Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Cabdi cawar looks terrible he looks like he is about to get sick.
  2. Jawaabta Puntland. Raysal wasaaraha cusubi kama soo jeedo dhanka Deegaanada Puntland oo si weyn loo hadal hayey in jagadaas loo magcaabo shakhsi ka soo jeeda Deegaanadaas lamana oga jawaabta ay ka bixin doonto Xukuumadda Puntland oo iyadu horay genefka ugu dhufatay magcaabidii Raysal wasaarihii hore ee Farmaajo oo ay isku beel ka soo jeedaan Raysal wasaaraha cusub. Magcaabidii Raysal wasaare Farmaajo kadib Xukuumadda Puntalnd waxay si cad u sheegtay in xilkaas ay lahaayeen siyaasiyiinta reer Puntland taas oo dhalisay khilaaf baahsan oo soo kala dhex galay TFG & Puntland markii danbena ku soo dhamaaday in meesha laga saaro Raysal wasaare Farmaajo laguna bedelo Raysal wasaaraha hada wakhtigiisii dhamaaday ee Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali (Gaas). Bal kibirka inta leeg eega, 4.5 ba lugu so xulay raisal wasaaraha sidi cadaadu ahayd wax lugu diida prime ministerka ma jirto hadanu sharciga Somalia u yaala anu jabin.
  3. Mario B;877530 wrote: ^^ That's why Mooge is scared of the woman. :D Gabadh Somali oo shaqo fiican qabata why u Mooge uga cabsoonayaa:D
  4. Zack lol he was my favorite to be the PM him or farmaajo it became him so i am very glad.
  5. Che -Guevara;877504 wrote: Mooge is in the second stage of mourning period. 1.Denial 2. Anger 3.Bargaining 4.Depression 5. Acceptance -Final Stage :D:D Xalaadu meel xun bay u maraysa walaalkeen mooge
  6. Abwaan i think so he wouldn't mind serving president sharif as long as he gets the premier. But there is a new guy in office President Hassan sheikh and it seems President Hassan knows what kind of direction he is heading, and Mooge doesn't like it one bit:D
  7. Mooge maybe the sheikh dalxiis u so opposed in the elections would've been better for Puntland since he had a Puntlander as prime minister.
  8. Actually there will be 3 political parties after November so it will be the same as before only different names and different chairpersons. But as you said i prefer two parties than you have two blocks of all the six regions instead of clan politics at a bottom level. Kulmiye will come out in the next race as one of the political parties Udub is out of the race wadani is going to replace udub Xaqsoor and ucid one of these two will come out so its still about the same. This whole urur siyasadeed will end after november
  9. Mintid Farayar;877432 wrote: Why so glum?? What's wrong with the pick for those of us not familiar with the individual named? Mintid Farayar Abtigiis is worried about his Azania project since the new PM is from the rival kismayo clan:D
  10. Somaliland just needs two parties like America democrats vs republicans
  11. Congratulations to the new prime minister i predicted him or farmaajo so it was him well done good choice by the President.
  12. The government of Somalia said today that they are not aware of a state being established in Kenya. Nor about a conference organized by Igad in Nairobi to establish a state for the 3 southern regions of Somalia the interior Minister spoke today. The President needs to make a decision on this issue as soon as he appoints his new prime Minister.
  13. ^^ But they are not the only indigenous inhabitants of banadir other Somalis live there also. but you are right the name banadiri is theirs.
  14. Anigu Ictraaf raadin la ima dirin Dowlada Siilaanyo ayaa arinta qaabilsan iyadaad kala hadli doonta iyo Wasiirka arimaha Dibada Somaliland Dr Bidaar ba arinta u qaabilsan.Abwaanow waxa Somalia ka socda inta badan Siyaasaad maha eeh wa kalay ii dawada camaradaha na keena laakin wa run wa inaynu ka sheekeyno wana muhiim.
  15. Abwaanow meeshay ay wararku ka jiraan baa wararka laga so tabiyaa Woqoyi ma waxba ka jira mise aniga Dr cismaan baad igu qaldaysa ninka xita meesha so galiya marka garowe musqul laga dhiso, war ma anaga sudaanta keeney Abwaanow xiinfaniin oo kale ha igu noqon oo leh ill cawaran bu xaaji Xunjuf igu so eegey ma Cabdi Cawar bu igu qaldaya:D Meeshi ay warar xasaasi ay ka jiraan wanu ka tabinayna ha noqoto Somalia Somaliland Somalida O'gaden region Djibouti Puntland Khatumo Jubaland meel alaalay Somalidu joogan haday wax ka jiraan oo laga doodi karo dee wa inaynu ka doodno.
  16. Born in Hiiraan but originally hails from Banadir only in Somalia:D
  17. Naxar Nugaaleed;877236 wrote: isnt the president banaderi No he is from Hiiraan
  18. I support this saacid is an educated man he can have this job and i am sure he will do an excellent job lets wait and see if the President really appoints him as the new prime minister.
  19. Mario B;877016 wrote: Mooge still hating!! Indeed a Million dollar smile Long live the President