Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Optimists see the cup as half full while pessimists see it as half empty. Somali optimists wholeheartedly supported the new President of Somalia. They have taken into consideration the difficult situation that the country is in and the need to move forward with what the roadmap offered. Pessimists have taken a different view of the President and the moderate religious group that he personifies. Some have given him the nickname of “Gurguurte”, a Somali euphemism for being slow, given the snail-paced process that the selection of the Prime Minister had gone through. After taking almost a month to name the new Prime Minister, many were disappointed with the outcome and conjured the Arabic saying “Tamakhada Al-Jabalu, Fa Walada Faran”, the mountain labored but gave birth to a mouse. The new Prime Minister is a new comer to the Somali political arena and only clairvoyants are in a position to determine whether he is the right man for the difficult job at hand: resurrecting a failed state. Some smell corruption given his NGO background since Somali NGOs are notorious for diverting large portions of the wealth entrusted to them by Western Donors into their own deep pockets. Instead of throwing accusations without any concrete evidence, it would be prudent to call upon the Somali Parliament to investigate the man and his NGO thoroughly in order to determine whether such corruption fears are warranted. I am sure that all the funds received by”Saacid”, the PM’s NGO are in the public domain and can be traced easily to their end uses: in the pocket of the PM or in the bellies of the victims of famine and misfortune. The list of donors is long and includes governments, International Organizations and International NGOs. It is incumbent upon the new parliament that helped us get rid of the two Sharifs to be vigilant and to rise up to the task of vetting the new PM and his cabinet. At this critical juncture in the history of our country, what matters most is to get to first base in the coming four years. Even if we are saddled with leaders perceived by some of us as being below par, we need to give them a hand so that we can extricate ourselves from the miserable situation in which our people languish. African soldiers we used to despise and call names are running the show in our country, and thousands of our youth perish in their attempts to flee a bleak future. We may have to overlook many wrong decisions in the interest of reaching our final objective: a united, strong and prosperous Somalia. The effects of twenty years of anarchy cannot be wiped out in a few months. However, we should not overlook or tolerate any corruption. Unlike other writers, I am not going to accuse the President of ineptitude or cronyism. But I have two reservations against his judgment to appoint an inexperienced PM from the South Central. The President had access to a large pool of talented individuals who have experience in building the Institutions that Somalia lacks and needs desperately. Instead of utilizing this pool of talent, the president opted for a Prime Minister with no experience other than running an NGO and a small business in Kenya. I suspect that his inner circle may have a hand in the selection process. Let us hope that their future recommendations to the President do not fall into the same realm. The President appears to have completely turned his back on the Northern portion of the country as if sending us Northerners a signal that we do not really count in the new Somalia. His action will only embolden the secessionist elements in the North. It is beyond comprehension that the three highest offices in the land have been allotted to individuals from the South. Such inequitable distribution of power in the country will not resonate well with Unionists who have sacrificed hundreds of their youth in defending and upholding the unity of Somalia. Pres. Mohamud (center) with the Speaker of Parliament Mr. Jawari and the PM designate Mr. Shirdon The President may have his own valid reasons for picking a Southerner for the PM position. May be he plans to pacify the South first and then restart the negotiations that his predecessor started with the secessionists in the North. If that is the case, then he will have committed an unforgivable sin against Northern Unionists if they are excluded from such negotiations. The old British Protectorate is dead and long gone and the North itself is fragmented into those who support the secession and those who are against it. Accommodating one side and ignoring the other can only prolong the Somali nightmare. Let us hope that the President and his inner circle can appreciate the gravity of the situation. The Security Council in its latest meeting on Somalia agreed upon the need for preserving and safeguarding the territorial integrity and Unity of Somalia. Therefore, Northern Unionists expect the Somali government to adopt and implement these clear and unambiguous resolutions. The recent incarceration of Somali mothers in Las Anod by the Somaliland administration should not be taken lightly by the Somali government which is expected to protect its citizens. The only crime that these mothers committed is celebrating the naming of the new Prime Minister. Finally, let us not jump the gun and pass judgement on the new PM before he names his cabinet. If he fills his cabinet with inexperienced mullahs to satisfy the wish of the president and his inner circle, then we should lobby the Parliament to reject his ratification. If he selects professionals who can rebuild our lost institutions, then we should welcome him with open arms, that is if he turns out to be squeaky clean. Ali H. Abdulla
  2. Thats true Koonfurians mostly think that President siilaanyo or any president of Somaliland has the mandate to change Somalilands number one article of its constitution statehood sovereignty of Somaliland. But this comes because in Somalia the politicians have a strong grip on the peoples future and their word is most of the time the law of the country this is a whole different case in Somaliland. But for instance if the leadership in Somalia compromise their union will they be welcomed as heroes in Somalia maybe not but can they still be the rulers of Somalia i think so.
