Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Taleexi;887384 wrote: @XX - Majaajiliiste baad ku wacnaan lahayd, hadda ka hor ma isku dayday?. Somalia fits us squarely, let us respect the government and the professional constitution of the land - if we care moving forward. Taleexiyow inagu meel baynu u wada socona kala hadhi mayno ha iga hor dhicin.
  2. Chimera Fawziyaa is a good lady and i think she is better than buuba and yusuf dheeg omaar she actually called Somaliland her country and Somalia her country to she made a clear distinction between SL and Somalia something the others never said before. I think she can play a crucial role in the next phase of talks on the side of Somalia she her self is not even certain about the whole union and that's the foreign minister of Somalia. Somaliland needs people who they can deal with in Mogadishu something which was impossible before hassan sheikh thats the only way forward and. I think we are getting some where now. No one in Somaliland is worried about hassan sheikh he is a good guy and is willing to re negotiate the failed union his own words as Somaliland and Somalia. Somaliland welcomes that let the talking begin. As for the Jubaland crisis let Abtigiis and his cousin Yusuf haaji solve that they should come with a solution Hassan sheikh is trying but it seems its not working.
  3. Hayaay yabaa is gaadhay ciyaari wa galin danbe and this is just the beginning. Waryaa Abtigiis ma tabtay Sh shariif wadigi sidi ayax ku noqday marku isi sharaxayey.
  4. Abwaanow aniga haa i masabidin mudug boys shaqo kuma lihi madaxweyne xassana xumaan kama sheegin Nimanka mudug jooga mala dano kale bey leeyihin laakin xunjuf mar walba wa xal raadis Ninki abwaano isna beryahan muxafaad ah war sheekadu wasiir ka weyn meesha beryahan idin shidan
  5. Maaa hada shariif la jeclaaday where is abtigiis he was the biggest hassan sheikh supporter in the final round of the elections
  6. And the one who played the biggest role in the Union cigaal Edna and Siilaanyo we all know their beliefs today, anagi baba dirqi ku garayna Somali oo beri taagnayd oo awood lahayd.
  7. Haatu is a sijuwi but he is opposed to the Kenyans Apophis is semi sijuwi but he loves the kenyans Taasa la leeyahay ha is afgarato
  8. Problem is the powers are not really defined Somalia is like something in between a semi parliamentary system and a semi-presidential constitutional republic. Even though it says the prime minister should appoint the cabinet him being the executive leader of the government in the constitution. The President holds much of the power to being the head of state commander of the armed forces etc
  9. Oday are you saying the prime minister is clueless and a puppet
  10. Carafaat;887082 wrote: Abwaan, why don't you respond to the thread. Shouldn't the President take on the HAGs in Muqdisho as well? Carafaat Abwaan him self is a member of this HAG Illuminati group
  11. The only way we can know which county is better economically is if Somalia and Somaliland compete as two equals - Somalia to have a functioning govt with full legitimacy from its people with all its institutions in control of raskambooni till raascaseer - Somaliland to be a member of the international community with full diplomatic recognition. Let the two countries compete and only than we will know which country will have a higher GDP.
  12. Haatu;887036 wrote: Out of South and the North, the South has better economic prospects and that's undeniable. And wherever the money is people follow. How so its not the vegetables you export that built you a capable economy its the people who built capable economies we yet have to see Somalia economy thrive the same can be said about Somaliland.
  13. Haatu;887027 wrote: He has some truths though. Although I doubt Siilaanyo's administration will be rolled over, I agree with him that as the South begins to pacify and the economy starts to lift, I believe more and more northern youngsters will give up on their unattainable "dream". I know he didn't use the same words as I, but he conveyed a similar message. Why do people use the economy factor as if Somalia is the land of the opportunity with the fastest growing economy in Africa lets not dwell from the facts. Somalia is poor divided and lawless for more than 21 years, Somaliland is poor to its just better organized and they have an elected government by its people but even they have lots of shortcoming and are not the land of the opportunity. So don't see why youngsters will go to Somalia instead they go to Sudan or UAE and others want to come to Europe or the states but never to Somalia.
  14. ^^ Carafaat cabdi cawar HAG ba so diray wax fahan niyo
  15. Carafaat , cabdi cawar wa qaswade Puntland oo nabad ah bu raba inu qas ka rido he should go back to America.
  16. Just because he wasn't pictured that doesn't mean he wasn't there any way waxan la hurinayo horta anigu shaqo kuma lihey xaajgaas baan ka ahay meeshan waxay u taala inay dedjiyaan Madaxda Somalia. They should act responsible markay weftiyo u diryaan kismayo inta ka sakow weftiga dowlada in loo diido maha kismayo hasa yeeshe dee masuuliyada yaan laga tegin. yaan dadka la iska hor keenin.
  17. Bal si kale an u dhigo Madaxweynuhu hadanu ahaan lahayn beeshu ka so jeedo oo u noqon laha Beelaha ka so jeeda budhlayn, Ma kula tahaay madaxweynaha oo wefdi u diray kismayo in la odhan laha meeshan ma so gali kartan.?
  18. Both sides have buufis i agree but accusing the president to have links with a clan group called HAG is just absurd. It wasn't smart to send sheikh indhocade al markaawi to Kismayo, But the admin in Kismayo should work with their government in Mogadishu.
  19. Anigu waxan raba inu madaxweynuhu dawladisu adkayso xukunkeeda wixi lacag ah wixi mamuul ah wixi darajo ah oo ay gaadhi lahayd na ay isticmaasho. Xiinfaniin na wuxu leeyahay Madaxweynuhu Jawhar haka sheekeyo iyo woqoyiga Muqdisho. Oo anaga iyo walaalahayo reer azaniya talada ha u dayo Jubooyinka waleh meeshaad ka shaxaysaan ogahay:D