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Carafaadow dadka wada hadalka diidan community kaliyey u badan yihin eh judging by ur list.
Carafaat you were right Garowe leader Faroole is getting worse
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
He is now threatening General samatar of Bosaaso and Qardho Folks. -
Carafaat you were right Garowe leader Faroole is getting worse
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Madaxweyne Faroole oo sheegay inuu digniin dirayo & Gen. Samatar oo u jawaabay (Dhegayso)SEPTEMBER 25, 2012 00:01 Madaxweyne Cabdiraxman Faroole Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland Dr. Cabdiraxmaan Sh. Maxamed Maxamuud (Faroole) ayaa maanta si kulul u weeraray wuxuu ugu yeeray kooxo mucaarad ku ah Puntland mar uu ka hadlayey munaasabad lagu dhaarinayey xubno uu dhowaan ku soo daray Golihiisa Wasiiradda. Madaxweynuhu wuxuu sheegay in aanay mucaarad diidanayn balse loo baahan yahay inay furtaan xisbiyo oo halkaas ka galaan ololaha. Wuxuu digniin adag u jeediyey dad uu sheegay inay ay hormuud usoo yihiin cadow kusoo wajahan Puntland, isagoo ku goodiyey in aan qofna laga haybaysan doonin oo sharciga la horkeeni doono noocu doono ha noqdee. Madaxweyne Faroole ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in uu tilaabo ka qaadi doono saxaafadda ay kamid yihiin websityada aan taageerin dowlada, asagoo ku tilmaamay doc-kayeer, waa siduu hadalka u dhigayee. Madaxweynaha ayaa intaasi raaciyey in Guddiyada uu sameeyey ee AMNIGA ee heerka gobal, degmo iyo heerka Puntland iyo hay’adaha amniga wax ka qaban doonaan dadkaasi oo uu digniinta u diray. Halkan Hoose ka Dhegayso Hadalka Madaxweynaha. Gen. Samatar oo jawaabay. Gen.Cabdullahi Siciid Samater Wasiirkii hore ee Amniga Puntland oo sheegay inuu yahay Musharax u taagaan doorashooyinka Madaxtooyadda 8 Jan, 2013 ayaa si kulul u dhaleeceeyey Hadalka Madaxweynaha isagoo ku tilmaamay mid aan micno weyn samaynayn. Samater oo wareysi la yeelatay idaacada VOA ayaa sheegay in Puntland jiritaankeedu uu saldhig u yahay rabitaanka shacabka iyo wadajirka, isla markaana aan loo hanjabi karin shacabka iyo dadkii wax kasoo dhisay Puntland. Wuxuu si adag uga soo horjeestay baaqa Madaxweynuhu u jeediyey Siyaasiyiinta ku kacsan Xukuumadiisa kuwaas oo uu ugu baaqay inay furtaan Xisbiyo halkaasna u maraan hamigooda siyaasadeed. Gen Samatar wuxuu yiri wakhtigan Puntland inay dooneyso uma nidaamka Xisbiyada balse wuxuu sheegay in dowladan hada joogta ku fashishay in qabato hawshii lagu hirgeli lahaa nidaamkaasi oo ay hada wakhtigii ka dhamaaday ay yiraaheen asxaab baanu sameynaynaa isagoo qiray in Midnimadii Puntland sheki ku jirto loogana baahnaa Madaxweynuhu inuu ku dhawaaqo Shir Guud si loo adkeeyo midnimada & jiritaanka Puntland. “….Waxaanu leenahay dowlada inay ayadu noqon midda wadanka burburisa…anagu mar rabno in Puntland ay burburto, balse kama yeelayno Wax kororsi ah, wakhtigaada waa dhamaaday doorasho soo gal…” ayuu yiri Gen.Samatar. Wuxuu Sheegay in aanu Madaxweynuhu xaq u lahayn inuu hanjabo aysana jirin cid ay wax yeeli karaa isagoo xusay in Puntland la wada dhistay Madaxweyne faroolena ku yimi hab dimuqraadi ah uusana cidna xoog ku haysan karin. ”….Afartii sano ee Madaxweynaha xilka hayey waanu la shaqeenay, haduu rabo inuu markale soo noqdo ha tartamo oo Doorasho hasoo galo….” ayuu yiri siyaasigan u taagan xilka Madaxweynaha. Gen. Samatar wuxuu ugu baaqay Madaxweynaha inuu qabto doorashada wakhtigeedi isagoo ka codsaday Odayaasha dhaqanka gaar ahaan Isimadu inay arrinta soo farageliyaan. Halkan Ka dhegayso Codka Gen. Samatar. Muran ka taagan 1ka sano ee Dowlada Puntland dooneyso inay ku darsato Xukuumadda Madaxweyne Faroole waxay ku dhawaaqday in ay furan yihiin Ururadii siyaasada lana bilaabay diwaangelintii Gudiga Doorashooyinkuna waxay socdaalo ugu kala baxeen Goboladda qaar. Hase yeeshee weli majiraan 1 urur oo siyaasi ah oo looga dhawaaqay Puntland marka laga reebo Xukuumada oo ku dhawaaqday inay iyadu Xisbi xaakim furan doonto. Siyaasiyiinta Puntland ee ayagu kasoo horjeestay qorshahan ayaa sheegay inay ayagu taageersan yihiin Nidaamka Asxaabta badan balse aysan sharci ahayn in dowladu iskeed ay 1 sano ugu darsato ayagoo ku sifeeyeen mid aan socon