Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. First 10 years were great the Somali democratic republic was thriving economically Militarily politically socially the country was in good shape for the first time. Somalis had a written alphabet the iska wax u qabso projects of the country made sure people can really make a change. The last 10 years were disastrous for the country after we returned from the Ethiopian Somali war. The country was in a economical crisis we were living out of hand outs from the west the country was facing many problems at that time. We broke with the soviets, nepotism clanism continued for a while rebels started organizing themselves and the rest we know.
  2. Madaxweynaha Somaliland oo Safar ku tagay Gobolka Saaxil iyo Mashaariicda uu xadhiga ka soo jarayo Hargeysa(Waaheen) Madaxweynaha Somaliland Axmed Maxamed Maxamud Siilaanyo ayaa saaka socdaal ku tagay magaalooyin ka tirsan Gobolka Saaxil oo uu Mashaariic ka soo furayo. Magaalooyinka uu tagayo Madaxweyne Siilaanyo waxa ka mid ah magaalo Xeebeeda Berbera oo uu ka furi doono Garoon Kubadda Cagta ah oo ay Dawladda hoose ee Berbera dhamaystirtay wallow ku talo galku ahaa in Ciyaaraha Sanadkan lagu qabto, hadana waxa la sheegay inuu dib uga dhacayo in lagu qabto. Sidoo kale magaaladda Berbera waxa uu xadhiga kaga jari doonaa laba wado oo la sheegay in lagu kordhiyay Jidadka Berbera oo sanadihii ugu danbeeyay aad loo kordhiyay, isla markaana Bilic ku soo kordhiyay magaaladaasi oo ku sigatay in looga Guuro adeegyada bulshada oo ku yaraa, Sida Jidadka, Laydhka iyo shaqo la’aanta balse ka soo kabatay. Sidoo kale Degmadda Sheekh ayaa lagu wadaa inuu mashaariic dhinaca Arrimaha Bulshada oo laga hirgaliyay iyana ka soo furo, kuwaasoo ay ka mid yihiin Cisbitaal Caafimaad oo la sheegay in la dhamaystiray, iyadoo baahi waeyn ka jirtay dhinaca Caafimaadka. Waxa intaa dheer Madaxweyne Siilaanyo mudada uu Gobolkaasi ku sugan yahay oo lagu qadaray sadex cisho inuu bar bar wadi doono kulamo kale oo siyaasadeed, kuwaasoo uu la yeelan doono Madaxda Dhaqanka, Waxgaradka, Ururada Bulshada iyo Madaxda Dawladda. Safarka Madaxweyne Siilaanyo ee xiligan ayaa u muuqda mid loogu Gogol xaadhayo Oolaha Doorashada Golayaasha Deegaanka oo Xisbiga Kulmiye Cod iyo taageeraba loogu raadinayo, iyadoo ay safarkiisa ku wehelinayaan madax ka tirsan Xukuumadda gaar ahaana kuwa ka soo jeeda Gobolkaasi oo food –saare uga dhiganaya sidii ay dadka Indhahooda u hantiyi lahaayeen Mashaariicda laga furayo Gobolkaa
  3. Madaxweynaha Somaliland oo si weyn loogu soo dhaweeyay deegaammadda u dhaxeeya Hargeysa iyo Berbera October 21st, 2012 Hargeysa (Somaliland.Org)- Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Somaliland Mudane Axmed Maxamed Maxamud (Siilaanyo), ayaa maanta socdaal shaqo ugu kicitimay magaalada Berbera ee xarunta Gobolka Saaxil. Madaxweynaha iyo weftigiisa waxa si weyn loogu soo dhaweeyay deegaamadda u dhaxaysa Hargeysa iyo Berbera. Daawo Sawirradii soo dhawaynta weftiga madaxweynaha Somaliland loogu soo dhaweeyay degmada Laas-geel (Dacar-budh).
