Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Wadani siyad bare never wanted to have talks with the SNM it was either surrender to the regime like ssdf did or to remove him so a different rout was impossible at that time. Are you also forgetting the attempt to settle thousands and thousands of refugees in Somaliland while the wslf was waging an ugly war against Somaliland nomads in the hawd in 1979. So many factors played a role in the formation of the SNM In 1981 a different rout to achieve ur goals would've been perfect but it was impossible. African dictators either die in office or are removed.
  2. its started right after the war with Ethiopia Somaliland colonels and generals were killed they were specifically targeted by the regime. The WSLF rebel group started murdering Somaliland nomads in the hawd region the WSLF turned into a clanish rebel group under the regime of Siad bare.This was in 1979 this was before even SNM was officially announced at that time Muhammad cali was fighting a war against the wslf. Somalilanders were mainly doing business in livestock trade this was sabotaged by the regime. Somalilanders said we don't mind living under a MOD regime no problem as long as we can do our business but we will never be broke second class citizens.
  3. ^^ You are comparing apples to oranges the 1960s to present day, in the 60s the dream of uniting the Somali territories was much a live in Somaliland i think every single person from Somaliland wanted at that time that NFD should've been free of Jommo kenyattas rule. The sole reason that speeded up he unity of Somaliland and Somalia in 1960 was due to the anglo Abyssinian agreement when the Brits decided to give the hawd and reserve area to Ethiopia. Ethnic Somalilanders were divided because of that agreement and the only way to get back the lost territory is if one has an alliance with Somalia. The NFD was not part of Somalia but it was a province inhabited by Ethnic Somalis now Somalis in the sixties tried supporting the shiffta rebels it didn't work negotiations it didn't work either. A war would've helped a similar war the Somali republic waged against Ethiopia in 1977.
  4. Wadani that might be true but i dont think any one in Somaliland wants the 80s and late 70s rule back in Somaliland. The Somaliland rebel groups put their differences aside and built a country for themselves from scratch that deserves credit. i cant say the same about the rebel groups of Somalia SNF USC SPM and RRA and others. it was up to them to come together and put their differences aside and rebuild a nation.
  5. You are twisting it, I am saying he hindered Somali efforts when he was head of delegation in early 1960s in Kenya for several months and he was thrown out of the cabinet in the reshuffle. The reason this was telling is because he was the most prominent northern politician. So he was removed from his minister position because he was a Somalilander. As for going to war we went to war with Ethiopia in 1964 even though it was a border dispute the same could easily be done against the Kenyans.The Somali republic at that time could easily defeat Kenya in an armed conflict and The Somali republic could get atleast 50% of the NFD as a compromise if it removed its troops from Somalia. I agree though the Somali armed forces had limited military weaponry providers. The Somali army became Military superior to its neighbors when General siad bare took over and the Somali republic became a socialist state.
  6. ^^How can the late cigaal sell you out when he didn't even control the Northern eastern province of Kenya it all came down to negotiations. Somali republic policies were all wrong in the sixties they should've focused on Kenya wage a war against Kenya instead of fighting against Ethiopia. Ethiopia was 2 decades a head of us at that time. When Haile Sellassie was re installed by the English in addis ababa after the second world war. The Ethiopians had enough time to get new arms from Moscow and France they had a capable army when we gained independence. The Somali republic should have invaded the north eastern province of Kenya in the early sixties. Kenya was a baby state at that time and the Somalis in the north eastern province were ready to fight besides the Somali army.
  7. Xaaji Xunjuf


    First of all there is no such thing as black DNA looooooool
  8. Somalis blame everything on Arabs its not like the Arabs came to u and forced you out of ur land u left ur country for a better future in Europe and shit happens. The Arabs are just smugglers making their living i dont see a big issue no one forced u to do tahriib.
  9. The Kenyan don't want to stay that long maybe another year or so they have their own security issues. They just want to help with a state in kismayo they can work with and move out.
