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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf
its not going to happen he will appoint a Prime Minister from Somalia.
Tough Guy Ali Abdi Awaare arrives in Mogadishu ?
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Is he from the ssdf clan? -
^^ Problem with the Kenyans is that they are openly supporting an entity in the south eastern part of the country they entered Somalia first on illegal bases than after a summit in Addis ababa they came under the command of the Amisom forces of General Bahuku. Also since 2009 there were talks about how Kenya is interested in the territorial waters of Somalia and possible oil drilling off shore there are multiple reports about that.The Ethiopians are not liked either since 2006 they were in Somalia and committed heinous crimes they left end 2008 came back begin 2011 but the thing with the Xabashis is they come in they fight alshabaab and go out they are not liked in beledweyne they were replaced by the Djiboutian forces. Ever since Alshabaab fled from Mogadishu the killing of innocent civilians stopped in Xamar by the Amisom no more shelling from the Amisom forces that's why u hardly hear negativity coming from the Ugandan troops. All in All Foreign troops are Foreign troops some with a mission some with other purposes.
Xisbal Islaam faction defects from Alshabaab
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Shinbir Majabe;873086 wrote: ^^ Nikaan cusub wuxuu doonayaa inuu Dawladda cusub boos ka helo, laakiin ilama ahan inuu tabar ama ciidan haayo.. hadu koox dhan la so goostay wu istaahila boos sidi Sheikh indhocade al markaawi waxay ku xidhantahay intu ciidan u la so goostay hadu isago kaliya yahay dee waxa la odhan adeer orodo mafirshka iska gal. -
Xisbal Islaam faction defects from Alshabaab
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
^^ Qeybti daahir aweys ba wali hadhsan:D -
President Hassan First Day Office (Pictures)
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Shinbir Majabe's topic in Politics
Looks presidential to me he should focus on security the most, training capable police forces in and around the banadir region and competent intelligence service. His second priority is establishing governmental institutions all over the country working with different communities entities and elders. Last but not least his approach to alshabaab there are elements with in Alshabaab that are willing to work with the new government he needs to be open to them he needs to rescue as much youth he can that are with Alshabaab at the moment. -
Ururkii Xisbul Islaam Ee Uu Hogaaminayay Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aweys Oo Shaaca Ka Qaaday In Ay Al-Shabaab Ka Baxeen. Maxamed Macalin oo sheegtay inuu yahay Afhayeenka Ururka Xisbul Islaam oo wareysi siinayay warbaahinta ayaa waxaa uu sheegay.............. Ururkii Xisbul Islaam ee kol hore la midoobey kooxda Shabaab ayaa maanta shaaciyay inay ka goosteen Shabaab oo wixii maanta ka dambeeya aysan la fikir ahayn kooxda Shabaab.Maadaama ay kala Siiyaasad iyo kala Aragti ay yihiin sidaasi Awgeedna ay keentay in ay go,aansadaan in ay isaga baxaan Midnamada Ururkaasi oo ahaa magaca Al-Shabaab.. Maxamed Macalin oo sheegtay inuu yahay Afhayeenka Ururka Xisbul Islaam oo wareysi siinayay warbaahinta ayaa sheegay in Shabaab ay isaga baxeen, isagoo xusay in Shabaab aysan isku mabda’a iyo siyaasad ahayn. Afhayeenka Xisbul Islaam waxaa kaloo uu qeexay sababta keentay in xiligaan ay isaga baxaan Al Shabaab oo ay horay ula midoobeen, waxaana uu sheegay inay sababta u tahay qodobadaan hoos ku qoran. 1-In la soo Celiyo Midnimada Umada Soomaaliyeed 2-in Xisbul Islaam uu waayay xalkii la rabay in la gaaro markii ay ku bireen Al-shabaab laakiin la heli waayay 3-Inaysan ka mid ahayn Al-shabaab hadaf ahaan iyo Siyaasad ahaan intaba. 4-Inay qaateen Go’aan ah inay lahadlaan cidwaliba oo ka shaqaynaysa Nabada Soomaaliya 5-Inay Doonayaan In dalka lagu dhaqo shareecada Islaamka. 6- Inay ka soo horjeedaan Sii joogdida Ciidamada Shisheeye ee Soomaaliya
Maybe she is lying and the two sisters hated each other you never know its a sick world.
The problem with foreign troops is that they don't spare innocent civilians.