  4. You are not looking for solutions waryaa you just want to ignore what happened and move on where did various somali tribes came together and made peace ever since 1991. It never happened so if you wanna solve the root cause of all the problems the civil war as we know it ended but there is still a cold war there is still distrust and animosities between the communities that's why you have 4.5 clan fiefdoms and thats why you have neighboring countries finding deep holes in ur societies. Thats why you're leaders don't trust each other that's why the international community plays a huge role in what happens in Somalia. Tribalism is not the core issue here tribalism existed before the civil war but Somalis never ever experienced before colonialism that they can or should share a state the notion that wax ba la wada leeyahay is very unfamiliar with Somalis that's why they introduced something called clan federalism waxba la kala leeyahay. The problems u need to tackle is why don't Somalis trust each other why would they trust a Kenyan over their fellow Somali or an Ethiopian or an ugandan. Was it the former dictatorial regime or is it because modern Somali statehood was just an experiment that failed. Somalis need to face the realities on the ground not run away from it.
  5. Wa run the girl in the blue dirac way istaahisha in laga bixyo 200 halaad iyo qoriga madhinka wa very young mashallah dadaax barraka alleh kugu dhacday.
  6. Mario don't you know that cabdi cawar was farooles agent in Mogadishu he could not support khatumo if he did he would go against farooles rules that was the reason why cabdi cawar didn't support khaatumo. Faroole claims the territories of the Khatumites and he would never tolerate a prime minister or president to directly meddle in affairs of what he calls his internal state affairs.
  7. Faisal cali waraabe on the talks between Somaliland and Somalia listen from 1:46 " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  8. ^^ They went to Somalia in the hope to get some seats in the newly Somalia government when they found out they didn't stand a chance they returned back to Somaliland now they are behind bars.
  9. ^^ They were claiming to represent Somaliland which is not allowed.
  10. ^^ Its going the right direction if you read the latest news a federal state established in Somalia with the support of the people of those regions and the Somali government supporting that.
  11. Gudiga Maamul u sameynta Jubooyinka iyo Gedo oo Muqdisho iyo Kismaayo u safraya Posted by Pi on October 20th, 2012 Warar rasmi ah oo soo gaarey warbaahinta Puntlandi ayaa sheegey in Gudiga Farsamada ee Maamul u sameynta Jubooyinka iyo Gedo ayaa safar rasmi ah u bixi doonaan maalmaha so socda, iyagoo ku wajahan Muqdisho. Gudiga oo casumaad rasmi ah ka heley Dowlada Federaalka ayaa la kulmi doona Madaxweynaha Feederaalka Mudane Xaan Sheikh iyo Raysal wasaaraha Mudane Cabdi Faarax Shirdoon. Kulamadaas ka dib waxay u gudbi doonaaan Magaalada Kismaayo, Gudiga oo hada Nairobi ku sugan waxay Muqdisho ku wajahan yihiin maalmaha soo socda. Gudiga ayaa lagu sameeyey shirka Nairobi uga socda Jubooyinka iyo Gedo, waxaana loo xilsaarey arimaha maamul u sameynt Goboladaas, gudiga shaqadoodu ugu horeysa ayaa lagu tilmaamey iney Kismaayo ku qabtaan shirwayne aykasoo qayb gali doonan ku dhowaad 530 Ergo, si maamul rasmi ah oo loo dhan yahay loo sameeyo.
  12. Somalia;881568 wrote: I agree with that 100%. But Mogadishu is violating the constitution and is against the formation of a state. The people of Jubboyinka want a state, they have done so on a voluntary basis. Mogadishu should adhere to the constitution otherwise it can count itself a illegitimate spoiler. Imagine if the tables were turned, and Abdiweli was president or anyone from his block, and he went to Jubboyinka and said you should make a state, but then when he went home to Villa Somalia, he opposes creation of a state in Central Somalia, I mean the world would be in flames, but here you have the good people of Jubboyinka, quiet as ever doing their business. Where did the government in Mogadishu say they are against a federal state in kismayo and the juba regions they only said that it should be done under the frame work of the Somali state. i don think they said the people of those regions cant have a federal state why not every 2 regions can have a federal state under the government in Mogadishu.
