Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Xiinfaniin the same can be said about the folks who by hook or by crook want to establish a clan state most likely while they are being assisted by Kenyan troops don't forget there are Somali troops in Kismayo who take direct orders from hassan sheikh Mahamuud. I am not talking about the raskambooni militia. Hasssan sheikhs priority is nation building from scratch and he needs the support from the people from south and central Somalia politically and socially not just those from Kismayo but baydhabo beledweyne marka etc. And it seems people like Xiinfaniin are trying to be an obstacle to his new administration because the president wants to create a more stable Somalia. Hassan sheikh is on the begin of his reign and its a typical cycle where by the state men the president in this case wants to acquire access to the resources and people-hood of his country to strengthen his position as President.
  2. A_Khadar;886470 wrote: That is all casharadii la isku seexin jiray... War meesha jujuub iyo afduub baa ka jiree iska aqbal. Can Buuba visit Hargaysa? He isn't holding any position now.. Buuba can visit hargeysa the same way kaluun can kaluun was there just recently and he is a member if hiil qaran. A khadar meesha afduub na ma jiro shaydaanka adeer iska naar
  3. STOIC lol dont worry at all Sultaan Xiiray ba beesha ka masuul ah Sultaan Xiiray is the most patriotic Somalilander he was one of the Somaliland elders making sure not a single Somaliland elder went to Mogadishu in june
  4. Tricks are for kids Khadarow Fawziya cant visit Somaliland not because she is a unionist but because she holds a political seat ministerial portfolio in Somalia. General jamac maxammad qalib is a unionist and he is in hargeysa every one knows he wants Somaliland and Somalia to be united. But the Somaliland government will never allow a person who holds a ministerial position in Somalia to visit Somaliland or an MP. As long as Somalia claims that Somaliland is part of Somalia's sovereignty. Khadarow adigu beritoole hargeysa ka deg so ma tihid nin raba midnimada Somaliland and Somalia cid ku didaysa ma jirto. In Somaliland you are free to express ur opinion Khadarow and say what you want about Somaliland its leaders and that it should be united with Kazakhstan Somaliyaad sheegeysa eh.
  5. Anigu wax alaale waxay dadku jecelyihin baan tageera dan na aan u arkay sidaydi uun baan ahay
  6. Odey;886421 wrote: Abwan- I totally agree with you. Siyaasada sidaas looguma fogaado. I too have been critical of a number of leaders including Sheikh Shariff, but you wouldn't catch me insulting him with such degrading names. Admin should do something about this There is nothing that restricts people to call political leaders nicknames Sh sharif was called Sh dalxiis Sh hotel, cawarku cay maha , cayda horta maxaad u taqana mala dadkan afsomaliga ku yar eeh wa wax isaga lugu arkay siyaasadisa oo dhan ba cawaran. Faroole pirate ba loogu yeedha Maxammad siyaad bare oo dhintay bay dad afweyne ugu yeedhan. Ninkan waba nin nool marka there is no problem son but you can ask me questions about what is wrong with cabdi gaas and how he is a political failure.
  7. Mayaaa ninkan gaas anigu ma necbi mana aqaano runti personal laakin wa nin cawaran wanan waxan is leeyahay wa wuxu shaqadisa u qaban kari wayey anigu waxan is leeyahay maskaxdisa sare ayey wax u dhintay oo.Waxan la yaabay hada ninkan oo ku so failgaroobay inu madaxweyne noqdo Somalia prime minister ku failgaroobay hada raba mamuul nabadeed inu qas ka bilaabo because isaga meesha iska dhex arki wayeey runti ninkaasi kheyr uma so wada reer Puntland ,, faroole waxan ku talinaya inu ninkaas Puntland ka tarxiilo sida ugu dhakhsaha badan.
  8. Abwaan;886413 wrote: lol@Aren't they mostly opportunists? Yarkan Dr. Maxamed la leeyahay isagaa jagadan isku rabey siduu u xanaaqsan yahay. Tan meel ku qora, 4 sano ka dib haddii la arki waayo isagoo Xamar jago ka raadsadey Abwaan la ima yiraahdo. Waxaasi wa iska sheeko huuhaa Muxammad cabdilahi Cumar maha nin kursi raadsada Abwaanow ana yarka ka aqaan, adiga la jecel laakin kursigaas maybe markay Somaliland iyo Somalia heshiyaan inay laba dal oo jaar ah noqdaan,dee wuu ka so degi xamar calanka SL na waaad ku so dhawayn.
  9. Aaliyyah;886410 wrote: ^ Kaluun iyo Buuba labaduba jabhada snm ayeey ku jireen inkasto hada ay kaso gosteen. Xusen Carabna inta Somaliland ayuu u hadlaa. Lol@some people think she is an insider. Time will tell indeed. Kaluun and Buubaa believe in a unified Somaliland and Somalia despite their past SNM record they never entertained the idea that Somaliland should be independent not when they were SNM never and i know both of these gentlemen . So they are not flipfloppers like some people Aaaliyaah.
  10. A_Khadar;886395 wrote: Ma is yeel yeelanay marka.. Inaga daa awoowe.. Keep on talking then.. It was always in the Kulmiye campaign to open talks with Somalia.. it was part of President Siilaanyos campaign i dont see anything wrong with that
  11. Aaliyyah;886401 wrote: wasiirka khaarajiga Cismaan Jaamac (Kalluun), Maxamed Cabdilaahi Oomaar, Ismaaciil Buubaa iyo Xuseen Carab Ciise oo u dambeeyay oo isku ahaa Wasiirka Gaashaan-dhiga iyo Ra’iisal-wasaare ku xigeen and last I checked Fosiya wasn't from Khaatumo. Khaatumo miyaad ku wareertay Xaaji. Cismaan kaluun was never a supporter of Somaliland ismaciil buuba was never a supporter of Somaliland Xuseyn carab ciise was never a supporter of Somaliland Ina omaaar was never a supporter of Somaliland Fawziya is a flipflopper but some people think she is an insider and is still a Somaliland supporter in her last interview she didn't even want to answer if she was pro union of pro Somaliland.
