Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Showqi;895296 wrote: Many members of this from are confused and brianwashed,when it comes to Somalia and Somaliland politics It's not only Carafaat who sometimes behaves beerka jecliyaa xaydha jecliyaa. But also Stoic, XX and JB are in the same boot. Guys it's time to come out the closet.... Showqi labada wadan miyaan la wada jeclaan karayn
  2. Carafaat;895294 wrote: Xaaji, both her mother is from Borama but her dad is a Koonfurion. Does she qualify for the Somaliland Immigration Department to become an Ethnic Somalilander. Nope but if you marry her she can have the SL passport
  3. Oday Somali baa isha ka riday the TPLF since 1991 was trying to reconstruct the Ethiopian identity before the TPLF the derg and Hailles. Ethiopia it was different. The new Ethiopia tries to redefine the Ethiopian identity that's why you will see Tigray Music mixed with Oromo. And Somali music mixed with Amharic Music. And its aired on the Ethiopian television at the same time the TPLF promotes Ethnic federalism and Ethnic Nationalism. But at the same time it wants to reshape the Ethiopian cultural identity what ever that suppose to mean.
  4. Maybe she loves to drown or she looks fantastic when she is wet.
  5. Wa caadi suaasha uun baan weydinaye inta kale bess adigu halkaga ka si wad interviewga who is carafaat i am sure wu ku jawaabi doona:aD
  6. What i cant make the connection Koonfurian and borama is her mother from Borama and her dad from Koonfuria.
  7. Caraat are her people also from Somaliland or is she from beyond the awash river and still has some Ethnic Somalilandish connections.
  8. Carafaat you in love with some oromo girl.
  9. Ole masaai welcome to the forum dont mind Oba, Masaais are welcome here and true African warriors
  10. Garowe boys are angry the President of Somalia congratulated the people of Somaliland and the government of Somaliland:D Now what is wrong with congratulating people. The guy has been in office less than 3 months give him a break he has a long way to go Somalia is war torn country destroyed by famine and civil war , Rome was not build in one day give the man some time and space.
  11. Alpha Blondy Haatu is from NFD north eastern province of Kenya. We all have secessionists and unionists on SOL . Dr osman is part time secessionist he becomes a unionists when some one from his clan is ruling Somalia. Abtigiis is a secessionist 2 , Haatu is not a secessionist i have not seen him calling for the dismemberment of Kenya.
  12. I have nothing against that we need healthy opposition carafaat how many times did i tell you learn how to use and when to use the DH and R if you want to say Qudhmiye say Qudhmiye and not Qurmiye.
  13. I think carafaat doesn't care if Somaliland and Somalia unite or stay apart overall i think he loves the Somali identity for what it is. I think he is a young man who wants both considers Somaliland as his homeland. At the same time he wants more of the Somali peninsula politically and economically that's how i view Mr Carafaat.
  14. Carafaat;895180 wrote: Xaaji, in that case I rather support Xaqsoor. No more Habro's!!! Nothing against the Mujahid but its up for the people of SL to decide who they want for president, Xaqsoor will come through 2.
  15. Indeed Ciiro and his wadani want to be the successor of the Kulmiye party in 2015.
  16. Carafaat kulmiye waxba may so saarin the people of Somaliland did
  17. A khadar adeer clan means nothing to me it doesn't pay my bills but it means everything to Osman Badawi that's why he is writing long pages of articles every week about clan. He wants Mahiga to support his clan entity he wants the president of Somalia to support his clan entity. He is angry with Puntland for not getting the clan support see its all about clan. I think this man Osman Badawi is kinda clan frustrated.
  18. Natiijada hordhaca ee Laascaanood iyo sida Axsaabta ku loolamaysey Kuraasta u kala badsadeen Written by Qarannews Dec 02, 2012 at 05:47 AM Natiijada hordhaca ee Laascaanood iyo sida Axsaabta ku loolamaysey Kuraasta u kala badsadeen Burco-(Qaran-news)- Wakiilka Komishinka Doorashooyinka ee degmada Laascaanood ayaa goor dhaweyd ku dhawaaqey natiijadii hordhaca ahayd ee codadkii ansaxey ee doorashadii golaha degaanka Laascaanood. Kuraasta Axsaabtu ku tartamayeen Magaalada Laascaanood oo ahayd 21 Kursi ayaa axsaabtii tartamaysay u kala heleen sidatan. 1- Kaalinta Koowaad xisbiga Kulmiye oo helay 7 Kursi 2- Kaalinta Labaad ururka xaqsoor oo helay 5 Kursi 3- Kaalinta Sadexaad ururka Wadani oo helay 3 Kursi 4- Kaalinta Afraad Xisbiga Ucid oo helay 3 Kursi 5- Kaalinta Shanaad Ururka Ummadda oo helay 2 Kursi 6- Kaalinta Lixaad ururka Dalsan oo helay 1 kursi Urur siyaasadeedka Rays ayaan keligii Degmada Laascaanood ka calafsan wax kuraasa wixii doonaba ha jiraane. Dhinaca wadarta guud ee dadweynaha ka codeeyay magaalada Laascaanood ee codadkoodu ansaxeen ayaa dhan 25000.
  19. Dee wa runti losing parties should say congrats to the others.
  20. Ethiopia has a hostile foreign policy towards Somalia but turning mosques into churches isn't one of them.
  21. Carafaat;894675 wrote: So its a sub clan of Tigreys opposing the regime. Its more complicated than that when Eritrea and Ethiopia were fighting a border war in 1998 many of these people were made refugees and the TPLF regime treated them very bad when the war happened many Ethiopians sidamo oromos settled in the land of these tigrayans and they were against the policies of tplf in their land. And before that long time ago during Haile Selassies reign there was another rebel group fighting for more autonomy in that region with aksum as its capital but Haile. selassie defeated them that's where the TPDM has its roots.This was before the formation of the TPLF in the early 70s later they joined the TPLF but when the derg was defeated in 1991 Meles zanawi and his wife azeb mesfin totally ignored them. Many of these TPDM were also living in Eritrea before the independence of Eritrea. The first thing the EPLF did when they gained independence was send these people back to Ethiopia. What do you have ignored by Eritrea and ignored by Ethiopia's new leaders. Now they are fighting the TPLF regime in Ethiopia and they are supported financially militarily by the Eritrean president. Even though they call for all Ethiopians to fight against the TPLF they are just seen as an extension of the TPLF especially the Amhaaras will never support these guys.
  22. I just got off the phone they finished counting burco and Borama laascaanood , still counting hargeysa gabiley berbera ceerigaabo
  23. Salaxlay Ucid won 5728 votes winning 5 mps Kulmiye second 4023 votes winning 3 mps Xaqsoor won 2 mps Wadani won 2 mps rays won 1 mp