  3. ^^ War thats haaji cabdi waraabe unless haaji cabdi waraabe has a twin
  4. Carafaat;879522 wrote: Taleexi, Egal(aun) was the early architect of Artah. Eventhough he disagreed with Omer Guelleh and Abduqadim Salat in a later stage. Second Puntland was hardly an administrative goverment in 1999, Muqdisho not destroyed as it is today and Somaliland was just recoverin from decades of civil wars and not really in any mood in political turmoil. I am just adding some important variable the author 'forget' to mention. Ismaciil Cumar geele and cabdiqaasim undermined Cigaals plan but the problem was all of that could've been avoided Mogadishu at that time was in the hands of a few warlords the problems back than were easier to solve.
  5. Maxaad fahmi hadaad kuwi waxba fahmayn aad la rabtid kuwi wax fahmaya inay fahmaan kuwaa waxba fahmayn.
  6. Oba there is nothing great to be obsessed with Somali this fake superiority complex that every one wants to be us is just all in ur head:D
  7. ^^ No need to insult her but maybe she thinks its cool to be Somali lol
  8. Somali girl and she doesn't look like a Somali and she is waving the Ethiopian flag waali badana lol
  9. ‘Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Yaanu isa saarin xamuul aanu qaadi karin iyo Midow dambe’ October 12th, 2012 Hargeysa (Somaliland.Org)- La taliyaha Madaxweynaha ee gaarka ah Dr. Cumar Cilmi Dixood ayaa ku tilmaamay mas’uuliyiinta dowlada Soomaaliya siyaasiyiin cusub oo dusha u ritay mas’uuliyad culus aanay qaadi karin. Waxaa kale oo Dr Dixood sheegay in aanay cid matalin nimanka Xamar jooga ee reer Somaliland, waxaanu tilmaamay inay yihiin niman dambiilayaal qaran. Dr Dixood waxa uu ka hadlay doorashooyinka golayaasha degaan ee dhawaan la filayo inay dalka ka qabsoomaan, waxaan sidaasi ku sheegay wareysi Khamiistii uu siiyey Bulsho TV. Dr Cumar Cabdi Dixood oo ugu horeyn ka hadlaya madax dhaqameed xubno ka tirsan oo Xamar tagay waxa hadaladiisa ka mid ahaa “ nimanka yidhi waxaanu nahay wakiilo ee leh Suldaanba warqad noo qoray iyaga iyo kuwa ay sheegayaanba ma aha kuwo cid matali karaa. Waxaanan fikir ahaan u arkaa inay yihiin dambiilayaal Qaran, markaa xilligan sabab laysku haybsadaa ma jirto.” Sidoo kale waxaa uu dhakhtar Cumar Dixood ka hadlay rajada dowladda cusub ee Soomaaliya iyo waxaa laga fili karo, waxaanu yidhi “Horta nimankani immika la doortay waa niman aan xogogaal u ahayn xaalada dalkooda, waana wax wada cusub, madaxweynaha Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud waana nin ku cusub siyaasadda, waxa u fiican in aanu xamuul aanu qaadi karin isa saarin ee bal hortaa runta ha ku adimo oo yaanu waxba la hadaafin midow sidii madaxweyneyaashii isaga ka horeeyay ee waa inuu ka soo baxa mas’uuliyadda dalkii koonfur ee Talyaanigu gumaysan jiray.” La Taliyaha gaarka ah ee Madaxweynaha Somaliland oo hadalkiisa sii watay wuxuu yidhi “Waxa laga filayaana waa isagii cusub, Raysalwasaarihii oo cusub, gudoonkii baarlamaanka oo cusub waa koox cusub oo aan hore siyaasada ugu jirin oo aan bislayn mana ah culays aanu qaadi karin inuu isa saaro ee waa inuu iska dadajiyaa, waxaas oo mas’uuliyad ah. Sidaasi ayuu ku guuleysan karaa dhabta haddii laga hadlana annagga (Somaliland) ayaa dowlad ah oo leh dhamaan hanaankii iyo haybadii dowladnimo.” Sidoo kale Dr Cumar dixood waxaa uu ku hadlay doorashooyinka soo socdaa ee goleyaasha deegaanada iyo waxyaabaha uga qorshaysan xisbi ahaan, waxaanu yidhi “Annagga haddii aanu nahay xisbiga talada haya waxaanu rajeynaynaa inay doorasho xor iyo xalaal ahi dalka ka dhacdo guul baana ka soo hoyn doona sidoo kale nimankaa axsaabta ama ururaddaba qaarkood ragga ka madaxda ahi ma aha niman saxxadda ku cusub ee waa niman bulshadu hore u sii aragtay waxay qaban karaan oo xilal soo hayay waana madal furan iyo wixii uu ummadda gashaday.”
