Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Somalia;893819 wrote: Ilaahi ka baqa, Somaliland forces didn't pass Oog, it was just on your TV wallahi, and the furthest you made it is Ceel Afweyn in Sanaag. Elections stopped in oog wtf oog is 10 km from Caynabo in Sool all the districts voted in Sool with the exception of Taleex Sanaag is 3 districts degmada ceelafweyn degmada ceerigaabo degmada dhahar majority of degmada dhahar elections happened all over the country only some sub districts in Eastern sanaag didn't come out to vote. So half of Buhoodle districts half of dhahar districtscan be counted as one full district and taleex district didn't vote. So the calculation of the Somaliland interior Minister is correct. 2 districts in Somaliland didn't vote still a perfect turn out.
  2. Abwaanow nagada mar aad reer unuka dekada Xamar ku qabsatid iyo bakaraha wilashi indhaha guduudna eeh mudug iyo galguduud tiknada saarna eeh qoryaha kor u qaad qaadi jiray markay tuulo so galaan. Nagada yaa ku duceyey hada. Xita Duke baad Eryaatey isago canjeero yar ku cunaya Galkacyo, ma hadaad nabadi jeclaatay. Waba si wanaagsan anigu nabada waan so dhaweynaya ileen waxan ahay oday Somaliyeed. Laakin reer budhac badeed dalkooda ha naga joogaan.
  3. Abwaan oo lo taag wayey 21 sanadood ba leh dagaal hala joojiyo abihi dagaalka war ileen tan oo kale.
  4. General Duke;893495 wrote: He is in Baran, he is on the ground, while you are having a shootout amongst yourself in Western Erigavo.. Badhan or baran you cant even pronounce the city yet you wish to claim it ,any way no one knows where he is maybe he is in his house hiding.
  5. Pirate governor can claim as much as he wants it wont change the reality on the ground:D
  6. Waa iska nanays reer burco ba ugu magac daray naag ingriis bu qaba, u know reer burco if you wanna adress him with his full name Selebaan adan maxammad.
  7. Mr Che its called a process of healing 10 years ago this was not the case, why because the war was still fresh in the minds of the people. Reer dhan oo odaygoodi la socdo oo caaqilkoodi la socdo oo nina ka hadhin oo magaaladi berbera eeh qaadimiga ahayd lugu so dhaweye.
  8. All is going well Ciidanka qaranka jamhuuriyada are on the march.Somalia political H@rism is dying in the hearts and minds of the vast majority of the maakhrites.
  9. Inkastoo intii badnayd ciidamada Puntland ay ka baxeen magaalada The pirates are clueless
  10. These are just lies lies and more lies nuur cade is one of t'he most respected somali diplomats he is also is a hero to get rid of t'he habashi govt of cabdilahi yusuf.
  11. Its called tax collection Eebow walaxaw qarxaan hayna cashuurta qasab waaaye ina bixisi
  12. Cali Sandulle iyo saraakiil kale oo Urur Siyaasadeedka Xaqsoor ah oo la Af-duubtay Cali Sandulle iyo saraakiil kale oo Urur Siyaasadeedka Xaqsoor ah oo la Af-duubtay Laascaanood(Waaheen) Guddoomiye ku-xigeenka Koowaad ee Urur Siyaasadeedka Xaqsoor Cali Maxamud Axmed Cali Sandulle iyo Saraakiil kale oo uu ka mid yahay Af-hayeenka Ururkaasi Rashiid Jaamac Dheri ayay Maleeshiyo aan ilaa hada la aqoonsani ka af-duubteen meel waqooyi barri ka xigta laascaanood oo la yidhaahdo Damal. Saraakiisha Urur Siyaasadeedka Xaqsoor ee la af-duubtay oo watay laba gaadhi ayaa la sheegay inay ka kicitimeen dhinaca magaaladda Ceerigaabo isla markaana ay u sii jeedeen dhinaca Laascaanood, balse iyaga oo jidka haya waxa jid-gooyo u gashay maleeshiyo loo aanaynayo inay ka tirsan yihiin Khaatumo. Wararkii u danbeeyay ee naga soo gaadhay Af-duubka loo geystay saraakiisha Urur Siyaasadeedka Xaq-soor waxa ay sheegayaan inaan la haynin meel ay jaan iyo Cidhib dhigeen, wallow ay warar hordhac ah oo na soo gaadhayaa ay sheegayaan in Gurmad badan oo Somaliland ka tagay baadi goob ugu jiraan soo dayntooda. Waa dhacdadii ugu horeysay ee dad ka soo horjeeda Doorashada Somaliland ay ku kacaan isla markaana ay khasaare ugu geystaan Madax ku hawlan arrinta Doorashada, wallow laga soo jeediyo Maamulka Puntland hanjabaado ka dhan ah Doorashooyinka.
