Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. xiinfaniin;873834 wrote: Faroole waxaa laga hayaa : Ogow waa siganaye'e Maalin dhow koley faroole cabaadkisi wu bilaabi doona,oo raisal wasaare wabu ka si quustay hada.
  2. oba hiloowlow;873829 wrote: loool abwaan dadkaan yeeysan ku wareerin rageedi baa tahay your the only soler who supported one candidate during the whole election from a different clan of yours,, Maxaad ka ogtahay ambay si kale u qaraabo yihin Abwaankan yaanu filin ku dhigin.
  3. I have the contact numbers of couple of MPS in the Somali Parliament matter infact one is a close relative friend of the family qurbaha bu ka tagay si u xildibaan u noqdo. I know certainly that the Prime Minister will not be from Puntland the President is right now choosing between PM candidates from the cabuuqwaaq and gedo clans.
  4. Its about the Awdal region clan X from the hargeysa Maroodijeeh region who also inhabit a district with in Awdal region called the Lughaya district wanted their district to be part of the Hargeysa maroodijeeh region. The Awdal elders do not agree with that and are saying Awdal region should stay the same as it was since the creation of the Awdal region. Here is the problem though in 1960 there was no awdal region there were only several districts divided into sub districts.This is about the local elections soon to be held in Somaliland it should be solved in a few days by the Somaliland house of elders or the President should make a decision.
  5. Guys do you know this is the first actual cartoon painting AA made about the new President.
  6. This will not materialize both suldaan cali ciid and Suldaan Siciid do not support this project. Besides that the conference coroweyn has nothing to do with the conference in nairobi the Conference in Coroweyn is a subclan conference.
  7. Reer Puntland wadnahay farta ku hayaan i am loving this:D
  8. Abtigiis;873605 wrote: I don't do such a dishonorable things, I am not a somalilander! Silaanyo is an old man and like my father. I can't insult him. In fact, it is well known that I admire him for fighting tyranny! Tyranny i thought you supported General Siad barres regime Mise ina cumar jees ba ka dhex hadlaya hada:D
  9. Somalia;873574 wrote: http://www.mambaonline.com/article.asp?artid=4753 http://www.humanitariannews.org/20100817/gay-rights-around-world-somalilands-gay-president Abtigiis is already publishing his new book:D
  10. Facts about the Mullah His name was Muhammed Abdullah hassan born in 1856 in the buhoodle district of the Togdheer region in Somaliland He was a Somalilander on his maternal side and belonged to the Abyssinian tribes on his paternal side. He studied the Quran and the Saalihiya order of the Sufi Tariqa which is a very close to Salafism. He organized a group of dervishes (duubcad) and raided the British strongholds at that time the Somaliland protectorate The Mullah was a poet and composed many poems against his rivals against tribal leaders and against the English. The Mullah ordered the Killings of tribal chiefs and religious leaders and poets The Mullah had more than 4 wives The Mullah was a charismatic leader and influenced many The Mullah was Takfiri either u was with his dervishes a Muslim or you was with the English a kafir The Mullah with the help of the ottoman empire constructed forts in taleex in sool region and Midishe Sanaag region. The Mullah signed a peace treaty with the Italian Empire also known as the ilig treaty. The Mullah raided Ethiopia Jigjiga in the year 1900 with more than 10.000 soldiers. I am sure all of that is mentioned in the book and they are all facts.
  11. Niyo heestu laxan wanaagsana tallow yaa saaray
  12. Somalia singers all sing for Somaliland Farxiya Fiiska Maryan Mursal Thank you Farhia Fiiska.
  13. Taleexi no one had problems when Xaaji Muuse galaal wrote about the Mullah even collected all his poems and did a 10 year research to source the authenticity of these poems not everything is about Qabiil.
  14. Abtigiis you can figure out the mise part after you read the book its for you to fill it in after you read the book.
  15. Gabayga wuxu u tiriye ustaadku marki loo diiday Gabadhi u dhalay Suldaan Cali yusuf keenadiid for unknown reasons the gabay is not complete its one part of the poem inta kale wa to much. Abtigiis a sheikh religious leader Imam a Mullah or like the Arab Sheikhs clubbing at Jumaro Beach what kind of Sheikh do you want him to be? Also this man lived in the begin 20th century this was unethical back than and its unethical for today standards.