karin suurtagalana ahayn wakhtigan. Waxaana jira mudaharaadyo arrintan looga soo horjeedo oo todobaadkan ka dhacay qeybo kamid ah Puntland. Arrintan ayaa salka ku heysa walaaca ku aadan wakhti kordhinta oo ay dad badan aaminsan yihiin in hadii 1 sano xukuumada loogu daro ay irida u fureyso in wakhtigaasi lasii kordhiyo marka uu dhamaado sanadkaasi maadaama hawlaha weli dowlada u dhiman ay yihiin kuwo baaxadleh oo ay dowlada hada joogta kusoo dhameyn weysay muddo 3 sano iyo 10 bilood ahaa ee hada soo shaqeenaysay. Marka laga yimaado hadalada ay hawada isu marinayaan Xukuumada iyo dadka kasoo horjeeda 1ka sano ee xukuumada ku darsatay ayaa waxaa jirta cabsi ah in arrimahan ay khal khal ku keeni karaan amniga Puntland. Waxayse labada dhinac ee xukuumada iyo xubnaha kasoo horjeeda ay dhamaantood shacabka ugu baaqeen in la dhowro amniga dalka. Horseed Media -
SOMALIA: Puntland President threatens the opposition and media with prosecution SEPTEMBER 25, 2012 02:16 On Monday, the President of the autonomous region of Puntland, Abdirahman Mohamed Farole warned his opposition and the critical media with prosecution, after days of protests in the region against his plan to postpone the Puntland elections in January 2013. Mr.Farole says he will not tolerate “ failed politicians” and some “media” to threaten his rule in Puntland, “…we allow the opposition if they join a political party, but we will not tolerate those failed politicians and so called websites and media who are supporting Puntland’s enemies including terrorists and Pirates….” Says President Farole in his speech during a cabinet meeting in Garowe, today. Many people including journalists were surprised by these threatening comments made by the President of Puntland especially his linking between the media with terrorists and Pirates, this is seen as a pretext to use force against the independent media in Puntland, which is already facing daily harassments by the local authorities. “….The regional and district authorities and the security services will take the appropriate measures against such people…” said the President who is now preparing to launch his own political party in Puntland State. Listen to the President’s Speech in Somali: Gen.Abdullahi Sa’id Samater one of the candidates running for the Presidency called the President’s comments “weak threats which are unacceptable to the people of Puntland…” Gen. Abdullahi Sa’id Samater In an interview with VOA Somali Service, Gen.Samater a former security minister, he reiterated that the President’s term in office is just four years and nothing more, he called for the president not to postpone the elections. He warned if that happens it will seriously jeopardize the unity and security of Puntland. “…. It is not the time for the president to threaten the people who created Puntland itself, it is time for him to organize a national unity conference in order to safe what is left of Puntland..The President and his government should not lead us to the destruction of our state…we all remember what happened the last time the government tried to extend its term by force….” said Gen. Samater who called for the clan elders and Traditional leaders to intervene. Listen to the VOA interview with Gen.Samater [somali version] Clan Elder’s office in Bosaso Closed On Saturday, a heavily armed Military police convoy a companied by officials from the office of the governor of Bari region, have closed-down the regional clan elder’s office in Bosaso, the commercial capital of Puntland state of Somalia. According to the clan elders; the soldiers also took all the office equipments including, computers and furniture. The decision to closedown the office comes just days after a joint press release published by five major clans in Bari region, who called on the President Abdirahman Mohamed Farole not to postpone the Presidential elections in January 2013. Protests in Karkaar Region On Friday, hundreds of protesters took to the street in the town of Gardo, the regional capital of Karkaar province. The riots began after the arrival of some members of the electoral commission who are currently touring the region. The people were demonstrating against the President’s plans to