  10. Apophis;879354 wrote: ^^ XX is the biggest supporter of Jubboyinka so he's definitely with us. The quote was for the spoilers, they know who they are U sheeg i am always with the people
  11. ^^ I can understand the Amisom peace keeping forces being heavily involved in combating Islamists shabaab but does the Amisom IGAD mandate includes creating states inside Somalia's territory. This would be a better option - Organize a grand conference in kismayo invite all the elders and influential people from Jubaland - Let all the MPS who hail from those regions facilitate the conference. - Establish a central committee for the Jubaland state based on the stakeholders of those regions. - let the conference happen inside Somalia under the supervision of the Somali government troops/Amisom.
  12. ^^ Well it never happened before that IGAD got involved in creating a state in parts of Somalia but if you say its good for the bigger cause than so be it no problem on my side:D
  13. Apophis;879343 wrote: ^^ Since the whole of Somaliweyne is claiming natural residency in the Jubbas there has to be an independent arbiter, separating the wheat from the chaff, so to speak. Beledweyne doesn't have the same problem. So because several clans claim to be from kismayo or the juba regions IGAD is getting involved i see lets hope they can help create a fair administration than.
  14. I wonder why igad is so involved in creating a state in Kismayo in beledweyne that was not the case.
  15. Madaxweyne Siilaanyo Oo Maanta Salaadii Jimcaha La Tukaday Dadweynaha Reer Gebiley + Sawiro. Hargeysa (Ramaas) Okt.12, 2012 - Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Somaliland Mudane, Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) ayaa maanta Salaadii Jimcaha waxa uu la tukaday Mushtamaca Reer Gabiiley oo uu madaxweynuhu si lama filaana ugala qayb galay salaadii Jimce halkaas oo uu kula tukaday masjid jaamaca magaalada gabiley. Madaxweynaha oo aan wadan wax baabuur ciidan ah ama Baabuurtiisa Khaaska ah balse, wata Laba gaadhi oo shiciba ah ayaa mar keliya ay dadkii masjidka ku tukanaayey ku baraarugeen iyaga oo markii salaada laga soo baxay isugu soo ururay Barxada weyn ee Masjidka, si ay indhaha uga qaadaan ama ay u rumaystaan in uu madaxweynihii Jamhuuriyada Somaliland isaga oon wadan wax ciidan ah ama ilaalo gaar ah marka laga tago 4 Askari oo markaa ka muuqday agagaarka Masjidka uu la tukaday manta. Dadkii isugu soo baxay barxaadaasi masjid ayaa waxay ku dhawaaqayeen soo dhawow madaxweyne kuna soo dhawow Gobolka Gabiley, oo aad maanta nagula tukatay, adiga oo aan wadan baabuur badan iyo ciidana waxay na tusaysaa inaad tahay madaxweyne dadkiisa Jecel anaguna waanu ku jecelnay madaxeweyne ee ku soo dhawow Gobolkaagaaga Hadaba waxa Madaxweynaha kulankan ku wehelinaayey Wasiirka Madaxtooyada JSL, Mudane Xirsi Cali Xaaji Xasan, Taliyaha Ciidanka Booliska General Cabdilaahi Fadal, iyo Taliyaha Ciidanka Ilaalada Madaxtooyada Jamhuuriyada Somaliland General Faysal Kaamil Ciise. Madaxweynaha oo ku soo laabtay Caasimada Hargeysa, Salaadii jimce ka dib waxa uu soo maray Xabaal wadareedyada dooxa Abaarso ee xasuuqii siyaad bare uu kula kacay Shacbiga reer Somaliland oo uu madaxweynuhu soo kormeeray, kuna soo arkay kuwo daadku soo faqay iyo kuwo lahelayba.