  16. What about his vulgar poems Waxano kale yaa ku gabyaa ma Sheikh ba afkisa waxa so marin kara. Waxay ugu saftaan sidi horweyn kaalin loo simaye Soddon dowlis is baa lagu shuba saacad iyo leyle ilko suruqa bay leedhiyo foolal saawirahe Sanbab weeye ceedhin afki suuliga ahaaye Sullankeed la naar wa maxay sabuhu dhuuqaane waxa saarta Soomaalidi saaruqa ahayde Sarkaaliyo subeydaarada iyo sow jarka kuda eh Maxaan ceeb Qadhmuun kala hadlaa waba saaniyade
  17. Well he is right the President seems clueless on this one:D
  18. Why say first he was appointed and than suddenly it was not official i don't get it why doesn't the President just name a Prime Minister we know he will be from the gedo region.
  19. Abtigiis first you havent read the book the author that wrote the book it took him six years to write this book and you come with qabiil nonsense, Abdilahi oromo wrote about the Mullah idaaja wrote about Mullah aw Jamac ciise wrote book about the Mullah.Dauglus james jardine wrote a book about the Mullah called the Mad Mullah of Somaliland. There are Millions of Somalis who have different views of this Mullah as i said he is a controversial figure some consider him a hero some consider him the first warlord some consider him a holy man some consider him a camel thief its all about the person you speak to. not just in Somaliland but all over the horn people have different views about him. But Qabill is indeed everything the uncle toms in Jigjiga are constructing a statue for the Mullah in JIgjiga what a crazy world:D
  20. Carafaadow dadka wada hadalka diidan community kaliyey u badan yihin eh judging by ur list.
  21. Wait a minute Abtigiis is a secularist he is defending an Islamist Mullah of the 19 century when in fact his own clan tried to murder this Mullah indeed qabil is everything.
  22. He is now threatening General samatar of Bosaaso and Qardho Folks.
  23. Madaxweyne Faroole oo sheegay inuu digniin dirayo & Gen. Samatar oo u jawaabay (Dhegayso)SEPTEMBER 25, 2012 00:01 Madaxweyne Cabdiraxman Faroole Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland Dr. Cabdiraxmaan Sh. Maxamed Maxamuud (Faroole) ayaa maanta si kulul u weeraray wuxuu ugu yeeray kooxo mucaarad ku ah Puntland mar uu ka hadlayey munaasabad lagu dhaarinayey xubno uu dhowaan ku soo daray Golihiisa Wasiiradda. Madaxweynuhu wuxuu sheegay in aanay mucaarad diidanayn balse loo baahan yahay inay furtaan xisbiyo oo halkaas ka galaan ololaha. Wuxuu digniin adag u jeediyey dad uu sheegay inay ay hormuud usoo yihiin cadow kusoo wajahan Puntland, isagoo ku goodiyey in aan qofna laga haybaysan doonin oo sharciga la horkeeni doono noocu doono ha noqdee. Madaxweyne Faroole ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in uu tilaabo ka qaadi doono saxaafadda ay kamid yihiin websityada aan taageerin dowlada, asagoo ku tilmaamay doc-kayeer, waa siduu hadalka u dhigayee. Madaxweynaha ayaa intaasi raaciyey in Guddiyada uu sameeyey ee AMNIGA ee heerka gobal, degmo iyo heerka Puntland iyo hay’adaha amniga wax ka qaban doonaan dadkaasi oo uu digniinta u diray. Halkan Hoose ka Dhegayso Hadalka Madaxweynaha. Gen. Samatar oo jawaabay. Gen.Cabdullahi Siciid Samater Wasiirkii hore ee Amniga Puntland oo sheegay inuu yahay Musharax u taagaan doorashooyinka