Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Not yet but there is a chance sultan faisal might not come back these were the first results from baligubadle. So far xaqsoor and Kulmiye are leading and wadani.
  2. Xogo hordhac oo aanu ka helay natiijada codadka Baligubadle iyo codadka Axsaabtu kala heleen. Written by Qarannews Nov 30, 2012 at 09:24 AM Xogo hordhac oo aanu ka helay natiijada codadka Baligubadle iyo codadka Axsaabtu kala heleen. Hargeisa-(Qaran-news)- Xogo hordhaca oo aanu ka helay ilo wareedyo lagu kalsoon yahay iyo weliba masuuliyiin ka tirsan maamulka Komishinka Bali-gubadle oo aanu khadka telefoonka kula xidhiidhnay goor dhaweyd ayaa Shebekada Qarannews u xaqiijiyey in tirintii codadka dadweynahii ka codeeyay Bali-gubdadle iyo degaanada hoos tagaba la soo geba-gebeeyay, aadna loo hubiyey urur ama xisbi kastana helay ama gaadhey natiijadii kama danbaysta ahayd. Waana tan Natiijada codadka iyo kaalmaha Axsaabtu kala heleen. 1-Kaalinta Koowaad ururka Xaqsoor oo helay 9161 cod . 2-Kaalinta Labaadna Xisbiga Kulmiye oo helay 2826 cod . 3-Kaalinta Sadexaadna ururka Wadani oo helay 2519 cod. 4-kaalinta Afraadna xisbiga Ucid oo helay 961 cod. 5-Kaalinta Shanaadna ururka Dalsan oo helay 765 cod. 6-Kaalinta Lixaadna ururka Umadda oo helay 565 cod . 7-kaalinta Todobaadna ururka Rays oo helay 71 cod. Qarannews Hargeisa.
  3. The president of Somalia Mr Hassan sheikh skipped his state visit to Kenya the president visited Djibouti AMISOM he visited Uganda AMISOM, he visited Ethiopia not an Amisom country but freelancers. This indicates that the President and the Kenyans are still not in agreement about the Kenyan troops in Somalia and their long term plans in Southern Somalia.The president arrived back in Mogadishu this afternoon after visiting Djibouti and Ethiopia.
  4. Apophis;894599 wrote: @Che: nope Not the same; one is a permanent/long term enemy of the state while the other is, at worst, slightly belligerent. I always love it how apophis spins it
  5. Apophis you wouldn't say the same if he was welcomed like that in Kenya.
  6. Horta qodobka ugu muhimsan aad ka hadashay waxa weye population hada populationka xabashida wax muhimada ah malaha. Sabab dalalka ma difaacan shacab eeh ciidan ba difaaca iyo siyasaad. Ethiopia waxay wax u noqotay wa Somalia oo awoodeedi wiiqanyahay . Laakin haday Somalia so noqoto Ethiopia waxay tahay ba iska yar marka wax weyn anigu adeer uma arko. Yaana ku yidhi xabashidu waligood bay Ethiopia ahanaysa laga yaaba Ethiopia inay kala go godo mustaqbalka dhow.
  7. Xiinfaniin Aw farasle maan rabin inan SL so dhex galiyo laakin Oday Somali baa so dhex galiyey runti anigu waxan ka mid ahay shakhsiyaadka inta badan Topica ku xidhan Oday Somali wa inu joojjiya inu SL so dhex galiyo sheekada. Madaxweynaha Somalia Mudane xassan Hogaanka dalka halo dayo oo halaga war sugo.
  8. Not true Ethiopia is not a super power its just demographically significant but its economically very poor its only being supported by the west with lots of aid. The only reason why Ethiopia has the upper hand in any business agreement with Somaliland is because of the status of Somaliland a defacto state with little support of the international community. Somaliland has the resources and the capacity to sustain its self and to defend its self if it sits in right place on the world stage. The status of Somaliland is just important for its future Somaliland having access to the world markets.And having the ability to defend ur self from external factors politically diplomatically and economically u need that little bit of diplomatic legitimacy.Somalia has that diplomatic legitimacy but its disorganized and divided domestically thus Ethiopia Kenya take advantage of that. Somaliland is pretty organized with in has good governance but lacks the international diplomatic legitimacy. Somaliland is larger than 25 countries in Africa.
  9. Oday Somali ma aniga ba diidan taas horaan u sheegey Somaliland xabashi influence ka bixi mayo ila la ictraafo . Inta ka sakow Xabashidu will have the upper-hand sarkaal baad sheegeysa la tabo baro qaad priceka la cuno iyaga mamuulayaa wax kale iska daa. Wax walba oo agreement SL la gasho Ethiopia , Itoobiya ba gacan saraysa. Xabashidu wa smart way ogyihin qabkay wax u socdaan, ku darso waliba Somaliland Military aid kama hesho calaamkuna wax heshiis oo sharci lama gali karaan,Taabtaysay ahaanaysa.
