Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. There are no pro Union awdal never ever said that they want unity with Mogadishu over hargeisa ever. they always said that they wanted a fair represenation with in the SL government trhough out the last decades that was their stance matter infact it was their delegation that said we should hasten with the independence back in 1991. its not as black and white as people try potray . As for the garaad clan they are on and off they have choosen Somaliland over puntland and now Khatumo, i think their case is different . lets see how their relations go with Mogadishu , i am not opposed to their self determination if they wish to be part of Somalia they should not be forced into Somaliland i am very pragmatic on their issue
  2. Cabdikariin Guleed: Heshiiska Muuse Biixi iyo Abiy Axmed waa lagu fashilinayay wada hadaladii Jabuuti ka dhacay Khamiis, January, 25, 2024 (HOL) - Ergayga gaarka ah ee wada hadalada dowladda Soomaaliya iyo Somaliland, ayaa sheegay heshiiskii dhexmaray Abiy Axmed iyo Muuse Biixi inuu ahaa mid lagu majo xaabinayay sii socoshada wada hadalada labada dhinac. Cabdikariin Xuseen Guuleed ayaa sheegay dowladdu inay rajo wanaagsan ka qabtay wada hadalada mar kale dib u bilowday iyo qodobadii kasoo baxay shirka ka dhacay dalka Jabuuti. Hase ahaatee, heshiiska Ethiopia ay la gashay Somaliland ayuu sheegay inuu Soomaaliya ku noqday arrin laga fajaco oo aysan dowladdu marna filayn inay ka suurtowdo Somaliland. “Waxaan aaminsanahay in heshiiska dhacay uu ahaa mid ay dowladda Ethiopia ku fashilinaysay isfahamkii labada dhinac, waana ayaan darro in arrintaas dhacdo,” ayuu yiri ergayga dowladda Soomaaliya u qaabilsan wada hadalada Somaliland. Guuleed wuxuu sheegay, dowladda Soomaaliya inay qadarin weyn u hayso Somaliland ayna diyaar u tahay in mar walba laga shaqeeyo sidii ay wada hadaladu usii socon lahaayeen. Wuxuuse sheegay in dowladda Soomaaliya aysan raali ka ahaan doonin tallaabo kaste oo wax u dhimaysa qaranimada Soomaaliyeed.
  3. I never understood unionist and their brain how can u divide further to Unite how does that make sense if borama cant unite with Hargeisa, how can boramae unite with Mogadishu
  4. So far we have not seen anything which indicates that Somaliland will benefit from this deal , but before we jump the gun we yet have to see the agreement first and try to do an assesment on it. All we know is so far hadalka suuuqa bad for aqoonsi
  5. Miskiin geert wilders apart from his anti assylum policies he has good idea for the country to be honest.. as for trump i dont think he is racists really people push him in that direction but i dont think he is really racist.
  6. “Since the announcement of the Ethiopia - Somaliland memorandum of understanding (MoU) the UK has been engaging closely with all parties involved, including the Somaliland” The UK Minister of State, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, Andrew Mitchell
  7. i have a feeling he will win the elections again i don think the sleepy Joe is a match for the Charismatic Trump
  8. Maybe i am one of the very few Northerners that doesnt harbor any sort of hatret against afweyne for what he has done to the people of Somaliland yes there were attrocities committed for he didnt diffrianate between the SNM a rebel movement he should have attacked defending his supposed country. What was wrong was to carpet Bomb Hargeisa to ground . And let his soldiers scream any one who is from Laascanood galkacyo boosaaso cabuudwaaq leave Hargeisa. because they wanted to level it to the ground and kill the original inhabbitans there.How wrong that is . afweyne thought he was doing it to safe guard the Somali state and protect his Clan in power. Though afweyne harbored some tribal hatred against the Northerns he went as far as killing them in Mogadishu remember the jazeera massacre in 1989 there were no SNM in Mogadishu at that time. Now fast move fowards the Somaliland army in eastern Laascanood didnt carpet Bomb the city kill thousands of innocent civilians they could have though but they didnt yes there civilian areas targetted such as the hospital but because of the Militia that were there but for the most part laascanood is intact . Overall the fighting was between the Nabbdiids terrorists and the SL army . The SL government had no interest in destroying reer laascanood their city and their people, its all about porpotion and context and the scale things were done. Having said that i always said afweyne did what he had to do , we did we had to do there were killings on both sides. We are not his victims we are not pathetic i dont like victim mentallity we licked our wounds and moved on. no hard feelings at all.