Madaxtooyadda 8 Jan, 2013 ayaa si kulul u dhaleeceeyey Hadalka Madaxweynaha isagoo ku tilmaamay mid aan micno weyn samaynayn. Samater oo wareysi la yeelatay idaacada VOA ayaa sheegay in Puntland jiritaankeedu uu saldhig u yahay rabitaanka shacabka iyo wadajirka, isla markaana aan loo hanjabi karin shacabka iyo dadkii wax kasoo dhisay Puntland. Wuxuu si adag uga soo horjeestay baaqa Madaxweynuhu u jeediyey Siyaasiyiinta ku kacsan Xukuumadiisa kuwaas oo uu ugu baaqay inay furtaan Xisbiyo halkaasna u maraan hamigooda siyaasadeed. Gen Samatar wuxuu yiri wakhtigan Puntland inay dooneyso uma nidaamka Xisbiyada balse wuxuu sheegay in dowladan hada joogta ku fashishay in qabato hawshii lagu hirgeli lahaa nidaamkaasi oo ay hada wakhtigii ka dhamaaday ay yiraaheen asxaab baanu sameynaynaa isagoo qiray in Midnimadii Puntland sheki ku jirto loogana baahnaa Madaxweynuhu inuu ku dhawaaqo Shir Guud si loo adkeeyo midnimada & jiritaanka Puntland. “….Waxaanu leenahay dowlada inay ayadu noqon midda wadanka burburisa…anagu mar rabno in Puntland ay burburto, balse kama yeelayno Wax kororsi ah, wakhtigaada waa dhamaaday doorasho soo gal…” ayuu yiri Gen.Samatar. Wuxuu Sheegay in aanu Madaxweynuhu xaq u lahayn inuu hanjabo aysana jirin cid ay wax yeeli karaa isagoo xusay in Puntland la wada dhistay Madaxweyne faroolena ku yimi hab dimuqraadi ah uusana cidna xoog ku haysan karin. ”….Afartii sano ee Madaxweynaha xilka hayey waanu la shaqeenay, haduu rabo inuu markale soo noqdo ha tartamo oo Doorasho hasoo galo….” ayuu yiri siyaasigan u taagan xilka Madaxweynaha. Gen. Samatar wuxuu ugu baaqay Madaxweynaha inuu qabto doorashada wakhtigeedi isagoo ka codsaday Odayaasha dhaqanka gaar ahaan Isimadu inay arrinta soo farageliyaan. Halkan Ka dhegayso Codka Gen. Samatar. Muran ka taagan 1ka sano ee Dowlada Puntland dooneyso inay ku darsato Xukuumadda Madaxweyne Faroole waxay ku dhawaaqday in ay furan yihiin Ururadii siyaasada lana bilaabay diwaangelintii Gudiga Doorashooyinkuna waxay socdaalo ugu kala baxeen Goboladda qaar. Hase yeeshee weli majiraan 1 urur oo siyaasi ah oo looga dhawaaqay Puntland marka laga reebo Xukuumada oo ku dhawaaqday inay iyadu Xisbi xaakim furan doonto. Siyaasiyiinta Puntland ee ayagu kasoo horjeestay qorshahan ayaa sheegay inay ayagu taageersan yihiin Nidaamka Asxaabta badan balse aysan sharci ahayn in dowladu iskeed ay 1 sano ugu darsato ayagoo ku sifeeyeen mid aan socon karin suurtagalana ahayn wakhtigan. Waxaana jira mudaharaadyo arrintan looga soo horjeedo oo todobaadkan ka dhacay qeybo kamid ah Puntland. Arrintan ayaa salka ku heysa walaaca ku aadan wakhti kordhinta oo ay dad badan aaminsan yihiin in hadii 1 sano xukuumada loogu daro ay irida u fureyso in wakhtigaasi lasii kordhiyo marka uu dhamaado sanadkaasi maadaama hawlaha weli dowlada u dhiman ay yihiin kuwo baaxadleh oo ay dowlada hada joogta kusoo dhameyn weysay muddo 3 sano iyo 10 bilood ahaa ee hada soo shaqeenaysay. Marka laga yimaado hadalada ay hawada isu marinayaan Xukuumada iyo dadka kasoo horjeeda 1ka sano ee xukuumada ku darsatay ayaa waxaa jirta cabsi ah in arrimahan ay khal khal ku keeni karaan amniga Puntland. Waxayse labada dhinac ee xukuumada iyo xubnaha kasoo horjeeda ay dhamaantood shacabka ugu baaqeen in la dhowro amniga dalka. Horseed Media