  10. A khadar horta nabada necebida dadkan dagaal jecela , war caanaha hanaga daadinina dalku nabad bu u bahanyahay iyo wada jir.
  11. OdaySomali;894313 wrote: Hadii uu warkani run yahay, rajo ha ka sugina kuwn dowladda cusub isku sheegaya. Kulaha "Itoobiya ayaa dib u dhiseysa milatariga Somalia". Walaahi I laughed so hard. SMDH. Cawaan uun ayaan maqli jiray ee maantaa cawaan madaxweyne lagu sheegayaa. What's next, the Vatican is going to train our Coastguard, Marine troops and Wadaado. Why are you so surprised there are thousands of xabashi troops in Somalia in hiiraan gedo bay and bakool cid wax tidha anigu ma arkin cid xita diidan ma jirto. Dadko oo dhan waxay yidhahaan itoobiya wa na cawinaysa Alshabaab bay inaga celinaysa:D
  12. Abwaan;894312 wrote: Mooge, yours is on another issue. You did not want him as a president in the first place. Period. I have been telling you here in SOL for the last couple of years. If I see something wrong I will not keep quiet. I have never seen any of you guys criticizing adeer Yey or your cousin politicians, but Abwaan is different and this is the proof. By the way I did see you guys criticizing Faroole. When I mean you guys I mean the most of Puntlanders. You know what I mean...Duke and co. Duke wanted Hassan sheikh for President he wanted Sharif out he was glad Abdi Cawar said to the mps vote for change.
  13. New Economic Reality Conversely,thwarting the ambition of Jubbaland civilians to affect change in their home province will only make matters worse for Somalia as a whole. It directly goes against the new economic reality that a unitary government that concentrates resources in Mogadishu cannot effectively govern Somalia again-not since the debacle of the military regime of President Siad Barre, which made Mogadishu a heaven on earth and neglected the rest of the country, much to the chagrin of the Somali people, the spark that ignited the Somali conflagration in the first place.We categorically say no to that even if it puts the unity of Somalia in jeopardy, for there is no greater potential for fragmentation of the nation than the absence of equity and fairness in the sharing of the national cake. Federalism in Somalia is an idea whose time has come. It is in line with the new world governance trend of devolving power and resources to the grass roots communities so that an equitable distribution of the national wealth is achieved. Anyone who tries to impede its progress in Somalia is bound for failure since local communities are more aware of their rights and determined to find local solutions to their social woes. People are fed up with outsiders trying to impose themselves on the managment of their home regions dynamics.They do not care if you build world class roads and hospitals in Mogadishu or renovate airports and schools elsewhere as long as they are not in their home towns and villages. It is a matter of bread and butter and not one big man show nationalist idealogy. The Djibouti Factor To be fair to the AMISOM spokesman, Col. Ali Hamud, his country's president is an outspoken critic of forces of anarchy and lawlessness in Somalia. Djibouti, a tiny impoverished country in the horn of Africa, is a nation whose people and government want an end to the suffering of the innocent Somali population with whom they share common ancestry. It sent several army contingents to Somalia as part of AMISOM and even is in full control of peace enforcing in Hiiraan Province.The colonnel,himself, has performed his military peace-enforcing job quite well by being the mouth that communicates official statements to the Mogadishu people on account of his Somali ethnicity and fluency of the Somali language. However, his government is speaking out of both sides of the same mouth.On the one hand, the Djibouti government is clearly determined to contribute to the restoration of peace and stabilty in Somalia.On the other hand, it opposes the implentation of Somalia's new federal constitution by sabotaging the creation of Jubbaland regional government on the whims of centralist politicians from Mogadishu such as the former President Sheikh Sharif sheikh Ahmed and the current Somali president,Hassan sheikh Mohamud. The Djibouti religious affairs minister,Hamoud Abdi Suldan, even went as far as chiding the Inter-Govermental Authority on Development (IGAD) support for the local based peace plan for Jubbaland. This tendency by the Djibouti government to favor certain political groups in Somalia in violation of Somalia's constitution and AMISOM protocol renders it unfit for impartial conflict resolution partner status. Therefore, the Djibouti government cannot constructively contribute to the Jubbaland stabalization process in any manner. On the contrary, it is leaving no stone unturned in its attempt to scuttle the province's bid to propel itself to a more realistic governance style in which the local people have more say in enforcing the rule of law.The Jubbaland people have no faith in President Geele's government and they should stay clear of their region. The Federal Somali government should be more realistic in its dealing with the provinces. They have to understand that it is not business as usual. We are in a new permanent national governance structure which needs to be consilidated with the input and support of local communities who wield more power now than before.They cannot go far without cooperation from these people.At the same time, they cannot import law and order to them. They have to listen and work with regional authorities.The mandate of the government is clear and unambiguous. It is the sole authority in the country as far as national defence, foreign affairs, federal governance etcetra are concerned. They should not transgress and take the road that took so many others before them to the journey to zero. Mohamed A Dubet
