Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Dr Osman can you tell us more about the nationalistic Puntland first party?
  2. Not really arguing on his side when people have different thoughts u have to make some kind of compromise Jacper ofcourse it matters whathe says but what he said was allowing the people of those regions to come together and a built a state. He was only worried about the Kenyan interference and that's his good right since he is the one who is responsible for Somalia. For Kenya it matters that it becomes an autonomous state linked to Nairobi more than its linked to Mogadisho. For the people of Kismayo they just want their local affairs in their hands nothing wrong with that either. Oday Somalia is not a normal country and it doesn't function as a normal country there are lots of complicity the constitution is a nice piece of paper but to put into practice is a whole different story. The federal government has limited control over the country it needs to be strengthened so that it can enforce its rule of law on their territorial sovereignty, and so that it can protect its sovereignty from external factors in this case Kenya and Ethiopia. The federal states will come under the jurisdiction of the federal government and the federal states will have their own strong police forces and institutions that's how federalism really works. The conflict in Somalia rises when ever a region tries to be more autonomous and showing its back to the federal government something the federal government doesn't want to see in Kismayo that's all.
  3. Peace is always the way forward i always support that.
  4. An administration he appointed or an administration that is allied to his government and his security forces control is the same oday politics is all about the end goal people just take different routes. And for ur information the security forces of Somalia will all be in charge of the security of the country as the constitutions says. The federal states will just have more to say in their local affairs. But there wont any be semi autonomous states like you see them in Puntland and Galmudug.
  5. It will take lots of fundings and training to reconstitute the Somali army the countries you mentioned can only help with training as Turkey helps set up police cadets. But the real work needs to be done by the people of Somalia and the government of Somalia to recruit new army personal and take care of them and pay their salaries on time and give them the training they need. Only Somali security forces can fill the vacuum there is so little the Amisom forces can do they also need a time table when leaving the country.All in all Somalia is not there yet the united states and western countries clearly say one thing and mean the other. To meet the level of requirements to achieve the variety of structure the army needs to function as a proper institution for the Somali people.It needs to start with a strong foundation supported not only by the government but also the civil society across Somalia so that the army transformation model will be as effective to secure the entire country.
  6. Wadani let him claim hargeysa two Taleexi wa nin reer Somaliland ah dalka laga ma xigo isagu uun ba is martiyeeya.
  7. Wasiirka Arimaha Dibada Somaliya Marwo Foosiya Yuusuf X.Aadan oo Safarkeedii ugu horeeyay uga Baxday Dalka Jabuuti. Safarkan Wasiirka ayaa ku soo beegmay maalin ka dib markii Baarlamaanka Dawlada federaalka somaliya,,,,,,, Muqdısho (GNS)- Wasiirka Arimaha Dıbada Somalıya Ahna Ra’iisal Wasaare ku Xigeenka Marwo Foosiya Yuusuf Xaaji Aadan ayaa socdaalkeedii ugu horeeyay ugu Baxday Dalka jabuuti oo ay kaga qayb galayso shirka Wasiirada arimaha Dibada ee Wadamada islaamka oo Maalinta khamiista ah ka dhici doona Dalka jabuuti. Safarkan Wasiirka ayaa ku soo beegmay maalin ka dib markii Baarlamaanka Dawlada federaalka somaliya ku Ansixiyay Golaha Wasiirada Xukuumadda Ra’iisal wasaare Saacid. Foosiya Xaaji aadan ayaa ah Marwo Aqoonyahanad ah oo ka soo jeeda Somaliland isla markaana ahayd gudoomiyihii urur siyaasadeedkii hadhay ee NDP, waxaanay Kaalin wayn ka soo qaadatay hirgalinta iyo kaabista jaamacadda Hargeysa iyada oo horena u ahayd Mulkiilihii Tilifishankii Raad tv.
  8. Waan indha furanahay eeh adigu goormaad madaxweynaha ku kacday?
  9. Security is always a must all over Somaliland hargeysa burco berbera oodweyne laascaanood ceerigaabo gabiley arabsiyo borama seylac etc etc.Why are you ignoring all the people coming out in thousands to welcome their president with the Kulmiye and Somaliland flags. My friend taleexi you should watch the videos.
  10. Somalia;888946 wrote: Autonomous regions are for the big players, the big dawgs, the gentlemen of the region, federal are for small puppies, do you agree Xaaji, federal states are for the small puppies? But I am glad Puntland is a federal state leading by example, mashallah. Federalism is an experiment we shall see how it goes when the constitution is approved by the people of Somalia on a referendum in a few years time. In the mean time people can start state building at sub regional level while the government is involved. But the era of autonomous states is fading away in Somalia.
  11. Taleexi;888944 wrote: XX: You read between the lines. The president has tweaked a bit for his previous stand with regards to Jubaland. For the better, I may add. Not really he hardly talked about Kismayo the only time he mentioned Kismayo was when he was in Hiiraan. This was his policy all the time and we should support the president in his decision to include the people of Kismayo in the state making of their region.
  12. Wasn't that his approach all the time that he supports a federal state in those regions for the people by the people he was just against the Kenyan interference in his local domestic issues. Yes to a federal state in Kismayo no to an autonomous state is the message coming from Xamar.
  13. What ever i support is not important i am one person of millions i could support the greater Somali republic but what is important is how you deal with that. You just cant say Somaliland is part of Somalia and at the same time exclude them from talking about other parts of Somalia.I could say that Somalilanders are people with no motives when talking about the jubba regions i think they are the only peoples who can see clearly what is going on with out being biased.
  14. Jacpher you cant have it both ways say Somaliland is part of Somalia, and Somalilanders should not comment on Somalia issues miyanu kala tagnay mise waxba iskugu ka ya jira wali:D
  15. ^^ They are there and he is complaining, and i was never here to entertain you