extend his term in office for another one year. This comes just a month before the end of the term of the current Parliament of Puntland, 0n 30th of October. The presidential elections were also expected to be held on 8th of January 2013. Democratization process On 9 September, the electoral commission of Puntland has officially announced the start date of registering the political parties in Puntland, which it says will be concluded on February 2013. Many people say the government is trying to take advantage of the democratization process by delaying the whole process in previous years and by launching the new campaign now to register political parties in Puntland just three months before the Presidential elections, in a move seen as another attempt at prolonging the President’s term in office. President Abdirahman Mohamed Farole took office in January 2009 and his term of 4 years in office will end on 8th of January 2013. In his campaing in 2008 President Farole promised that within his first year in office, he will impalement the democratization process by allowing multi party system, registering the citizens and holding a referendum on the new constitution. Now less than 4 months are remaining of his four years term in office. Horseed Media
The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to GaadhHaye's topic in Politics
Article 90. The Responsibilities and Powers of the President of the Federal Republic of Somalia The powers and responsibilities of the President of the Federal Republic of Somalia are to: (a) Declare a state of emergency and war in accordance with the law; (b) Serve as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces; © Appoint and dismiss the Commanders of the Forces at the Federal Government Level on the recommendation by the Council of Ministers; (d) Appoint the Prime Minister, and to dissolve the Federal Government if it does not get the required vote of confidence from the House of the People of the Federal Parliament by a simple majority (50% +1); (e) Dismiss ministers, state ministers and deputy ministers on the recommendation of the Prime Minister; (f) Sign draft laws passed by the Federal Parliament in order to bring them into law; (g) Open the House of the People of the Federal Parliament; (h) Hold an annual session with the House of the People of the Federal Parliament; (i) Address the House of the People of the Federal Parliament at any other time; (j) Appoint the chairman of the Constitutional Court, the High Court, and other judges at the Federal Government Level in accordance with the recommendation of the Judicial Service Commission; (k) Appoint senior Federal Government officials and the heads of the Federal Government Institutions on the recommendation of the Council of Ministers; (l) Appoint ambassadors and high commissions on the recommendation of the Council of Ministers; (m) Receive foreign diplomats and consuls; (n) Confer State Honors on the recommendation of the Council of Ministers; (o) Dissolve the House of the People of the Federal Parliament when its term expires, thereby prompting new elections; (p) Pardon offenders and commute sentences on the recommendation of the Judicial Service Commission; (q) Sign international treaties proposed by the Council of Ministers and approved by the House of the People of the Federal Parliament. -
Again Melez zanawi is dead Sakiin is gone Cabdi Cawar is gone no more faroole agents in Xamar the future of Somalia looks bright. Faroole was losing since 2009 he wanted the anti piracy base he lost that one to the legendary ismaciil cumar geele of Djibouti. Remember he wanted to train Puntland coast guard forces in Meles zanawis swimming pool that failed to.On the Somaliland and Somalia talks he inserted two of his agents on the TFG side this was rejected he lost that one. He than convinced the poor masses in Puntland that there is oil and we are drilling oil he lost that one to when it turned into water.He than supported cabdi cawar to be his agent in Xamar as the President that failed to. He than failed to show his face in Xamar after his defeat for the inauguration ceremony of the new president Faroole is beaten very bad. look at his defeated shocked face.
