Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. The Zack;880170 wrote: ^So Djibouti - a foreign country -has the right to talk about the internal issue of another country and can tell another foreign country - Kenya - to stop intervening Somalia? Adiga iyo asagaba qaadkaa idin waalay LOL Its between Kenya and Djibouti , kenya and Ethiopia daily advise the Somali govt big deal they all meddle in domestic issues of Somalia since they have troops in Somalia under the Amisom command.
  2. Zack degmada badhaadhe waan ku oga reer Azania Degmada afmadow saaso kale reer azania is dominant Degmada jamaame goormey qaateen? And degmada Kismaayo is shared soo maha
  3. Djibouti is an IGAD country and they have troops in Somalia under the Amisom command they can comment on this issue.
  4. N.O.R.F;879277 wrote: I've been on the Hargaisa buses. Great entertainment and people sharing their views/troubles with other travellers makes it unique. A journey in a lift is too short for Hassan to tell us his political views and then follow it up with his woman troubles And do you know how they start talking about random stuff nin uun ba iska istaagayaa oo odhayaan war yaadhaheen ma maqasheen and the rest of the buss says heeee and sheekadu halkasay ka bilaabmta lol.
  5. Carafaat i my self was against Clan federalism but Somalia adopted a federal constitution so every 2 regions or more can form their own federal state let them try it out let it be an experiment if it doesn't work out fine. Its up to the people to establish a state for themselves Puntland did it on their own even though when Puntland was established there was no Somali government. When Galmudug was formed Somalia was under Ethiopian occupation. Its up to the MPS from Jubaland to establish a state along with the clan elders influential people raskambooni stakeholders they all need to come together and come to a solution with out to much meddling from IGAD and Mogadishu.
  6. ^^ Carafaat here is the problem with the Juba regions who are the indigenous people from those regions when you have people from hiiraan Mogadisho guriceel baydhabo Dhagaxbuur Cabuudwaaq claiming these regions. Where do you draw the line and who is a jubalander and who is not. I say if you want an all inclusive admin fine good but let the people from those regions sort their internal affairs out IGAD should stay out of it the Mogadishu government should have no influence in forming that state. Waxay dadkaasi ku heshiyaan dawlada Somalia akhrika ha sharcieyso oo saa dawlad federal goboleed ha u noqdaan. But if you have to much interference from Mogadishu and Nairobi it wont work out.
  7. Djibouti’s justice and religious affairs minister disgraces Somali People Posted by Pi2 on October 15th, 2012 Djabouti’s justice and religious affairs minister Hamud Cabdi Suldan has uttered a prejudiced and discriminatory remarks towards the efforts that the people of southern regions of Lower Jubba, , Middle Jubba and Gedo want to make their own administration when he said these people could not afford to decide their own future. Djibouti , a country which many people saw it was neutral in Somalia’s prolonged civil war and political turbulence is now supporting clannish interest . The minister called Somalia president to avoid any attempt that Jubbaland people are making their own state. Djbouti has clearly mentioned it has been against federalism in which Somalia’s new constitution was built. Djabouti government and incumbent President ,Ismail Omar Gele had previously accused Ethiopia and Kenya intervention against Somalia’s internal affairs, but now the dark side of Djabout is clearly visible.. At this time Djibouti is a member of African Peacekeeping forces while hundreds of its troops operate in Baladwayn, the capital of Hiiran. The latest speech from Justice minister may jeopardize the volatile and two-faced relation between Djabouti and the Somali people. Puntlandi.com
  8. ^ You are correct Caamiir says hari instead of hadhi.
  9. Dowlada Jabuuti oo ka Hadashay Maamul u Samaynta Magalada Kismaayo Oct 15, 2012 | Ayadoo dhawaan Ciidamada Huwanta ay Kala wareegeen Alshabaab Magalaada Kismaayo ee Xartunta Gobolka Jubbada hoose oo ah deegaan Muhiim u ah cidii la wareegta, ayaa waxaa arintaasi ka hadashay Dowlada Jamhuuriyada Jabuuti . Wasiirka Wasaarada Diinta iyo Awqaafta Dr Xaamud Cabdi Suldaan Ayaa shegay inay Muhiim tahayla wareegida Magaalada Kismayo, wuxuna xusay in muhiim tahay maamul ay dadkaasi raali ka yihiin in loo sameeyo. ‘’Waxaan u aragnaa annaga xaalada degmada Kismaayo iyo maamulkeeda in ay muhiim tahay in loo madaxbanaaneeyo dowladda Soomaaliya oo aan lagu faragalin, waayo hadda Soomaaliya waa ay ka baxday ku-meel-gaar sidaa daraadeed waa muhiin in loo daayo aayo ka tashigooda oo aan lagu faragalin,’’ ayuu yiri,’’ Xaamud Cabdi Suldaan. Waxaa uu sheegay in dadka ku dhaqan gobollada Juubooyinka looga baahan yahay in ay aayahooda ka tashadaan, iyaga oo kaashanaya dowladda Soomaaliya, si markaa looga baxo ayuu yiri dhibaatada.