  16. http://www.voasomali.com/content/article/1524440.html
  17. Midnimadii Hore Waxay Ugu Timid Is-rabbid, Markaa Is-rabbid Mooyaane Israaca Somaliland Iyo Somaliya Ku Iman Maayo Gacan Maroojis” R.W Somaliya Muqdisho (Ramaas) Oct 11,2012 – Raysal-wasaaraha cusub ee Somaliya Cabdi Faarax Shirdoon (Saacid), ayaa markii ugu horeysay ka hadlay heshiisyadii ay wada gaadheen Somaliland iyo Somaliya, waxaanu sheegay inuu soo dhawaynayo. Cabdi Faarax Shirdoon (Saacid), waxa kale oo uu sheegay in midnimo Somaliland iyo Somaliya dhex marta aanay ku iman doonin gacan maroojis iyo khasab, balse midnimo timaada ay u marayaan jid nabadeed oo aan dhibaato keenin. Raysal-wasaaraha cusub ee Somaliya, waxa uu sheegay in midnimadii lixdankii ku timid isjacayl iyo nabadgalyo, sidaa daraadeedna ta ay hadda doonayaan tahay mid loo marayo jidkaasi hore mid la mid ah. Cabdi Faarax Shirdoon (Saacid) oo arimahaa ka hadlaya ayaa yidhi “Somaliland waanu soo dhawaynaynaa, siyaasada aanu ku leenahayna waxay noqon doontaa siyaasad cad oo dib loo qeexi doono, kuna dhisan barnaamijkii hadda ka hor Madaxwaynahayagu qeexay ee ahaa in aanay dhici doonin wax nabad dhaafsan oo gacan maroojis aanu dhici doonin” Raysal-wasaaruhu waxa kale oo uu soo qaaday “Hore ayay midnimadu ugu timid is-rabbid iyo nabad, markaa is-rabbid iyo nabad raali laga yahay mooyaane israacu kuma imaan doono, markaa dariiqa aanu u mari doonaa waa kaasi”ayuu yidhi waxaanu intaa ku daray mar uu maanta u waramayey idaacada VOA “Waanu soo dhawaynaynaa inay heshiiska nabadeed qayb ka yihiin Somaliland, u malayn maayo in heshiiska caynkaasi ah ee dad Somaliyeed u dhaxeeya inuu wax wax dhima dhalin doono”
  18. Hargeisa-Genel Energy and other international firms are moving ahead with plans to explore for oil in Somaliland, a development that officials hope will lead to prosperity and job creation in the region. In early December, Genel Energy will start taking aerial pictures of Somaliland’s Togdheer region to look for oil deposits, according to Somaliland’s Minister of Mining, Energy and Water Resources Hussein Abdi Duale. “The aerial search will be followed by oil exploration work, which will start in the beginning of 2013,” Duale said October 3rd as he welcomed a delegation from Genel Energy, which is headquartered in Turkey. The company will use seismic vibrators to explore for oil and will then drill wells, he said. “This will be the first time oil is drilled in the country in 20 years.” Duale said Genel Energy reached a working arrangement with Britain-based oil company Asante Oil, which had an initial agreement with the ministry to search for oil. “Genel Energy’s role in this work will be 70%, and we are happy they will start this work in Somaliland. We hope that oil will be discovered in our country so we can prosper,” he said. The delegation visited Burao, capital of the Togdheer region, on October 4th to assess the security situation for Genel Energy’s future office there. Australia-based oil company Jacka Resources, Ltd. will also work with Petrosoma, Ltd., based in the United Kingdom, to begin aerial exploration at the end of October and will photograph 10,000 square miles, said Petrosoma’s information officer in Hargeisa Mohamed Elmi Abdalle. Abdalle said they will transition to ground exploration in January, with the initial phase of the project costing $10 million. Said Mohamed Elmi, chairman of the parliamentary sub-committee on environment and natural resources, said that a bill on Somaliland oil exploration will be presented to parliament in December. The Ministry of Mining, Energy and Water Resources has reached agreements in the past few years with four other foreign companies that work in the mineral and oil sectors, Elmi said. Opportunities for job creation Abdirahman Aden Aar, an economics professor at Hargeisa’s Civil Service Institute, said he hopes oil production will help reduce Somaliland’s unemployment rate. “It will enhance the country’s economy and will create jobs for unemployed youth,” he said. “This will in turn enhance the living conditions of society.” “Not many people are educated in oil matters in the country now, so production will result in bringing in foreign experts from whom the few local skilled workers will be able to learn from,” Aar said. About 1,700 young people recently graduated from national and private universities and are now looking for work, Aar said. “There is an imbalance each year in the number of work opportunities and those seeking work,” he said. “So [oil exploration] can be an opportunity for job creation.”