Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Rabshado Ka Socda Xaafado Ka Mid Ah Koonfurta Hargeysa, Dhalinyaro Taayiro Gubaya Iyo Boqolaal Ciidamadda Booliska Ah Oo Ku Dedaalaya Inaan Rabshaduhu Fidin. Hargeysa (Ramaas) Dec 6,2012 – Degmadda Axmed Dhagax ee Koonfurta Magaaladda Hargeysa ayaa waxa ka dhaxaya rabashado ay samaynayaan boqolaal dhalinyaro ah , kuwaasi oo ka gadooday natiijadda doorashadda ee Caawa lagu dhawaaqay oo aanay ku qancin. Rabshadahan oo bilaabmay daqiiqado ka dib ku dhawaaqidii natiijadda doorashadda ee degmooyinka Hargeysa, ayaa waxay ka bilaabeen xaafado ka mid ah degmadda Axmed ee Caasimadda Hargeysa, iyagga oo dhalinyaradda rabshadan samaynayaa ay dhagaxaan la dhaceen gaadiid badan oo wakhtigaasi marayey jidadka degmada Axmed Dhagax. Taageerayaashan oo aan la garanayn ururka iyo Musharixiinta ay taageersan yihiin ee gadoodkoodan keentay, ayaa waxa ka hor-tagay ciidamadda booliska oo ka hor natiijadda la dhigay jidadka xaafadahaasi. Boqolaal ciidamadd booliska ah ee RRU iyo SPU-da ah ayaa rabshadahan kaga hor-tagay rasaas nool oo ay kor ugu ridayeen dhalinyarada rabshadahan samaynayey, iyadda oo dhalinyaradu taayiro ku gubay meelo ka mid ah degmadaasi. Rabshadaha oo aan u soo gudbin badhtamaha Caasimadda Hargeysa iyo xaafada shacabka oo ay ku yaalaan Xafiisyadda dawladda Somaliland, ayaa ilaa hadda ka socda dhanka Koonfureed ee Magaaladda Hargeysa. Booliska ayaa sida la sheegay xabsiyadda ku guray dhalinyaro badan oo ka mid ahaa kuwa rabshadaha samaynayey, waxaana halkaasi mar marka ka dambaysa la gaynayaa ciidamo boolis ah oo dheeraad ah si looga hor-taggo in rabshaduhu Magaaladda qaybaheeda kala duwan ku fidaan. Dhanka kale, isgaadhsiinta Telefoonada ayaa meelo ka mid ah Magaladda Hargeysa ka go’an, waxaana adag in la xidhiidho dhanka Koonfureed ee Hargeysa oo ah halka rabshaduhu ka socdaan.
  2. Oba rag talo kama dhamaato Alshabaab are Somalis like every one else they are a group madax adag i know but they can brought to the government but no one ever tried. If i was the president of Somalia beri hore baan sheekada shabaab so afjari laha. I would give them an offer they can't refuse .
  3. Wadani taasi ma shaqeyneyso gaashanbuureysigi hore HAG waka ilbaxeen hada waxay raban nin afkooda ku hadla ma fahmayan hadad afka iyo carabka qaloocisid. Bal waan la hadli in ay si kale kugu ogalaan karo horta hag aniga la ima didiin so far abwaan uun ba iska fogeya eedaha:D
  4. Oba Somalidu waxay tidha xaq lama rabo eeh xal ba la raba what do Alshabaab want they want sharia law no problem we can arrange that what else do they want Amisom to leave. We can arrange that to but they should drop their international agenda and pledge allegiances to the Somali flag and the Somali government. This what i would suggest 17.000 Amisom troops are in Somalia right now i would suggest that half of them to leave the country The other half can stay. Alshabaab will be allowed to rule their areas but they will be forced to drop their overall uniform they will wear a Military suit of the Somali state. They would denounce terrorism and killings of innocent civilians like beheading. This is the first stage of the talks when we accomplished that we already accomplished the 2 sides talking and the second phase we successfully made sure Alshabaab indirectly became part of the Somali armed forces.
  5. Ofcourse he deserver respect wa Masuul Somaliyeed laakin shaqadisa wa inu ogaado.
  6. The President receives international delegates the president basically runs the executive branch of the government. Right now Saacid seems to be the assistant of the President.
  7. Alshabaab minus the homicide bombings would be great i just dream the day the Alshabaab would negotiate with the federal government and come to a long lasting solution. Keep in mind Alshabaab is fighting Ugandan Burundians Ethiopians Djiboutians Kenyans ASWJ the federal government i mean that's a force to be reckoned with imagine all those boys on one side supporting the same government just awesome. Allow yaa ii geyaa Somalia si aan u dhex dhexaadiyo Alshabaab iyo dawlada Somalia.
  8. Wadani you can never apply for HAG chairmanship you have to have HAG genes to qualify and atleast you should know how to manage one isbaaro. Skin color complexion is not that important they could care less the supreme HAG council as-long as you know how to manage the HAG society.