  10. Munaasibad Lagu Xusayey Maalinta Shuhadada SNM Oo Hargeysa Lagu Qabtay Iyo Wasiirada Xukuumadda Ee Xafladaha Gaarka Ah Buux Dhaafiya Oo Aan Mid Kaliyi Ka Soo Xaadirin Xuska Hargeysa (Ramaas), Oct, 17, 1012- Munaasibad lagu xusayey maalinta shuhadada SNM oo ku beegan maanta oo ay bishu tahay 17/10/1012 ayaa ka qabsoontay hoolka shaqaalaha ee magaalada Hargeysa. Munaasibadan oo ay ka soo qayb galeen Mujaahidiin ay ka mid yihiin Guddoomiyaha Jamciyada Mujaahidiinta Sooyaal, Guddoomiye ku xigeenka koowaad ee Xisbiga Kulmiye Mujaahid Maxamed Kaahin, Mujaahid Yuusuf Maydal, Mujaahid Ibraahim Raage Maxamed, Mujaahid Yurub Abiib iyo Mujaahidiin kale oo tiro badan. Xafladan oo ay ka muuqatay in aanay is lahayn xuska loo samaynayo iyo meeqaamkeedu, isla makaana aanay ka muuqan mujaahidiin badan oo hormood ka ahaa halganka iyo wasiirada Xukuumadda Madaxweyne Axmed Siilaanyo oo badanka lagu yaqaano inay buux dhaafiyaan xafladaha gaarka loo leeyahay oo aan wax muhiimad oo badan ugu fadhiyin shaqooyinka ay hayaan ayaa waxa si weyn loogu dhaliilay in aanay xukuumaddu qayb weyn ka qaadan maalina shuhadada SNM oo ay ahayd, maadaama oo hogaanka maanta dalka haya ee Madaxweynaha ka ah Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) uu yahay hogaamiyihii ugu mudada dheeraa ee SNM, isla markaana loo baahnaa in si gaar ah xukuumaddu u xusto. Munaasibadan oo uu ugu horeyn ka hadlay guddoomiyaha jamciyada Mujaahidiinta ee Sooyaal ayaa waxa uu ka waramay maalintan iyo sababta loogu doortay maalinta shuhadada SNM. “Maalinta Shuhadada SNM waxa ay ahayd maalin loo doortay in ay noqoto maalin lagu xuso shuhadadii ka shahiiday SNM, waxaana loogu doortay in ay ahayd maalintii uu dhacay dagaalkii Burco duuray, isla markaana mujaahidiin badan oo SNM ah, halkaasi ku shahiideen, waxaanan u sheegayaa in maalintan aanu qofna is odhan waa lagaa leeyahay oo qof waliba wuu leeyahay, waxa jirta in maalinba mujaahid la xuso, laakiin waxa la iskugu soo ururiyey maalintan oo ah maalinta shuhadada SNM” Ayuu yidhi Guddoomiyaha Sooyaal oo ka waramayey maalinta shuhadada SNM iyo xuskeeda. Guddoomiye ku xigeenka koowaad ee xisbiga talada haya ee Kulmiye Mujaahid Maxamed Kaahin Axmed oo isna halkaasi ka hadlay ayaa waxa uu ka waramay maalinta iyo qiimaha ay bulshada Somaliland u leedahay, waxaanu yidhi “Marka hore waxaan hambalyeynayaa mujaahidiintii SNM, waxaanan u ducaynayaa intii ka shahiiday mujaahidiinta oo aynu leenahay ILAAHEY naxariistii jano ha ka waraabiyo, waa shuhado xaq darro ka soo dagaalantay , maalintan waxa aynu iskugu soo min guurinay in la xuso dhamaan shuhadadii SNM, walaw aanay maalin wada dhimanin ee ay maalmo kala jaad ah wada dhinteen, maalinta waxa loo qaatay waxa ka mid ahaa dadkii maalintaa shahiiday Maxamed Xaashi Lixle oo ah ragii ugu qiimaha dheeraa ugu taariikhda dheeraa ugu halganka adkaa ee gudaha ka soo bilaabay ayaa ka mid ahaa ragii shahiiday, waana maalintii ay tiradii ugu badnayd ay goob ku wada dhimato, waana maalintii ay dhawr iyo labaatan kale meel ku wada dhimatay, dabadeedna dhawr iyo kontonkaa Mujaahdi lagu wada aasay meel isku wada mid ah”. Mujaahid Maxamed Kaahin oo hadalkiisa sii wataa waxa uu yidhi “Dhaqdhaqaaqii wadaniga Soomaaliyeed ee 1981-kii aas aasmay iskamay aas aasmin ee uu waxa uu u aas aasmay duruufo, waxaanaynu duruufahaasi kala mid ahayn jabhada badan oo nooceena oo kale ah oo dunida oo dhan ka abuurmay, waxaana jabhadaasi waxa ay ka dagaalamayeen u dheeraa dhaqdhaqaaqa wadaniga Soomaaliyeed xabaalo wadareedyadan ilaa imika la helo ee ilaa inta u dhaxaysa Gabiley iyo Ceerigaabo laga helo, kuwaasi ayaa ka gaar ahaa ee wax umadda Soomaaliyeed oo dhan lagu wada sameeyey may ahayn ee wax cid gaar ah loogu talo galay ayey ahaayeen, cawaaqib xumadii ka dhacdayna waa ta Somaliya haysata, SNM waxyaabaha ay taariikhda