Azania is allied to Kenya The new government is allied to Uganda and Burundi Jubaland ASWJ is allied to Ethiopia Alshabaab is allied to AlQaeda
Adan Jamac kahin the new council mp of Milton Keynes UK
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Warya stop hating on progressive people and leave granny Edna adan out of this. -
Adan Jamac kahin the new council mp of Milton Keynes UK
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Xildhibaanka Deeganka Campbel Park , Xaafada Fishermead, ee Milton keynes, UK, uu ku guulaystay nin Somali ah. Waxanu dadweynaha Somaliyeed meelkastay ay joogaanba aanu ugu bushaaraynayna, khaastan dadka degan magaalada Milton Keynes ee UK, in uu Mudane Adan Jama Kahin , kaasoo hore u ahaa murashax u taagan jagada Xildhibaanka Deegaanka Campbel park and Fishermead, ay dawlada hoose si rasmi ah ugu dhawaaqday go’ankeedi maanta oo Khamiis ah bishuna tahay 20ki September 2012 in in uu Mudane Adan Jama Kahin ku guulaystay Xildhibaanka deeganka ee Campbel park and Fishermead (councillor of Campbel and Fishermead). Waxan ilaahay uga rajaynayna in uu xilka loo igmaday ilaahay u fududeeyo. Xooghaya Jaaliyada somalida Abdirahman Abdirahman Abdullahi (Abdiyare) Milton Keynes , UK
President Mohamoud should tread carefully on the Issue of Secession
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Taleexi's topic in Politics
General Duke;872894 wrote: ^^^ No Adeer the SSC proud warriors will cause you out:D The same SSC ur leaders called terrorists and spoilers:D Or the SSC khatumo leaders u forbade to use you're airports. -
President Mohamoud should tread carefully on the Issue of Secession
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Taleexi's topic in Politics
General Duke;872888 wrote: Poor dude is at it again. You can cry all you want Adeer your SNM militia will be chase out. By who invisible Garowe ghosts -
Somalia-Somaliland Talks detrimental to Somalia's unity
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Abtigiis's topic in Politics
Let me quote you're President Hassan sheikh Mahamuud Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud: Ilaa iyo hadda inta aan ognahay waxa ay tahay wadahadaladaasi waa bilow. Aad iyo aad ayaan u soo dhoweynaynaa. Aad aan raali uga nahay, ugu faraxsanahay. Waxan leenahay labaatan sano, dhowr iyo labaatan sano ka dib in ay hada bilaabatay fursad lagu wada hadlo Maamulkaa Somaliland ka jira halkaa. Waxaan leenahay Dowlada Somaliland anagu in aan la fadhiisano aad iyo aad wada hadalkii bilawday meeshii uu ka bilawday waa laga dhaqaajinayaa. Si fiican ayaa looga dhaqaajinayaa. Xanaf iyo xasaasiyaad iyo wixii carqalad ku noqon karo oo dhan ayaan ka doonaynaa. Aad iyo aad ayey muhiimad noogu tahay oon in dalka midnimadiisa la helo. Lakiin midnimada ma doonayno in ay caadifad iyo emotions iyo lab la kac ku timaado ma doonayno. Xoog in ay ku timaado ma rabno ama xoog milatari ha ahaado ama xoog dhiblomaasiyeed ha ahaado oo beesha caalamka inta loo adeegsado Somaliland lagu khasbo waxna ma doonayno. Midnimo laga wada hadlay oo maxaan ku idhaahdaayeey rukumo ad adag loo dhigay ayaan rabnaa. Anagu hore ayaan u sii soconaa oo waxyaabaha tiirarka ah ee asaasiga ah ee lagu hishiiyo xitaa waxaan rabaa mustaqbalka in lagu daro manjahka waxbarashada si jiilasha cusub ee Soomaalida ahi ay u ogaadaan wixii lagu midoobay iyo in ay muqadisaad in ay yihiin oo in la ilaaliyo ay tahay. Si aanay u dhicin sodon sano afartan sano kale markaan dowlad ahaano hadiiba aan midowno markaan dowlad ahaano ka dib hadana aanan isigu dhicin oonan u kicin. Lakiin aniga dowladaan madaxda ka ahay ee midnimadu waa noo muhiim waana waxay noo tahay wax aan yacni option kale ama dookh kale oon ahayn dalka in la mideeyo ma qabno. Lakiin hadana sidaas wadadaas aan rabnaa in lagu mideeyee ama wadadii shalay lagu midooboo sodon sano markii mid la ahaa ka dib la isku dilay ma doonayno in dib loo qaado. Let me Quote President Ahmed Siilaanyo Talks or no talks our Sovereignty is neither for discussion nor compromise . . . Following the costly reclamation of our independence and in view of Somalilanders’ desires for self-rule, we do hereby ask the world to respect our people’s decision and recognize Somaliland as a free country with full membership at the United Nations by President Siilaanyo -
President Mohamoud should tread carefully on the Issue of Secession
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Taleexi's topic in Politics
Godane who? -
Somalia-Somaliland Talks detrimental to Somalia's unity
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Abtigiis's topic in Politics
President Mohamoud should tread carefully on the Issue of Secession
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Taleexi's topic in Politics
^^ Taleexi i am you're uncle can you're uncle oppress you its illogical. -
it's time to end Faroole's regime and bury the federal clan system.
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Carafaat's topic in Politics
oba hiloowlow;872862 wrote: Honestly time has changed we got new leaders faroole has to go the man aint contributing nothing to our country.. Co sign he is time is up. -
Yes and Mogadishu has so much potential i would construct massive beach houses at Jazeera beach Liido Beach that would Look Awesome.
Soon Soon Oba hiloowle my younger brother is there right now i cant wait inan bakara market dhex maro marka danbe na xaafadaydi shangani ka qadeyo dabeedna fiidka theatreki xamar u dawasho tago like old times. I cant wait to inhale the fresh air of Mogadishu.