu intaa ku daray isaga oo sheegay inay soo dhawaynayaan wada-hadalada uu sheegay Madaxwaynaha cusub inay sii ambo-qaadayaan “Arintaasi waanu soo dhawaynaynaa, waxaanuna rajaynaynaa inaanu Madaxwaynaha cusub aanu is-aragno marka ay suurto-gasho” Wasiirka oo la waydiiyay in Madaxwaynaha Somaliya sheegay inay Somaliland kala hadlayaan Midnimo dambe, ayaa ku jawaabay “Madax-banaanidu waa mid ku salaysan rabitaanka shacbiga, Somaliyana arintaasi waa inay garowshiiyo ka bixisaa”ayuu yidhi isaga oo intaasi raaciyey “Midnimadu maaha mid jujuub ah, maaha arin khasab ku timid markii hore, imikana ku imanaysa, mowqifka Somaliland maaha mid isbedal ku yimid, taasina suurto-gal maaha” Dr Maxamed Cabdilaahi Cumar, waxa uu tilmaamay in aanay hadda furnayn dood laga yeesho Midnimo dhex marta labada dal “Arintaasina (Midnimo) maaha mid hadda doodeedu furan tahay, laakiin wax wada qabsi iyo laba wadan oo jaar ah loo heli lahaa weeyaan”ayuu yidhi.
  21. Burcad Koonfur Afrikaan ah oo Gabar Soomaaliyeed oo uur lahayd kufsi iyo dil ugu geystay Magaalada Port Elizabeth Isniin, September 17, 2012 (HOL) — Gabar Soomaali ah oo lahayd uur sagaal bilood ah ayaa lagu dilay magaalada Port Elezaberth ee dalka Koonfur Africa kaddib markii kooxo huubeysan ay u galeen guriga ay ka degenayd magaaladaas. Dhaqaatiirta Koonfur Afrika ayaa caddeeyay inta aanan la dilin gabadha in la fara-xumeeyay isla markaana ay rag badan u galmoodeen; iyagoo markii dambe u yeeray booliska daabaca faraha kuwasoo iyagana sheegay inay heleen faro rag kuwaasoo baaritaan lagu sameynayo si loo helo kuwii ay ahaayeen. Waa dhacdo xanuun badan isla markaana noqonaysa tii labaad ee kufsi lagula kaco haweeney Soomaaliyeed; iyadoo Soomaalida Koonfur Africa aysan weli illaawin hooya Soomaaliyeed iyo saddex caruur ah oo ay dhashay oo sidan oo kale loogu dilay dalka isla magaalada Port Elezaberth. Hadaba qaar ka mid ah madaxda Jaaliyada Soomaalida Koonfur Africa oo aan kula kulanay Cape Town ayaa sheegay in ay aad ugu xunyihiin isla markaana fariin u diray Dowlada South Africa iyo Tan Soomaaliya. Guddoomiyaha jaaliyadda banaadiriga ee Koonfur Afrika, Muuse Muudde Afrax ayaa sheegay inay aad ugu xun yihiin isla markaana dadkii sameeyay falkaasi lasoo qabto lana horkeeno sharciga. Sidoo kale, Maxamed Cabdi Maalin oo ku magac-dheer Sanka kana mid ah madaxda jaaliyadda Soomaaliyeed ee Koonfur Afrika ayaa dowladda dalkaas ugu baaqay inay wax ka qabato falalka noocan oo kale ah kuwaasoo xad-dhaaf noqday, maadaama loosoo dhigtay hablaha Soomaaliyeed. Si kastaba ha ahaatee Soomaalida ku nool dalka Koonfur Afrika ayaa maalin kasta maqlaya ama arkaya wax ku cusub isla markaana iyagoo niyad-jabay iyo quus ka jooga inay dalkaas kusii noolaadaan.
  22. NGONGE I know its just a start for now NORF in the next talks there should be some sort of time schedule for these talks to reach an agreement.The international community knows that and they do not want these talks to fail.
  23. Fiqikhayre;870538 wrote: Xaaji I agree but I want the capital to be moved all together if this intrigues continue a beef up of the security is needed but Mogadishu is not yet a 'national' capital for all Somalis in terms of constituents, political make up in the local government nor military personnel. There fore it's easy to be infiltrated by clan elements taking out threats to anyone they feel threatened by politically. Somalia is not there yet but i believe the capital should remain Mogadishu why because Mogadishu is the biggest Somali city the oldest Somali city the city with the biggest population the city of Somali history. But i agree people from all of Somalia should feel at home in their capital i know that things are not as they used be like in the good old days but it takes time to fix all these problems. Somali national army should be an army of all clans all the 4.5 should be represented in the army from bottom to top from general to corporal equality and justice for all.