  14. Goobaale Delegation: An Insult to People of Jubbaland By Mohamed A. Dubet Nov 29, 2012 The Somali government's recent delegation led by former Jubba Valley Alliance Leader, Goobaale,a seasoned warlord who headed the now defunct Jubba Valley militia, which had caused immense suffering and bloodshed in Jubbaland not so long ago and in the days before Shabab control, accompanied by the AMISOM spokesman, the Djiboutian colonnel, Ali Hamud, whose country is strongly opposed to the creation of Jubbaland administration among other officials, was an insult to the peace loving people of Jubbaland. The Somali presidency is following the misguided path of allowing outsiders to meddle in the affairs of Jubbland where they do not hail from and in which they committed crimes against the local people. If it goes on,this blatant interference of internal matters in contradiction of Somalia's federal constitution is sure to kill the pacification effort of the country and the good will of the local population towards the new Somali government. Crimes Against Humanity The interim Jubbaland authority made a wise decision in refusing warlord Goobaale's entourage access to Kismanyo city. Had they allowed them in, they would have denied justice to the hundreds of thousands of victims of warlord Goobaale's marauding militia from Gulgudud region in central Somalia, which occupied Jubbaland in the years before the terrorist takeover. Jubbaland under warlord Goobaale, the late warlord Seerar and his ally Barre Hirale,another warlord from central Somalia, was the scene of daily killing of innocent civilians, rape of women and girls, kidnapping for ransom, looting of property and torching of buildings belonging to the local people. The notorious Jubba Valley Alliance militia set fire to residential buildings and business premises in Dhobley, Taabto,Qooqaani,Diif, Hagar,Gadudey and Afmadow towns, to name but a few, when the local people opposed their criminal activities.In the same fashion, they expropriated land and extorted money and produce from peaceful farmers whose land they invaded in Jilib,Marerey,Kabsuma,Moganbow, Sanguni and Jamame towns all situated on the Mogadishu Kismanyo HighWay. Many people perished in the process and many more fled their homes and are refugees in neighboring Kenya.This is the man the Federal Somali goverment sent to Kismanyo to represent it at the Jubbaland Conference aimed at creating an all inclusive regional administration that caters for the interests of all the residents of the province under the new Federal Constitution dispensation. Why send Goobaale of all people at this crucial period when the injuries and scars his militia inflicted have not yet healed? Why not send more appealing Somali officials of high calibre and dignity including those from Goobaale's own clan whose past is not tarnished by criminal record? Surely, there are hundreds of more qualified citizens of our country from across the political spectrum who could have represented the Federal Goverment at the Kismanyo Meeting. This action has only one name. It is a desire to abort the peace initiative taking hold in the region, prevent the residents from rebuilding their homes and perpetuate the suffering of the innocent masses of Jubbaland who are so eager to quench their thirst for peace and stabilty in their home province in particular and their country in general.This decision by the Somali government was an affront to the decent people of Lower and Middle Jubba areas and as such the regime in Mogadishu owes an apology to the local population if it needs to win back their trust. Growing Drugs One of the legacies of the militia occupying Jubbaland is the planting of illicit drugs and running drug exporting ventures. It is an open secret that the Jubba valley Alliance militia of warlord Goobaale and his predecessor warlord Osman Ali Atto dealt in the growing of cannabis and other drugs to finance their armed adventures. They did so on land they confiscated from the local riverine people who mainly rely on it to produce their own food. This caused widespread suffering among the affected rural communities who had no any other sources of livelihood. The result was widespread movement of hungry people from Jubbaland to refugee camps across the border in Kenya in which they are exposed to the elements and live on a poor unhealthy diet. Jubbaland has seen the worst ever form of land expansion and misuse in Somalia by militias of Goobaale which visited unprecedented destruction and chaos on the local way of life and social cohesion. They divided people on clan background and created mythical ethnic boundaries which were allien to the residents before their arrival from south central Somalia.They established ethnic fiefdoms for those who shared in the pillage of minority property, inviting and rewarding more warlords to consolidate their hegemony. In a nutshell,they plunged the region into a deep gorge from which it is yet to come out. The victims of this illegal use of Somali land still languish in man-made poverty and mayhem in which thousands lost their lives. It is a bleeding wound still fresh on the minds of the Jubbaland people. The only way to compensate for it is delivering justice to the victims. It starts with allowing them to steer the destiny of their battered and abused homeland in accordance with Somalia's constitution, letting them elect their own local representatives in a regional assembly whose seat should be Kismanyo city, the capital, and enforcing the rule of law strictly and consistently so that there is never a repeat of what the region's residents went through over the last two decades.