The Dual Track Policy on Somaliland and Somalia Depends on Individual Donors Sunday, 23 September 2012 17:04 Amb.Augustine Mahiga"Talks between Somaliland and Somalia are very important thus resolve longstanding differences" Amb Mahiga By: Yusuf M Hasan HARGEISA (Somalilandsun) – Time is now ripe for a resumption of Talks between Somaliland and Somalia. This was said by Ambassador Augustine Mahiga UN/AU Special representative for the two countries during a telephone interview with reporter Mahmoud Walaleye of Geeska Afrika our sister paper. While informing that the ultimate end to the talks sanctioned in London during the conference on Somalia in February is permanent resolution to differences between the two united countries also inform that division of donor funds is subject to individual donor inclinations. Amb Mahiga currently in Nairobi said that time is now ripe for resumption of talks postponed by Somaliland since the transitional government has been phased out and a new permanent administration established in Mogadishu. Revealing that a UN organized Somalia donors meeting will be held in New York on 26 November the Ambassador hinted on the possibility of Somaliland participating through possible invitation of Ban Ki Moon, secretary general of the world body. Below are the full verbatim excerpts of the interview Q. How do you perceive the implications on the absence of Kenya and the Somalia regional administration of Puntland during the swearing of new Somalia president Hasan Sheikh Mahmoud? A. The most important thing now is to inform of the satisfaction with the way the new president was elected as well, as how he has conducted state affairs so far. Q. In your view what is the ultimate result of the Somaliland Somalia talks since both sides hold very conflicting agendas? A. The international community sanctioned the talk's in-order for the two sides to reach consensus, and since the transitional period has expired, I am hopeful for the talk's resumption. Q. What is your position on the US fronted Dual Track policy for Somaliland and Somalia? Who is to apportion each country its share? A. The implementation of the dual track policy and subsequent direct apportioning of funds to each country is solely a responsibility of individual donors Meanwhile humanitarian support is another issue and I believe that the needy should be availed the necessary support regardless of where they are, within the two jurisdictions. Q. When will donors who suspended their support after the TFG expired start engaging the new president financially? A. All donors are ready to resume their engagement in the country but the final decision will be reached during a forthcoming UN organized Somalia donors meeting in New York on 26 November 2012 Q. Will Somaliland participate in the new York meeting? A. Am not sure since invitation is made by the secretary general of the United Nations
Mr Ambassador you are undermining the 4.5 clan system formula the Prime Minister will either be from the gedo clans or the Puntland clans clan kursigoodi wa la boodeen kursigoodi barlamaanka wala boodeen Kursigi Beesha ba hadhay wana prime Minister now beesha na 4.5 ba sii dhex taala. Madaxweynaha has to make a decision.
^^ taasi duco uma baahne awoow iskeeday u barakaysantahay. Back to the PM position meeshan waxa ka shaqeysa wax la yidha 4.5, 4.5 na wa afar beelod iyo nus oo awooda qeybsaday marka xaalku sidaasay u dhacaysa.
A_Khadar;873190 wrote: @Badh go'ay.. Things are taking turns back and forth, and the man is running out of time.. However one thing is very noticeable of that secessionists are wishing the PM for Gedo so the balance of south and north is lost...Good case of their project indeed.. The president needs to weigh on all possibilities.. I am hoping Makhiri man who can fit different dynamics such as p/l, north, and block and next option Khatumo man and third option NW/Awadal man. XX wuxuu taaganyahay allow mashruuci wado u fur meela badan baa iska soo xidhaye! Lol there were only two prime Ministers from Somaliland since 1991 Omar Carte Qalib and Cali Khalif galaydh.So i doubt a prime minister from Somaliland will be picked. Its not what i am hoping for what XX wants is not important what is going to happen is much more important the President is not dumb he wants support for his government first and second he wants to honor the 4.5 clan formula. Wuxu qof jecelyahay iyo wixi xaqiiqada dhabta ayaa fiican in lugu wada hadlo so lets be real boys and girls.
From driving to walking on the highway in seconds
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Naxar Nugaaleed's topic in General
Thats some real shit lol -
it's time to end Faroole's regime and bury the federal clan system.
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Carafaat's topic in Politics
Somaliland cidna laga ma sheegto hadaad tahay of Somaliland origin dalka aad leedahay cid ka sheegeneysa ma jirto. Laakin dee mamuul beeledyaasha iyadu reer tunta ku qaateen baad arkaysa:D -
it's time to end Faroole's regime and bury the federal clan system.
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Carafaat's topic in Politics
^^ Awal ba soo iska ma cadayn:D -
Lol@ Taleexi adeer war anigu ma qayilo laakin wa warar iyo xog rasmi ah oo aan hayo sasan u yidhi boqolki ba boqol.