ku lahayd waxa ka mid ahaa cawaaqib xumadii koonfur ka dhacday, midhaha iyo nabada Somaliland lagu naaloonayaana waa mid ay iyadu horseed ka ahayd, Lixle oo aan halkan sawirkiisa ku hayo waxa uu ragii ugu hor talaabay ee aqoonta la biday, markii 1977 dagaalkii Somaliya iyo Itoobiya ka qarxay ee dayuuradaha caalamku galeen warshadihii dibadaha lagu sameynayey Gabiley ayuu ka dhigay xaruntii warshadaha lagu sameynaayey, waxaanay abaal marintiisii noqotay kacaan diid baad tahay, dabadeeto halkaasi ayey SNM ka aas aasantay. Waan ka xumahay waxa ay ahayd inay xafladan Wasiirada Xukuumaddu joogaan lagama maarmaan ayey ahayd, waxaanan Madaxweynaha leeyahay maalintan 17 October xukuumaddu waa inay joogtaa oo ay ka muuqataa”. Xildhibaan Axmed Maxamed Diiriye (Nacnac) oo halkaasi ka hadlay ayaa ka waramay wakhtigaasi iyo sida uu u xusuusto, waxaanu sheegay in uu ka mid ahaa ragii aan ka saxeena dalka dibadiisa ka soo taakulaynayey mujaahidiinta SNM. Mujaahid Ibraahim Raage Maxamed oo halkaasi ka hadlay ayaa ka waramay maalintan iyo qiimaha ay leedahay, waxaanu sheegay in SNM imika noqotay mid cidii baahani sheegato oo aan la soo xusuusan marka wax loo qaban karo, waxaanu yidhi isaga oo arrimahaasi ka hadlaya “SNM waxaad moodaa inay noqotay waadh kolba qofka jilicdasan soo jiibsado oo madaxweynaha Somaliland isaga oo umadda oo dhan dhex u ah waxa ay ahayd Mujaahidiintii uu ku faanayey shalay inuu soo xusuusto”. Mujaahid Yurub Abiib iyo Xaaska Mujaahid Ibraahim Koodbuur Khadra Qayloweyne oo iyaguna halkaasi ka hadlay ayaa waxa ay tilmaameen in loo baahan yahay in xukuumaddu xusuusnaato mujaahidiinta SNM oo ay ka dhex muuqdaan kuwii dalka u soo halgamay golaha Wasiirada Xukuumadda wakhtigan talada dalka haysa. Ugu dambayn waxa halkaasi ka hadlay Mujaahid Yuusuf Oday oo ka mid ahaa macalimiintii tababarka siinaysay mujaahidiintii galay dagaalkii Burco duuray isaga oo ka waramay taariikhda maalintaasi iyo waxa uu ka xusuusto. La Soco Wakhtiyada Soo Socda Dib U Milicsiga 26 Sano Ka Hor Maanta Oo Kale Shuhadada SNM
  11. Tillamook;880474 wrote: ^ Tell reer Zack to get back the NFD and the O desert back, instead of using 3 tuulos to bargain for provincial dominance. Oh by the way, how convulated is it to use Kenyan forces, yet have a ragtag militia fighting the Ethiopians on the other side. Explain to us why one occupier of their lands is better bed fellow than the other? NFD is gone after the shifta wars no one ever lifted a finger to liberate those territories and it seems the people there are happy with the kenyan rule what can you do.
  12. Tallaabo;880502 wrote: Lixle should have an airport, port, or a major area in one of Somaliland's cities named after him. I think the berbera airport should be named after him this man gave his life for his people.
  13. The snm fighters a group of men with a vision a rebel group who had so many people against them and eventually won. SNM shaped the future of the horn.
  14. War gobolkaa iskaga guur marba yanu dhulku kula garirin eh adigu kursiga iskaga jiifa si an nin waxba ogayn..
  15. The Zack;880170 wrote: ^So Djibouti - a foreign country -has the right to talk about the internal issue of another country and can tell another foreign country - Kenya - to stop intervening Somalia? Adiga iyo asagaba qaadkaa idin waalay LOL Its between Kenya and Djibouti , kenya and Ethiopia daily advise the Somali govt big deal they all meddle in domestic issues of Somalia since they have troops in Somalia under the Amisom command.
  16. Zack degmada badhaadhe waan ku oga reer Azania Degmada afmadow saaso kale reer azania is dominant Degmada jamaame goormey qaateen? And degmada Kismaayo is shared soo maha
  17. Djibouti is an IGAD country and they have troops in Somalia under the Amisom command they can comment on this issue.