  9. I almost forgot about this man good to see him walking around:D
  10. Abwaan xilka gudoomiyonimo eh HAG maad wareejisay:D
  11. Gudoomiyaha HAG eeh SOL na wa yimi Abwaan.
  12. Halkan Ka Akhriso Liiska Xildhibaanadda Golaha Deegaanka Caasimadda Hargeysa Oo Goor Dhawayd La Shaaciyey Hargeysa (Ramaas) Dec 6,2012 – Komiishanka doorashooyinka Qaranka Somaliland ayaa goor dhawayd ku dhawaaqay natiijadda doorashadda ee Caasimadda Hargeysa. Komiishanku wuxuu soo bandhigay liiska golaha deegaanka Hargeysa, kuwaasi oo xisbiyadda iyo ururadda siyaasada uga soo baxay doorashadda golayaasha deegaanka ee Caasimadda Hargeysa. Halkan Ka Akhriso Liiska Xildhibaanadda. Umadda 1. Axmed Cali Haybe Nuur 2. Khaalid Cabdi Cawad Abyan 3. Musatafe Cismaan Daahir UCID 1. Maxamed Aw Aadan Wayrax 2. Khadar Ibaraahim Axmed 3. Cabdicasiis Maxamed Xaashi Maxamed 4. Maxamed Cabdi Aadan Yuusuf Kulmiye 1. Hanad Xaashi Axmed 2. Cabdiraxmaan Maxamuud Caydiid (Saltelco) 3. Cismaan Xasan Faarax (Waxar) 4. Eng. Yuusuf Warsame Saciid. 5. Axmed Siyaad Muxumed 6. Axmed Daahir Axmed 7. Cabdi Cali Yuusuf Dalsan 1. Cabdicasiis Aadan Habane (Sisto) 2. Fa’aad Saxardiid Caabi Rays. 1/. Khadar Xuseen Cali (Bohosha) Waddani 1. Maxamed Warsame Caalin 2. Cabdiqani Yuusf Cabdilaahi 3. Cabdilahi Aadan Cali 4. Cabdirisaaq Faarax Xasan Xaqsoor 1. Saleebaan Daahri Cabdilaahi (Dugax) 2. Cabdilaahi Aw Aadan Maxamuud 3. Cabdilaahi Saciid Faarax 4. Deeq Ducaale Cismaan.
  13. Natiijaddii doorashadda Hargeysa oo caawa la Shaaciyay December 6th, 2012 Hargeysa (Somaliland.Org)- Komishanka doorashooyinka Somaliland ayaa caawa ku dhawaaqay natiijadda doorashada deegaanka ee magaaladda Hargeysa. Komishanka doorashooyinku waxay sidaasi kaga dhawaaqeen caawa xaruntooda magaaladda Hargeysa waxaanay sheegeen inay 230 kun oo qof ka codeeyeen magaaladda Hargeysa, kuwaasi waxaanay axsaabtu u kala heleen 25-ka kursi ee Golaha deegaanka Hargeysa sidan:- 1)- KULMIYE waxa uu helay 7 Kursi 2)-WADDANI, waxa uu helay 4 kursi. 3)-XAQSOOR, waxa uu helay 4 kursi 4)-UCID, waxa uu helay 4 kursi 5)-UMMADDA waxa uu helay 3 kursi. 6)- DALSAN waxa uu helay 2 kursi 7)-RAYS, waxa uu helay 1 kursi.
  14. Why is that why do they want to know everything every single detail i mean everything some even want to know you're bank accounts, who you call at what time who you texting. Where you are, if you are away for a few hours ana waxan idhaha uun eeyaahe shuqulo aan la galin ba jira.
  15. What about Somaliland any change there.
  16. Dr Gaboose would have been a bigger opposition some people say the government made a deal with wadani not to be a challenging opposition in return help me help you but that's just the word on the streets. Only faisal ali waraabe is unpredictable
  17. ^^ Actually Wadani and the ruling party are good friends some even say they are government funded:D Thats what carafaat thinks to lol
  18. Well one Qabiil cant form one party its most of the time an alliance of clans across Somaliland
  19. ^^ Some people say that they have islaax members former udub members former ucid members and some hardliners
  20. I am not sure if it can be associated with a Qabiil but its a rightwing Somaliland nationalist party but its chairman is from a place called Sheikh.
  21. Clan organizations based in the diaspora you got to love it
  22. Polls in breakaway Somaliland ‘transparent’ Posted by AFP on December 3, 2012 A money changer talks on the phone next to piles of banknotes in Hargeisa in Somaliland/AFP NAIROBI, Dec 3 – Local elections in the self-declared nation of Somaliland were “largely peaceful and transparent”, international observers said Monday, but noted concern at “weaknesses in safeguards against multiple voting.” Council elections across the northern Somali region, a rare area of relative stability compared to war-torn southern Somalia, took place on November 28, with over 2,300 candidates contesting for 379 positions. “We can cautiously report many positives,” the report read from the 50-strong international team of observers, organised by the British aid agency Progressio. “Election campaigning appears to have been competitive and pluralistic, with seven different parties and associations fielding candidates.” However, the team said there were some concerns, the most serious being an “absence of a voter registry, and weaknesses in related safeguards”. That included inadequate indelible ink used to stain fingers of those who voted, making polling “vulnerable to multiple voting.” Results are due in coming days, with the observers to release a further statement after that. Somaliland, a former British protectorate, won independence in 1960 but days later joined with Somalia. In 1991, after years of bitter war with the government in Mogadishu, it declared independence from the rest of the country. While anarchic southern Somalia has been riven by years of fighting between multiple militia forces, Somaliland has enjoyed relative peace. http://www.capitalfm.co.ke/news/2012/12/polls-in-breakaway-somaliland-transparent/