^^ Could be doodishe or some other guy but i am 100% certain he will be from the gedo region.
Kulan ay Maanta Madaxtooyada Kuwada Qaateen Farmaajo iyo Madaxweynha Soomaaliya Maxay Kagawada hadleen? Sep 23, 2012 - 79 Kulan xasaasi ahaa ayaa maanta aqalka Madaxtooyada waxaa kuwada yeeshay Madaxwaynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaaliya Mudane Xasan Shiikh Maxamuud iyo Ra,isalwasarihii hore ee Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdulaahi Farmaajo. Ilo lagu kolsoonan karo oo kusugan Xarunta Madaxtooyada ee Villa Soomaaliya ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in uu Madaxwaynaha kala hadlay Farmaajo magacaabista Ra,isalwasaaraha Soomaaliya. Wararka ayaa waxa ay sidoo kale ay sheegayaan in Madaxweynaha uu doonaayo in uu Ra,isalwasaare u magacaabo Farmaajo sida ay sheegayaan wararka an kaheleeno Madaxtooyada. Wararka qaar ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in uu Madaxweynaha Go,aansaday in uu Ra,isalwasare kadhigo Farmaajo in kastoo uusan cadeen warkaasi. Madaxda qaar ayaa waxaa latilmaamayaa in ay kula taliyeen Madaxweynaha hadii uu doonaayo in ay siisocoto Dowladiisa uu Ra,isalwasaare kadhigo Farmaajo iyagoona ku amaanay waxqabadkiisa mudadii koobneed oo uu ahaa Ra,isalwasarihii Soomaaliya waxaana ay tilmaameen in xiligaas uu wax badan Farmaajo uu ka qabtay hadii ay u badnaan laheed dhanka amaanka oo haatan faraha kasiibaxaya. Kulankaan oo ahaa mid saaco qaatay oo ay labadaan masuul wada qaateen kaas oo sidoo kala ahaa mid albaabada u xirnaa oo aan lago gaankarin waxyaabaha ay sida dhabtaa kaga hadleen ayaa waxa lagu soowaramayaa in islafalaqeeyeen sidii Ra,salwasaare looga dhigi lahaa Farmaajo si ay dooladaan uu hogaamiyo Xasan Shiikh Maxamuud ay wax badan wax ka qabo oo ugu horeeyo amaanka Muqdisho. Dadka qaar ayaa waxaa lagu soowaramayaa in ay Madaxweynaha ku qanciyeen hadii uu u magacaabo Farmaajo Ra,isalwasaaraha Soomaaliya uu helaayo taageero kabadan kan uu haatan heysto in kastoo wararkalana ay tilmaamayaan in aysan Beesha Caalamka aysan dooneenin in uu Ra,isalwasaaraha Dalka Soomaaliya uu noqdo Farmoojo. Maalmo qura ayaa kaharay waqtigii uu Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Xasan Shiikh Maxamuud uu ku dhawaaqi lahaa Ra,isalwasaaraha Soomaaliya waxaana ay Bulshada Soomaaliyeed ay kadhursugayaan cidda uu u magacaabo Madaxweynaha Ra,isalwasaraha Soomaaliya.
But we are not talking about Somalia's break up or unity we are talking about who he will appoint the President of Somalia hassan sheikh. And who the next Prime Minister will be the President said that he will be focusing on security in Somalia. Now the north is pretty much peaceful galmudug and Puntland. He now needs massive support from the southern regions Galguduud gedo the Jubas remember he is combating Alshabab islamists. While still honoring the 4.5 power sharing formula so a prime minister from gedo and cabuudwaaq and Kismayo regions is the most suitable.
Absolutely they are major stakeholders in both aswj the sufis that fought against Alshabaab in the middle regions when Farmaajo was the Prime Minister 70% of gedo was liberated the President wants to encourage that.
The Prime Minister will be from the Gedo and Cabuudwaaq regions the president knows its essential to have partners and massive support from gedo and kismaayo and Cabuudwaaq.
Tough Guy Ali Abdi Awaare arrives in Mogadishu ?
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Che the President is a nice guy dont you think the Pm should be a tough guy -
President Hassan First Day Office (Pictures)
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Shinbir Majabe's topic in Politics