  10. Dawlada Jabuuti: Cid aan Dawlada soomaaliya aheyn Maamul Uma Sameyn Karto Kismaayo London (Alssc.com) Wasiirka caddaaladda awqaafta iyo arrimaha diinta ee dalka Jabuuti Xaamud Cabdi Suldaan ayaa markii ugu horeysay ka hadlay mawqifka dawlada jabuuti ee ku aadan maamul u sameynta gobadalada Jubooyinka, gaar ahaan magaalada Kismaayo ee xarunta gobalka J/hoose wuxuuna uu sheegay in maamul u sameynta gobollada Jubbooyinka ay u madax bannaan tahay dowladda Soomaaliya loogna danbeeyo iyada oo keliya. Wasiirka ayaa waxaa uga digay dowladaha dariska ee faragalinta ku haya dowlada Soomaaliya in ay ka daayaan faragalinta maadaama ay dowlada Soomaaliya ka baxday ku meel gaarkii. Dowlada Jabuuti ayaa waxay ka mid tahay dowlada ciidamada ay ka joogaan dalka Soomaaliya qeybna ka ah ciidamada AMISOM waxaana ay ciidamo ka joogaan magaalada B/weyne ee xarunta gobalka Hiiraan Waxaa soo ifbaxaya Khilaaf ka dhex aloosan dowladaha ay ciidamada ka joogaan dalka Soomaaliya ee ku howlgala magaca AMISOM iyaga oo ku kala argtiyo duwan xalka Soomaaliya iyo kala taageerida kooxaha iyo qabiilada iska soo horjeeda ee ku hardamaya hogaanka iyo kheyraadka Soomaaliya.
  11. Kenya is in real trouble they extended their stay in Somalia terrorist attacks continue in Kenya. Kenya coast tourist numbers fall because of the insecurity in the country elections in the year 2013 we all know what happened in 2007 fighting broke out along tribal groups.The Kenya's government is in a war with secessionists in Mombasa.
  12. Kenyan official killed in 'secessionist violence' Oscar Mwamnuadzi © was injured in the gunfight in which two people died Continue reading the main story Related Stories Kenya massacres raise fears of poll violence Will radicalism ruin Mombasa's charms? Kenya secessionist group unbanned A local Kenyan official has been killed in what police say is a retaliatory attack for the arrest of a secessionist leader in Coast province. Salim Changu was hacked to death in the coastal town of Kwale, police say. He was attacked shortly after Mombasa Republican Council (MRC) Oscar Mwamnuadzi was arrested during a gunfight at his home, in which two people were killed. Tension has been rising in Kenya ahead of general elections due in March 2013. More than 100 people have been killed in ethnic clashes in the south-east Tana River area since August, in the bloodiest violence since the disputed 2007 presidential election. 'Still illegal' Regional police chief Aggrey Adoli told the BBC that Mr Changu, the assistant chief for the Kombani area, was killed by MRC supporters after going to Mr Mwamnuadzi's house to see what had happened overnight. "It was a revenge attack," he said. Earlier, police launched an operation against the MRC following accusations that it planned to disrupt school examinations. Two of Mr Mwamnuadzi's bodyguards were killed during the raid on his home in Kwale and 38 people were arrested, the Daily Nation newspaper reported. Thirteen people have since been charged - some with possession of offensive weapons, others over T-shirts with pro-independence slogans. They denied the charges but were remanded in custody. In July, Kenya's High Court lifted a ban on the MRC, which the government had outlawed in 2010 after accusing it of being a criminal gang. However, Mr Adoli told the BBC's Focus on Africa programme that despite the court ruling the group was "still illegal". The MRC accuses successive governments of marginalising the ethnic groups living along the coast, which is the centre of the country's tourism sector, and giving land to outsiders. Calls for the secession of the mainly Muslim coastal region tend to intensify in the run-up to general elections, analysts say.
  13. Axmed Madoobe for President of Jubaland for the next 4 years as he fought the longest against Alshabaab in those regions.
  14. Xaaji Xunjuf


    Waan la yaabaa Somalida jareer hoos u eega the Jareer nations hormarka ay gaadheen hadaad arki lahayd shame on u. Somalis and their fake superiority complex. Somalidu wax ay dunida ku so kordhiyaan ma jirto aan qaxooti ahayn. As for the Somali jareer Qabiil they are Somalis like very one else and Somalia is their country meelna ma tagayaan
  15. A khadar how sure are you he cant visit Buhoodle Xaglo comes from the most laandheero branches of buhoodle. Remember before the war in 2009 2008 2007 Xamsa gaadaweyne member of parliament and others used to visit Buhoodle. The Buhoodle district is peaceful now the Somaliland army is based 12 km north of Meygaagle the region is peaceful dagaalki wu dhamaday xiligi nabada la gaadhay.
  16. Naxar Nugaaleed;879927 wrote: Kuwa lala hesheyay, kuwa Xamar Jooga Waa wada Khaatumo xaji, waxba ha kala Saar saarin The leaders elders and those who are leading khatumo the SL govt will deal with them when the time is right do not worry naxarow.
  17. Dr cismaan finished high school and he is a doctor i agree with gabbal its the fault of the italians
  18. Khatumo na walala heshiin doona inshallah Bal G10 xamar haka so noqdaan
  19. There is no dispute any more ciidamadi sooljoogto wala kala qaaday last details uun ba haday. For the inal peace deal some where next month