  13. Zack dee iyagu waxay yidhaheen anagu Somalia kamaba mid nihin dawladooda anago noo dawlad maha calanka Somalia anagu lama lihin wa siday iyagu ku dhaqmayeen the past 22 years. Unless you claim the same than it makes sense but what we are discussing is here the structure of how a federal state should look like.
  14. ^^ Yeah sii walaan bay wax u qoraan:D Kulaha xamaantisi wu ka gortay jigjiga lol
  15. The Zack;881559 wrote: You got that right. Hargeisa should report Mogadishu. As you said the power should in the hands of the capital Hargeysa claims to be the capital of a sovereign state called Somaliland it doesn't call it self an autonomous state nor a federal state u cant compare oranges with apples Yaa Mr zack:D
  16. ^^ What did i do stop pointing fingers at me waryaa thats rude.
  17. Kii u ooyi, iyo kii ku alalaasiba Cabdi Iley wuu ku daayey Radio Jigjiga (Jigjiga) October-19-2012 War degdeg ah oo caawa naga soo gaadhay xaga magaalada Jigjiga ayaa ku waramaya inuu dad xasuuqe xamaantiisii ka qaatay deegaanka. Warkan ayaa intaas ku daraya kadib markii uu si kadis ah magaalada jigjiga ugu soo noqday ina Iley ayaa waxaa dhacday in si dhakhso ah looga daba yimid, sidoo kalena waxaa dhacday in dhamaan caruurtiisii, iyo reerkiiba lala kaxeeyey. Wuxuu kale oo uu warku intaas ku darayaa in talada deegaanka si ku meelgaadh ah loogu dhiibey madaxweyne ku xigeenkii dawlada deegaanka C/fataax Maxamuud Xasan, ninkan dhalinyarada ah baan isaga wax eed, iyo dad xasuuqid ah midna loo haysan, waxayna u badan tahay inuu noqdo kan badalaya kabtan Iley. Sidoo kale ayuu warku sheegayaa in laba general oo ay Cabdi Iley aad iskugu dhawaayeena isla saakadan shaqada laga eryey. Labadan sarkaal ayuu mid ka mid ahi uu ahaa kuwii doraad ka qaybgalay wadahadaladii dhexmaray jabhada onlf, iyo dawlada Itoobiya. Sababta labadan general loo caydhiyeyna wali warcad lagama hayo, balse waxay u badan tahay inqilaabkii ay iyaga, iyo ina iley inqilaabeen shirkaas wadahadalka. Magaalada Jigjiga ayaa ay gabi ahaanba caawa saaran tahay bandow aan waligeed horey loogu arag, wax kala socdaana ma jiraan. Wali lama hubo in gabi ahaantiiba xabsiga la dhigey, balse isaga Jigjiga, iyo dawladii deegaankaba wey uga dhamaatay. Sida Jigjiga laysla dhexmarayana waxa kaliya ee ina Iley markaan soo celiyaa waa haduu haweenaydii Zenawi ka geeriyooday uu dumaalo!.
  18. ^^ And thats how it should be the power should be in the hands of the capital even if its a federal state
  19. These are the problems with clan federalism no one knows where to draw the line i remember when faroole said the Somali government should be an umbrella of organization states. imagine Mississippi and California saying Washington cant dictate them
  20. Because they found out that article 39 is part of the ethio constiution but it was designed in a certain way that. If the tigrayans want to secede from ethiopia they can. Its a way out for the tigrayans if the amhaaraas take over.
  21. This how the 3 minutes talks went Ethiopia: You ONLF rebels must respect the constitution of the state of Ethiopia its the only way u can get free anjeera from us ONLF: Hell nooooo we are here to talk about peace not to have raw meat with anjeera, the talks should be without preconditions if not shove it where the sun don't shine. Ethiopia: kezhe bota befetenat enweta ONLF: Awoowayashood la gubku awal ba wana so lugoyeen inaga dhaqaajiya urtooda
  22. oba hiloowlow;881415 wrote: sxb dont you think its weird that i will get jailed if i wear a t-shirt with the blue flag in hargeysa and if a slander does exactly the same thing in xamar nobody will care I don't think any one will say something if you wear a shirt with the Somalia flag on it just go and try it.