  13. You Think You Know Somalia? Meet Somaliland Written by PolicyMic Nov 26, 2012 at 11:16 AM You Think You Know Somalia Meet Somaliland When people think of Somalia, they think of Mark Bowden’s Black Hawk Down. They think of South Park’s “Somalian Pirates We” episode. They even think of (sigh) Pirates of the Caribbean. What they don’t usually know is that Somalia has three extremely different regions, and that one of those regions is a fully functional unrecognized state. The first region, Somalia, is the southern half of the former Italian Somaliland colony. This is the area most people think of, with Mogadishu and Islamic warlords and perpetually failing transitional governments (we’ll see about the new government formed in August 2012 in a few years). The tip of the country, to the north of the old Italian colony, is Puntland. Puntland is autonomous, governing itself with a central government, but it is not seeking independence. The third section is Somaliland, the former British colony part of Somalia. It is a fully functioning state in all but name. They have an innovative legislature, a successful democratic system, an army and navy, and a presidency that has gone through several peacefully transfers of power. Sure, it is poor, but it conducts itself better than most states at its level of development. Its current development is actually being held up by the lack of recognition, as it cannot gain access to international loans or support for its currency. Somaliland fits the definition of a state: it is a politically unified group of people that share a territory. Plus, it handles its own national defense – dealing with pirates and disarming militant tribal groups – effectively. It provides for public goods, and enables the private sector to do so when it cannot afford to. It has a strong shared history and common identity; they were a separate colony from the rest of Somalia, they were once before their own independent recognized country for a week in 1960, and they fought together against the dictator Siad Barre through the 1970s and 80s. Finally, it acts like a state on the world stage, with a foreign minister and multiple foreign delegations that have traveled to the U.S., Ethiopia, the UK, and elsewhere seeking recognition. So why isn’t this nation recognized by any government or intergovernmental organization in the world? Mostly, they are all holding off for the regional IGO, the African Union (AU) to recognize them first. There are two reasons that the AU cites for not recognizing Somaliland: that it goes against the tradition of respecting original borders, and that it will encourage other unrecognized nations to try to attain statehood. First, not recognizing Somaliland goes against the tradition of respecting original borders. OK, I should explain a bit. No African state wants anyone to reexamine their old colonial borders, even though those borders are often arbitrary and cut through traditional ethnic lines. Why not? Because their colonial borders are overreaching, and if the borders are reexamined, the current states will lose more territory to new countries than they would gain. However, Somaliland and the rest of Somalia were separate colonies. They were even separate countries for a brief time before voluntarily uniting. When the united country concentrated all power in the south, then was taken over by a dictator, Somaliland decided they wanted out of that union. They then had to fight a war to get out, which they won. Now the international community won’t recognize that independence. As to the other point – that it will encourage other unrecognized nations to try to attain statehood – Somaliland’s situation is a unique one. As explained above, their history and the completeness of their national institutions make their case a hard one to duplicate. Even then, what about when Eritrea and South Sudan gained independence? Besides, this is a classic slippery slope argument; they’re the ones with the power to decide exactly which states are recognized, so even if it is a slippery slope, they’ve got pretty solid climbing spikes to stop the slide. This is not to say there is no reason we should be cautious in supporting recognition. Vast cash flows will flow through the country as aid and loans pour in after recognition. Many theorize that this will strain the democracy and create incentive for factions to seize power in the government. I believe they can take it, however. They have surprised the West before with their tenacity. The Somaliland people have gone through extremely close elections, reluctant lame ducks, tribal divisions, armed militants, and piracy over the last 20 years without losing touch of their democracy. Let’s not doom them to failure before we give them a chance. If I can suggest something to you, the American people, it is to pay attention to what is happening in Somalia. It is a complicated and fascinating area, and it deserves attention. Oh, and part of it happens to be a huge Al-Qaeda stronghold (ah, so now you pay attention).
  14. Afsomaligu wa Muhim its part of our heritage and identity inu marnaba lumo maha Djbouti ismaciil cumar geele ayaa sanadihi ugu danbeye aad u dadaalay oo aad u taageerey in dhaliyarada so koraya in afsomaliga aad lo baro. Oo afka fransiiska isticmaalkisa la yareyo, hadaad tagtid magaalada jabuuti yaryarka so koraya hada afsomaliga is wanaagsan wa ugu hadlaan, ereyo fransiiska mar mar bay ku so tuuraan laakin way so hagaagaysa.
  15. Huuuno weeye wa honey lol Maya dee djboutian maha laakin waxa fiican afafka oo dhan inad wax ka taqanid