  15. No war Khadar peace that's the way forward ma awoodno inay rag inaga dhintaan
  16. Also agree with Che Somalis can never be Kenyans i mean real Kenyans they will always be associated with Somalia. But that doesn't mean they cant be Kenyans temporarily. Its all about improving the daily lives of the Somali people in Kenya. This identity issue is not a real big problem Somalis fit in the Kenyan society when i see Haatu and apophis and stoic they have no real issue with the Kenyan nationality or what ever little formality that comes with it.
  17. Madaxweynaha Somalia Oo qiray Horumarka Doorashadda deegaanka Somaliland November 28th, 2012 Jabuuti (Somaliland.Org)- Madaxweynaha Somalia Xasan Sh. Maxamuud, ayaa soo dhaweeyay doorashooyinka Goleyaasha deegaanka ee maanta Somaliland ka qabsoomay. Waxaanu tilmaamay inuu rajaynayo inay cadaalad ku dhammaato. Madaxweynaha dalka Somalia waxa uu sheegay inuu rajaynayo inay doorashooyinka Goleyaasha deegaanka Somaliland ee markii labaad qabsoomayaa ay sii xoojiso nidaamka dimuqraadiyadeed ee ka jira isla markaana ay tusaale u noqon doonto dalkiisa Soomaaliya. “Dadka reer Somaliland iyo dawladoodaba waan ugu hambalyeynayaa inay soo gaadhaan heer ay dadku cod bixinayaan oo ay kala doortaan cidii talladooda qaban lahayd. Hawshaasi waa hawl horumar leh,”ayuu ku tiraabay Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya oo socdaal ku jooga dalka itoobiya oo maanta u waramayay Laanta afsoomaaliga ee VOA-da. Xasan Sh. Maxamuud waxa uu intaasi ku daray “Waa hawl aan ku bogaadinayno waxaanan u rajaynaynaa inay doorashadaasi si nabad ah oo xor ah u dhacdo, isla markaana ay hore u sii waddo qaabkii dimuqraadiyadda oo ah wax ku dayasho mudan. Madaxweynaha Somalia waxa kale oo uu tilmaamay inay sii wadayaan dhinacooda wada xaajoodyadii hore ugu bilaabmay dalalka Somaliland Iyo Soomaaliya, waxaanu ku dooday inay kulamadaasi ka soo bixi doonto wax labada shacab-ba raali ka yihiin.
  18. As for the Somali people in Kenya the Somalis are doing fine in Kenya they own businesses and are all well educated and they significant hold political seats in Kenya Somalis just need to increase their population by increasing the birth rate. They populate a whole province exclusively and inhabit an entire district eastleigh in the capital city Nairobi. The Somalis are not really oppressed in Kenya the incident in Gaarisa was one incident and the Somali legislators spoke up bravely about that. Somalis should not act as victims in Kenya they should be ambitious to get more seats in the Kenyan government ans fight for more autonomy in NFD.
  19. tutu;893924 wrote: Another good example of the irrationality being portrayed by Somalis is the Somaliland issue. Though an ardent anti-secessionist, I do acknowledge the efforts of North Somalia to maintain peace and progress all these years the rest of Somalia was in hell. But no one does. And they do have good arguments, honestly. So would it rattle your mind when they ask to go their way as they see no end to the Somalia circus? And the rest of Somalia becoming irritated with their idea of secession-ism while their own cottage is engulfed by fire with no efforts of extinguishing it. But they want everyone into the fray. No shred of rational thinking, isn't it? See the root cause, now? I am least surprised Somaliland is asking for independence. Dadaal ha lagu arkee! Then you can ask someone else to join you in your endeavor. Laakin kaaley baharka ila qeybso suurta gal ma'ahan. Tutu Somalia is not Somalilands motherland , Somaliland and Somalia signed an act of union after both states gained independence. Just 30 years after the union Somaliland said enough is enough we are better off alone.
  20. Indeed reer Somaliland codkooday dhiibteen
  21. Teleexiyo dimuqradiyadu ha shaqeyso Xudun na wa nabad
  22. General Duke;893848 wrote: They are great for resisting so mightily. Expect others of SOOL to join them and I hope you will consider them all great when the chase the SNM militia back to Burco. Which will happen sooner rather than later.. No one is resisting adeer any one the people just wanted more ballot boxes its part of the democracy.