  12. Abdiraxmaan tuur was an SNM leader and the SNM movement was initially a unionist movement. He left Somaliland after he was no longer the president to help his best buddy General caydiid. But you said President Siilaanyo is an opportunistic person how so what did he do. But Khadar you insinuating that her clan might support her since u mention western burco why did you do that?
  13. A_Khadar;886397 wrote: Man you're asking the abvious always. The two men are gone history regardless of who welcome them. They have no weight in the community any more for now as they did once. Allahu aclam mustaqbalka.. Tell me if Fawziya has supporters in Hargaysa and Burco? A khadar where is Khaatumo in all of this these 2 gentlemen helped faroole to get 3 seats of the Khatumites in farooles pocket. Yet they give them platform to return and get a hero's welcome. Fawziya cant get set foot in Somaliland she might be arrested if she enters Somaliland territory and she doesn't have supporters.
  14. ^^ Whats wrong with talking with Somalia ,, Somaliland talks to Djibouti kenya Ethiopia uganda Rwanda i dont think Somaliland will lose anything if it talks to Somalia just talks wala isku af garan kara ama deee la isku ma af garan karo simple as that.
  15. Oke what about dabogooye is he still a king or not, seeing his warm welcome in Buhoodle? I know Maxamuud xaji cumar is an indisputable figure in Buuhoodle belonging to one of the aristocratic families of Buhoodle so he cant be easily ignored even though he might be a pro Puntland clan chief.
  16. Akhadar if you had to pick between Somaliland or Puntland which would it be?
  17. A khadar how so this topic is about the talks between Somaliland and Somalia.
  18. Xukuumadda Somaliland oo sheegtay inay sii wadayso Wadahadallada u socda iyada iyo Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya Talaado, November 06, 2012 (HOL) — Somaliland ayaa sheegtay inay sii wadayso wadahadalladii ay kula jirtay dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya, balse waxay ku xireen sii socoshada wadahadallada in la dhameystiro shuruudihii hore ee ku socdeen wadahadallada. Wasiirka arrimaha dibadda ee Somaliland, Maxamed Cabdullahi Cumar ayaa sheegay in Somaliland ay ka go'an tahay inay wadahadallada lasii waddo dowladda cusub ee Soomaaliya, isagoo xusay in wahadalladaas ay u joogsadeen inta Soomaaliya ay ka baxayso xilliga kala guurka ah. "Innagu haddaan Somaliland nahay waxaa naga go'an inaan sii wadno wahadalladii billowday ee ka dhacay London iyo Dubai, laakiin waxaan doonaynaa inaan la jabin shuruudihii hore ee ay wadahadalladu ku socdeen," ayuu yiri Maxamed Cabdullaahi. Shuruudaha ay Somaliland ku xirtay wadahadallada ayaa waxay ahaayeen inaysan ka qaybgelin wadahadallada xubno kasoo jeeda Somaliland oo matalaya dowladda Soomaaliya, taasoo ay ogolaatay dowladdii KMG ahayd ee uu madaxweynaha ka ahaa Shariif Sheekh Axmed. Maxamed Cabdullaahi Cumar, wuxuu sheegay inay dhankooda ka go'an tahay inay miro-dhalaan wadahadallada u socday labada dhinac, isagoo sidoo kale sheegay inaysan jirin xubin Somaliland wakiil ka ah oo ku jirta xukuumadda cusub ee lasoo dhisay, isagoo sheegay in cid walba oo ka mid noqota xukuumaddaas uu sharci ka yaallo Somaliland. "Qofkii ka mid noqda golaha wasiirrada Soomaaliya sharci ayaa halkan ka yaalla. Ma dhacayso inuu yimaado Somaliland, balse haddii uu yimaado waxaa la xisaabtami doona ciidamada ammaanka iyo maxkamadaha," ayuu yiri wasiirka arrimaha dibadda ee Somaliland. Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaan weli ka hadlin wadahadallada ay kula jirto Somaliland, iyadoo wasiirradda arrimaha dibadda ahna ra'iisul wasaare ku xigeenka Soomaaliya, Fowziyo Yuusuf Xaaji Aadan ay sheegtay inay diyaar u tahay inay isku keento labada dhinac oo ay sheegay inay u dhexeyso.
  19. Shaw wa nin wax badan so qar raxiyey Somaliland should be careful before they work with this fella.
  20. ^^ She is not from West burco she is from east Hargeysa, A khadar do you think reer west burco care about a woman given a simple ministerial position they're busy with gaboose or ciiro and the Oodweyne oil exploration. War dadka wada reer Khaatumo ha moodin oo wax walba u mudaharadaa:D As for President Siilaanyo he is a man of principle not a political oppurtunist , Somalilanders dont have flipflopers with the exclusion of the Khaatumites. But even Somalilanders like Buuba and Yusuf dheeg Adeer Jamac maxamad qalib are unionists in their heart and minds, but never flipfloppers.
  21. Cabdi cawar should stop his nonsense and just go home back to the USA, Puntland doesn't need political failures.