  9. UK oo ka Hadashay Heshiiska Somaliland iyo Itoobiya by Qaran News | Jan 24, 2024 UK oo ka Hadashay Heshiiska Somaliland iyo Itoobiya Hargeysa(Qaran news)-Wasiiru Dowlaha Arrimaha Dibedda, & Xafiiska Barwaaqo-sooranka UK , ayaa la weydiiyey su’aal ku saabsan haddii uu wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Somaliland la yeelan karo wadaxaajood ku saabsan amniga gobolka, iyo addeegsiga dekedda Berbera. Wasiirka ayaa ku jawaabay. ” Ilaa iyo markii ay soo shaac baxday isafgaradka Somaliland iyo Itoobiya, Dowladda Ingiriisku waxa ay xidhiidh dhow la lahayd dhamaan dhinacyada ay khusayso, oo ay ku jirto Somaliland, annagoo ugu baaqaynay in xaalada la dejiyo, lana wadahadlo. Waxa aannu dhinacyada oo dhan ugu baaqnay in ay ka dheeraadaan wixii ficil ah ee si taban u saamayn kara amniga gobolka, gaar ahaan la dagaalanka Alshabaab. Si taa ka duwan, Dowladda Ingiriisku waxa ay taageero ka geysatay mashruuca “Berbera Corridor” oo qayb ka ahaa mashruuca “Ibofurka Barwaaqada ee Geeska”. Taageeradan oo ay qayb ka ahayd 25 milyan oo Ginniga Ingiriiska ah kaasi oo loogu talagalay horumarinta kaabayaasha dhaqaalaha iyo jidka si loo fudaydiyo isku xidhka Berbera, Itoobiya iyo gobolka intiisa kale”.
  10. Ku-xigeenka Safiirka Itoobiya u Fadhiya Qarammada Midoobay oo Madal Caalamiya ka Difaacay Heshiiska ay la Galeen Somaliland by Qaran News | Jan 24, 2024 Ku-xigeenka Safiirka Itoobiya u Fadhiya Qarammada Midoobay oo Madal Caalamiya ka Difaacay Heshiiska ay la Galeen Somaliland Hargeysa – Kuxigeenka Safiirka Itoobiya u qaabilsan Qarammada midoobay, Samuel Isa, oo ka qaybgalay shir ay Magaalada Kampala ku yeesheen dalalka G77 iyo Shiinaha, ayaa ka hadlay ahmiyadda iskaashiga Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland iyo Itoobiya ay dhawaan is-fahamka ka gaadheen. Danjire Samuel Isa wuxuu sheegay in heshiiska is faham ee Somaliland iyo Itoobiya uu waafaqsan yahay xeerarka caaalamiga ah ee kastamada iyo shuruucda badda. “Heshiiskani wuxuu si cad u jidaynayaa oo loogu talo galay inuu wax ka taro arrimaha ganacsiga si ay uga faa’iidaystaan muwaadiniinta Somaliland iyo Itoobiya,” ayuu yidhi diblomaasigaasi. Samuel Isa waxa kaloo uu intaas ku daray “Waxa isfahamkan loo maray qaab nabadgelyo ah oo ku sallaysan wadahadal iyo iskaashi wadajir ah oo dhinac waliba guulaystay, kaasi oo kor loogu qaadayo nabada iyo barwaaqada gobolka Geeska Afrika.” Heshiiska is faham ee Somaliland iyo Itoobiya ayaa dhigaya in Jamhuuruyadda Somaliland Itoobiya ka kirayso 20km oo ay ka dhigtaan saldhig millatari oo badda ah, iyadoo Itoobiyana ay noqon doonta dalka u horreeya ee aqoonsada Qarannimada Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland ee 33ka sannadood u halgamaysay inay caalamka ka hesho ictiraaf caalamiya.
  11. i never blame afweyne afweyne did what he had to do, we were his enemies .
  12. Hasssan sheikh and the koonfurians know if they don’t reach a settlement with somaliland before they draft the final constitution of Somalia . Then the constitution will be null and void in Somaliland al together . So the stalling of the talks isn’t in the benefit of the bunker . It can go on so long . If u want to hold afti si Aad u meel marisid dastuurka u need to reach a final settlement with Somaliland. if you don’t reach an agreement with somaliland then that ship has sailed the elections will be held from raskambooni to raascaseer. No voting willl take place in Somaliland. Which makes the constitution of Somalia solely for Somalia . Sharci maha by default somaliland waad aqoonsatay while not even uttering word . Having said that now with the mou i doubt a settlement can be even reached at this particular time
  13. There was a war people die they have killed also people some one father some one son . U can’t blame somaliland for attoricties when ur shooting at the sl army
  14. Afwerki will never oppose the unity of Ethiopia he has not done it in 1991 and not in 2018. It’s his habesha identity oo u diidaysa inu kala daadiyo itoobiya
  15. The black guy spoke really good and the lady also as she said that territorial integrity and self determination swift and it changes on the context how nations are established.
  16. THat sur interpertation when they say xuduuudaha somaliyeed they are not talking about somali galbeed jabuuti or kenya they are talking only about raaskaambooni to lawyacade thats what they mean.. ur interpertation is just wrong and so simply wrong xuuduudaha la difaacayo somaliyeed ehe ay sheegayaan and u know it
  17. Rayaalen was 8 years from 2002 until 2010 just to corrrecr you. As for talaabo we are against putting journalist in jail I have never condoned that but it happend through out the decades have u forgotten ryaaale arrested both opposition party members and sultans and waheen and radio halgan and jamhuuriya and haatuf yusuf abdi gaboobe can tell u more about this what journalist did muse arrest apart from ilig and that crazy chick busharo who is just pissed muse cut hee welfare .